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Agil Sukawati 1918000

Ima marinda

Marwah erwanda 19180004

Dialog scen 6

The next day. Because Mami Vetti wants to learn to care for babies. So Papi called the midwife to come
to wash the baby. As well as providing counseling)

Midwife + Assistant: Assalamualaikum.

Papi: Walaikumsalam. There is a midwife. Please enter ma'am, dedek in the room.

Midwife: How are you, Mom? How are you with Dedek?

Mami: Alhamdulillah, I am fine and dedek, ma'am. But I have a problem, the midwife.

Midwife: What's the problem, Mrs. Vetti?

Mami: Until now, I haven't been able to bathe the flowers, Mom. Not able to change his clothes, not
able to carry him properly. My hands often look stiff ma'am.

Papi: yes ma'am. My wife still can't.

Midwife: I see. It is fine for the bath later to bathe Mrs. Vetti's flowers, but under my supervision and
teaching. Likewise with the clothes.

Mami: yes ma'am midwife. So shall we bathe now?

Midwife: Yes. Come on, now Mrs. Vetti, take off her clothes. Not slowly, ok. First open the swaddling

So now let's take a bath.

Mami: How is this the way to hold it ma'am.

Midwife: Come on now, mother hold the baby's body. Carefully. Wipe his face, body, apply shampoo,
apply soap, flush, then dry.

Mami: Wear clothes again, ma'am, midwife.

Papi: So you got noodles.

Midwife: Yes. The clothes were already arranged. Dedek put it on the shirt earlier. Give telon oil, put
on the cord gauze, put on clothes and swaddling it. Well, please, mom.

Papi: Yes, midwife. Didn't the baby's Dedek dry in the sun?

Midwife: Yes, of course, ma'am, so that our baby's dedek remains healthy and the body isn't yellow.
How mom? what else is the problem?

Mami: Did I hold it right yet?

Midwife: It's true. It's still a bit stiff, but it must be normal after a long time. Oh yes, Mrs. Vetti, every
time you take a bath, she is put on gauze if the umbilical cord is not loose. If the dedek is crying or fussy,
give him breast milk or have his diaper checked, he might pee or pee. Dedek our baby must stay warm,
don't let him get cold.

Papi: Yes, mi. Mami just learned a lot and tried. I'll definitely get the noodles later.

Mami: Yes, pi. How long does the dedek take to dry in the sun every morning?

Midwife: About 15 minutes ma'am.

Mami: Oh yeah, midwife.

Midwife: How do you understand Vetti's mother? Or are there other reasons?

Mami: Alhamdulillah, midwife, I understand. So far nothing else.

Papi: Oh yes, midwife, later if we have a problem we will contact you, ma'am.

Midwife: yes sir, if there is a problem just contact me. I will be happy to help. Okay, then I'll say
goodbye, sir.

Mami: Yes, midwife. Thank you very much mom

Midwife: You're welcome, ma'am.

Papi: Let me take you ma'am.

Thank you very much, ma'am.

Midwife: You're welcome. Assalamualaikum sir.

As time went on, Vetti's mother was finally able to take good care of her baby. There are no more
problems experienced by Mrs. Vetti and Pak Martin in caring for their beautiful daughter.

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