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Nama: rosidah firnanda

Kelas: x mipa3
Mapel: b inggris

1. Jenny shared her experience

2. Use simple paste verbs
3. Paragraph1: In may 1588 spain was the most powerful country in the world

Paragraph2: At first queen Elizabeth I ignored the rumors of a spanish invasion, but soon she
came to realize the great danger the country was in and she made sure that england would
be prepared for a battle

Paragraph3: As soon as the spanish ships were seen from the English coast, fires were lit on
the hills as a signal that the invasion was coming

Paragraph4: once the battle began it was obvious to the Spanish that they would be

Paragraph5: At last the battle was over

4. The battle between spain and england in the English channel
5. Do not be too trusthung with other people who say about the people closest to us, because
we know better than them and they only meet us once. Do not immediately trust other
people, especially related to problems that will divide your relationship with the people
closest to you
6. A good and smart kid named Dick Whittington yes because He is smart and always tries his
7. This song tells the story of someone who longs for an idol/ lover who has become an ex and
chooses to be with someone else. In the verse i section, the character in the song dreams of
being with her idol and is holding hands. However, when he realized
From his dream he felt sad because it was just a dream. Then the famous chorus or
Reff part is that he loves his idol so much and even likens his idol to be the only sunshine
(sunlight) that continues to shine on him even when the sky is cloudy. However, the harsh
reality is in the verse2 section wich clearly states that his idol has turned away from him and
chosen someone else to go to

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