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Chris Rodriguez

Jose Irizarry

INGL3326: US Minority Literatures

Sept. 12 2021

Assignment #2

Latinos in America like many other minorities have forever since been humanly defiled

since the dawn of white supremesist. I believe there is a imbalance of trust within America as a

whole, beliefs only fulled white supremacist’ motives to segregate “them” from “us”. The

shooting in El Paso, Texas just shows the brutaly unfiltered ideals they have conjured up to do

such inhumane acts of murder and needless violence. It is truly disgusting that no decisive action

has been taken to fight for this cause, like the BLM movement. Within their separation from

society they have created the new era for the next generation of children to study and consume

what America has to offer.

The issue with immigration in America is in fact something that needs to be solved one way or

another. But we have people like the former president of the U.S. saying “immigrations is an

invasion” minute 10:50, Latinos and other

minorities do not choose to “invade” the U.S. to conquer or to steal as their purpose, they are

trying to make a living like all of us, just that they want to do it in a prosperous country. Those

are my views on the situation. America has been an immigrant formed country since its

inception, it is unfair for a certain population of America to agree on what is America.

Regarding politics, I think we have proof that the rich white supremasiset call the shots in

America, for ex. The afghanistan war, a completely useless 2.5T dollar budjet war that served to
only intimidate, murder, and to simply show their dominance. That money could have solved

many more issues than power plays. Just like the recent stimulus checks, that money ultimately

went to the rich via online purchases and investments that serve to grow companies thus make

the rich richer. It is the same with race, they do nothing, I hope they WILL have to someday, the

question is when.

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