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Before You Read Charles Connect to the Short Story Have you ever head the expression read Bebween te ines? Partner Talk With a partner talk about the moaning of this expression. Give examples of mamonts whan the expression might bo usadin conversation, Build Background Children entra school muse to get lng wth one nota {alow eestor, and lp th clasoom acts. In presehcl nd lendocgrte, ere come accustomed tv school Seting and ltr a opt, deprived (i pv”) «taken away moved p12). Ayan was deprived of hs snack because his it broth ate i passionately (oash’ anit le) adv. ontusiastealy, intensely (p. 189) My father passionately cheers for his favorite baseball team, simultaneously sol” 25 ao (p. 189) To runners roached the fish 0 tho judgas were nat certain wh had won th rece, avered ma N00” var. quided with kl and design (p. 187, Ho maneuvered the car caratuly into the small parking space Fapses (laps’2s) interruptions, pauses (p,187, Our goalie ‘son guard forthe whole game; he knows that any lapses an resuftn points for the athe team 178 ntr2 wnyDo ourese? Set Purposes for Reading ; GED or dustion remmeree ‘yu roa, ak oursl, which monensin this sry site me esas pd hur oF funy? Wy? tseunoe" || cbc: FETE Foreshadowing raring "fe Freshadowing san authors useofclust grpare reader far evons_| rs {hat Roper ina sry. Autos use fresadovng told suaperso Mai: Dia ‘and to maintain the reader’ intrest in a story. Foreshadowing gies an alert reader hints about whato expect In. “Cheres” dclson uses ti charactor actons ene aogie ta Nat _atwat vil happen atthe end. As you read, ask yourself what cles in the story foreshadow th ending, Before you fish the story, try to guess how wl end [EMIS ora contsons About hares \henyo aw conusins abut chat, you se aanber ot eee ee At ncocefomatonto mae gear setanet bets chaos | rvs Tk aun cea Soon ce Orang anelstor abut chracrisingotbocaseithlps | stn re ov en ‘you understand why characters say and do cartain things. t's a too! to rs ‘ancisions abut be help you see the argo peture of story. Ta drew conclusions about | Smtehisinesbowt tne charectors, lok for specific detals about the charactors. Then, make | fe "iry Acme tat, 4 general statoment on the basis ofthese datas. Fr example, a ‘Wass tacholar umber of story details might lead yout conclude that one character | eng emystor,Yu ven cues is gonerous, tofigure aut sorting tthe autor dvs not eng ta ‘As yourend “Charles” lok for word and actions that hoipyou draw | ns rte conclusions about the characters. Use a ehat tke the one Below to record details abou the charactors and the conclusions you draw ‘rom the deta Deteis About | Cs cson | Chales 179) Charles saathaiandebeinetibeiente eT Shirley Jackson ‘he day my son Laurie started kindergarten he renounced! corduroy overalls with bibs and began wearing blue jeans with abet; watched him go off the first morning with the older girl next door, seeing clearly. that an era of my life was ended, my sweet-voiced rursery-schoo fot replaced bya lng.tousered, Let swaggering? character who forgot to stop at the corner Foreshadowing What ae Epstansitat He came home the same way, the front door slamming | Senter pen, his eap onthe floor, and the voice suidenly become rancons! shouting, “Tet anybody hens?” 1 Wien Laue named overall he rejesod agave thm up 2 Swoggorng ean coring anesefin a yroudmennac™ 2A raucous oie io nd sound rough 180. unit wnyDoYou Rosa? peirnen cite nO tiene tpn ete dent abana gnsieroneat At lunch he spoke insolently* to his father, spilled his baby sister's milk, and remarked that his teacher said we were nut Wo take the name of the Lord in vain, “Flow toas school today?” asked, elaborately casual. “All right” he said. "Did you learn anything?” his father asked Laurie regarded his father coldly. “Ididn’t learn nothing,” he said “Anything,” I said, “Didn't learn anything.” “The teacher spanked a boy, though,” Laurie said, adclressing his bread and butter. “For being fresh,” he added, with his mouth full, "What did he do?” I 2 asked. “Who was it?” ‘Draw Canhsions Abas