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feature_engine Documentation

Release 1.1.2

Feature-engine Developers

Aug 31, 2021


1 Installation 3

2 Feature-engine features in the following resources 5

3 Feature-engine’s Transformers 7

4 Getting Help 11

5 Found a Bug or have a suggestion? 13

6 Contributing 15

7 Open Source 17

Bibliography 191

Index 193

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Fig. 1: Feature-engine rocks!

Feature-engine is a Python library with multiple transformers to engineer features for use in machine learning models.
Feature-engine preserves Scikit-learn functionality with methods fit() and transform() to learn parameters from
and then transform the data.
Feature-engine includes transformers for:
• Missing data imputation
• Categorical variable encoding
• Discretisation
• Variable transformation
• Outlier capping or removal
• Variable combination
• Variable selection
Feature-engine allows you to select the variables you want to transform within each transformer. This way, different
engineering procedures can be easily applied to different feature subsets.
Feature-engine transformers can be assembled within the Scikit-learn pipeline, therefore making it possible to save and
deploy one single object (.pkl) with the entire machine learning pipeline. Check Quick Start for an example, on the
navigation panel on the left.
Would you like to know more about what is unique about Feature-engine?
This article provides a nice summary:
• Feature-engine: A new open source Python package for feature engineering.

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2




Feature-engine is a Python 3 package and works well with 3.6 or later. Earlier versions have not been tested. The
simplest way to install Feature-engine is from PyPI with pip:

$ pip install feature-engine

Note, you can also install it with a _ as follows:

$ pip install feature_engine

Feature-engine is an active project and routinely publishes new releases. To upgrade Feature-engine to the latest version,
use pip like this:

$ pip install -U feature-engine

If you’re using Anaconda, you can install the Anaconda Feature-engine package:

$ conda install -c conda-forge feature_engine

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

4 Chapter 1. Installation



• Website.
• Feature Engineering for Machine Learning, Online Course.
• Feature Selection for Machine Learning, Online Course.
• Python Feature Engineering Cookbook.
• Feature-engine: A new open-source Python package for feature engineering.
• Practical Code Implementations of Feature Engineering for Machine Learning with Python.
En Español:
• Ingeniería de variables para machine learning, Curso Online.
• Ingeniería de variables, MachinLenin, charla online.
More resources in the Learning Resources sections on the navigation panel on the left.

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

6 Chapter 2. Feature-engine features in the following resources




3.1 Missing Data Imputation: Imputers

• MeanMedianImputer: replaces missing data in numerical variables by the mean or median

• ArbitraryNumberImputer: replaces missing data in numerical variables by an arbitrary value
• EndTailImputer: replaces missing data in numerical variables by numbers at the distribution tails
• CategoricalImputer: replaces missing data in categorical variables with an arbitrary value or by the most frequent
• RandomSampleImputer: replaces missing data with random samples of the variable
• AddMissingIndicator: adds a binary missing indicator to flag observations with missing data
• DropMissingData: removes rows containing missing values from dataframe

3.2 Categorical Variable Encoders: Encoders

• OneHotEncoder: performs one hot encoding, optional: of popular categories

• CountFrequencyEncoder: replaces categories by observation count or percentage
• OrdinalEncoder: replaces categories by numbers arbitrarily or ordered by target
• MeanEncoder: replaces categories by the target mean
• WoEEncoder: replaces categories by the weight of evidence
• PRatioEncoder: replaces categories by a ratio of probabilities
• DecisionTreeEncoder: replaces categories by predictions of a decision tree
• RareLabelEncoder: groups infrequent categories

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

3.3 Numerical Variable Transformation: Transformers

• LogTransformer: performs logarithmic transformation of numerical variables

• LogCpTransformer: adds the variables a constant value and then applies the logarithm
• ReciprocalTransformer: performs reciprocal transformation of numerical variables
• PowerTransformer: performs power transformation of numerical variables
• BoxCoxTransformer: performs Box-Cox transformation of numerical variables
• YeoJohnsonTransformer: performs Yeo-Johnson transformation of numerical variables

3.4 Variable Discretisation: Discretisers

• ArbitraryDiscretiser: sorts variable into intervals arbitrarily defined by the user

• EqualFrequencyDiscretiser: sorts variable into equal frequency intervals
• EqualWidthDiscretiser: sorts variable into equal size contiguous intervals
• DecisionTreeDiscretiser: uses decision trees to create finite variables

3.5 Outlier Capping or Removal

• ArbitraryOutlierCapper: caps maximum and minimum values at user defined values

• Winsorizer: caps maximum or minimum values using statistical parameters
• OutlierTrimmer: removes outliers from the dataset

3.6 Scikit-learn Wrapper:

• SklearnTransformerWrapper: applies Scikit-learn transformers to a selected subset of features

3.7 Mathematical Combination:

• MathematicalCombination: creates new variables by combining features with mathematical operations

• CombineWithReferenceFeature: combines variables with reference features through mathematical operations
• CyclicalTransformer: creates variables using sine and cosine, suitable for cyclical features

8 Chapter 3. Feature-engine’s Transformers

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3.8 Feature Selection:

• DropFeatures: drops an arbitrary subset of variables from a dataframe

• DropConstantFeatures: drops constant and quasi-constant variables from a dataframe
• DropDuplicateFeatures: drops duplicated variables from a dataframe
• DropCorrelatedFeatures: drops correlated variables from a dataframe
• SmartCorrelatedSelection: selects best feature from correlated group
• SelectByShuffling: selects features by evaluating model performance after feature shuffling
• SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance: selects features based on their performance on univariate estimators
• SelectByTargetMeanPerformance: selects features based on target mean encoding performance
• RecursiveFeatureElimination: selects features recursively, by evaluating model performance
• RecursiveFeatureAddition: selects features recursively, by evaluating model performance

3.8. Feature Selection: 9

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

10 Chapter 3. Feature-engine’s Transformers




Can’t get something to work? Here are places where you can find help.
1. The docs (you’re here!).
2. Stack Overflow. If you ask a question, please mention “feature_engine” in it.
3. If you are enrolled in the Feature Engineering for Machine Learning course in Udemy , post a question in a
relevant section.
4. If you are enrolled in the Feature Selection for Machine Learning course in Udemy , post a question in a relevant
5. Join our gitter community. You an ask questions here as well.
6. Ask a question in the repo by filing an issue.

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

12 Chapter 4. Getting Help




Check if there’s already an open issue on the topic. If not, open a new issue with your bug report, suggestion or new
feature request.

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

14 Chapter 5. Found a Bug or have a suggestion?




Interested in contributing to Feature-engine? That is great news!

Feature-engine is a welcoming and inclusive project and it would be great to have you on board. We follow the Python
Software Foundation Code of Conduct.
Regardless of your skill level you can help us. We appreciate bug reports, user testing, feature requests, bug fixes,
addition of tests, product enhancements, and documentation improvements. We also appreciate blogs about Feature-
engine. If you happen to have one, let us know!
For more details on how to contribute check the contributing page. Click on the “Contributing” link on the left of this

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

16 Chapter 6. Contributing



Feature-engine’s license is an open source BSD 3-Clause.

Feature-engine is hosted on GitHub. The issues and pull requests are tracked there.

7.1 Quick Start

If you’re new to Feature-engine this guide will get you started. Feature-engine transformers have the methods fit()
and transform() to learn parameters from the data and then modify the data. They work just like any Scikit-learn

7.1.1 Installation

Feature-engine is a Python 3 package and works well with 3.6 or later. Earlier versions have not been tested. The
simplest way to install Feature-engine is from PyPI with pip:

$ pip install feature-engine

Note, you can also install it with a _ as follows:

$ pip install feature_engine

Note that Feature-engine is an active project and routinely publishes new releases. In order to upgrade Feature-engine
to the latest version, use pip as follows.

$ pip install -U feature-engine

If you’re using Anaconda, you can install the Anaconda Feature-engine package:

$ conda install -c conda-forge feature_engine

Once installed, you should be able to import Feature-engine without an error, both in Python and in Jupyter notebooks.

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.1.2 Example Use

This is an example of how to use Feature-engine’s transformers to perform missing data imputation.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import MeanMedianImputer

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1), data['SalePrice'],

# set up the imputer

median_imputer = MeanMedianImputer(
imputation_method='median', variables=['LotFrontage', 'MasVnrArea']

# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t = median_imputer.transform(X_train)
test_t = median_imputer.transform(X_test)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
X_train['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax)
train_t['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax, color='red')
lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')

18 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.1.3 Feature-engine with the Scikit-learn’s pipeline

Feature-engine’s transformers can be assembled within a Scikit-learn pipeline. This way, we can store our feature
engineering pipeline in one object and save it in one pickle (.pkl). Here is an example on how to do it:

from math import sqrt

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline as pipe
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

from feature_engine.encoding import RareLabelEncoder, MeanEncoder

from feature_engine.discretisation import DecisionTreeDiscretiser
from feature_engine.imputation import (

# load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# drop some variables

labels=['YearBuilt', 'YearRemodAdd', 'GarageYrBlt', 'Id'],
(continues on next page)

7.1. Quick Start 19

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(continued from previous page)


# make a list of categorical variables

categorical = [var for var in data.columns if data[var].dtype == 'O']

# make a list of numerical variables

numerical = [var for var in data.columns if data[var].dtype != 'O']

# make a list of discrete variables

discrete = [ var for var in numerical if len(data[var].unique()) < 20]

# categorical encoders work only with object type variables

# to treat numerical variables as categorical, we need to re-cast them
data[discrete]= data[discrete].astype('O')

# continuous variables
numerical = [
var for var in numerical if var not in discrete
and var not in ['Id', 'SalePrice']

# separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(labels=['SalePrice'], axis=1),

# set up the pipeline

price_pipe = pipe([
# add a binary variable to indicate missing information for the 2 variables below
('continuous_var_imputer', AddMissingIndicator(variables=['LotFrontage'])),

# replace NA by the median in the 2 variables below, they are numerical

('continuous_var_median_imputer', MeanMedianImputer(
imputation_method='median', variables=['LotFrontage', 'MasVnrArea']

# replace NA by adding the label "Missing" in categorical variables

('categorical_imputer', CategoricalImputer(variables=categorical)),

# disretise continuous variables using trees

('numerical_tree_discretiser', DecisionTreeDiscretiser(

# remove rare labels in categorical and discrete variables

(continues on next page)

20 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

('rare_label_encoder', RareLabelEncoder(
tol=0.03, n_categories=1, variables=categorical+discrete

# encode categorical and discrete variables using the target mean

('categorical_encoder', MeanEncoder(variables=categorical+discrete)),

# scale features
('scaler', MinMaxScaler()),

# Lasso
('lasso', Lasso(random_state=2909, alpha=0.005))


# train feature engineering transformers and Lasso, np.log(y_train))

# predict
pred_train = price_pipe.predict(X_train)
pred_test = price_pipe.predict(X_test)

# Evaluate
print('Lasso Linear Model train mse: {}'.format(
mean_squared_error(y_train, np.exp(pred_train))))
print('Lasso Linear Model train rmse: {}'.format(
sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train, np.exp(pred_train)))))
print('Lasso Linear Model test mse: {}'.format(
mean_squared_error(y_test, np.exp(pred_test))))
print('Lasso Linear Model test rmse: {}'.format(
sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, np.exp(pred_test)))))

Lasso Linear Model train mse: 949189263.8948538

Lasso Linear Model train rmse: 30808.9153313591

Lasso Linear Model test mse: 1344649485.0641894

Lasso Linear Model train rmse: 36669.46256852136

plt.scatter(y_test, np.exp(pred_test))
plt.xlabel('True Price')
plt.ylabel('Predicted Price')

7.1. Quick Start 21

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

More examples can be found in:

• The API documentation
• Tutorials
• How To
Check the navigation panel on the left.

7.2 Installation

Feature-engine is a Python 3 package and works well with 3.6 or later. Earlier versions have not been tested. The
simplest way to install Feature-engine is from PyPI with pip, Python’s preferred package installer:

$ pip install feature-engine

Note, you can also install it with a _ as follows:

$ pip install feature_engine

Feature-engine is an active project and routinely publishes new releases with new or updated transformers. To upgrade
Feature-engine to the latest version, use pip like this:

$ pip install -U feature-engine

If you’re using Anaconda, you can take advantage of the conda utility to install the Anaconda Feature-engine package:

$ conda install -c conda-forge feature_engine

22 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.3 Getting Help

Can’t get something to work? Here are places where you can find help.
1. The docs (you’re here!).
2. Stack Overflow. If you ask a question, please tag it with “feature-engine”.
3. If you are enrolled in the Feature Engineering for Machine Learning course in Udemy , post a question in a
relevant section.
4. If you are enrolled in the Feature Selection for Machine Learning course in Udemy , post a question in a relevant
5. Join our Gitter community. You can ask questions here as well.
6. Ask a question in the repo by filing an issue.

7.4 Datasets

The user guide and examples included in Feature-engine’s documentation are based on these 3 datasets:
Titanic dataset
We use the dataset available in openML which can be downloaded from here.
Ames House Prices dataset
We use the data set created by Professor Dean De Cock: * Dean De Cock (2011) Ames, Iowa: Alternative to the Boston
Housing * Data as an End of Semester Regression Project, Journal of Statistics Education, Vol.19, No. 3.
The examples are based on a copy of the dataset available on Kaggle.
The original data and documentation can be found here:
• Documentation
• Data
Credit Approval dataset
We use the Credit Approval dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository:
Dua, D. and Graff, C. (2019). UCI Machine Learning Repository. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of
Information and Computer Science.
To download the dataset visit this website and click on “” to download the data set.
To prepare the data for the examples:

import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# load data
data = pd.read_csv('', header=None)

# create variable names according to UCI Machine Learning information

varnames = ['A'+str(s) for s in range(1,17)]
data.columns = varnames
(continues on next page)

7.3. Getting Help 23

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# replace ? by np.nan
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)

# re-cast some variables to the correct types

data['A2'] = data['A2'].astype('float')
data['A14'] = data['A14'].astype('float')

# encode target to binary

data['A16'] = data['A16'].map({'+':1, '-':0})

# save the data

data.to_csv('creditApprovalUCI.csv', index=False)

7.5 Missing Data Imputation

Feature-engine’s missing data imputers replace missing data by parameters estimated from data or arbitrary values
pre-defined by the user.

7.5.1 MeanMedianImputer

API Reference

class feature_engine.imputation.MeanMedianImputer(imputation_method='median', variables=None)

The MeanMedianImputer() replaces missing data by the mean or median value of the variable. It works only
with numerical variables.
You can pass a list of variables to be imputed. Alternatively, the MeanMedianImputer() will automatically select
all variables of type numeric in the training set.
The imputer:
• first calculates the mean / median values of the variables (fit).

24 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• Then replaces the missing data with the estimated mean / median (transform).

imputation_method: str, default=median Desired method of imputation. Can take ‘mean’ or
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to be imputed. If None, the imputer will
select all variables of type numeric.


imputer_dict_: Dictionary with the mean or median values per variable.

variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Learn the mean or median values.

transform: Impute missing data.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the mean or median values.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset.
y: pandas series or None, default=None y is not needed in this imputation. You can pass
None or y.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
ValueError If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
Replace missing data with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe without missing
values in the selected variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 25

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
ValueError If the dataframe has different number of features than the df used in fit()


The MeanMedianImputer() replaces missing data with the mean or median of the variable. It works only with numerical
variables. You can pass a list of variables to impute, or the imputer will automatically select all numerical variables in
the train set.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import MeanMedianImputer

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1), data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the imputer

median_imputer = MeanMedianImputer(imputation_method='median', variables=['LotFrontage',

# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t= median_imputer.transform(X_train)
test_t= median_imputer.transform(X_test)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
X_train['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax)
train_t['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax, color='red')
lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')

26 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.5.2 ArbitraryNumberImputer

API Reference

class feature_engine.imputation.ArbitraryNumberImputer(arbitrary_number=999, variables=None,

The ArbitraryNumberImputer() replaces missing data in each variable by an arbitrary value determined by the
user. It works only with numerical variables.
You can impute all variables with the same number, in which case you need to define the variables to impute
in variables and the imputation number in arbitrary_number. You can pass a dictionary of variable and
numbers to use for their imputation.
For example, you can impute varA and varB with 99 like this:

transformer = ArbitraryNumberImputer(
variables = ['varA', 'varB'],
arbitrary_number = 99

Xt = transformer.fit_transform(X)

Alternatively, you can impute varA with 1 and varB with 99 like this:

transformer = ArbitraryNumberImputer(
imputer_dict = {'varA' : 1, 'varB': 99]

Xt = transformer.fit_transform(X)


7.5. Missing Data Imputation 27

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

arbitrary_number: int or float, default=999 The number to be used to replace missing data.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to be imputed. If None, the imputer will find
and select all numerical variables. This parameter is used only if imputer_dict is None.
imputer_dict: dict, default=None The dictionary of variables and the arbitrary numbers for
their imputation.


imputer_dict_: Dictionary with the values to replace NAs in each variable.

variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



fit: This transformer does not learn parameters.

transform: Impute missing data.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
This method does not learn any parameter. Checks dataframe and finds numerical variables, or checks that
the variables entered by user are numerical.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset.
y: None y is not needed in this imputation. You can pass None or y.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
ValueError If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
Replace missing data with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe without missing
values in the selected variables.

