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For and against

In this essay I will write about a specific issue and how I would try to solve or at least
raise awareness about it.The problem i will discuss is world hunger,especially shortage of
food supllies and clean water in underdeveloped countires.

I think this is a well known issue but in my opinion it is still not nearly talked about
enough.The people for example in Africa and some parts of the Middle East are in need of
food and water for many different reasons be it a war situation,bad climate or other natural
This problem is very big because it causes many other ones.In example not enough
clean water causes not only deathes from dehidration but diseases spread more easily and
people die in gruesome ways.
According to a study from 2011. about 1,5milion chidren die from not having enough
clean water or enough food every year.According to the same study 1,1 billion people still
strugle to get sufficient water and food supllies.
I would try to raise awareness to this problem by writing about it on online
formus,blogs,social media and hope to get a big following of people who are willing to make
a change in the world because I do not beilieve that one pearson can resolve such a big issue.

In conclusion the world hunger problem is in my opinion only possible to be solved

(or at least diminshed) by a very big group of people who have a good plan.Even by writing
this essay I hope to at least make a small step to the final soultion.

Petar Opačić

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