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Rubric for Origami Bird

Created an Origami bird that Origami bird that flied Origami bird that flied
Origami Bird was not accurately and was mostly and was accurately
folded accurately folded folded
75 points 80 points 100 points
Total Points

Rubric for Paper Airplane Bird that is made from different materials or own directions

Created a bird Somewhat followed Had a bird that flies Has a bird that flies 5 or
that flies with directions and had less than 5 seconds more seconds
various a bird that did not 30 points 34 points
materials fly
20 points
Quality Work Tried but not Completed mostly Completed high quality
quality work quality work work
20 points 30 points 33 points
Artistic Flair Wings that work Wings somewhat Artistic flair to wings
but not artistic artistic 33 points
20 points 30 points
Total Points

This document was created by Joann Blumenfeld, Broughton High School, Wake County Public Schools, for use
with the 2019-2020 Global Music Fellows Program Teacher Toolkit.

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