28 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
ValueError If the dataframe has different number of features than the df used in fit()


The ArbitraryNumberImputer() replaces missing data with an arbitrary value determined by the user. It works only
with numerical variables. A list of variables can be indicated, or the imputer will automatically select all numerical
variables in the train set. A dictionary with variables and their arbitrary values can be indicated to use different arbitrary
values for variables.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import ArbitraryNumberImputer

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1), data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the imputer

arbitrary_imputer = ArbitraryNumberImputer(arbitrary_number=-999, variables=['LotFrontage
˓→', 'MasVnrArea'])

# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t= arbitrary_imputer.transform(X_train)
test_t= arbitrary_imputer.transform(X_test)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
X_train['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax)
train_t['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax, color='red')
lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 29

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.5.3 EndTailImputer

API Reference

class feature_engine.imputation.EndTailImputer(imputation_method='gaussian', tail='right', fold=3,

The EndTailImputer() replaces missing data by a value at either tail of the distribution. It works only with
numerical variables.
You can indicate the variables to be imputed in a list. Alternatively, the EndTailImputer() will automatically find
and select all variables of type numeric.
The imputer first calculates the values at the end of the distribution for each variable (fit). The values at the end
of the distribution are determined using the Gaussian limits, the the IQR proximity rule limits, or a factor of the
maximum value:
Gaussian limits:
• right tail: mean + 3*std
• left tail: mean - 3*std
IQR limits:
• right tail: 75th quantile + 3*IQR
• left tail: 25th quantile - 3*IQR
where IQR is the inter-quartile range = 75th quantile - 25th quantile
Maximum value:
• right tail: max * 3
• left tail: not applicable

30 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

You can change the factor that multiplies the std, IQR or the maximum value using the parameter ‘fold’ (we used
fold=3 in the examples above).
The imputer then replaces the missing data with the estimated values (transform).
imputation_method: str, default=gaussian Method to be used to find the replacement values.
Can take ‘gaussian’, ‘iqr’ or ‘max’.
gaussian: the imputer will use the Gaussian limits to find the values to replace missing data.
iqr: the imputer will use the IQR limits to find the values to replace missing data.
max: the imputer will use the maximum values to replace missing data. Note that if ‘max’
is passed, the parameter ‘tail’ is ignored.
tail: str, default=right Indicates if the values to replace missing data should be selected from
the right or left tail of the variable distribution. Can take values ‘left’ or ‘right’.
fold: int, default=3 Factor to multiply the std, the IQR or the Max values. Recommended values
are 2 or 3 for Gaussian, or 1.5 or 3 for IQR.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to be imputed. If None, the imputer will find
and select all variables of type numeric.


imputer_dict_: Dictionary with the values at the end of the distribution per variable.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Learn values to replace missing data.

transform: Impute missing data.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the values at the end of the variable distribution.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset.
y: pandas Series, default=None y is not needed in this imputation. You can pass None or
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 31

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

ValueError If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty

Replace missing data with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe without missing
values in the selected variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
ValueError If the dataframe has different number of features than the df used in fit()


The EndTailImputer() replaces missing data with a value at the end of the distribution. The value can be determined
using the mean plus or minus a number of times the standard deviation, or using the inter-quartile range proximity rule.
The value can also be determined as a factor of the maximum value. See the API Reference above for more details.
You decide whether the missing data should be placed at the right or left tail of the variable distribution.
It works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be indicated, or the imputer will automatically select all
numerical variables in the train set.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import EndTailImputer

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1), data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the imputer

tail_imputer = EndTailImputer(imputation_method='gaussian',
variables=['LotFrontage', 'MasVnrArea'])
# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t= tail_imputer.transform(X_train)
(continues on next page)

32 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

test_t= tail_imputer.transform(X_test)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
X_train['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax)
train_t['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax, color='red')
lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')

7.5.4 CategoricalImputer

API Reference

class feature_engine.imputation.CategoricalImputer(imputation_method='missing',
fill_value='Missing', variables=None,
return_object=False, ignore_format=False)
The CategoricalImputer() replaces missing data in categorical variables by an arbitrary value or by the most
frequent category.
The CategoricalVariableImputer() imputes by default only categorical variables (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’).
You can pass a list of variables to impute, or alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical
If you want to impute numerical variables with this transformer, there are 2 ways of doing it:
Option 1: Cast your numerical variables as object in the input dataframe, before passing it to the transformer.
Option 2: Set ignore_format=True. Note that if you do this and do not pass the list of variables to impute,
the imputer will automatically select and impute all variables in the dataframe.

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 33

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

imputation_method: str, default=’missing’ Desired method of imputation. Can be ‘frequent’

for frequent category imputation or ‘missing’ to impute with an arbitrary value.
fill_value: str, int, float, default=’Missing’ Only used when
imputation_method='missing'. User-defined value to replace the missing data.
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be imputed. If None,
the imputer will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the parameter ignore_format
return_object: bool, default=False If working with numerical variables cast as object, decide
whether to return the variables as numeric or re-cast them as object. Note that pandas will
re-cast them automatically as numeric after the transformation with the mode or with an
arbitrary number.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.


imputer_dict_: Dictionary with most frequent category or arbitrary value per variable.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Learn the most frequent category, or assign arbitrary value to variable.
transform: Impute missing data.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, than transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the most frequent category if the imputation method is set to frequent.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset.
y: pandas Series, default=None y is not needed in this imputation. You can pass None or
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• If user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
ValueError If there are no categorical variables in the df or the df is empty

34 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Replace missing data with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe without missing
values in the selected variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
ValueError If the dataframe has different number of features than the df used in fit()


The CategoricalImputer() replaces missing data in categorical variables with an arbitrary value, like the string ‘Missing’
or by the most frequent category.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import CategoricalImputer

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1), data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the imputer

imputer = CategoricalImputer(variables=['Alley', 'MasVnrType'])

# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t= imputer.transform(X_train)
test_t= imputer.transform(X_test)


7.5. Missing Data Imputation 35

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.5.5 RandomSampleImputer

API Reference

class feature_engine.imputation.RandomSampleImputer(random_state=None, seed='general',

seeding_method='add', variables=None)
The RandomSampleImputer() replaces missing data with a random sample extracted from the variables in the
training set.
The RandomSampleImputer() works with both numerical and categorical variables.
The Random samples used to replace missing values may vary from execution to execution. This may affect the
results of your work. This, it is advisable to set a seed.
There are 2 ways in which the seed can be set in the RandomSampleImputer():
If seed = ‘general’ then the random_state can be either None or an integer. The seed will be used as the
random_state and all observations will be imputed in one go. This is equivalent to pandas.sample(n,
random_state=seed) where n is the number of observations with missing data.
If seed = ‘observation’, then the random_state should be a variable name or a list of variable names. The seed will
be calculated observation per observation, either by adding or multiplying the seeding variable values, and passed
to the random_state. Then, a value will be extracted from the train set using that seed and used to replace the NAN
in particular observation. This is the equivalent of pandas.sample(1, random_state=var1+var2) if the
‘seeding_method’ is set to ‘add’ or pandas.sample(1, random_state=var1*var2) if the ‘seeding_method’
is set to ‘multiply’.
For more details on why this functionality is important refer to the course Feature Engineering for Machine
Learning in Udemy:

36 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Note, if the variables indicated in the random_state list are not numerical the imputer will return an error. Note
also that the variables indicated as seed should not contain missing values.
This estimator stores a copy of the training set when the fit() method is called. Therefore, the object can become
quite heavy. Also, it may not be GDPR compliant if your training data set contains Personal Information. Please
check if this behaviour is allowed within your organisation.
random_state: int, str or list, default=None The random_state can take an integer to set the
seed when extracting the random samples. Alternatively, it can take a variable name or a list
of variables, which values will be used to determine the seed observation per observation.
seed: str, default=’general’ Indicates whether the seed should be set for each observation with
missing values, or if one seed should be used to impute all observations in one go.
general: one seed will be used to impute the entire dataframe. This is equivalent to setting
the seed in pandas.sample(random_state).
observation: the seed will be set for each observation using the values of the variables
indicated in the random_state for that particular observation.
seeding_method: str, default=’add’ If more than one variable are indicated to seed the ran-
dom sampling per observation, you can choose to combine those values as an addition or a
multiplication. Can take the values ‘add’ or ‘multiply’.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to be imputed. If None, the imputer will
select all variables in the train set.


X_: Copy of the training dataframe from which to extract the random samples.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Make a copy of the dataframe

transform: Impute missing data.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Makes a copy of the train set. Only stores a copy of the variables to impute. This copy is then used to
randomly extract the values to fill the missing data during transform.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset. Only a
copy of the indicated variables will be stored in the transformer.
y: None y is not needed in this imputation. You can pass None or y.

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 37

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame

Replace missing data with random values taken from the train set.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe to be trans-
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe without missing
values in the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame


The RandomSampleImputer() replaces missing data with a random sample extracted from the variable. It works with
both numerical and categorical variables. A list of variables can be indicated, or the imputer will automatically select
all variables in the train set.
A seed can be set to a pre-defined number and all observations will be replaced in batch. Alternatively, a seed can be
set using the values of 1 or more numerical variables. In this case, the observations will be imputed individually, one
at a time, using the values of the variables as a seed.
For example, if the observation shows variables color: np.nan, height: 152, weight:52, and we set the imputer as:

RandomSampleImputer(random_state=['height', 'weight'],

the observation will be replaced using pandas sample as follows:

observation.sample(1, random_state=int(152+52))

More details on how to use the RandomSampleImputer():

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import RandomSampleImputer

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
(continues on next page)

38 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)


# set up the imputer

imputer = RandomSampleImputer(
random_state=['MSSubClass', 'YrSold'],

# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t = imputer.transform(X_train)
test_t = imputer.transform(X_test)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
X_train['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax)
train_t['LotFrontage'].plot(kind='kde', ax=ax, color='red')
lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 39

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.5.6 AddMissingIndicator

API Reference

class feature_engine.imputation.AddMissingIndicator(missing_only=True, variables=None)

The AddMissingIndicator() adds additional binary variables that indicate if data is missing. It will add as many
missing indicators as variables indicated by the user.
Binary variables are named with the original variable name plus ‘_na’.
The AddMissingIndicator() works for both numerical and categorical variables. You can pass a list with the
variables for which the missing indicators should be added. Alternatively, the imputer will select and add missing
indicators to all variables in the training set.
Note If how=missing_only, the imputer will add missing indicators only to those variables that show missing
data in during fit. These may be a subset of the variables you indicated.
missing_only: bool, default=True Indicates if missing indicators should be added to variables
with missing data or to all variables.
True: indicators will be created only for those variables that showed missing data during fit.
False: indicators will be created for all variables
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to be imputed. If None, the imputer will find
and select all variables.


variables_: List of variables for which the missing indicators will be created.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Learn the variables for which the missing indicators will be created
transform: Add the missing indicators.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then trasnform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the variables for which the missing indicators will be created.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset.
y: pandas Series, default=None y is not needed in this imputation. You can pass None or
self.variables_ [list] The list of variables for which missing indicators will be added.
TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame

40 Chapter 7. Open Source

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Add the binary missing indicators.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The dataframe to be transformed.
X_transformed [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The dataframe con-
taining the additional binary variables. Binary variables are named with the original vari-
able name plus ‘_na’.

rtype DataFrame ..


The AddMissingIndicator() adds a binary variable indicating if observations are missing (missing indicator). It adds a
missing indicator for both categorical and numerical variables. A list of variables for which to add a missing indicator
can be passed, or the imputer will automatically select all variables.
The imputer has the option to select if binary variables should be added to all variables, or only to those that show
missing data in the train set, by setting the option how=’missing_only’.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import AddMissingIndicator

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1), data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the imputer

addBinary_imputer = AddMissingIndicator( variables=['Alley', 'MasVnrType', 'LotFrontage',
˓→ 'MasVnrArea'])

# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t = addBinary_imputer.transform(X_train)
test_t = addBinary_imputer.transform(X_test)

train_t[['Alley_na', 'MasVnrType_na', 'LotFrontage_na', 'MasVnrArea_na']].head()

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 41

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.5.7 DropMissingData

API Reference

class feature_engine.imputation.DropMissingData(missing_only=True, variables=None)

The DropMissingData() will delete rows containing missing values. It provides similar functionality to pan-
It works for both numerical and categorical variables. You can enter the list of variables for which missing values
should be removed from the dataframe. Alternatively, the imputer will automatically select all variables in the
Note The transformer will first select all variables or all user entered variables and if missing_only=True, it
will re-select from the original group only those that show missing data in during fit, that is in the train set.
missing_only: bool, default=True If true, missing observations will be dropped only for the
variables that have missing data in the train set, during fit. If False, observations with NA
will be dropped from all variables indicated by the user.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to be imputed. If None, the imputer will find
and select all variables in the dataframe.


variables_: List of variables for which the rows with NA will be deleted.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Learn the variables for which the rows with NA will be deleted
transform: Remove observations with NA
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.
return_na_data: Returns the dataframe with the rows that contain NA .

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the variables for which the rows with NA will be deleted.

42 Chapter 7. Open Source

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X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset.

y: pandas Series, default=None y is not needed in this imputation. You can pass None or
TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
Returns the subset of the dataframe which contains the rows with missing values. This method could be
useful in production, in case we want to store the observations that will not be fed into the model.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe to be trans-
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [obs_with_na, features] The dataframe containing only
the rows with missing values.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
Remove rows with missing values.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe to be trans-
X_transformed: pandas dataframe The complete case dataframe for the selected vari-
ables, of shape [n_samples - rows_with_na, n_features]

rtype DataFrame ..


DropMissingData() deletes rows with missing values. It works with numerical and categorical variables. You can pass
a list of variables to impute, or the transformer will select and impute all variables. The trasformer has the option to
learn the variables with missing data in the train set, and then remove observations with NA only in those variables.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.imputation import DropMissingData

# Load dataset
(continues on next page)

7.5. Missing Data Imputation 43

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),

# set up the imputer

missingdata_imputer = DropMissingData(variables=['LotFrontage', 'MasVnrArea'])

# fit the imputer

# transform the data

train_t= missingdata_imputer.transform(X_train)
test_t= missingdata_imputer.transform(X_test)

# Number of NA before the transformation



# Number of NA after the transformation:


# Number of rows before and after transformation


(1022, 79)
(829, 79)

7.6 Categorical Variable Encoding

Feature-engine’s categorical encoders replace variable strings by estimated or arbitrary numbers.

Feature-engine’s categorical encoders work only with categorical variables by default. From version 1.1.0, you have
the option to set the parameter ignore_format to False, and make the transformers also accept numerical variables as

44 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Fig. 1: Summary of Feature-engine’s encoders main characteristics

7.6.1 OneHotEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.OneHotEncoder(top_categories=None, drop_last=False,

drop_last_binary=False, variables=None,
One hot encoding consists in replacing the categorical variable by a combination of binary variables which take
value 0 or 1, to indicate if a certain category is present in an observation. The binary variables are also known
as dummy variables.
For example, from the categorical variable “Gender” with categories “female” and “male”, we can generate the
boolean variable “female”, which takes 1 if the observation is female or 0 otherwise. We can also generate the
variable “male”, which takes 1 if the observation is “male” and 0 otherwise.
The encoder can create k binary variables per categorical variable, k being the number of unique categories, or al-
ternatively k-1 to avoid redundant information. This behaviour can be specified using the parameter drop_last.
The encoder has the additional option to generate binary variables only for the top n most popular categories,
that is, the categories that are shared by the majority of the observations in the dataset. This behaviour can be
specified with the parameter top_categories.
Only when creating binary variables for all categories of the variable, we can specify if we want to encode into
k or k-1 binary variables, where k is the number if unique categories. If we encode only the top n most popular
categories, the encoder will create only n binary variables per categorical variable. Observations that do not
show any of these popular categories, will have 0 in all the binary variables.
The encoder will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’). You can pass a list
of variables to encode. Alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables (type ‘object’ or
With ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. The procedure is iden-
tical, you can either enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 45

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

The encoder first finds the categories to be encoded for each variable (fit). The encoder then creates one dummy
variable per category for each variable (transform).
New categories in the data to transform, that is, those that did not appear in the training set, will be ignored (no
binary variable will be created for them). This means that observations with categories not present in the train
set, will be encoded as 0 in all the binary variables.
Also Note
The original categorical variables are removed from the returned dataset when we apply the transform() method.
In their place, the binary variables are returned.
top_categories: int, default=None If None, a dummy variable will be created for each category
of the variable. Alternatively, we can indicate in top_categories the number of most
frequent categories to encode. In this case, dummy variables will be created only for those
popular categories and the rest will be ignored, i.e., they will show the value 0 in all the
binary variables.
drop_last: boolean, default=False Only used if top_categories = None. It indicates
whether to create dummy variables for all the categories (k dummies), or if set to True,
it will ignore the last binary variable and return k-1 dummies.
drop_last_binary: boolean, default=False Whether to return 1 or 2 dummy variables for bi-
nary categorical variables. When a categorical variable has only 2 categories, then the second
dummy variable created by one hot encoding can be completely redundant. Setting this pa-
rameter to True, will ensure that for every binary variable in the dataset, only 1 dummy is
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.


encoder_dict_: Dictionary with the categories for which dummy variables will be created.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
vari- A list with binary variables identified from the data. That is, variables with only 2
ables_binary_: categories.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

46 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


If the variables are intended for linear models, it is recommended to encode into k-1 or top categories. If the
variables are intended for tree based algorithms, it is recommended to encode into k or top n categories. If
feature selection will be performed, then also encode into k or top n categories. Linear models evaluate all
features during fit, while tree based models and many feature selection algorithms evaluate variables or groups
of variables separately. Thus, if encoding into k-1, the last variable / category will not be examined.


One hot encoding of top categories was described in the following article:


fit: Learn the unique categories per variable

transform: Replace the categorical variables by the binary variables.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learns the unique categories per variable. If top_categories is indicated, it will learn the most popular
categories. Alternatively, it learns all unique categories per variable.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just seleted variables.
y: pandas series, default=None Target. It is not needed in this encoded. You can pass y or
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• f user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
• If there are no categorical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
inverse_transform is not implemented for this transformer.
Replaces the categorical variables by the binary variables.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform.

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 47

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: pandas dataframe. The transformed dataframe. The shape of the dataframe will be dif-
ferent from the original as it includes the dummy variables in place of the of the original
categorical ones.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values.
• If dataframe has different number of features than the df used in fit()


The OneHotEncoder() replaces categorical variables by a set of binary variables, one per unique category. The encoder
has the option to create k or k-1 binary variables, where k is the number of unique categories.
The encoder can also create binary variables for the n most popular categories, n being determined by the user. This
means, if we encode the 6 more popular categories, we will only create binary variables for those categories, and the
rest will be dropped.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import OneHotEncoder

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the encoder

encoder = OneHotEncoder( top_categories=2, variables=['pclass', 'cabin', 'embarked'],␣

# fit the encoder
(continues on next page)

48 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# transform the data

train_t= encoder.transform(X_train)
test_t= encoder.transform(X_test)


{'pclass': [3, 1], 'cabin': ['n', 'C'], 'embarked': ['S', 'C']}

7.6.2 CountFrequencyEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.CountFrequencyEncoder(encoding_method='count', variables=None,

The CountFrequencyEncoder() replaces categories by either the count or the percentage of observations per
For example in the variable colour, if 10 observations are blue, blue will be replaced by 10. Alternatively, if 10%
of the observations are blue, blue will be replaced by 0.1.
The CountFrequencyEncoder() will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’).
You can pass a list of variables to encode. Alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables
(type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’).
With ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. The procedure is iden-
tical, you can either enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.
The encoder first maps the categories to the counts or frequencies for each variable (fit). The encoder then
replaces the categories with those numbers (transform).
encoding_method: str, default=’count’ Desired method of encoding.
‘count’: number of observations per category
‘frequency’: percentage of observations per category
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 49

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


encoder_dict_: Dictionary with the count or frequency per category, per variable.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



NAN are introduced when encoding categories that were not present in the training dataset. If this happens, try
grouping infrequent categories using the RareLabelEncoder().


fit: Learn the count or frequency per category, per variable.

transform: Encode the categories to numbers.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Encode the numbers into the original categories.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the counts or frequencies which will be used to replace the categories.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset. Can be
the entire dataframe, not just the variables to be transformed.
y: pandas Series, default = None y is not needed in this encoder. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• f user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
• If there are no categorical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Convert the encoded variable back to the original values.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The transformed dataframe.

