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After calling for general strikes, protesters started the day by blocking subway doors

across the city, throwing the transport system into chaos.

[with obj. and adverbial] cause to enter suddenly a particular state or condition
• 使突然陷入
»the bond market was thrown into confusion.

Demonstrators even reoccupied Harcourt Road, outside the city government offices in
one of Hong Kong's busiest districts. Police in multiple areas responded with tear gas.
应该译为实意动词回应吗?responded 也只(of a person) act or behave in reaction to someone
or something • (人)作出反应而已
剑桥高阶:The army responded with gunfire and tear gas...军队用炮火和催泪瓦斯予以反
如果我写,是不是会用 POLICE USED TEAR GAS TO fight back? 中文多用名词,英文多

Protesters hold their ground after police fired tear gas in Tai Po district
hold (或 stand) one's ground
1. not retreat or lose one's advantage during a conflict or competition
• 不让步;不退却;保持优势

As the night wore on, protesters showed no signs of letting up. 

At around 8.45 p.m. local time, there are still multiple stand offs between police and
protesters across the city.

Two protest scenes have seen flashes of violence on both sides of Hong Kong, with no
end in sight to today's demonstrations.

Self-driving cars. Robotic surgeries. Toothbrushes that detect when you're sick.
This is the future 5G technology promises in less than a decade's time; internet
connections so fast they'll support an entirely new way of life.
But for now, I'm standing on an avenue in downtown Chicago waving my Samsung
Galaxy 5G smartphone around to find coverage that's not blocked by the tree to my left.
以上就是未来 5G 科技在十年内有望做成的事情。互联网连接速度是如此的快,以至于我
但现在,我正站在芝加哥城市一条大街上,向四周挥舞着我的三星 5G 智能手机,希望能

Think of it like this: If 3G is a two-lane highway and 4G is six lanes,

5G will turn it into 12 lanes. It'll handle significantly more traffic and
bandwidth with zero latency, a word that refers to immediate
response times for data transfers — will allow self-driving cars to
process all the information they need to make life-or-death decisions
in the blink of an eye, or the health care industry to help power the
next generation of telemedicine and robotic surgeries.

Flight attendant fired for allegedly being drunk on the clock

Flight attendant was fired
People alleged that she was drunk on the clock

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