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Education is a transfer process. Transfer here means teachers encode the knowledge to the
students. Besides, the students also share knowledge with each other in order to add broad
insights and knowledge which is increasingly developing. Education is also a process of building
good citizens. With education, the students can shape the morals of a nation of people with
dignity, faith, piety to God, creative, innovative, independent and capable so that can become
democratic and responsible citizens. Education is also self-determination or what is often
referred to as character building. Education is a basis for forming a good behavior in humans.
The higher education one's pursue, the more knowledge one's can get then he can think more
systematically as in the example of character education. More educated people can easily
understand the good character that he must apply as personality, behavior and good moral, and
ways of respecting others by humanizing humans.

But it is different from people with low education, where they find it more difficult to analyze a
situation because of lack of knowledge about the character. The will assume all things must be
treated the same without first knowing the right situation and condition such as speaking harshly,
unable to respect people by assuming everyone is the same without looking at the terms of the
language he is saying and to whom they are talking, either younger or older. So that it can be
concluded that education is in addition to increasing knowledge, knowledge can also be made to
continuously improve the individual and to practice the self ability towards a better life.

Since sin entered the world, the theoretical basis of education as well as its practical application
has changed gradually into a very deplorable form of decline. While true education places Christ
at the center of all things, false education has made nature, science, theories and the infinite
possibilities of the universe a point of reference. God the Creator is no longer seen as the reason
and basis for the existence of the earth and all the elements that surround it.

The following are some educational practice errors that I can summarize:

1. The teachers do not teach the correlation between the subject they teach and the related Bible
truth values so that the students only see the subject matter in the classroom as mere science.

2. Christian teachers still continue to teach erroneous theories of science, such as Charles
Darwin's theory of evolution, which actually contradict Bible Truth and are dangerous to their

3. Teachers give too much advice and fail to set an example for their students.

4. Parents fail to understand their role as the first teacher and the home as the first school for
their children, and leave the task of educating their children to teachers in formal schools only.
5. Students spend long hours studying indoors, in front of laptops or PCs, the number of
assignments causes them to lack clean air, hours of sleep, exercise time and good social relations,
botht are good for both mental and physical health.

6. The existence of appreciation for students with high GPA scores in each semester has caused
students to compete to get the best grades, but they actually do not understand the main meaning
of each subject taken. It has also increased the spirit of competition which God hates and is not
part of the hallmark of true education.

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