50 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The un-transformed

dataframe, with the categorical variables containing the original values.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Replace categories with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataset to transform.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataframe containing the
categories replaced by numbers.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Warning If after encoding, NAN were introduced.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import CountFrequencyEncoder

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

(continues on next page)

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 51

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the encoder

encoder = CountFrequencyEncoder(encoding_method='frequency',
variables=['cabin', 'pclass', 'embarked'])

# fit the encoder

# transform the data

train_t= encoder.transform(X_train)
test_t= encoder.transform(X_test)


{'cabin': {'n': 0.7663755458515283,

'C': 0.07751091703056769,
'B': 0.04585152838427948,
'E': 0.034934497816593885,
'D': 0.034934497816593885,
'A': 0.018558951965065504,
'F': 0.016375545851528384,
'G': 0.004366812227074236,
'T': 0.001091703056768559},
'pclass': {3: 0.5436681222707423,
1: 0.25109170305676853,
2: 0.2052401746724891},
'embarked': {'S': 0.7117903930131004,
'C': 0.19759825327510916,
'Q': 0.0906113537117904}}

7.6.3 OrdinalEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.OrdinalEncoder(encoding_method='ordered', variables=None,

The OrdinalCategoricalEncoder() replaces categories by ordinal numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, etc). The numbers can be
ordered based on the mean of the target per category, or assigned arbitrarily.
Ordered ordinal encoding: for the variable colour, if the mean of the target for blue, red and grey is 0.5, 0.8
and 0.1 respectively, blue is replaced by 1, red by 2 and grey by 0.
Arbitrary ordinal encoding: the numbers will be assigned arbitrarily to the categories, on a first seen first
served basis.
The encoder will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’). You can pass a list

52 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

of variables to encode. Alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables (type ‘object’ or
With ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. The procedure is iden-
tical, you can either enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.
The encoder first maps the categories to the numbers for each variable (fit). The encoder then transforms the
categories to the mapped numbers (transform).
encoding_method: str, default=’ordered’ Desired method of encoding.
‘ordered’: the categories are numbered in ascending order according to the target mean value
per category.
‘arbitrary’ : categories are numbered arbitrarily.
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.


encoder_dict_: Dictionary with the ordinal number per category, per variable.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



NAN are introduced when encoding categories that were not present in the training dataset. If this happens, try
grouping infrequent categories using the RareLabelEncoder().


Encoding into integers ordered following target mean was discussed in the following talk at PyData London

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 53

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


fit: Find the integer to replace each category in each variable.

transform: Encode the categories to numbers.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Encode the numbers into the original categories.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the numbers to be used to replace the categories in each variable.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to be encoded.
y: pandas series, default=None The Target. Can be None if encoding_method = ‘arbitrary’.
Otherwise, y needs to be passed when fitting the transformer.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• If user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
• If there are no categorical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Convert the encoded variable back to the original values.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The transformed dataframe.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The un-transformed
dataframe, with the categorical variables containing the original values.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Replace categories with the learned parameters.

54 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataset to transform.

X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataframe containing the
categories replaced by numbers.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Warning If after encoding, NAN were introduced.


The OrdinalEncoder() replaces the categories by digits, starting from 0 to k-1, where k is the number of different
categories. If you select “arbitrary”, then the encoder will assign numbers as the labels appear in the variable (first
come first served). If you select “ordered”, the encoder will assign numbers following the mean of the target value for
that label. So labels for which the mean of the target is higher will get the number 0, and those where the mean of the
target is smallest will get the number k-1. This way, we create a monotonic relationship between the encoded variable
and the target.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import OrdinalEncoder

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the encoder

encoder = OrdinalEncoder(encoding_method='ordered', variables=['pclass', 'cabin',

(continues on next page)

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 55

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# fit the encoder, y_train)

# transform the data

train_t= encoder.transform(X_train)
test_t= encoder.transform(X_test)


{'pclass': {3: 0, 2: 1, 1: 2},

'cabin': {'T': 0,
'n': 1,
'G': 2,
'A': 3,
'C': 4,
'F': 5,
'D': 6,
'E': 7,
'B': 8},
'embarked': {'S': 0, 'Q': 1, 'C': 2}}

7.6.4 MeanEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.MeanEncoder(variables=None, ignore_format=False)

The MeanEncoder() replaces categories by the mean value of the target for each category.
For example in the variable colour, if the mean of the target for blue, red and grey is 0.5, 0.8 and 0.1 respectively,
blue is replaced by 0.5, red by 0.8 and grey by 0.1.
The encoder will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’). You can pass a list
of variables to encode. Alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables (type ‘object’ or
With ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. The procedure is iden-
tical, you can either enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.
The encoder first maps the categories to the numbers for each variable (fit). The encoder then replaces the
categories with those numbers (transform).
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.

56 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


encoder_dict_: Dictionary with the target mean value per category per variable.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



NAN are introduced when encoding categories that were not present in the training dataset. If this happens, try
grouping infrequent categories using the RareLabelEncoder().




fit: Learn the target mean value per category, per variable.
transform: Encode the categories to numbers.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Encode the numbers into the original categories.

fit(X, y)
Learn the mean value of the target for each category of the variable.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to be encoded.
y: pandas series The target.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• f user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
• If there are no categorical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Convert the encoded variable back to the original values.

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 57

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The transformed dataframe.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The un-transformed
dataframe, with the categorical variables containing the original values.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Replace categories with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataset to transform.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataframe containing the
categories replaced by numbers.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Warning If after encoding, NAN were introduced.


The MeanEncoder() replaces categories with the mean of the target per category. For example, if we are trying to
predict default rate, and our data has the variable city, with categories, London, Manchester and Bristol, and the default
rate per city is 0.1, 0.5, and 0.3, respectively, the encoder will replace London by 0.1, Manchester by 0.5 and Bristol
by 0.3.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import MeanEncoder

(continues on next page)

58 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the encoder

encoder = MeanEncoder(variables=['cabin', 'pclass', 'embarked'])

# fit the encoder, y_train)

# transform the data

train_t= encoder.transform(X_train)
test_t= encoder.transform(X_test)


{'cabin': {'A': 0.5294117647058824,

'B': 0.7619047619047619,
'C': 0.5633802816901409,
'D': 0.71875,
'E': 0.71875,
'F': 0.6666666666666666,
'G': 0.5,
'T': 0.0,
'n': 0.30484330484330485},
'pclass': {1: 0.6173913043478261,
2: 0.43617021276595747,
3: 0.25903614457831325},
'embarked': {'C': 0.5580110497237569,
'Q': 0.37349397590361444,
'S': 0.3389570552147239}}

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 59

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.6.5 WoEEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.WoEEncoder(variables=None, ignore_format=False)

The WoERatioCategoricalEncoder() replaces categories by the weight of evidence (WoE). The WoE was used
primarily in the financial sector to create credit risk scorecards.
The encoder will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’). You can pass a list
of variables to encode. Alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables (type ‘object’ or
With ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. The procedure is iden-
tical, you can either enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.
The encoder first maps the categories to the weight of evidence for each variable (fit). The encoder then transforms
the categories into the mapped numbers (transform).
This categorical encoding is exclusive for binary classification.
The weight of evidence is given by:

𝑙𝑜𝑔(𝑝(𝑋 = 𝑥𝑗|𝑌 = 1)/𝑝(𝑋 = 𝑥𝑗|𝑌 = 0))

The WoE is determined as follows:

We calculate the percentage positive cases in each category of the total of all positive cases. For example 20
positive cases in category A out of 100 total positive cases equals 20 %. Next, we calculate the percentage of
negative cases in each category respect to the total negative cases, for example 5 negative cases in category A
out of a total of 50 negative cases equals 10%. Then we calculate the WoE by dividing the category percentages
of positive cases by the category percentage of negative cases, and take the logarithm, so for category A in our
example WoE = log(20/10).
• If WoE values are negative, negative cases supersede the positive cases.
• If WoE values are positive, positive cases supersede the negative cases.
• And if WoE is 0, then there are equal number of positive and negative examples.
Encoding into WoE:
• Creates a monotonic relationship between the encoded variable and the target
• Returns variables in a similar scale
The log(0) is not defined and the division by 0 is not defined. Thus, if any of the terms in the WoE equation are
0 for a given category, the encoder will return an error. If this happens, try grouping less frequent categories.
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object

60 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.


encoder_dict_: Dictionary with the WoE per variable.

variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



For details on the calculation of the weight of evidence visit:

In credit scoring, continuous variables are also transformed using the WoE. To do this, first variables are sorted
into a discrete number of bins, and then these bins are encoded with the WoE as explained here for categorical
variables. You can do this by combining the use of the equal width, equal frequency or arbitrary discretisers.
NAN are introduced when encoding categories that were not present in the training dataset. If this happens, try
grouping infrequent categories using the RareLabelEncoder().


fit: Learn the WoE per category, per variable.

transform: Encode the categories to numbers.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Encode the numbers into the original categories.

fit(X, y)
Learn the WoE.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the categorical variables.
y: pandas series. Target, must be binary.
• If the input is not the Pandas DataFrame.
• If user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 61

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• If there are no categorical variables in df or df is empty
• If variable(s) contain null values.
• If y is not binary with values 0 and 1.
• If p(0) = 0 or p(1) = 0.
Convert the encoded variable back to the original values.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The transformed dataframe.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The un-transformed
dataframe, with the categorical variables containing the original values.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Replace categories with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataset to transform.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataframe containing the
categories replaced by numbers.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Warning If after encoding, NAN were introduced.

62 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import WoEEncoder, RareLabelEncoder

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up a rare label encoder

rare_encoder = RareLabelEncoder(tol=0.03, n_categories=2, variables=['cabin', 'pclass',

# fit and transform data

train_t = rare_encoder.fit_transform(X_train)
test_t = rare_encoder.transform(X_train)

# set up a weight of evidence encoder

woe_encoder = WoEEncoder(variables=['cabin', 'pclass', 'embarked'])

# fit the encoder, y_train)

# transform
train_t = woe_encoder.transform(train_t)
test_t = woe_encoder.transform(test_t)


{'cabin': {'B': 1.6299623810120747,

'C': 0.7217038208351837,
'D': 1.405081209799324,
'E': 1.405081209799324,
'Rare': 0.7387452866900354,
'n': -0.35752781962490193},
'pclass': {1: 0.9453018143294478,
2: 0.21009172435857942,
(continues on next page)

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 63

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

3: -0.5841726684724614},
'embarked': {'C': 0.6999054533737715,
'Q': -0.05044494288988759,
'S': -0.20113381737960143}}

7.6.6 PRatioEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.PRatioEncoder(encoding_method='ratio', variables=None,

The PRatioEncoder() replaces categories by the ratio of the probability of the target = 1 and the probability of
the target = 0.
The target probability ratio is given by:


The log of the target probability ratio is:


This categorical encoding is exclusive for binary classification.
For example in the variable colour, if the mean of the target = 1 for blue is 0.8 and the mean of the target = 0 is
0.2, blue will be replaced by: 0.8 / 0.2 = 4 if ratio is selected, or log(0.8/0.2) = 1.386 if log_ratio is selected.
Note: the division by 0 is not defined and the log(0) is not defined. Thus, if p(0) = 0 for the ratio encoder, or
either p(0) = 0 or p(1) = 0 for log_ratio, in any of the variables, the encoder will return an error.
The encoder will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’). You can pass a list
of variables to encode. Alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables (type ‘object’ or
With ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. The procedure is iden-
tical, you can either enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.
The encoder first maps the categories to the numbers for each variable (fit). The encoder then transforms the
categories into the mapped numbers (transform).
encoding_method: str, default=’ratio’ Desired method of encoding.
‘ratio’ : probability ratio
‘log_ratio’ : log probability ratio
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.

64 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


encoder_dict_: Dictionary with the probability ratio per category per variable.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



NAN are introduced when encoding categories that were not present in the training dataset. If this happens, try
grouping infrequent categories using the RareLabelEncoder().


fit: Learn probability ratio per category, per variable.

transform: Encode categories into numbers.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Encode the numbers into the original categories.

fit(X, y)
Learn the numbers that should be used to replace the categories in each variable. That is the ratio of
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the categorical variables.
y: pandas series. Target, must be binary.
• If the input is not the Pandas DataFrame.
• If user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
• If there are no categorical variables in df or df is empty
• If variable(s) contain null values.
• If y is not binary with values 0 and 1.
• If p(0) = 0 or any of p(0) or p(1) are 0.
Convert the encoded variable back to the original values.

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 65

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The transformed dataframe.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The un-transformed
dataframe, with the categorical variables containing the original values.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Replace categories with the learned parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataset to transform.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The dataframe containing the
categories replaced by numbers.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Warning If after encoding, NAN were introduced.


The PRatioEncoder() replaces the labels by the ratio of probabilities. It only works for binary classification.
The target probability ratio is given by: p(1) / p(0)
The log of the target probability ratio is: np.log( p(1) / p(0) )

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import PRatioEncoder, RareLabelEncoder

(continues on next page)

66 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up a rare label encoder

rare_encoder = RareLabelEncoder(tol=0.03, n_categories=2, variables=['cabin', 'pclass',

# fit and transform data

train_t = rare_encoder.fit_transform(X_train)
test_t = rare_encoder.transform(X_train)

# set up a weight of evidence encoder

pratio_encoder = PRatioEncoder(encoding_method='ratio', variables=['cabin', 'pclass',

# fit the encoder, y_train)

# transform
train_t = pratio_encoder.transform(train_t)
test_t = pratio_encoder.transform(test_t)


{'cabin': {'B': 3.1999999999999993,

'C': 1.2903225806451615
'D': 2.5555555555555554,
'E': 2.5555555555555554,
'Rare': 1.3124999999999998,
'n': 0.4385245901639344},
'pclass': {1: 1.6136363636363635,
2: 0.7735849056603774,
3: 0.34959349593495936},
'embarked': {'C': 1.2625000000000002,
'Q': 0.5961538461538461,
'S': 0.5127610208816704}}

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 67

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.6.7 DecisionTreeEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.DecisionTreeEncoder(encoding_method='arbitrary', cv=3,

param_grid=None, regression=True,
random_state=None, variables=None,
The DecisionTreeEncoder() encodes categorical variables with predictions of a decision tree.
The encoder first fits a decision tree using a single feature and the target (fit). And then replaces the values of the
original feature by the predictions of the tree (transform). The transformer will train a Decision tree per every
feature to encode.
The motivation is to try and create monotonic relationships between the categorical variables and the target.
Under the hood, the categorical variable will be first encoded into integers with the OrdinalCategoricalEncoder().
The integers can be assigned arbitrarily to the categories or following the mean value of the target in each category.
Then a decision tree will fit the resulting numerical variable to predict the target variable. Finally, the original
categorical variable values will be replaced by the predictions of the decision tree.
The DecisionTreeEncoder() will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’).
You can pass a list of variables to encode or the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables. But with
ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. In this case, you can either
enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.
encoding_method: str, default=’arbitrary’ The categorical encoding method that will be used
to encode the original categories to numerical values.
‘ordered’: the categories are numbered in ascending order according to the target mean value
per category.
‘arbitrary’ : categories are numbered arbitrarily.
cv: int, default=3 Desired number of cross-validation fold to be used to fit the decision tree.
scoring: str, default=’neg_mean_squared_error’ Desired metric to optimise the performance
for the decision tree. Comes from sklearn.metrics. See the DecisionTreeRegressor or De-
cisionTreeClassifier model evaluation documentation for more options: https://scikit-learn.
param_grid: dictionary, default=None The list of parameters over which the decision tree
should be optimised during the grid search. The param_grid can contain any of the per-
mitted parameters for Scikit-learn’s DecisionTreeRegressor() or DecisionTreeClassifier().
If None, then param_grid = {‘max_depth’: [1, 2, 3, 4]}.
regression: boolean, default=True Indicates whether the encoder should train a regression or
a classification decision tree.
random_state: int, default=None The random_state to initialise the training of the decision
tree. It is one of the parameters of the Scikit-learn’s DecisionTreeRegressor() or Decision-
TreeClassifier(). For reproducibility it is recommended to set the random_state to an integer.
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.

68 Chapter 7. Open Source

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ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.


encoder_: sklearn Pipeline containing the ordinal encoder and the decision tree.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



The authors designed this method originally, to work with numerical variables. We can replace numerical vari-
ables by the preditions of a decision tree utilising the DecisionTreeDiscretiser().
NAN are introduced when encoding categories that were not present in the training dataset. If this happens, try
grouping infrequent categories using the RareLabelEncoder().




fit: Fit a decision tree per variable.

transform: Replace categorical variable by the predictions of the decision tree.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Fit a decision tree per variable.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The training input samples. Can
be the entire dataframe, not just the categorical variables.
y [pandas series.] The target variable. Required to train the decision tree and for ordered
ordinal encoding.

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 69

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• f user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
• If there are no categorical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
inverse_transform is not implemented for this transformer.
Replace categorical variable by the predictions of the decision tree.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The input samples.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features].] Dataframe with variables encoded
with decision tree predictions.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If dataframe is not of same size as that used in fit()
Warning If after encoding, NAN were introduced.


