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Student Activity #2

Do you think exercises are beneficial during this covid-19 pandemic? Reflect.


This year, as the pandemic is still gathering pace, people are spending more time
online and being exposed to radiation produced by their cellular phones/gadgets. In
addition to that, ever since the covid-19 pandemic started, a lot of work or plans have
been delayed because of today’s situation. Staying at home while working or schooling is
indeed a very tiring than it usually feels. We spend more time sitting down, doing
nothing and looking at our gadgets than what we usually do.

However, we should think of how it may affect our physical and mental health.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), it is very important for people of all
ages and abilities to be as active as possible. Doing a regular physical activity benefits
both our physical and mental health. It can help and reduce conditions that can increase
susceptibility to covid-19 such as: high blood pressure, weight gain, risk of heart disease,
stroke, type 2 diabetes, and various cancers. According to Nuvance Health Organization,
regular exercise can help to improve flexibility, strength, mobility, and cardiovascular
health, as well as boosting our energy and overall well-being, which is very beneficial to
all of us staying at home doing mostly just sitting down. It will also benefit us for our
body to be stretch so that our body system will function properly.

Physical activity and exercise are especially important in today’s situation because it
can reduce stress, prevent weight gain, boost our immune system, and improve sleep.
Especially now that the traditional face to face learning that we are used to became
online learning because of this covid-19 pandemic, we now experience not having
enough sleep more than what we have experienced, and coping up with the stress we feel
in every tiring and unending requirements give us a result of having a depression, anxiety
and fatigue. Additionally, gaining/losing weight is what we obtained from this covid-19
pandemic, which is very unhealthy.

Therefore, I’ve realized that taking consideration of how regular exercise is very
important in our physical and mental health, will lead us to a better healthy lifestyle,
which we can use to prevent and protect our selves from corona-virus (covid-19) or any
diseases. Moreover, we should not stop doing regular exercise just because of the
closures of gyms, fitness studio, etc., we can still continue our exercise at our home or
even in our own rooms. Exercise can be done without gym equipment, so long as you
have a yoga mat or any kind of mat will do, we can still do exercise at home such as
walking, jogging, planking, sit-up, push-ups, etc., we can do a lot of exercise at home.
So, we all should do regular exercise as it plays a vital role in our lives especially during
this covid-19 pandemic.

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