Laurie thought. “It was Charles,” he said. “He was fresh. ‘The teacher spanked him and made him stand in a corner. He was awfully fresh.” “What did he do?” asked again, but Laurie slid off his chais, took a cookie, and left, while his father was still saying, “See here, young man.” ‘The next day Laurie remarked at lunch, as soon as he sal down, “Well, Charles was bad again today.” He grinned enormously and said, “Today Charles hit the teacher.” {Weer i speaking Hoon be or she staligin ably ado man Chores 181 “Good heavens” I said, mindful of the Lord's name, “Isuppose he got spanked again?” “He sure did,” Laurie said, “Look up,” he said to his father. “What?” his father said, looking up. “Look down,” Laurie said “Look at my thumb. Gee, you're dumb.” He began to laugh insanely “Why did Charles hit the teacher?” I asked quickly. “Because she tried to make him color with red crayons,” Laurie said. “Charles wanted to color with green crayons 50 he hil the teacher and she spanked him and said nobody play with Charles but everybody did.” The third day—it was Wednesday of the frst week— Charles bounced a see-saw on tothe head ofa litle girl and made her bleed, and the teacher made him stay inside all during recess. Thursday Charles had to stand in a comer during story-time because he kept pounding his feet ‘on the floor. Friday Charles was deprived of blackboard privileges because he threw chalk, ‘On Saturday Tremarked to my husband, “Do you think kindergarten is too unsettling for Laurie? All this toughness, and ba gamma ad this Chas bay sounds ike sacha bad influence” “Te be allright” my husband said reassuring. “Bound to be people like Charles in the world. Might as ‘well meet them now as lates.” (On Monday Laurie came home late, full of news. “Charles,” he shouted as he came up the hill, was ‘waiting anxiously on the front steps, “Charles,” Lautie ed all the way up the hill, “Charles was bad again.” Come TTA Ts ooon ashe eame doe enough. “Lunch is waiting.” ni . . lepine priva| takon awe, removed 182. uw2 Wyo YouReaa? [3 ELD sto csesion What teint tory sea yours nny? ‘raw Copcatons Abort Gharttor What cancion an you draw shouthe mats fangs ouLauie? erase How ou yu soe Cae seta RIN ee itt NE ete “"You know what Charles did?” he demanded, following ‘me through the door. “Charles yelled so in schoo! they sent a boy in from first grade to tell the teacher she had to make Charles keep quiet, and so Charles had to stay after school. And so all the children stayed to watch him.” “"What did he do?” asked. “He just sat there,” Laurie said, climbing into his chair at the table. “Hi, Pop, y’old dust mop.” + "Charles had to stay after school today,” Itold my husband, “Everyone stayed with him.” “What does this Charles look like?” my husband asked Laurie, “Whats his other name?” “He's bigger than me,” Laurie said. “And he doesn’t have any galoshes and he doesn’t ever wear a jacket.” Monday night was the first Parent-Teachers meeting, and ‘only the fact thatthe baby had a cold kept me from going; I ‘wanted passionately to meet Charles's mothet: On Tuesday ‘Laurie remarked suddenly, “Our teacher had a friend come to see her in school today” “Charles's mother?” my husband and I asked simultaneously. “Naaaly” Laurie said scomntfally. “It was a man who came and made us do exercises, we had to touch our toes. Look” He climbed down from his chair and squatted clown and touiched his toes. “Like this,” he said. He got solemnly back into his chair and said, picking up his fork, “Charles didn’t even do exercises.” “That's fine,” I said heartily. “Didn't Charles want to do exercises?” “Nanak,” Laurie said. “Charles was so fresh to the teacher’ friend he wast let do exercises.” “Fresh again?” T said paseleatly(pssh’s rit) aa enthusiast money loncome 05) a atte sae tne Charles 183 serotinioiesnireerescniorWsrehenarncAtiesaapet a ental ymciinbotinacsnametameresn “Hl kicked the teacher's friend,” Laurie said. “The teacher’ friend told Charles to touch his toes like [just did and Charles kicked him.” “What are they going to do about Charles, do you suppose?” Laurie’ father asked