The DecisionTreelEncoder() replaces categories in the variable with the predictions of a decision tree. The transformer
first encodes categorical variables into numerical variables using ordinal encoding. You have the option to have the
integers assigned to the categories as they appear in the variable, or ordered by the mean value of the target per category.
After this, the transformer fits with this numerical variable a decision tree to predict the target variable. Finally, the
original categorical variable is replaced by the predictions of the decision tree.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import DecisionTreeEncoder

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
(continues on next page)

70 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)

data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

X_train[['cabin', 'pclass', 'embarked']].head(10)

cabin pclass embarked

501 n 2 S
588 n 2 S
402 n 2 C
1193 n 3 Q
686 n 3 Q
971 n 3 Q
117 E 1 C
540 n 2 S
294 C 1 C
261 E 1 S

# set up the encoder

encoder = DecisionTreeEncoder(variables=['cabin', 'pclass', 'embarked'], random_state=0)

# fit the encoder, y_train)

# transform the data

train_t = encoder.transform(X_train)
test_t = encoder.transform(X_test)

train_t[['cabin', 'pclass', 'embarked']].head(10)

cabin pclass embarked

501 0.304843 0.307580 0.338957
588 0.304843 0.307580 0.338957
402 0.304843 0.307580 0.558011
1193 0.304843 0.307580 0.373494
686 0.304843 0.307580 0.373494
971 0.304843 0.307580 0.373494
117 0.649533 0.617391 0.558011
540 0.304843 0.307580 0.338957
294 0.649533 0.617391 0.558011
261 0.649533 0.617391 0.338957

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 71

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.6.8 RareLabelEncoder

API Reference

class feature_engine.encoding.RareLabelEncoder(tol=0.05, n_categories=10, max_n_categories=None,

replace_with='Rare', variables=None,
The RareLabelCategoricalEncoder() groups rare / infrequent categories in a new category called “Rare”, or any
other name entered by the user.
For example in the variable colour, if the percentage of observations for the categories magenta, cyan and bur-
gundy are < 5 %, all those categories will be replaced by the new label “Rare”.
Infrequent labels can also be grouped under a user defined name, for example ‘Other’. The name to replace
infrequent categories is defined with the parameter replace_with.
The encoder will encode only categorical variables by default (type ‘object’ or ‘categorical’). You can pass a list
of variables to encode.Alternatively, the encoder will find and encode all categorical variables (type ‘object’ or
With ignore_format=True you have the option to encode numerical variables as well. The procedure is iden-
tical, you can either enter the list of variables to encode, or the transformer will automatically select all variables.
The encoder first finds the frequent labels for each variable (fit). The encoder then groups the infrequent labels
under the new label ‘Rare’ or by another user defined string (transform).
tol: float, default=0.05 The minimum frequency a label should have to be considered frequent.
Categories with frequencies lower than tol will be grouped.
n_categories: int, default=10 The minimum number of categories a variable should have for
the encoder to find frequent labels. If the variable contains less categories, all of them will
be considered frequent.
max_n_categories: int, default=None The maximum number of categories that should be con-
sidered frequent. If None, all categories with frequency above the tolerance (tol) will be
considered frequent. If you enter 5, only the 5 most frequent categories will be retained and
the rest grouped.
replace_with: string, intege or float, default=’Rare’ The value that will be used to replace in-
frequent categories.
variables: list, default=None The list of categorical variables that will be encoded. If None,
the encoder will find and transform all variables of type object or categorical by default. You
can also make the transformer accept numerical variables, see the next parameter.
ignore_format: bool, default=False Whether the format in which the categorical variables are
cast should be ignored. If false, the encoder will automatically select variables of type object
or categorical, or check that the variables entered by the user are of type object or categori-
cal. If True, the encoder will select all variables or accept all variables entered by the user,
including those cast as numeric.

72 Chapter 7. Open Source

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encoder_dict_: Dictionary with the frequent categories, i.e., those that will be kept, per variable.
variables_: The variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Find frequent categories.

transform: Group rare categories
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the frequent categories for each variable.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just selected variables
y: None y is not required. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• If user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)
• If there are no categorical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Warning If the number of categories in any one variable is less than the indicated in
inverse_transform is not implemented for this transformer yet.
Group infrequent categories. Replace infrequent categories by the string ‘Rare’ or any other name provided
by the user.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input samples.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe where rare cate-
gories have been grouped.

rtype DataFrame ..

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 73

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If user enters non-categorical variables (unless ignore_format is True)


The RareLabelEncoder() groups infrequent categories altogether into one new category called ‘Rare’ or a different
string indicated by the user. We need to specify the minimum percentage of observations a category should show to be
preserved and the minimum number of unique categories a variable should have to be re-grouped.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.encoding import RareLabelEncoder

def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv(
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the encoder

encoder = RareLabelEncoder(tol=0.03, n_categories=2, variables=['cabin', 'pclass',


# fit the encoder

# transform the data

train_t = encoder.transform(X_train)
test_t = encoder.transform(X_test)


74 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

{'cabin': Index(['n', 'C', 'B', 'E', 'D'], dtype='object'),

'pclass': array([2, 3, 1], dtype='int64'),
'embarked': array(['S', 'C', 'Q'], dtype=object)}

You can also specify the maximum number of categories that can be considered frequent using the max_n_categories

from feature_engine.encoding import RareLabelEncoder

import pandas as pd
data = {'var_A': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 10 + ['C'] * 2 + ['D'] * 1}
data = pd.DataFrame(data)

A 10
B 10
C 2
D 1
Name: var_A, dtype: int64

rare_encoder = RareLabelEncoder(tol=0.05, n_categories=3)


A 10
B 10
C 2
Rare 1
Name: var_A, dtype: int64

rare_encoder = RareLabelEncoder(tol=0.05, n_categories=3, max_n_categories=2)

Xt = rare_encoder.fit_transform(data)

A 10
B 10
Rare 3
Name: var_A, dtype: int64

7.6. Categorical Variable Encoding 75

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.7 Variable Transformation

Feature-engine’s variable transformers transform numerical variables with various mathematical transformations.

7.7.1 LogTransformer

API Reference

class feature_engine.transformation.LogTransformer(variables=None, base='e')

The LogTransformer() applies the natural logarithm or the base 10 logarithm to numerical variables. The natural
logarithm is the logarithm in base e.
The LogTransformer() only works with positive values. If the variable contains a zero or a negative value the
transformer will return an error.
A list of variables can be passed as an argument. Alternatively, the transformer will automatically select and
transform all variables of type numeric.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the trans-
former will find and select all numerical variables.
base: string, default=’e’ Indicates if the natural or base 10 logarithm should be applied. Can
take values ‘e’ or ‘10’.


variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.

n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: This transformer does not learn parameters.

transform: Transform the variables using the logarithm.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Convert the data back to the original representation.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn parameters.
Selects the numerical variables and determines whether the logarithm can be applied on the selected vari-
ables, i.e., it checks that the variables are positive.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, default=None It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.

76 Chapter 7. Open Source

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• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If some variables contain zero or negative values
Convert the data back to the original representation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
• If some variables contain zero or negative values
Transform the variables with the logarithm.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
• If some variables contain zero or negative values

7.7. Variable Transformation 77

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine import transformation as vt

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the variable transformer

tf = vt.LogTransformer(variables = ['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'])

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t= tf.transform(X_train)
test_t= tf.transform(X_test)

# un-transformed variable

# transformed variable
(continues on next page)

78 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)


7.7.2 LogCpTransformer

API Reference

class feature_engine.transformation.LogCpTransformer(variables=None, base='e', C='auto')

The LogCpTransformer() applies the transformation log(x + C), where C is a positive constant, to the input
variable. It applies the natural logarithm or the base 10 logarithm, where the natural logarithm is logarithm in
base e.
The logarithm can only be applied to numerical non-negative values. If the variable contains a zero or a negative
value after adding a constant C, the transformer will return an error.
A list of variables can be passed as an argument. Alternatively, the transformer will automatically select and
transform all variables of type numeric.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the trans-
former will find and select all numerical variables. If C is a dictionary, then this parameter
is ignored and the variables to transform are selected from the dictionary keys.
base: string, default=’e’ Indicates if the natural or base 10 logarithm should be applied. Can
take values ‘e’ or ‘10’.
C: “auto”, int or dict, default=”auto” The constant C to add to the variable before the loga-
rithm, i.e., log(x + C).
• If int, then log(x + C)
• If “auto”, then C = abs(min(x)) + 1
• If dict, dictionary mapping the constant C to apply to each variable.

7.7. Variable Transformation 79

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Note, when C is a dictionary, the parameter variables is ignored.


variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.

C_: The constant C to add to each variable. If C = “auto” a dictionary with C =
abs(min(variable)) + 1.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Learn the constant C.

transform: Transform the variables with the logarithm of x plus C.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Convert the data back to the original representation.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the constant C to add to the variable before the logarithm transformation if C=”auto”.
Select the numerical variables or check that the variables entered by the user are numerical. Then check
that the selected variables are positive after addition of C.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, default=None It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If some variables contain zero or negative values after adding C
Convert the data back to the original representation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: Pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

80 Chapter 7. Open Source

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rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Transform the variables with the logarithm of x plus a constant C.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
• If some variables contains zero or negative values after adding C


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston

from feature_engine import transformation as vt

# Load dataset
X, y = load_boston(return_X_y=True)
X = pd.DataFrame(X)

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the variable transformer

tf = vt.LogCpTransformer(variables = [7, 12], C="auto")

# fit the transformer

(continues on next page)

7.7. Variable Transformation 81

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# transform the data
train_t= tf.transform(X_train)
test_t= tf.transform(X_test)

# learned constant C

{7: 2.1742, 12: 2.73}

# un-transformed variable

# transformed variable

82 Chapter 7. Open Source

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7.7.3 ReciprocalTransformer

API Reference

class feature_engine.transformation.ReciprocalTransformer(variables=None)
The ReciprocalTransformer() applies the reciprocal transformation 1 / x to numerical variables.
The ReciprocalTransformer() only works with numerical variables with non-zero values. If a variable contains
the value 0, the transformer will raise an error.
A list of variables can be passed as an argument. Alternatively, the transformer will automatically select and
transform all numerical variables.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the trans-
former will automatically find and select all numerical variables.


variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.

n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: This transformer does not learn parameters.

transform: Apply the reciprocal 1 / x transformation.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Convert the data back to the original representation.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn parameters.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, default=None It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If some variables contain zero as values

7.7. Variable Transformation 83

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Convert the data back to the original representation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
• If some variables contain zero values
Apply the reciprocal 1 / x transformation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
• If some variables contain zero values


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine import transformation as vt

# Load dataset
data = data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

(continues on next page)

84 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# Separate into train and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the variable transformer

tf = vt.ReciprocalTransformer(variables = ['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'])

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t= tf.transform(X_train)
test_t= tf.transform(X_test)

# un-transformed variable

# transformed variable

7.7. Variable Transformation 85

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.7.4 PowerTransformer

API Reference

class feature_engine.transformation.PowerTransformer(variables=None, exp=0.5)

The PowerTransformer() applies power or exponential transformations to numerical variables.
The PowerTransformer() works only with numerical variables.
A list of variables can be passed as an argument. Alternatively, the transformer will automatically select and
transform all numerical variables.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the trans-
former will automatically find and select all numerical variables.
exp: float or int, default=0.5 The power (or exponent).


variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.

n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

86 Chapter 7. Open Source

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fit: This transformer does not learn parameters.

transform: Apply the power transformation to the variables.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.
inverse_transform: Convert the data back to the original representation.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn parameters.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, default=None It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Convert the data back to the original representation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas Dataframe The dataframe with the power transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
Apply the power transformation to the variables.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.

7.7. Variable Transformation 87

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: pandas Dataframe The dataframe with the power transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine import transformation as vt

# Load dataset
data = data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the variable transformer

tf = vt.PowerTransformer(variables = ['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'], exp=0.5)

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t= tf.transform(X_train)
test_t= tf.transform(X_test)

# un-transformed variable

88 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

# transformed variable

7.7. Variable Transformation 89

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.7.5 BoxCoxTransformer

API Reference

class feature_engine.transformation.BoxCoxTransformer(variables=None)
The BoxCoxTransformer() applies the BoxCox transformation to numerical variables.
The Box-Cox transformation is defined as:
• T(Y)=(Y exp()1)/ if !=0
• log(Y) otherwise
where Y is the response variable and is the transformation parameter. varies, typically from -5 to 5. In the
transformation, all values of are considered and the optimal value for a given variable is selected.
The BoxCox transformation implemented by this transformer is that of SciPy.stats:
The BoxCoxTransformer() works only with numerical positive variables (>=0).
A list of variables can be passed as an argument. Alternatively, the transformer will automatically select and
transform all numerical variables.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the trans-
former will automatically find and select all numerical variables.


lambda_dict_: Dictionary with the best BoxCox exponent per variable.

variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.




fit: Learn the optimal lambda for the BoxCox transformation.

transform: Apply the BoxCox transformation.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the optimal lambda for the BoxCox transformation.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, default=None It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.

90 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If some variables contain zero values
Apply the BoxCox transformation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()
• If some variables contain negative values


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine import transformation as vt

# Load dataset
data = data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the variable transformer

(continues on next page)

7.7. Variable Transformation 91

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

tf = vt.BoxCoxTransformer(variables = ['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'])

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t= tf.transform(X_train)
test_t= tf.transform(X_test)

# un-transformed variable

# transformed variable

92 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.7.6 YeoJohnsonTransformer

The Yeo-Johnson transformation is defined as:

where Y is the response variable and is the transformation parameter.

API Reference

class feature_engine.transformation.YeoJohnsonTransformer(variables=None)
The YeoJohnsonTransformer() applies the Yeo-Johnson transformation to the numerical variables.
The Yeo-Johnson transformation implemented by this transformer is that of SciPy.stats:
The YeoJohnsonTransformer() works only with numerical variables.
A list of variables can be passed as an argument. Alternatively, the transformer will automatically select and
transform all numerical variables.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the trans-
former will automatically find and select all numerical variables.

7.7. Variable Transformation 93

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


lambda_dict_ Dictionary containing the best lambda for the Yeo-Johnson per variable.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.




fit: Learn the optimal lambda for the Yeo-Johnson transformation.

transform: Apply the Yeo-Johnson transformation.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the optimal lambda for the Yeo-Johnson transformation.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, default=None It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Apply the Yeo-Johnson transformation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe The dataframe with the transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..


94 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame

• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the df has different number of features than the df used in fit()


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine import transformation as vt

# Load dataset
data = data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the variable transformer

tf = vt.YeoJohnsonTransformer(variables = ['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'])

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t= tf.transform(X_train)
test_t= tf.transform(X_test)

# un-transformed variable

7.7. Variable Transformation 95

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

# transformed variable

96 Chapter 7. Open Source

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7.8 Variable Discretisation

Feature-engine’s variable discretisation transformers transform continuous numerical variables into discrete variables.
The discrete variables will contain contiguous intervals in the case of the equal frequency and equal width transformers.
The Decision Tree discretiser will return a discrete variable, in the sense that the new feature takes a finite number of

7.8.1 EqualFrequencyDiscretiser

API Reference

class feature_engine.discretisation.EqualFrequencyDiscretiser(variables=None, q=10,

The EqualFrequencyDiscretiser() divides continuous numerical variables into contiguous equal frequency inter-
vals, that is, intervals that contain approximately the same proportion of observations.
The interval limits are determined using pandas.qcut(), in other words, the interval limits are determined by
the quantiles. The number of intervals, i.e., the number of quantiles in which the variable should be divided is
determined by the user.
The EqualFrequencyDiscretiser() works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be passed as
argument. Alternatively, the discretiser will automatically select and transform all numerical variables.
The EqualFrequencyDiscretiser() first finds the boundaries for the intervals or quantiles for each variable.
Then it transforms the variables, that is, it sorts the values into the intervals.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables that will be discretised. If None,
the EqualFrequencyDiscretiser() will select all numerical variables.
q: int, default=10 Desired number of equal frequency intervals / bins. In other words the num-
ber of quantiles in which the variables should be divided.
return_object: bool, default=False Whether the the discrete variable should be returned casted
as numeric or as object. If you would like to proceed with the engineering of the variable as
if it was categorical, use True. Alternatively, keep the default to False.
Categorical encoders in Feature-engine work only with variables of type object, thus, if you
wish to encode the returned bins, set return_object to True.
return_boundaries: bool, default=False Whether the output should be the interval boundaries.
If True, it returns the interval boundaries. If False, it returns integers.


binner_dict_: Dictionary with the interval limits per variable.

variables_: The variables to discretise.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:


7.8. Variable Discretisation 97

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


[1], [2]


fit: Find the interval limits.

transform: Sort continuous variable values into the intervals.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the limits of the equal frequency intervals.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset. Can be
the entire dataframe, not just the variables to be transformed.
y: None y is not needed in this encoder. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Sort the variable values into the intervals.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The transformed data with the
discrete variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the dataframe is not of the same size as the one used in fit()

98 Chapter 7. Open Source

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The EqualFrequencyDiscretiser() sorts the variable values into contiguous intervals of equal proportion of observations.
The limits of the intervals are calculated according to the quantiles. The number of intervals or quantiles should be
determined by the user. The transformer can return the variable as numeric or object (default = numeric).
The EqualFrequencyDiscretiser() works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be indicated, or the
discretiser will automatically select all numerical variables in the train set.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.discretisation import EqualFrequencyDiscretiser

# Load dataset
data = data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the discretisation transformer

disc = EqualFrequencyDiscretiser(q=10, variables=['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'])

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t= disc.transform(X_train)
test_t= disc.transform(X_test)


{'LotArea': [-inf,
'GrLivArea': [-inf,
(continues on next page)

7.8. Variable Discretisation 99

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)


# with equal frequency discretisation, each bin contains approximately

# the same number of observations.
plt.ylabel('Number of houses')

7.8.2 EqualWidthDiscretiser

API Reference

class feature_engine.discretisation.EqualWidthDiscretiser(variables=None, bins=10,

The EqualWidthDiscretiser() divides continuous numerical variables into intervals of the same width, that is,
equidistant intervals. Note that the proportion of observations per interval may vary.
The size of the interval is calculated as:
(𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑋) − 𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑋))/𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑠
where bins, which is the number of intervals, should be determined by the user.
The interval limits are determined using pandas.cut(). The number of intervals in which the variable should
be divided must be indicated by the user.
The EqualWidthDiscretiser() works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be passed as argument.
Alternatively, the discretiser will automatically select all numerical variables.

100 Chapter 7. Open Source

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The EqualWidthDiscretiser() first finds the boundaries for the intervals for each variable. Then, it transforms the
variables, that is, sorts the values into the intervals.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the discre-
tiser will automatically select all numerical type variables.
bins: int, default=10 Desired number of equal width intervals / bins.
return_object: bool, default=False Whether the the discrete variable should be returned casted
as numeric or as object. If you would like to proceed with the engineering of the variable as
if it was categorical, use True. Alternatively, keep the default to False.
Categorical encoders in Feature-engine work only with variables of type object, thus, if you
wish to encode the returned bins, set return_object to True.
return_boundaries [bool, default=False] Whether the output should be the interval boundaries.
If True, it returns the interval boundaries. If False, it returns integers.


binner_dict_: Dictionary with the interval limits per variable.

variables_: The variables to be discretised.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



[1], [2]


fit: Find the interval limits.

transform: Sort continuous variable values into the intervals.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the boundaries of the equal width intervals / bins for each variable.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset. Can be
the entire dataframe, not just the variables to be transformed.
y: None y is not needed in this encoder. You can pass y or None.

