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International Practice versus China’s Own Way
As a late-starter in modernization endeavor, China is in dire need of international experience./ China needs to draw on best
practices worldwide as it seeks to accelerate its ongoing modernization drive./ Global experiences are essential to China, a
late-starter in its push for modernization./ China has to draw on what the world has to offer in its aggressive push for
modernization. That said, as China seeks a peaceful rise, it has to meet emerging challenges and identify viable solutions that
reflect its national reality. In other words, China must modernize itself its own way.
Globally, China has a lot to learn as a late-starter in its push for modernization. Yet domestically, China has to come up
with its own solutions to problems that emerge along the way towards peaceful rise. In other words, China’s modernization
drive/program must carry Chinese features/go the Chinese way.

又比如,在农村富余劳动力的转移上,我们将逐步走出一条中国特色的城市化道路。目前,中国农村劳动力有 5
亿多人,今后 20 年大约有两亿多人要转移出来,在这个问题上,中国人不能做“欧洲梦”。欧洲在近代历史上,总共
有 6000 多万人走到世界各地,到处建立殖民地,改变了世界版图。21 世纪上半叶的中国人,只能在自己的国土上,通
When it comes to the transfer of surplus rural labor/When it comes to how we go about accommodating surplus rural labor,
China is set to follow an urbanization path typical of its own. At this point, China is home to over 500 million rural laborers,
and 20 years from now, roughly over 200 million farmers need to seek off-farm jobs. China can’t blindly copy/replicate the
European way to accommodate such a massive influx of rural labor into cities. In early modern Europe, over 60 million
Europeans left home to build colonies elsewhere across the world. And they changed the face of the world map as a result. In
China’s case, however, we can only identify solutions within China’s own territory. That means we have to balance urban-rural
development and facilitate the movement of rural laborers between farm work and urban jobs while keeping their farmland
intact/banning or stamping out land expropriation/deprivation. And that is how we go about addressing/crashing this most
daunting conundrum in the first half of the new century.

四川从今年开始将新建三个大熊猫自然保护区,使全省的大熊猫自然保护区达到 40 个,以确保 50%左右的大熊猫

栖息地和 60%左右的野生大熊猫个体分布在保护区内。
3 new nature reserves for giant pandas are to be added to the existing protection network in Sichuan , home to the
endangered species, starting from this year. These new shelters will, once in place, bring the total number of natural refuges for
the living fossil to 40 in the southwestern province. All the conservation areas promise to cover 50% of all habitats, providing
shelter for roughly 60% of the giant panda population living in the wild.

目前,四川省共有 37 个大熊猫自然保护区,占地 200 多万公顷,其中国家级大熊猫自然保护区 11 个。据第三次

全国大熊猫普查,四川省野外的大熊猫数量为 1206 只,约占全国的 76%。全省大熊猫栖息地面积达到 177 万公顷,占
全国的 77%。
At the moment, Sichuan is home to 37 nature reserves dedicated to giant pandas, 11 of which are state-level. Together,
these natural refuges cover a total area of over 2 million hectares. The third national census on giant panda population suggests
that 1206 giant pandas or 76% of the national total are living in the wild in Sichuan. Habitat area of giant pandas in the province
stands at 1.77 million hectares, accounting for 77% of the national total.

20 世纪 50 年代,中国就创立了第一个以保护大熊猫为目的的自然保护区。1992 年中国政府启动了一个旨在全面
彻底保护大熊猫栖息地的“中国保护大熊猫及其栖息地工程”,1998 年开展了天然林保护、退耕还林等生态工程建设,
Back in 1950s, China established the first-ever nature reserve for the rare species. In 1992, the Chinese government
embarked on a massive project to protect them and their habitats. And in 1998 China set in motion natural forest protection and
grain-to-green/farmland-to-forest programs. Over time, all these endeavors have made a visible difference in habitats of giant
pandas and contributed a lot to their population growth.
大熊猫是世界上最珍贵的濒危动物之一,被称为活化石。目前,野生大熊猫仅存 1590 只左右,主要分布在四川
As one of the most endangered species in the world, the giant panda is billed as/dubbed the living fossil. At this point,
only about 1590 are living in the wild, mainly in Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces.

China is now the world's second-largest energy producer and consumer. The sustained growth of energy supply has
provided an important support for the country's economic growth and social progress, while the rapid expansion of energy
consumption has created a vast scope for the global energy market. As an irreplaceable component of the world energy market,
China plays an increasingly important role in maintaining global energy security.
China represents the world’s second largest energy producer and consumer. Rising energy supply serves as a strong
underpinner/driver for socio-economic development in China, while rapid increase in energy use promises a huge market
potential for energy producers worldwide. As an integral part of/indispensable part of the world energy market, China is
becoming increasingly crucial/instrumental/pivotal to global energy security.
中国是农业大国,在中国成为发达国家的道路上,农业有着决定性的作用。 中国的农业应该是世界的奇迹,养
活了 13 亿的人口,解决了世界 1/5 人口的吃饭问题,对中国经济的快速发展起到了坚实的保障作用。特别是始于 1978

Agriculture holds the key to China’s ambition to be a fully developed country. As a major agricultural economy, China has
made an agricultural miracle happen, as it has managed to feed its 1.3 billion people, roughly 1/5 of the world’s total.
Agriculture represents a solid underpinner/bedrock/groundwork/foreground for China’s economic boom. Reform and opening
up that was initiated first in the countryside back in 1978 has bolstered/expedited agricultural development. At the moment,
China is the world’s largest producer of grain, cotton, oil-bearing and sugar-making produces, meat and aquatic products.
Basically China has moved from scarcity to sufficiency in availability of agricultural products, with some varieties in surplus.
That being said,/But make no mistake, reform and opening up has not benefited the countryside the most, and agriculture is still
in the midst of moving from traditional to modern practices.
在中国, 70%左右的人口仍然要依靠这个传统的农业产业提供生存保障,近 50%的社会劳动人口仍然只能从农业
中得到就业机会。农业生产产值占整个国民生产总值的比率在 15%左右。

70% of the Chinese population today remains dependent on the traditional industry of agriculture for livelihood and nearly half
of the working population in China are still employed in agriculture./In China, agriculture as a traditional industry still sustains
the livelihood of roughly 70% of the total population and offers employment for nearly half of its working population. And
agriculture contributes some 15% of the overall GDP in China./15% of China’s total GDP comes from agriculture.

As such, agricultural modernization is part and parcel of the overall modernization program in China and remains a
long-term vision of the government.

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