him. Laurie shrugged elaborately. “Throw him out of school, 1 guess,” he said ‘Wednesday and Thursday were routine; Charles yelled ‘during story hour and hit a boy in the stomach and mace hhim cry. On Friday Charles stayed after school again and 0 did all the other children. With the third week of kindergarten Chatles was an institution® in our family; the baby was being a Charles when she cried all afternoon; Laurie did a Charles when he filled his wagon full of mud and pulled it through the kitchen; even my husband, when he caught his elbow in. the telephone cord and pulled telephone, ashtray, anda |, bowl of flowers off the table, said, after the fist minute, EW otc we “Looks like Charles.” Wet detain the ‘During the third and fourth weeks it looked like a secipfin fetter reformation® in Charles; Laurie reported grimly at lunch | “oe ama on Thursday of the third week, “Charles was so good today the teacher gave him an apple.” “What?” Isaid, and my husband added warily, “You ‘mean Charles?” “Charles,” Laurie said. “He gave the crayons around and he picked up the books afterward and the teacher said hhe was her helper" “What happened?” [ asked incredulously. “Fle was her helper, that’s all,” Laure said, and shrugged, “Can this be true, about Charles?” I asked my husband that night. “Can something like this happen?” 5 re, ietttion naan" reader radon” 1 The rofomation Chae sehen forthe bate. 184 uner2 Wyo YouRest? ‘The PTA. meeting's next week again." fold my husband one evening. Tan going to find Charles's smother there.” “"Ask her what happened to Charles,” my husband said. “Va like to know.” “Yd like to know myself,” I said. (On Friday of that week things were back to normal “You know wiat Charles did today?” Laurie demanded at the lunch table, in a voice slightly awed. “He toda litle girl to say a word and she said it and the teacher washed hor mouth out with soap and Charles laughed.” “What word?” his father asked unwisely, and Laurie said, “Tl have to whisper it to you, i's so bad.” He got down off his chair and went around to is father. His father bent his head down and Laurie whispered joyfully. His father’s eyes widened “Dic Charles tel the little gin to say tat?” he asked respectfully. “She sail it twice,” Laurie said. "Charles told her to say it twice” “What happened to Charles?” my husband asked. “Nothing,” Laurie said. “He was passing out the crayons.” Monday morning Charles abandoned the litle girl and said the evil word himself three or four times, getting hhis mouth washed out with soap each time. He also threw chalk. My husband came to the door with me that evening as 1 set out forthe PT.A. meeting. “Invite her over for a cup of tea after the meeting,” he said. “Iwant to get a look at her.” “If only she's there,” I said prayerfully. *She'llbe there,” my husband said. “Tdon’t see how hey could hold a PTA. mecting without Charles's mother” 186 Una 2 Why o Yourwse? Focusing Consier ow bpp Ln it rape the wor. What right hich suggest shout Laue? a ail At the meeting I sat restlessly, scanning each comfortable matronly* face, trying to determine which one hhid the secret of Charles. None of them looked to me haggard” enough. No one stood up inthe meeting and |, apologized for the way her son had been acting. No one! Torehadwing Fon tie ‘mentioned Charles. hi, ha da yo pri ‘After the meoting T identified and sought out Laurie's | st rmiteent? kindergarten teacher. She had a plate with a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate cake; I had a plate with a cup of tea and a piece of marshmallow cake. We maneuvered up to ‘one another castiously, and smiled, “I’ve been s0 anxious to meet you," Isaid. “I'm Laurie's mother.” “We're also interested in Laurie,” she said. “Well, he certainly likes kindergarten,” I said, “Hl talks about it all the time.” “"We had a litte trouble adjusting, the first week or so,” she said primly, “but now he's fine litte helper. With. ‘occasional lapses, of course.” “Laurie usually adjusts very quickly,” I said. “suppose this time it's Charles's influence.” “Charles?” "Yes," Isaid, laughing, “you must have your hands full in that kindergarten, with Charles.” 