7.8. Variable Discretisation 101

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Sort the variable values into the intervals.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The transformed data with the
discrete variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the dataframe is not of the same size as the one used in fit()


The EqualWidthDiscretiser() sorts the variable values into contiguous intervals of equal size. The size of the interval
is calculated as:
( max(X) - min(X) ) / bins
where bins, which is the number of intervals, should be determined by the user. The transformer can return the variable
as numeric or object (default = numeric).
The EqualWidthDiscretiser() works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be indicated, or the discretiser
will automatically select all numerical variables in the train set.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.discretisation import EqualWidthDiscretiser

# Load dataset
data = data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
(continues on next page)

102 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)

data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the discretisation transformer

disc = EqualWidthDiscretiser(bins=10, variables=['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'])

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t= disc.transform(X_train)
test_t= disc.transform(X_test)


'LotArea': [-inf,
'GrLivArea': [-inf,

# with equal width discretisation, each bin does not necessarily contain
# the same number of observations.
plt.ylabel('Number of houses')

7.8. Variable Discretisation 103

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.8.3 ArbitraryDiscretiser

API Reference

class feature_engine.discretisation.ArbitraryDiscretiser(binning_dict, return_object=False,

The ArbitraryDiscretiser() divides continuous numerical variables into contiguous intervals which limits are
determined arbitrarily by the user.
You need to enter a dictionary with variable names as keys, and a list of the limits of the intervals as values. For
example {'var1':[0, 10, 100, 1000], 'var2':[5, 10, 15, 20]}.
ArbitraryDiscretiser() will then sort var1 values into the intervals 0-10, 10-100 100-1000, and var2 into 5-10,
10-15 and 15-20. Similar to pandas.cut.
The ArbitraryDiscretiser() works only with numerical variables. The discretiser will check if the dictionary
entered by the user contains variables present in the training set, and if these variables are numerical, before
doing any transformation.
Then it transforms the variables, that is, it sorts the values into the intervals.
binning_dict: dict The dictionary with the variable to interval limits pairs. A valid dictionary
looks like this:
binning_dict = {'var1':[0, 10, 100, 1000], 'var2':[5, 10, 15, 20]}
return_object: bool, default=False Whether the the discrete variable should be returned casted
as numeric or as object. If you would like to proceed with the engineering of the variable as
if it was categorical, use True. Alternatively, keep the default to False.
Categorical encoders in Feature-engine work only with variables of type object, thus, if you
wish to encode the returned bins, set return_object to True.

104 Chapter 7. Open Source

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return_boundaries: bool, default=False Whether the output, that is the bin names / values,
should be the interval boundaries. If True, it returns the interval boundaries. If False, it
returns integers.


binner_dict_: Dictionary with the interval limits per variable.

variables_: The variables to discretise.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



fit: This transformer does not learn any parameter.

transform: Sort continuous variable values into the intervals.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn any parameter.
Check dataframe and variables. Checks that the user entered variables are in the train set and cast as
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset. Can be
the entire dataframe, not just the variables to be transformed.
y: None y is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Sort the variable values into the intervals.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe to be trans-

7.8. Variable Discretisation 105

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The transformed data with the
discrete variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the dataframe is not of the same size as the one used in fit()


The ArbitraryDiscretiser() sorts the variable values into contiguous intervals which limits are arbitrarily defined by the
The user must provide a dictionary of variable:list of limits pair when setting up the discretiser.
The ArbitraryDiscretiser() works only with numerical variables. The discretiser will check that the variables entered
by the user are present in the train set and cast as numerical.
First, let’s load a dataset and plot a histogram of a continuous variable.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from feature_engine.discretisation import ArbitraryDiscretiser

boston_dataset = load_boston()
data = pd.DataFrame(, columns=boston_dataset.feature_names)

plt.ylabel('Number of observations')
plt.title('Histogram of LSTAT')

106 Chapter 7. Open Source

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Now, let’s discretise the variable into arbitrarily determined intervals. We want the interval names as integers, so we
set return_boundaries to False.

user_dict = {'LSTAT': [0, 10, 20, 30, np.Inf]}

transformer = ArbitraryDiscretiser(
binning_dict=user_dict, return_object=False, return_boundaries=False)
X = transformer.fit_transform(data)

plt.xlabel('LSTAT - bins')
plt.ylabel('Number of observations')
plt.title('Discretised LSTAT')

7.8. Variable Discretisation 107

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Alternatively, we can return the interval limits in the discretised variable by setting return_boundaries to True.

transformer = ArbitraryDiscretiser(
binning_dict=user_dict, return_object=False, return_boundaries=True)
X = transformer.fit_transform(data)

plt.xlabel('LSTAT - bins')
plt.ylabel('Number of observations')
plt.title('Discretised LSTAT')

108 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.8.4 DecisionTreeDiscretiser

API Reference

class feature_engine.discretisation.DecisionTreeDiscretiser(variables=None, cv=3,

param_grid=None, regression=True,
The DecisionTreeDiscretiser() replaces continuous numerical variables by discrete, finite, values estimated by a
decision tree.
The methods is inspired by the following article from the winners of the KDD 2009 competition: http://www.
The DecisionTreeDiscretiser() works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be passed as an
argument. Alternatively, the discretiser will automatically select all numerical variables.
The DecisionTreeDiscretiser() first trains a decision tree for each variable.
The DecisionTreeDiscretiser() then transforms the variables, that is, makes predictions based on the variable
values, using the trained decision tree.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the discre-
tiser will automatically select all numerical variables.
cv: int, default=3 Desired number of cross-validation fold to be used to fit the decision tree.
scoring: str, default=’neg_mean_squared_error’ Desired metric to optimise the performance
for the tree. Comes from sklearn.metrics. See DecisionTreeRegressor or DecisionTreeClas-

7.8. Variable Discretisation 109

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

sifier model evaluation documentation for more options:

param_grid: dictionary, default=None The list of parameters over which the decision tree
should be optimised during the grid search. The param_grid can contain any of the per-
mitted parameters for Scikit-learn’s DecisionTreeRegressor() or DecisionTreeClassifier().
If None, then param_grid = {‘max_depth’: [1, 2, 3, 4]}
regression: boolean, default=True Indicates whether the discretiser should train a regression
or a classification decision tree.
random_state [int, default=None] The random_state to initialise the training of the decision
tree. It is one of the parameters of the Scikit-learn’s DecisionTreeRegressor() or Decision-
TreeClassifier(). For reproducibility it is recommended to set the random_state to an integer.


binner_dict_: Dictionary containing the fitted tree per variable.

scores_dict_: Dictionary with the score of the best decision tree, over the train set.
variables_: The variables to discretise.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:





fit: Fit a decision tree per variable.

transform: Replace continuous values by the predictions of the decision tree.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y)
Fit the decision trees. One tree per variable to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset. Can be
the entire dataframe, not just the variables to be transformed.
y: pandas series. Target variable. Required to train the decision tree.

110 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame

• If any of the user provided variables are not numerical
• If there are no numerical variables in the df or the df is empty
• If the variable(s) contain null values
Replaces original variable with the predictions of the tree. The tree outcome is finite, aka, discrete.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input samples.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe
with transformed variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values
• If the dataframe is not of the same size as the one used in fit()


In the original article, each feature of the challenge dataset was recoded by training a decision tree of limited depth (2,
3 or 4) using that feature alone, and letting the tree predict the target. The probabilistic predictions of this decision tree
were used as an additional feature, that was now linearly (or at least monotonically) correlated with the target.
According to the authors, the addition of these new features had a significant impact on the performance of linear
In the following example, we recode 2 numerical variables using decision trees.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.discretisation import DecisionTreeDiscretiser

# Load dataset
data = data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

(continues on next page)

7.8. Variable Discretisation 111

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# set up the discretisation transformer
disc = DecisionTreeDiscretiser(cv=3,
variables=['LotArea', 'GrLivArea'],

# fit the transformer, y_train)

# transform the data

train_t= disc.transform(X_train)
test_t= disc.transform(X_test)


{'LotArea': GridSearchCV(cv=3, error_score='raise-deprecating',

estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
presort=False, random_state=None,
iid='warn', n_jobs=None, param_grid={'max_depth': [1, 2, 3, 4]},
pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', refit=True, return_train_score=False,
scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', verbose=0),
'GrLivArea': GridSearchCV(cv=3, error_score='raise-deprecating',
estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
presort=False, random_state=None,
iid='warn', n_jobs=None, param_grid={'max_depth': [1, 2, 3, 4]},
pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', refit=True, return_train_score=False,
scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', verbose=0)}

# with tree discretisation, each bin does not necessarily contain

# the same number of observations.
plt.ylabel('Number of houses')

112 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.9 Outlier Handling

Feature-engine’s outlier cappers cap maximum or minimum values of a variable at an arbitrary or derived value. The
OutlierTrimmer removes outliers from the dataset.

7.9.1 Winsorizer

API Reference

class feature_engine.outliers.Winsorizer(capping_method='gaussian', tail='right', fold=3,

variables=None, missing_values='raise')
The Winsorizer() caps maximum and / or minimum values of a variable.
The Winsorizer() works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be indicated. Alternatively, the
Winsorizer() will select all numerical variables in the train set.
The Winsorizer() first calculates the capping values at the end of the distribution. The values are determined
• a Gaussian approximation,

7.9. Outlier Handling 113

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• the inter-quantile range proximity rule (IQR)

• percentiles.
Gaussian limits:
• right tail: mean + 3* std
• left tail: mean - 3* std
IQR limits:
• right tail: 75th quantile + 3* IQR
• left tail: 25th quantile - 3* IQR
where IQR is the inter-quartile range: 75th quantile - 25th quantile.
percentiles or quantiles:
• right tail: 95th percentile
• left tail: 5th percentile
You can select how far out to cap the maximum or minimum values with the parameter ‘fold’.
If capping_method='gaussian' fold gives the value to multiply the std.
If capping_method='iqr' fold is the value to multiply the IQR.
If capping_method='quantile', fold is the percentile on each tail that should be censored. For example,
if fold=0.05, the limits will be the 5th and 95th percentiles. If fold=0.1, the limits will be the 10th and 90th
The transformer first finds the values at one or both tails of the distributions (fit). The transformer then caps the
variables (transform).
capping_method: str, default=gaussian Desired capping method. Can take ‘gaussian’, ‘iqr’ or
‘gaussian’: the transformer will find the maximum and / or minimum values to cap the vari-
ables using the Gaussian approximation.
‘iqr’: the transformer will find the boundaries using the IQR proximity rule.
‘quantiles’: the limits are given by the percentiles.
tail: str, default=right Whether to cap outliers on the right, left or both tails of the distribution.
Can take ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘both’.
fold: int or float, default=3 How far out to to place the capping values. The number that will
multiply the std or IQR to calculate the capping values. Recommended values, 2 or 3 for the
gaussian approximation, or 1.5 or 3 for the IQR proximity rule.
If capping_method=’quantile’, then ‘fold’ indicates the percentile. So if fold=0.05, the limits
will be the 95th and 5th percentiles. Note: Outliers will be removed up to a maximum of
the 20th percentiles on both sides. Thus, when capping_method=’quantile’, then ‘fold’ takes
values between 0 and 0.20.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables for which the outliers will be capped. If
None, the transformer will find and select all numerical variables.
missing_values: string, default=’raise’ Indicates if missing values should be ignored or raised.
Sometimes we want to remove outliers in the raw, original data, sometimes, we may want to

114 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

remove outliers in the already pre-transformed data. If missing_values=’ignore’, the trans-

former will ignore missing data when learning the capping parameters or transforming the
data. If missing_values=’raise’ the transformer will return an error if the training or the
datasets to transform contain missing values.


right_tail_caps_: Dictionary with the maximum values at which variables will be capped.
left_tail_caps_ : Dictionary with the minimum values at which variables will be capped.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Learn the values that should be used to replace outliers.

transform: Cap the variables.
fit_transform: Fit to the data. Then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learn the values that should be used to replace outliers.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The training input samples.
y [pandas Series, default=None] y is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
Cap the variable values, that is, censors outliers.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe with the capped

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
ValueError If the dataframe is not of same size as that used in fit()

7.9. Outlier Handling 115

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Censors variables at predefined minimum and maximum values. The minimum and maximum values can be calculated
in 1 of 3 different ways:
Gaussian limits: right tail: mean + 3* std
left tail: mean - 3* std
IQR limits: right tail: 75th quantile + 3* IQR
left tail: 25th quantile - 3* IQR
where IQR is the inter-quartile range: 75th quantile - 25th quantile.
percentiles or quantiles: right tail: 95th percentile
left tail: 5th percentile
See the API Reference for more details.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.outliers import Winsorizer

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
data['fare'] = data['fare'].astype('float')
data['fare'].fillna(data['fare'].median(), inplace=True)
data['age'] = data['age'].astype('float')
data['age'].fillna(data['age'].median(), inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the capper

capper = Winsorizer(capping_method='gaussian', tail='right', fold=3, variables=['age',

# fit the capper

# transform the data

train_t= capper.transform(X_train)
(continues on next page)

116 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)

test_t= capper.transform(X_test)


{'age': 67.49048447470315, 'fare': 174.78162171790441}

train_t[['fare', 'age']].max()

fare 174.781622
age 67.490484
dtype: float64

7.9.2 ArbitraryOutlierCapper

API Reference

class feature_engine.outliers.ArbitraryOutlierCapper(max_capping_dict=None,
The ArbitraryOutlierCapper() caps the maximum or minimum values of a variable at an arbitrary value indicated
by the user.
You must provide the maximum or minimum values that will be used to cap each variable in a dictionary {fea-
ture:capping value}
max_capping_dict: dictionary, default=None Dictionary containing the user specified cap-
ping values for the right tail of the distribution of each variable (maximum values).
min_capping_dict: dictionary, default=None Dictionary containing user specified capping
values for the eft tail of the distribution of each variable (minimum values).
missing_values [string, default=’raise’] Indicates if missing values should be ignored or raised.
If missing_values='raise' the transformer will return an error if the training or the
datasets to transform contain missing values.


right_tail_caps_: Dictionary with the maximum values at which variables will be capped.
left_tail_caps_: Dictionary with the minimum values at which variables will be capped.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

7.9. Outlier Handling 117

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fit: This transformer does not learn any parameter.

transform: Cap the variables.
fit_transform: Fit to the data. Then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn any parameter.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
y: pandas Series, default=None y is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
Cap the variable values, that is, censors outliers.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The dataframe with the capped

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
ValueError If the dataframe is not of same size as that used in fit()


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.outliers import ArbitraryOutlierCapper

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
(continues on next page)

118 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)

data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
data['fare'] = data['fare'].astype('float')
data['fare'].fillna(data['fare'].median(), inplace=True)
data['age'] = data['age'].astype('float')
data['age'].fillna(data['age'].median(), inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the capper

capper = ArbitraryOutlierCapper(max_capping_dict={'age': 50, 'fare': 200}, min_capping_

# fit the capper

# transform the data

train_t= capper.transform(X_train)
test_t= capper.transform(X_test)


{'age': 50, 'fare': 200}

train_t[['fare', 'age']].max()

fare 200
age 50
dtype: float64

7.9.3 OutlierTrimmer

API Reference

class feature_engine.outliers.OutlierTrimmer(capping_method='gaussian', tail='right', fold=3,

variables=None, missing_values='raise')
The OutlierTrimmer() removes observations with outliers from the dataset.
It works only with numerical variables. A list of variables can be indicated. Alternatively, the OutlierTrimmer()
will select all numerical variables.
The OutlierTrimmer() first calculates the maximum and /or minimum values beyond which a value will be con-
sidered an outlier, and thus removed.
Limits are determined using:
• a Gaussian approximation

7.9. Outlier Handling 119

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• the inter-quantile range proximity rule

• percentiles.
Gaussian limits:
• right tail: mean + 3* std
• left tail: mean - 3* std
IQR limits:
• right tail: 75th quantile + 3* IQR
• left tail: 25th quantile - 3* IQR
where IQR is the inter-quartile range: 75th quantile - 25th quantile.
percentiles or quantiles:
• right tail: 95th percentile
• left tail: 5th percentile
You can select how far out to cap the maximum or minimum values with the parameter ‘fold’.
If capping_method='gaussian' fold gives the value to multiply the std.
If capping_method='iqr' fold is the value to multiply the IQR.
If capping_method='quantile', fold is the percentile on each tail that should be censored. For example,
if fold=0.05, the limits will be the 5th and 95th percentiles. If fold=0.1, the limits will be the 10th and 90th
The transformer first finds the values at one or both tails of the distributions (fit).
The transformer then removes observations with outliers from the dataframe (transform).
capping_method: str, default=gaussian Desired capping method. Can take ‘gaussian’, ‘iqr’ or
‘gaussian’: the transformer will find the maximum and / or minimum values to cap the vari-
ables using the Gaussian approximation.
‘iqr’: the transformer will find the boundaries using the IQR proximity rule.
‘quantiles’: the limits are given by the percentiles.
tail: str, default=right Whether to cap outliers on the right, left or both tails of the distribution.
Can take ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘both’.
fold: int or float, default=3 How far out to to place the capping values. The number that will
multiply the std or IQR to calculate the capping values. Recommended values, 2 or 3 for the
gaussian approximation, or 1.5 or 3 for the IQR proximity rule.
If capping_method=’quantile’, then ‘fold’ indicates the percentile. So if fold=0.05, the limits
will be the 95th and 5th percentiles. Note: Outliers will be removed up to a maximum of
the 20th percentiles on both sides. Thus, when capping_method=’quantile’, then ‘fold’ takes
values between 0 and 0.20.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables for which the outliers will be removed If
None, the transformer will find and select all numerical variables.

120 Chapter 7. Open Source

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missing_values: string, default=’raise’ Indicates if missing values should be ignored or raised.

Sometimes we want to remove outliers in the raw, original data, sometimes, we may want to
remove outliers in the already pre-transformed data. If missing_values=’ignore’, the trans-
former will ignore missing data when learning the capping parameters or transforming the
data. If missing_values=’raise’ the transformer will return an error if the training or the
datasets to transform contain missing values.


right_tail_caps_: Dictionary with the maximum values above which values will be removed.
left_tail_caps_ : Dictionary with the minimum values below which values will be removed.
variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Find maximum and minimum values.

transform: Remove outliers.
fit_transform: Fit to the data. Then transform it.

Remove observations with outliers from the dataframe.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The data to be transformed.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The dataframe without outlier ob-

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
ValueError If the dataframe is not of same size as that used in fit()


Removes values beyond predefined minimum and maximum values from the data set. The minimum and maximum
values can be calculated in 1 of 3 different ways:
Gaussian limits: right tail: mean + 3* std
left tail: mean - 3* std
IQR limits: right tail: 75th quantile + 3* IQR
left tail: 25th quantile - 3* IQR
where IQR is the inter-quartile range: 75th quantile - 25th quantile.

7.9. Outlier Handling 121

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percentiles or quantiles: right tail: 95th percentile

left tail: 5th percentile
See the API Reference for more details.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.outliers import OutlierTrimmer

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
data['fare'] = data['fare'].astype('float')
data['fare'].fillna(data['fare'].median(), inplace=True)
data['age'] = data['age'].astype('float')
data['age'].fillna(data['age'].median(), inplace=True)
return data

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the capper

capper = OutlierTrimmer(capping_method='iqr', tail='right', fold=1.5, variables=['age',

# fit the capper

# transform the data

train_t= capper.transform(X_train)
test_t= capper.transform(X_test)


{'age': 53.0, 'fare': 66.34379999999999}

train_t[['fare', 'age']].max()

fare 65.0
age 53.0
dtype: float64

122 Chapter 7. Open Source

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7.10 Feature Creation

Feature-engine’s creation transformers combine features into new variables through various mathematical and other

7.10.1 MathematicalCombination

API Reference

class feature_engine.creation.MathematicalCombination(variables_to_combine,
MathematicalCombination() applies basic mathematical operations to multiple features, returning one or more
additional features as a result. That is, it sums, multiplies, takes the average, maximum, minimum or standard
deviation of a group of variables, and returns the result into new variables.
For example, if we have the variables number_payments_first_quarter, number_payments_second_quarter,
number_payments_third_quarter and number_payments_fourth_quarter, we can use MathematicalCom-
bination() to calculate the total number of payments and mean number of payments as follows:
transformer = MathematicalCombination(

Xt = transformer.fit_transform(X)

The transformed X, Xt, will contain the additional features total_number_payments and
mean_number_payments, plus the original set of variables.
Attention, if some of the variables to combine have missing data and missing_values = 'ignore', the value
will be ignored in the computation. To be clear, if variables A, B and C, have values 10, 20 and NA, and we
perform the sum, the result will be A + B = 30.
variables_to_combine: list The list of numerical variables to be combined.
math_operations: list, default=None The list of basic math operations to be used to create the
new features.
If None, all of [‘sum’, ‘prod’, ‘mean’, ‘std’, ‘max’, ‘min’] will be performed over the
variables_to_combine. Alternatively, you can enter the list of operations to carry out.

7.10. Feature Creation 123

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Each operation should be a string and must be one of the elements in ['sum', 'prod',
'mean', 'std', 'max', 'min'].
Each operation will result in a new variable that will be added to the transformed dataset.
new_variables_names: list, default=None Names of the newly created variables. You can en-
ter a name or a list of names for the newly created features (recommended). You must enter
one name for each mathematical transformation indicated in the math_operations param-
eter. That is, if you want to perform mean and sum of features, you should enter 2 new
variable names. If you perform only mean of features, enter 1 variable name. Alternatively,
if you chose to perform all mathematical transformations, enter 6 new variable names.
The name of the variables indicated by the user should coincide with the order in which the
mathematical operations are initialised in the transformer. That is, if you set math_operations
= [‘mean’, ‘prod’], the first new variable name will be assigned to the mean of the variables
and the second variable name to the product of the variables.
If new_variable_names = None, the transformer will assign an arbitrary name to the
newly created features starting by the name of the mathematical operation, followed by the
variables combined separated by -.
missing_values: string, default=’raise’ Indicates if missing values should be ignored or raised.
If ‘raise’ the transformer will return an error if the the datasets to fit or transform contain
missing values. If ‘ignore’, missing data will be ignored when performing the calculations.


combina- Dictionary containing the mathematical operation to new variable name pairs.
math_operations_: List with the mathematical operations to be applied to the variables_to_combine.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


Although the transformer in essence allows us to combine any feature with any of the allowed mathematical
operations, its used is intended mostly for the creation of new features based on some domain knowledge. Typical
examples within the financial sector are:
• Sum debt across financial products, i.e., credit cards, to obtain the total debt.
• Take the average payments to various financial products per month.
• Find the Minimum payment done at any one month.
In insurance, we can sum the damage to various parts of a car to obtain the total damage.

124 Chapter 7. Open Source

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fit: This transformer does not learn parameters.

transform: Combine the variables with the mathematical operations.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn parameters.
Perform dataframe checks. Creates dictionary of operation to new feature name pairs.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, or np.array. Defaults to None. It is not needed in this transformer. You
can pass y or None.
• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any user provided variables in variables_to_combine are not numerical
ValueError If the variable(s) contain null values when missing_values = raise
Combine the variables with the mathematical operations.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform.
X: Pandas dataframe, shape = [n_samples, n_features + n_operations] The dataframe
with the original variables plus the new variables.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If the variable(s) contain null values when missing_values = raise
• If the dataframe is not of the same size as that used in fit()

7.10. Feature Creation 125

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MathematicalCombination() applies basic mathematical operations to multiple features, returning one or more addi-
tional features as a result. That is, it sums, multiplies, takes the average, maximum, minimum or standard deviation of
a group of variables and returns the result into new variables.
In this example, we sum 2 variables from the house prices dataset.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.creation import MathematicalCombination

data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv').fillna(0)

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(

data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),

math_combinator = MathematicalCombination(
variables_to_combine=['LotFrontage', 'LotArea'],
math_operations = ['sum'],
new_variables_names = ['LotTotal']
), y_train)
X_train_ = math_combinator.transform(X_train)


{'LotTotal': 'sum'}

print(X_train_.loc[:,['LotFrontage', 'LotArea', 'LotTotal']].head())

LotFrontage LotArea LotTotal

64 0.0 9375 9375.0
682 0.0 2887 2887.0
960 50.0 7207 7257.0
1384 60.0 9060 9120.0
1100 60.0 8400 8460.0

126 Chapter 7. Open Source

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7.10.2 CombineWithReferenceFeature

API Reference

class feature_engine.creation.CombineWithReferenceFeature(variables_to_combine,
reference_variables, operations=['sub'],
CombineWithReferenceFeature() applies basic mathematical operations between a group of variables and one or
more reference features. It adds one or more additional features to the dataframe with the result of the operations.
In other words, CombineWithReferenceFeature() sums, multiplies, subtracts or divides a group of features to /
by a group of reference variables, and returns the result as new variables in the dataframe.
For example, if we have the variables number_payments_first_quarter, number_payments_second_quarter,
number_payments_third_quarter, number_payments_fourth_quarter, and total_payments, we can use
CombineWithReferenceFeature() to determine the percentage of payments per quarter as follows:

transformer = CombineWithReferenceFeature(




Xt = transformer.fit_transform(X)

The transformed X, Xt, will contain the additional features indicated in the new_variables_name list plus the
original set of variables.
variables_to_combine: list The list of numerical variables to be combined with the reference
reference_variables: list The list of numerical reference variables that will be added to, multi-
plied with, or subtracted from the variables_to_combine, or used as denominator for division.
operations: list, default=[‘sub’] The list of basic mathematical operations to be used in trans-
If None, all of [‘sub’, ‘div’,’add’,’mul’] will be performed. Alternatively, you can enter a list
of operations to carry out. Each operation should be a string and must be one of the elements
in ['sub', 'div','add', 'mul'].

7.10. Feature Creation 127

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Each operation will result in a new variable that will be added to the transformed dataset.
new_variables_names: list, default=None Names of the newly created variables. You can en-
ter a list with the names for the newly created features (recommended). You must enter as
many names as new features created by the transformer. The number of new features is the
number of operations times the number of reference variables times the number of variables
to combine.
Thus, if you want to perform 2 operations, sub and div, combining 4 variables with 2 refer-
ence variables, you should enter 2 X 4 X 2 new variable names.
The name of the variables indicated by the user should coincide with the order in which the
operations are performed by the transformer. The transformer will first carry out ‘sub’, then
‘div’, then ‘add’ and finally ‘mul’.
If new_variable_names is None, the transformer will assign an arbitrary name to the newly
created features.
missing_values: string, default=’ignore’ Indicates if missing values should be ignored or
raised. If ‘ignore’, the transformer will ignore missing data when transforming the data. If
‘raise’ the transformer will return an error if the training or the datasets to transform contain
missing values.


n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


Although the transformer in essence allows us to combine any feature with any of the allowed mathematical
operations, its used is intended mostly for the creation of new features based on some domain knowledge. Typical
examples within the financial sector are:
• Ratio between income and debt to create the debt_to_income_ratio.
• Subtraction of rent from income to obtain the disposable_income.


fit: This transformer does not learn parameters.

transform: Combine the variables with the mathematical operations.
fit_transform: Fit to the data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn any parameter. Performs dataframe checks.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, or np.array. Default=None. It is not needed in this transformer. You can
pass y or None.

128 Chapter 7. Open Source

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• If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
• If any user provided variables are not numerical
ValueError If any of the reference variables contain null values and the mathematical oper-
ation is ‘div’.
Combine the variables with the mathematical operations.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform.
X: Pandas dataframe, shape = [n_samples, n_features + n_operations] The dataframe
with the operations results added as columns.

rtype DataFrame ..


CombineWithReferenceFeature() combines a group of variables with a group of reference variables utilizing basic
mathematical operations (subtraction, division, addition and multiplication), returning one or more additional features
in the dataframe as a result.
In this example, we subtract 2 variables from the house prices dataset.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.creation import CombineWithReferenceFeature

data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv').fillna(0)

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(

data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),

combinator = CombineWithReferenceFeature(
operations = ['sub'],
new_variables_names = ['LotPartial']
), y_train)
X_train_ = combinator.transform(X_train)
(continues on next page)

7.10. Feature Creation 129

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(continued from previous page)


LotTotal LotFrontage LotArea

64 9375.0 0.0 9375
682 2887.0 0.0 2887
960 7157.0 50.0 7207
1384 9000.0 60.0 9060
1100 8340.0 60.0 8400

7.10.3 CyclicalTransformer

API Reference

class feature_engine.creation.CyclicalTransformer(variables=None, max_values=None,

The CyclicalTransformer() applies cyclical transformations to numerical variables. The transformations returns
2 new features per variable, according to:
• var_sin = sin(variable * (2. * pi / max_value))
• var_cos = cos(variable * (2. * pi / max_value))
where max_value is the maximum value in the variable, and pi is 3.14. . .
Motivation: There are some features that are cyclic by nature. For example the hours of a day or the months in a
year. In these cases, the higher values of the variable are closer to the lower values. For example, December (12)
is closer to January (1) than to June (6). By applying a cyclical transformation we capture this cycle or proximity
between values.
The CyclicalTransformer() works only with numerical variables. Missing data should be imputed before applying
this transformer.
A list of variables can be passed as an argument. Alternatively, the transformer will automatically select and
transform all numerical variables.
variables: list, default=None The list of numerical variables to transform. If None, the trans-
former will automatically find and select all numerical variables.
max_values: dict, default=None A dictionary with the maximum value of each variable to
transform. Useful when the maximum value is not present in the dataset. If None, the trans-
former will automatically find the maximum value of each variable.
drop_original: bool, default=False If True, the original variables to transform will be dropped
from the dataframe.

130 Chapter 7. Open Source

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max_values_: The maximum value of the cyclical feature.

variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.



fit: Learns the maximum values of the cyclical features.

transform: Applies the cyclical transformation, creates 2 new features.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Learns the maximum value of each of the cyclical variables.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples.
Can be the entire dataframe, not just the variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, default=None It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame.
• If some of the columns contains NaNs.
• If some of the mapping keys are not present in variables.
Creates new features using the cyclical transformation.
X: Pandas DataFrame of shame = [n_samples, n_features] The data to be transformed.
X: Pandas dataframe. The dataframe with the additional new features. The original vari-
ables will be dropped if drop_originals is False, or retained otherwise.
TypeError If the input is not Pandas DataFrame.

7.10. Feature Creation 131

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.creation import CyclicalTransformer

df = pd.DataFrame({
'day': [6, 7, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4],
'months': [3, 7, 9, 12, 4, 6, 12],

cyclical = CyclicalTransformer(variables=None, drop_original=True)

X = cyclical.fit_transform(df)


{'day': 7, 'months': 12}


day_sin day_cos months_sin months_cos

1 -0.78183 0.62349 1.0 0.0
2 0.0 1.0 -0.5 -0.86603
3 -0.97493 -0.222521 -1.0 -0.0
4 0.43388 -0.900969 0.0 1.0
5 0.78183 0.62349 0.86603 -0.5
6 0.97493 -0.222521 0.0 -1.0
7 -0.43388 -0.900969 0.0 1.0

7.11 Feature Selection

Feature-engine’s feature selection transformers are used to drop subsets of variables. Or in other words to select subsets
of variables.

7.11.1 DropFeatures

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.DropFeatures(features_to_drop)
DropFeatures() drops a list of variable(s) indicated by the user from the dataframe.
When is this transformer useful?
Sometimes, we create new variables combining other variables in the dataset, for example, we obtain the variable
age by subtracting date_of_application from date_of_birth. After we obtained our new variable, we do
not need the date variables in the dataset any more. Thus, we can add DropFeatures() in the Pipeline to have
these removed.

132 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Fig. 2: Summary of Feature-engine’s selectors main characteristics

features_to_drop: str or list Variable(s) to be dropped from the dataframe

n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: This transformer does not learn any parameter.

transform: Drops indicated features.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
This transformer does not learn any parameter.
Verifies that the input X is a pandas dataframe, and that the variables to drop exist in the training dataframe.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The input dataframe
y [pandas Series, default = None] y is not needed for this transformer. You can pass y or
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..

7.11. Feature Selection 133

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


The DropFeatures() drops a list of variables indicated by the user from the original dataframe. The user can pass a
single variable as a string or list of variables to be dropped.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.selection import DropFeatures

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

# load data as pandas dataframe

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# original columns

Index(['pclass', 'sex', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'ticket', 'fare', 'cabin',

'embarked', 'boat', 'body', 'home.dest'],

# set up the transformer

transformer = DropFeatures(
features_to_drop=['sibsp', 'parch', 'ticket', 'fare', 'body', 'home.dest']

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t = transformer.transform(X_train)


Index(['pclass', 'sex', 'age', 'cabin', 'embarked' 'boat'],


134 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.11.2 DropConstantFeatures

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.DropConstantFeatures(variables=None, tol=1, missing_values='raise')

Drop constant and quasi-constant variables from a dataframe. Constant variables show the same value across all
the observations in the dataset. Quasi-constant variables show the same value in almost all the observations in
the dataset.
By default, DropConstantFeatures() drops only constant variables. This transformer works with both numerical
and categorical variables. The user can indicate a list of variables to examine. Alternatively, the transformer will
evaluate all the variables in the dataset.
The transformer will first identify and store the constant and quasi-constant variables. Next, the transformer will
drop these variables from a dataframe.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to evaluate. If None, the transformer will
evaluate all variables in the dataset.
tol: float,int, default=1 Threshold to detect constant/quasi-constant features. Variables show-
ing the same value in a percentage of observations greater than tol will be considered constant
/ quasi-constant and dropped. If tol=1, the transformer removes constant variables. Else, it
will remove quasi-constant variables.
missing_values: str, default=raises Whether the missing values should be raised as error, ig-
nored or included as an additional value of the variable, when considering if the feature is
constant or quasi-constant. Takes values ‘raise’, ‘ignore’, ‘include’.


features_to_drop_: List with constant and quasi-constant features.

variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



This transformer is a similar concept to the VarianceThreshold from Scikit-learn, but it evaluates number of
unique values instead of variance

7.11. Feature Selection 135

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


fit: Find constant and quasi-constant features.

transform: Remove constant and quasi-constant features.
fit_transform: Fit to the data. Then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Find constant and quasi-constant features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input dataframe.
y: None y is not needed for this transformer. You can pass y or None.
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..


The DropConstantFeatures() drops constant and quasi-constant variables from a dataframe. By default, DropConstant-
Features drops only constant variables. This transformer works with both numerical and categorical variables.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.selection import DropConstantFeatures

# Load dataset
def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data['pclass'] = data['pclass'].astype('O')
data['embarked'].fillna('C', inplace=True)
return data

# load data as pandas dataframe

data = load_titanic()

(continues on next page)

136 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)

# Separate into train and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived', 'name', 'ticket'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the transformer

transformer = DropConstantFeatures(tol=0.7, missing_values='ignore')

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t = transformer.transform(X_train)


['parch', 'cabin', 'embarked']

We see in the following code snippets that for the variables parch and embarked, more than 70% of the observations
displayed the same value:

X_train['embarked'].value_counts() / len(X_train)

S 0.711790
C 0.197598
Q 0.090611
Name: embarked, dtype: float64

71% of the passengers embarked in S.

X_train['parch'].value_counts() / len(X_train)

0 0.771834
1 0.125546
2 0.086245
3 0.005459
4 0.004367
5 0.003275
6 0.002183
9 0.001092
Name: parch, dtype: float64

77% of the passengers had 0 parent or child. Because of this, these features were deemed constant and removed.

7.11. Feature Selection 137

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.11.3 DropDuplicateFeatures

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.DropDuplicateFeatures(variables=None, missing_values='ignore')

DropDuplicateFeatures() finds and removes duplicated features in a dataframe.
Duplicated features are identical features, regardless of the variable or column name. If they show the same
values for every observation, then they are considered duplicated.
The transformer will first identify and store the duplicated variables. Next, the transformer will drop these
variables from a dataframe.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to evaluate. If None, the transformer will
evaluate all variables in the dataset.
missing_values [str, default=ignore] Takes values ‘raise’ and ‘ignore’. Whether the missing
values should be raised as error or ignored when finding duplicated features.


features_to_drop_: Set with the duplicated features that will be dropped.

duplicated_feature_sets_: Groups of duplicated features. Each list is a group of duplicated features.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Find duplicated features.

transform: Remove duplicated features
fit_transform: Fit to data. Then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Find duplicated features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input dataframe.
y: None y is not needed for this transformer. You can pass y or None.
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

138 Chapter 7. Open Source

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rtype DataFrame ..