4 “Charles?” she said. “We don'thave any Charles in the | ' brew Cncisions Alou jegarten.” i» Characters How dos to Kindergarten teaches rer change ur en of aura? > Bel fea 10 Afgan parson looks worn ou restate war essa ng why ie Cher. : imanowered (r= n58”var x gulded wah el ord des 05588) eeptons, pases Charles 187 Aiter You Read Respond and Think Critically 1s kndergartan? Recall) 4. How does Laure change when hes 2. How does Laure describe Charles’ behavior? Include det rom the story to support your ens Fecal 4 Compare Lauri’ bahevir at home with Chal’ action at school Hows their behoviorsinsar? How i lifer? Compare] } 4 wat do you siscaver about Charo’ ian? Why do you thnk } Lauro ws sures abou Cares ot home? Explain ar 5. EW) 010 ouesion Which moments in “Charles” did youthink wore mosthumorous or entertaining? Why? Ela eas (On a separate shet of paper, rite te vocabulary word the carrecty conpltes each serancs Hf none of the words fs the the awards asserbiy. | | simuttancously maneuvered lapsas deprived passionately | + Mice and thin tk, so twas no suprise that we sobed the mystery 2 Keren fot __ that hor work had teen recognized at {8 Today was vory hot, soit was a bed day tobe of | airconditioning, 44 Mats eves titup as she spoke about her favorite hobby 5. Iwatched as he__the folded paper int tho batt 6 My computer neaés constant power, so any in loctiity could damage | em Laure has tuba with the transition between preschool ané kindergarten, Inthe preceding sentonce, transition refers to te ‘move from one type of school to another Weal have transitions in if List some transitions you've experianced. How di you feel about them atthe time? How do you fea! about them now? ‘188 UNIT? Why YouReaa? TP Comparing To anewer quaston 3, ink shot Latre’s bahar har and Chee’ bel + Sturt evening eae from pape 1 1 Mike a it oft sindarties ad aiforences totean the os. Use the sta lp Xp ack youridass about ‘he BIG Guest in your sflaseard end Resin Wing Comecton aes, st lencoecom and ener (oeP aes cde Lam2 CTEM Foreshadowing 1. What clues throughout the story hit a the stor ending? Explain, 2 Do you thinkhat the author included enough foreshadowing so that rears could quest {the outcome of thu story? Expain your answer. Reviews Characterization ‘As you eamad on page 125, charactoriation Incl ethods a writer usos wo develop the parson of characters. nth tor Jackson primarily uses indirect characterization. | She reveals Laue’ porsonality through Lauries words and actions, as wall as through his parents’ reactions to him In diget characterization, an euthor makes cect statements about a character's personaly, ‘Test Shils Practice 3. Which words best descrbo Lewin? ‘A honest and open B clever and descriptive © intent and weltbehived D quiet and timid (ETMTISELT O:aw Conclusions ‘About Characters ‘est Skis Practice 44 Which word best suggests the methers fealings atthe end of the story? A shocked B proud © joytl D earl Prosent Perfect Tense The resent perfect tense of verb nsmes an action ‘that happened at an indefinite time inthe past. Iolo tolls about an action thet happened inthe past andi stil happening ‘ow. The preset perfact tense consists of ‘ha hoping verb have or has and tho past participle of tho main verb Charles's behavior in schol | Laurie's perents have discussed | several times Present Prefect Tense Practice Using verbs inthe prosont parfecttnso, write toe sentenc rt your experiences at schoo, Ed Speaking and Listening erature Groups With «small group, discuss your awn experience of adapting ta school or kindergarten when you were young. Compare Yur experiences to Laurie's experiences in the story. Thon, 2s group, tink of snares and ferences between group monbers'real-ife exporiences and Laure ional experiences. omembar to build onthe ideas o ther sposkers.and te rapect other’ viewpoints Singclar Thave We have | | discussed discussed You have You have discussed diseussed Heorshehar | They have discussed... _ | discussed i J 189 Charis

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