The DropDuplicateFeatures() finds and removes duplicated variables from a dataframe. The user can pass a list of
variables to examine, or alternatively the selector will examine all variables in the data set.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from feature_engine.selection import DropDuplicateFeatures

def load_titanic():
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].astype(str).str[0]
data = data[['pclass', 'survived', 'sex', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'cabin',

data = pd.concat([data, data[['sex', 'age', 'sibsp']]], axis=1)

data.columns = ['pclass', 'survived', 'sex', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'cabin',

'sex_dup', 'age_dup', 'sibsp_dup']

return data

# load data as pandas dataframe

data = load_titanic()

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived'], axis=1),
data['survived'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the transformer

transformer = DropDuplicateFeatures()

# fit the transformer

# transform the data

train_t = transformer.transform(X_train)


Index(['pclass', 'sex', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'cabin', 'embarked'], dtype='object')


{'age_dup', 'sex_dup', 'sibsp_dup'}

7.11. Feature Selection 139

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


[{'sex', 'sex_dup'}, {'age', 'age_dup'}, {'sibsp', 'sibsp_dup'}]

7.11.4 DropCorrelatedFeatures

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.DropCorrelatedFeatures(variables=None, method='pearson',

threshold=0.8, missing_values='ignore')
DropCorrelatedFeatures() finds and removes correlated features. Correlation is calculated with pandas.corr().
Features are removed on first found first removed basis, without any further insight.
DropCorrelatedFeatures() works only with numerical variables. Categorical variables will need to be encoded
to numerical or will be excluded from the analysis.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to evaluate. If None, the transformer will
evaluate all numerical variables in the dataset.
method: string or callable, default=’pearson’ Can take ‘pearson’, ‘spearman’, ‘kendall’ or
callable. It refers to the correlation method to be used to identify the correlated features.
• pearson : standard correlation coefficient
• kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient
• spearman : Spearman rank correlation
• callable: callable with input two 1d ndarrays and returning a float.
For more details on this parameter visit the pandas.corr() documentation.
threshold: float, default=0.8 The correlation threshold above which a feature will be deemed
correlated with another one and removed from the dataset.
missing_values: str, default=ignore Takes values ‘raise’ and ‘ignore’. Whether the missing
values should be raised as error or ignored when determining correlation.


features_to_drop_: Set with the correlated features that will be dropped.

correlated_feature_sets_: Groups of correlated features. Each list is a group of correlated features.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:


140 Chapter 7. Open Source

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fit: Find correlated features.

transform: Remove correlated features.
fit_transform: Fit to the data. Then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Find the correlated features.
X [pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]] The training dataset.
y [pandas series. Default = None] y is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..


The DropCorrelatedFeatures() finds and removes correlated variables from a dataframe. The user can pass a list of
variables to examine, or alternatively the selector will examine all numerical variables in the data set.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from feature_engine.selection import DropCorrelatedFeatures

# make dataframe with some correlated variables

def make_data():
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000,

# trasform arrays into pandas df and series

colnames = ['var_'+str(i) for i in range(12)]
X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns =colnames)
(continues on next page)

7.11. Feature Selection 141

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(continued from previous page)

return X

X = make_data()

tr = DropCorrelatedFeatures(variables=None, method='pearson', threshold=0.8)

Xt = tr.fit_transform(X)


[{'var_0', 'var_8'}, {'var_4', 'var_6', 'var_7', 'var_9'}]


{'var_6', 'var_7', 'var_8', 'var_9'}


var_0 var_1 var_2 var_3 var_4 var_5 var_10 \

0 1.471061 -2.376400 -0.247208 1.210290 -3.247521 0.091527 2.070526
1 1.819196 1.969326 -0.126894 0.034598 -2.910112 -0.186802 1.184820
2 1.625024 1.499174 0.334123 -2.233844 -3.399345 -0.313881 -0.066448
3 1.939212 0.075341 1.627132 0.943132 -4.783124 -0.468041 0.713558
4 1.579307 0.372213 0.338141 0.951526 -3.199285 0.729005 0.398790

0 -1.989335
1 -1.309524
2 -0.852703
3 0.484649
4 -0.186530

7.11.5 SmartCorrelatedSelection

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.SmartCorrelatedSelection(variables=None, method='pearson',

threshold=0.8, missing_values='ignore',
estimator=None, scoring='roc_auc', cv=3)
SmartCorrelatedSelection() finds groups of correlated features and then selects, from each group, a feature fol-
lowing certain criteria:
• Feature with least missing values
• Feature with most unique values
• Feature with highest variance
• Best performing feature according to estimator entered by user

142 Chapter 7. Open Source

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SmartCorrelatedSelection() returns a dataframe containing from each group of correlated features, the selected
variable, plus all original features that were not correlated to any other.
Correlation is calculated with pandas.corr().
SmartCorrelatedSelection() works only with numerical variables. Categorical variables will need to be encoded
to numerical or will be excluded from the analysis.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to evaluate. If None, the transformer will
evaluate all numerical variables in the dataset.
method: string or callable, default=’pearson’ Can take ‘pearson’, ‘spearman’, ‘kendall’ or
callable. It refers to the correlation method to be used to identify the correlated features.
• pearson : standard correlation coefficient
• kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient
• spearman : Spearman rank correlation
• callable: callable with input two 1d ndarrays and returning a float.
For more details on this parameter visit the pandas.corr() documentation.
threshold: float, default=0.8 The correlation threshold above which a feature will be deemed
correlated with another one and removed from the dataset.
missing_values: str, default=ignore Takes values ‘raise’ and ‘ignore’. Whether the missing
values should be raised as error or ignored when determining correlation.
selection_method: str, default= “missing_values” Takes the values “missing_values”, “cardi-
nality”, “variance” and “model_performance”.
“missing_values”: keeps the feature from the correlated group with least missing observa-
“cardinality”: keeps the feature from the correlated group with the highest cardinality.
“variance”: keeps the feature from the correlated group with the highest variance.
“model_performance”: trains a machine learning model using the correlated feature group
and retains the feature with the highest importance.
estimator: object, default = None A Scikit-learn estimator for regression or classification.
scoring: str, default=’roc_auc’ Desired metric to optimise the performance of the estimator.
Comes from sklearn.metrics. See the model evaluation documentation for more options:
cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=3 Determines the cross-validation
splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:
• None, to use cross_validate’s default 5-fold cross validation
• int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
• CV splitter
– (
• An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.
For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, Strat-
ifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, Fold is used. These splitters are instantiated with
shuffle=False so the splits will be the same across calls.

7.11. Feature Selection 143

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

For more details check Scikit-learn’s cross_validate documentation


correlated_feature_sets_: Groups of correlated features. Each list is a group of correlated features.

features_to_drop_: The correlated features to remove from the dataset.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

See also:



fit: Find best feature from each correlated groups.

transform: Return selected features.
fit_transform: Fit to the data. Then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Find the correlated feature groups. Determine which feature should be selected from each group.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training dataset.
y: pandas series. Default = None y is needed if selection_method ==
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..

144 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from feature_engine.selection import SmartCorrelatedSelection

# make dataframe with some correlated variables

def make_data():
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000,

# trasform arrays into pandas df and series

colnames = ['var_'+str(i) for i in range(12)]
X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=colnames)
return X

X = make_data()

# set up the selector

tr = SmartCorrelatedSelection(

Xt = tr.fit_transform(X)


[{'var_0', 'var_8'}, {'var_4', 'var_6', 'var_7', 'var_9'}]


['var_0', 'var_4', 'var_6', 'var_9']


var_1 var_2 var_3 var_5 var_10 var_11 var_8 \

0 -2.376400 -0.247208 1.210290 0.091527 2.070526 -1.989335 2.070483
1 1.969326 -0.126894 0.034598 -0.186802 1.184820 -1.309524 2.421477
2 1.499174 0.334123 -2.233844 -0.313881 -0.066448 -0.852703 2.263546
3 0.075341 1.627132 0.943132 -0.468041 0.713558 0.484649 2.792500
(continues on next page)

7.11. Feature Selection 145

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

4 0.372213 0.338141 0.951526 0.729005 0.398790 -0.186530 2.186741

0 -2.230170
1 -1.447490
2 -2.240741
3 -3.534861
4 -2.053965

7.11.6 SelectByShuffling

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.SelectByShuffling(estimator, scoring='roc_auc', cv=3,

threshold=None, variables=None,
SelectByShuffling() selects features by determining the drop in machine learning model performance when each
feature’s values are randomly shuffled.
If the variables are important, a random permutation of their values will decrease dramatically the machine
learning model performance. Contrarily, the permutation of the values should have little to no effect on the
model performance metric we are assessing.
The SelectByShuffling() first trains a machine learning model utilising all features. Next, it shuffles the values
of 1 feature, obtains a prediction with the pre-trained model, and determines the performance drop (if any). If
the drop in performance is bigger than a threshold then the feature is retained, otherwise removed. It continues
until all features have been shuffled and the drop in performance evaluated.
The user can determine the model for which performance drop after feature shuffling should be assessed. The
user also determines the threshold in performance under which a feature will be removed, and the performance
metric to evaluate.
Model training and performance calculation are done with cross-validation.
estimator: object A Scikit-learn estimator for regression or classification.
variables: str or list, default=None The list of variable(s) to be shuffled from the dataframe.
If None, the transformer will shuffle all numerical variables in the dataset.
scoring: str, default=’roc_auc’ Desired metric to optimise the performance for the estimator.
Comes from sklearn.metrics. See the model evaluation documentation for more options:
threshold: float, int, default = None The value that defines if a feature will be kept or
removed. Note that for metrics like roc-auc, r2_score and accuracy, the thresholds
will be floats between 0 and 1. For metrics like the mean_square_error and the
root_mean_square_error the threshold will be a big number. The threshold can be de-
fined by the user. If None, the selector will select features which performance drift is
smaller than the mean performance drift across all features.
cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=3 Determines the cross-
validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:
• None, to use cross_validate’s default 5-fold cross validation

146 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,

• CV splitter
– (
• An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.
For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass,
StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, Fold is used. These splitters are instantiated
with shuffle=False so the splits will be the same across calls.
For more details check Scikit-learn’s cross_validate documentation
random_state: int, default=None Controls the randomness when shuffling features.


initial_model_performance_: Performance of the model trained using the original dataset.

performance_drifts_: Dictionary with the performance drift per shuffled feature.
features_to_drop_: List with the features to remove from the dataset.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Find the important features.

transform: Reduce X to the selected features.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y)
Find the important features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input dataframe
y: array-like of shape (n_samples) Target variable. Required to train the estimator.
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..

7.11. Feature Selection 147

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


The SelectByShuffling() selects important features if permutation their values at random produces a decrease in the
initial model performance.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from feature_engine.selection import SelectByShuffling

# load dataset
diabetes_X, diabetes_y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
X = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_X)
y = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_y)

# initialize linear regresion estimator

linear_model = LinearRegression()

# initialize feature selector

tr = SelectByShuffling(estimator=linear_model, scoring="r2", cv=3)

# fit transformer
Xt = tr.fit_transform(X, y)




{0: -0.02368121940502793,
1: 0.017909161264480666,
2: 0.18565460365508413,
3: 0.07655405817715671,
4: 0.4327180164470878,
5: 0.16394693824418372,
6: -0.012876023845921625,
7: 0.01048781540981647,
8: 0.3921465005640224,
9: -0.01427065640301245}


[0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9]


1 2 3 4 5 7 8
0 0.050680 0.061696 0.021872 -0.044223 -0.034821 -0.002592 0.019908
1 -0.044642 -0.051474 -0.026328 -0.008449 -0.019163 -0.039493 -0.068330
2 0.050680 0.044451 -0.005671 -0.045599 -0.034194 -0.002592 0.002864
(continues on next page)

148 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

3 -0.044642 -0.011595 -0.036656 0.012191 0.024991 0.034309 0.022692
4 -0.044642 -0.036385 0.021872 0.003935 0.015596 -0.002592 -0.031991

7.11.7 SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance(estimator, scoring='roc_auc',

cv=3, threshold=None,
SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance() selects features based on the performance obtained from a machine learn-
ing model trained utilising a single feature. In other words, it trains a machine learning model for every single
feature, utilising that individual feature, then determines each model performance. If the performance of the
model based on the single feature is greater than a user specified threshold, then the feature is retained, otherwise
The models are trained on the individual features using cross-validation. The performance metric to evaluate
and the machine learning model to train are specified by the user.
estimator [object] A Scikit-learn estimator for regression or classification.
variables: str or list, default=None The list of variable(s) to be evaluated. If None, the trans-
former will evaluate all numerical variables in the dataset.
scoring: str, default=’roc_auc’ Desired metric to optimise the performance for the estimator.
Comes from sklearn.metrics. See the model evaluation documentation for more options:
threshold: float, int, default = None The value that defines if a feature will be kept or re-
The r2varies between 0 and 1. So a threshold needs to be set-up within these boundaries.
The roc-auc varies between 0.5 and 1. So a threshold needs to be set-up within these
For metrics like the mean_square_error and the root_mean_square_error the threshold
will be a big number.
The threshold can be specified by the user. If None, it will be automatically set to the
mean performance value of all features.
cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=3 Determines the cross-
validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:
• None, to use cross_validate’s default 5-fold cross validation
• int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
• CV splitter
– (
• An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

7.11. Feature Selection 149

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass,
StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, Fold is used. These splitters are instantiated
with shuffle=False so the splits will be the same across calls.
For more details check Scikit-learn’s cross_validate documentation


features_to_drop_: List with the features to remove from the dataset.

feature_performance_: Dictionary with the single feature model performance per feature.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Find the important features.

transform: Reduce X to the selected features.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y)
Select features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input dataframe
y: array-like of shape (n_samples) Target variable. Required to train the estimator.
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..

150 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


The SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance()selects features based on the performance of machine learning models trained
using individual features. In other words, selects features based on their individual performance, returned by estimators
trained on only that particular feature.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from feature_engine.selection import SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance

# load dataset
diabetes_X, diabetes_y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
X = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_X)
y = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_y)

# initialize feature selector

sel = SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance(
estimator=LinearRegression(), scoring="r2", cv=3, threshold=0.01)

# fit transformer, y)




{0: 0.029231969375784466,
1: -0.003738551760264386,
2: 0.336620809987693,
3: 0.19219056680145055,
4: 0.037115559827549806,
5: 0.017854228256932614,
6: 0.15153886177526896,
7: 0.17721609966501747,
8: 0.3149462084418813,
9: 0.13876602125792703}

7.11.8 SelectByTargetMeanPerformance

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.SelectByTargetMeanPerformance(variables=None,
threshold=0.5, bins=5,
strategy='equal_width', cv=3,
SelectByTargetMeanPerformance() uses the mean value of the target per category, or interval if the variable is nu-
merical, as proxy for target estimation. With this proxy and the real target, the selector determines a performance
metric for each feature, and then selects them based on this performance metric.

7.11. Feature Selection 151

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

SelectByTargetMeanPerformance() works with numerical and categorical variables.

The transformer works as follows:
1. Separates the training set into train and test sets.
Then, for each categorical variable:
2. Determines the mean target value per category per variable using the train set (equivalent of Target mean
3. Replaces the categories in the test set by the target mean values
4. Using the encoded variables and the real target calculates the roc-auc or r2
5. Selects the features which roc-auc or r2 is bigger than the indicated threshold
For each numerical variable:
2. Discretizes the variable into intervals of equal width or equal frequency (uses the discretizers of Feature-
3. Determines the mean value of the target per interval per variable using the train set
4. Replaces the intervals in the test set, by the target mean values
5. Using the encoded variable and the real target calculates the roc-auc or r2
6. Selects the features which roc-auc or r2 is bigger than the indicated threshold
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to evaluate. If None, the transformer will
evaluate all variables in the dataset.
scoring: string, default=’roc_auc_score’ This indicates the metrics score to perform the fea-
ture selection. The current implementation supports ‘roc_auc_score’ and ‘r2_score’.
threshold: float, default = None The performance threshold above which a feature will be
bins: int, default = 5 If the dataset contains numerical variables, the number of bins into
which the values will be sorted.
strategy: str, default = equal_width Whether to create the bins for discretization of numer-
ical variables of equal width or equal frequency.
cv: int, default=3 Desired number of cross-validation fold to be used to fit the estimator.
random_state: int, default=0 The random state setting in the train_test_split method.


features_to_drop_: List with the features to remove from the dataset.

feature_performance_: Dictionary with the performance proxy per feature.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.

152 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


fit: Find the important features.

transform: Reduce X to the selected features.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y)
Find the important features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input dataframe
y: array-like of shape (n_samples) Target variable. Required to train the estimator.
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from feature_engine.selection import SelectByTargetMeanPerformance

# load data
data = pd.read_csv('../titanic.csv')

# extract cabin letter

data['cabin'] = data['cabin'].str[0]

# replace infrequent cabins by N

data['cabin'] = np.where(data['cabin'].isin(['T', 'G']), 'N', data['cabin'])

# cap maximum values

data['parch'] = np.where(data['parch']>3,3,data['parch'])
data['sibsp'] = np.where(data['sibsp']>3,3,data['sibsp'])

# cast variables as object to treat as categorical

data[['pclass','sibsp','parch']] = data[['pclass','sibsp','parch']].astype('O')
(continues on next page)

7.11. Feature Selection 153

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# separate train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['survived'], axis=1),

# feature engine automates the selection for both categorical and numerical
# variables
sel = SelectByTargetMeanPerformance(
cv=2,# cross validation
random_state=1, #seed for reproducibility

# find important features, y_train)


['pclass', 'sex', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'cabin', 'embarked']


['age', 'fare']


{'pclass': 0.6802934787230475,
'sex': 0.7491365252482871,
'age': 0.5345141148737766,
'sibsp': 0.5720480307315783,
'parch': 0.5243557188989476,
'fare': 0.6600883312700917,
'cabin': 0.6379782658154696,
'embarked': 0.5672382248783936}


['age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'embarked']

# remove features
X_train = sel.transform(X_train)
X_test = sel.transform(X_test)
(continues on next page)

154 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

X_train.shape, X_test.shape

((914, 4), (392, 4))

7.11.9 RecursiveFeatureElimination

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.RecursiveFeatureElimination(estimator, scoring='roc_auc', cv=3,

threshold=0.01, variables=None)
RecursiveFeatureElimination selects features following a recursive process.
The process is as follows:
1. Train an estimator using all the features.
2. Rank the features according to their importance, derived from the estimator.
3. Remove the least important and fit a new estimator with the remaining variables.
4. Calculate the performance of the new estimator.
5. Calculate the difference in performance between the new and the original estimator.
6. If the performance drops beyond the threshold, then that feature is important and will be kept. Otherwise, that
feature is removed.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 until all features have been evaluated.
Model training and performance calculation are done with cross-validation.
estimator: object A Scikit-learn estimator for regression or classification. The estimator
must have either a feature_importances or coef_ attribute after fitting.
variables: str or list, default=None The list of variable to be evaluated. If None, the trans-
former will evaluate all numerical features in the dataset.
scoring: str, default=’roc_auc’ Desired metric to optimise the performance of the estimator.
Comes from sklearn.metrics. See the model evaluation documentation for more options:
threshold: float, int, default = 0.01 The value that defines if a feature will be kept or re-
moved. Note that for metrics like roc-auc, r2_score and accuracy, the thresholds
will be floats between 0 and 1. For metrics like the mean_square_error and the
root_mean_square_error the threshold will be a big number. The threshold must be de-
fined by the user. Bigger thresholds will select less features.
cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=3 Determines the cross-
validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:
• None, to use cross_validate’s default 5-fold cross validation
• int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
• CV splitter
– (

7.11. Feature Selection 155

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass,
StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, Fold is used. These splitters are instantiated
with shuffle=False so the splits will be the same across calls.
For more details check Scikit-learn’s cross_validate documentation


initial_model_performance_ : Performance of the model trained using the original dataset.

feature_importances_ : Pandas Series with the feature importance (comes from step 2)
performance_drifts_: Dictionary with the performance drift per examined feature.
features_to_drop_: List with the features to remove from the dataset.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Find the important features.

transform: Reduce X to the selected features.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y)
Find the important features. Note that the selector trains various models at each round of selection, so it
might take a while.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input dataframe
y: array-like of shape (n_samples) Target variable. Required to train the estimator.
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..

156 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from feature_engine.selection import RecursiveFeatureElimination

# load dataset
diabetes_X, diabetes_y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
X = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_X)
y = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_y)

# initialize linear regresion estimator

linear_model = LinearRegression()

# initialize feature selector

tr = RecursiveFeatureElimination(estimator=linear_model, scoring="r2", cv=3)

# fit transformer
Xt = tr.fit_transform(X, y)

# get the initial linear model performance, using all features



# Get the performance drift of each feature


{0: -0.0032796652347705235,
9: -0.00028200591588534163,
6: -0.0006752869546966522,
7: 0.00013883578730117252,
1: 0.011956170569096924,
3: 0.028634492035512438,
5: 0.012639090879036363,
2: 0.06630127204137715,
8: 0.1093736570697495,
4: 0.024318093565432353}

# the features to remove


[0, 6, 7, 9]


1 3 5 2 8 4
0 0.050680 0.021872 -0.034821 0.061696 0.019908 -0.044223
1 -0.044642 -0.026328 -0.019163 -0.051474 -0.068330 -0.008449
2 0.050680 -0.005671 -0.034194 0.044451 0.002864 -0.045599
(continues on next page)

7.11. Feature Selection 157

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

3 -0.044642 -0.036656 0.024991 -0.011595 0.022692 0.012191
4 -0.044642 0.021872 0.015596 -0.036385 -0.031991 0.003935

7.11.10 RecursiveFeatureAddition

API Reference

class feature_engine.selection.RecursiveFeatureAddition(estimator, scoring='roc_auc', cv=3,

threshold=0.01, variables=None)
RecursiveFeatureAddition selects features following a recursive process.
The process is as follows:
1. Train an estimator using all the features.
2. Rank the features according to their importance, derived from the estimator.
3. Train an estimator with the most important feature and determine its performance.
4. Add the second most important feature and train a new estimator.
5. Calculate the difference in performance between the last estimator and the previous one.
6. If the performance increases beyond the threshold, then that feature is important and will be kept. Otherwise,
that feature is removed.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 until all features have been evaluated.
Model training and performance calculation are done with cross-validation.
estimator: object A Scikit-learn estimator for regression or classification. The estimator
must have either a feature_importances or coef_ attribute after fitting.
variables: str or list, default=None The list of variable to be evaluated. If None, the trans-
former will evaluate all numerical features in the dataset.
scoring: str, default=’roc_auc’ Desired metric to optimise the performance of the estimator.
Comes from sklearn.metrics. See the model evaluation documentation for more options:
threshold: float, int, default = 0.01 The value that defines if a feature will be kept or re-
moved. Note that for metrics like roc-auc, r2_score and accuracy, the thresholds
will be floats between 0 and 1. For metrics like the mean_square_error and the
root_mean_square_error the threshold will be a big number. The threshold must be de-
fined by the user. Bigger thresholds will select less features.
cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=3 Determines the cross-
validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:
• None, to use cross_validate’s default 5-fold cross validation
• int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
• CV splitter
– (
• An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

158 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass,
StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, Fold is used. These splitters are instantiated
with shuffle=False so the splits will be the same across calls.
For more details check Scikit-learn’s cross_validate documentation


initial_model_performance_ : Performance of the model trained using the original dataset.

feature_importances_ : Pandas Series with the feature importance (comes from step 2)
performance_drifts_: Dictionary with the performance drift per examined feature.
features_to_drop_: List with the features to remove from the dataset.
variables_: The variables to consider for the feature selection.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Find the important features.

transform: Reduce X to the selected features.
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y)
Find the important features. Note that the selector trains various models at each round of selection, so it
might take a while.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input dataframe
y: array-like of shape (n_samples) Target variable. Required to train the estimator.
Return dataframe with selected features.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. The input dataframe.
X_transformed: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_selected_features]
Pandas dataframe with the selected features.

rtype DataFrame ..

7.11. Feature Selection 159

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from feature_engine.selection import RecursiveFeatureElimination

# load dataset
diabetes_X, diabetes_y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
X = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_X)
y = pd.DataFrame(diabetes_y)

# initialize linear regresion estimator

linear_model = LinearRegression()

# initialize feature selector

tr = RecursiveFeatureElimination(estimator=linear_model, scoring="r2", cv=3)

# fit transformer
Xt = tr.fit_transform(X, y)

# get the initial linear model performance, using all features



# Get the performance drift of each feature


{4: 0,
8: 0.2837159006046677,
2: 0.1377700238871593,
5: 0.0023329006089969906,
3: 0.0187608758643259,
1: 0.0027994385024313617,
7: 0.0026951300105543807,
6: 0.002683967832484757,
9: 0.0003040126429713075,
0: -0.007386876030245182}

# the features to drop


[0, 6, 7, 9]


4 8 2 3
0 -0.044223 0.019908 0.061696 0.021872
1 -0.008449 -0.068330 -0.051474 -0.026328
2 -0.045599 0.002864 0.044451 -0.005671
(continues on next page)

160 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

3 0.012191 0.022692 -0.011595 -0.036656
4 0.003935 -0.031991 -0.036385 0.021872

7.12 Scikit-learn Wrapper

Feature-engine’s Scikit-learn wrappers wrap Scikit-learn transformers allowing their implementation only on a selected
subset of features.

7.12.1 SklearnTransformerWrapper

API Reference

class feature_engine.wrappers.SklearnTransformerWrapper(transformer, variables=None)

Wrapper to apply Scikit-learn transformers to a selected group of variables. It works with transformers like the
SimpleImputer, OrdinalEncoder, OneHotEncoder, all the scalers and also the transformers for feature selection.
transformer: sklearn transformer The desired Scikit-learn transformer.
variables: list, default=None The list of variables to be transformed. If None, the wrapper
will select all variables of type numeric for all transformers, except the SimpleImputer, Or-
dinalEncoder and OneHotEncoder, in which case, it will select all variables in the dataset.


transformer_: The fitted Scikit-learn transformer.

variables_: The group of variables that will be transformed.
n_features_in_: The number of features in the train set used in fit.


fit: Fit Scikit-learn transformer

transform: Transform data with Scikit-learn transformer
fit_transform: Fit to data, then transform it.

fit(X, y=None)
Fits the Scikit-learn transformer to the selected variables.
If you enter None in the variables parameter, all variables will be automatically transformed by the OneHo-
tEncoder, OrdinalEncoder or SimpleImputer. For the rest of the transformers, only the numerical variables
will be selected and transformed.
If you enter a list in the variables attribute, the SklearnTransformerWrapper will check that those variables
exist in the dataframe and are of type numeric for all transformers except the OneHotEncoder, OrdinalEn-
coder or SimpleImputer, which also accept categorical variables.

7.12. Scikit-learn Wrapper 161

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

X: Pandas DataFrame The dataset to fit the transformer

y: pandas Series, default=None The target variable.
TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
Apply the transformation to the dataframe. Only the selected variables will be modified.
If transformer is the OneHotEncoder, the dummy features will be concatenated to the input dataset. Note
that the original categorical variables will not be removed from the dataset after encoding. If this is the
desired effect, please use Feature-engine’s OneHotEncoder instead.
X: Pandas DataFrame The data to transform
X: Pandas DataFrame The transformed dataset.

rtype DataFrame ..

TypeError If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame


Implements Scikit-learn transformers like the SimpleImputer, the OrdinalEncoder or most scalers only to the selected
subset of features.
In the next code snippet we show how to wrap the SimpleImputer from Scikit-learn to impute only the selected variables.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from feature_engine.wrappers import SklearnTransformerWrapper

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the wrapper with the SimpleImputer

imputer = SklearnTransformerWrapper(transformer = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean'),
variables = ['LotFrontage', 'MasVnrArea'])

# fit the wrapper + SimpleImputer

(continues on next page)

162 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# transform the data

X_train = imputer.transform(X_train)
X_test = imputer.transform(X_test)

In the next snippet of code we show how to wrap the StandardScaler from Scikit-learn to standardize only the selected

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from feature_engine.wrappers import SklearnTransformerWrapper

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

# set up the wrapper with the StandardScaler

scaler = SklearnTransformerWrapper(transformer = StandardScaler(),
variables = ['LotFrontage', 'MasVnrArea'])

# fit the wrapper + StandardScaler

# transform the data

X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

In the next snippet of code we show how to wrap the SelectKBest from Scikit-learn to select only a subset of the

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression, SelectKBest
from feature_engine.wrappers import SklearnTransformerWrapper

# Load dataset
data = pd.read_csv('houseprice.csv')

# Separate into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
data.drop(['Id', 'SalePrice'], axis=1),
data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)

cols = [var for var in X_train.columns if X_train[var].dtypes !='O']

(continues on next page)

7.12. Scikit-learn Wrapper 163

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

(continued from previous page)

# let's apply the standard scaler on the above variables

selector = SklearnTransformerWrapper(
transformer = SelectKBest(f_regression, k=5),
variables = cols), y_train)

# transform the data

X_train_t = selector.transform(X_train.fillna(0))
X_test_t = selector.transform(X_test.fillna(0))

7.13 Tutorials

7.13.1 Code tutorials

Coming Soon!

7.13.2 Kaggle Kernels

• Feature selection for bank customer satisfaction prediction

• Feature engineering and selection for house price prediction
• Feature creation for wine quality prediction
• Feature engineering and model stacking for house price modelling

7.13.3 Video tutorials

You can find some videos on how to use Feature-engine in our you tube Feature-engine playlist. The list is a bit short
at the moment, apologies.

7.14 How To

Find jupyter notebooks with examples of each transformer functionality. Within each folder, you will find a jupyter
notebook showcasing the functionality of each transformer.

164 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.15 Books

You can learn more about how to use Feature-engine and feature engineering in general in the following books:

7.16 Courses

You can learn more about how to use Feature-engine and, feature engineering
and feature selection in general in the following online courses:

Fig. 4: Feature Engineering for Ma-

chine Learning

7.17 Blogs and Videos

Articles and videos about Feature-engine and feature engineering and selection
in general.

7.17.1 Blogs

• Feature-engine: A new open-source Python package for feature engineering.

• Practical Code Implementations of Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
with Python.
• Streamlining Feature Engineering Pipelines with Feature-engine.
• Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: A comprehensive Overview.
• Feature Selection for Machine Learning: A comprehensive Overview.

7.17.2 Videos

• Optimising Feature Engineering Pipelines with Feature-engine, Pydata Cam-

bridge 2020, from minute 51:43.

7.15. Books 165

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.17.3 En Español

• Ingeniería de variables para machine learning, Curso Online.

• Ingeniería de variables, MachinLenin, charla con video online.
• Ingeniería de atributos para aprendizaje automático: una revisión completa,
• Paquetes Python de código abierto para la ingeniería de atributos: Compara-
ciones y conclusiones, Artículo.
• Feature-engine: Un paquete Python de código abierto para la ingeniería de
atributos, Artículo.
More resources will be added as they appear online!

7.18 Roadmap

This document provides general directions on what the core contributors would
like to see developed in Feature-engine. As resources are limited, we can’t
promise when or if the transformers listed here will be included in the library.
We welcome all the help we can get to support this vision. If you are interested
in contributing, please get in touch.

7.18.1 Purpose

Feature-engine’s mission is to simplify and streamline the implementation of

end-to-end feature engineering pipelines. It aims to help users both during the
research phase and while putting a model in production.
Feature-engine makes data engineering easy by allowing the selection of fea-
ture subsets directly within its transformers. It also interlaces well with ex-
ploratory data analysis (EDA) by returning dataframes for easy data explo-
Feature-engine’s transformers preserve Scikit-learn functionality with the
methods fit() and transform() and can be integrated into a Pipeline to simplify
putting the model in production.
Feature-engine was designed to be used in real settings. Each transformer has a
concrete aim, and is tailored to certain variables and certain data. Transformers
raise errors and warnings to support the user to use a suitable transformation
given the data. These errors help avoid inadvertedly incorporating missing
values to the dataframe at unwanted stages of the development.

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7.18.2 Vision

At the moment, Feature-engine’s functionality is tailored to cross-sectional or

tabular data, mostly numerical or categorical. But we would like to extend
its functionality to work with datetime, text and time series. In the following
figure we show how we would like the overall structure of Feature-engine to
look like:

Fig. 6: Feature-engine structure

7.18.3 Current functionality

Most of the functionality for cross-sectional data is already included in the

package. We expand and update this arm of the library, based on user feedback
and suggestions and our own research in the field. In grey, the transformers that
are not yet included in the package:
The current transformations supported by Feature-engine return features that
are easy to interpret, and the effects of the transformations are clear and easy
to understand. The original aim of Feature-engine was to provide technology
that is suitable to create models that will be used in real settings, and return
understandable variables.
Having said this, more and more, users are requesting features to combine or
transform variables in ways that would return features that are not human read-
able, in an attempt to improve model performance and perhaps have an edge in
data science competitions. We are currently contemplating the incorporation
of this functionality to the package.

7.18. Roadmap 167

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

Fig. 7: Transformers for cross-sectional data

7.18.4 Wanted functionality

We are interested in adding a module that creates date and time related features
from datetime variables. This module would include transformers to extract all
possible date and time related features, like hr, min, sec, day, year, is_weekend,
etc. And it would also include transformers to capture elapsed time between 2
or more variables.
We would also like to add a module that returns straightforward features from
simple text variables, to capture text complexity, like for example counting the
number of words, unique words, lexical complexity, number of paragraphs and
sentences. We would also consider integrating the Bag of Words and TFiDF
from sklearn with a wrapper that returns a dataframe ready to use to train ma-
chine learning models. Below we show more detail into these new modules.
In addition, we are evaluating whether including a module to extract features
from time series is possible, within the current design of the package, and
if it adds real value compared to the functionality already existing in pandas
and Scipy, and in other well established open source projects like tsfresh and
featuretools. The transformations we are considering are shown in this image:

168 Chapter 7. Open Source

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Fig. 8: New models wanted: datetime and text

Fig. 9: Time series module and the transformations envisioned

7.18. Roadmap 169

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7.18.5 Goals

Our main goals are:

• Continue maintaining a high-quality, well-documented collection of canonical
tools for data processing
• Expand the documentation with more examples about Feature-engine’s func-
• Expand the documentation with more detail on how to contribute to the pack-
• Expand the library’s functionality as per the precedent paragraphs
For more fine-grained goals and current and lined-up issues please visit the
issue section in our repo.

7.19 About

7.19.1 History

Data scientists spend a huge amount of time on data pre-processing and trans-
formation. It would be great (we thought back in the day) to gather the most fre-
quently used data pre-processing techniques and transformations in a library,
from which we could pick and choose the transformation that we need, and use
it just like we would use any other sklearn class. This was the original vision
for Feature-engine.
Feature-engine is an open source Python package originally designed to sup-
port the online course Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Udemy,
but has now gained popularity and supports transformations beyond those
taught in the course. It was launched in 2017, and since then, several releases
have appeared and a growing international community is beginning to lead the

7.19.2 Governance

The decision making process and governance structure of Feature-engine is

laid out in the governance document.

7.19.3 Core contributors

The following people are currently core contributors to Feature-engine’s de-

velopment and maintenance:

170 Chapter 7. Open Source

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7.19.4 Contributors

You can learn more about Feature-engine’s Contributors in the GitHub con-
tributors page.

7.19.5 Citing Feature-engine

Coming soon

7.20 Contributing

Feature-engine is an open source project, originally designed to support the

online course Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Udemy, but has
now gained popularity and supports transformations beyond those taught in
the course.
Feature-engine is currently supported by a small community and we will be
delighted to accept contributions, large or small, that you wish to make to
the project. Contributing to open-source is a great way to learn and improve
coding skills, and also a fun thing to do. If you’ve never contributed to an open
source project, we hope to make it easy for you with the following guidelines.
There are many ways to contribute to Feature-engine:
• Create a new variable transformer
• Add additional functionality to current transformers
• Fix a bug
• Submit a bug report or feature request on GitHub issues.
• Add a Jupyter notebook to our Jupyter notebooks example gallery.
• Improve our documentation.
• Write unit tests.
• Write a blog, tweet, or share our project with others.
With plenty of ways to get involved, we would be happy for you to support the
project. You only need to abide by the principles of openness, respect, and
consideration of others, as described in the Python Software Foundation Code
of Conduct and you are ready to go!.

7.20.1 Getting in touch

We prefer to handle most contributions through the github repository. You can
also join our mailing list.
1. Open issues.
2. Gitter community.

7.20. Contributing 171

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

7.20.2 Contributing Guide

Getting Started with Feature-engine on GitHub

Feature-engine is hosted on GitHub.

A typical contributing workflow goes like this:
1. Find a bug while using Feature-engine, suggest new functionality, or pick
up an issue from our repo.
2. Discuss with us your approach to resolve the issue.
3. Then, fork the repository into your GitHub account.
4. Clone your fork into your local computer.
5. Code the feature, the tests and update or add the documentation.
6. Make a Pull Request (PR) with your changes.
7. Review the code with one of us, who will guide you to a final submission.
8. Merge your contribution into the Feature-engine source code base.
It is important that we communicate right from the beginning, so we have a
clear understanding of how you would like to get involved and what is needed
to complete the task.

Forking the Repository

When you fork the repository, you create a copy of Feature-engine’s source
code into your account, which you can edit. To fork Feature-engine’s reposi-
tory, click the fork button in the upper right corner of Feature-engine’s GitHub

Setting up the Development Environment

Once you forked the repository, follow these steps to set up your development
1. Clone your fork into your local machine:

$ git␣

2. Set up an upstream remote from where you can pull the latest code changes
occurring in the main Feature-engine repository:

$ git remote add upstream␣


$ git remote -v
origin https:/
˓→/ (fetch)

origin https:/
˓→/ (push)

(continues on next page)

172 Chapter 7. Open Source

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(continued from previous page)

upstream https:/
˓→/ (fetch)

upstream https:/
˓→/ (push)

Keep in mind that Feature-engine is being actively developed, so you may need
to update your fork regularly. See below for tips on Keeping your fork up to
3. Optional but highly advisable: Create a virtual environment. Use any vir-
tual environment tool of your choice. Some examples include:
1. venv
2. conda environments
4. Change directory into the cloned repository:

$ cd feature_engine

5. Install Feature_engine in developer mode:

$ pip install -e .

This will add Feature-engine to your PYTHONPATH so your code edits are
automatically picked up, and there is no need to re-install the package after
each code change.
6. Install the additional dependencies for tests and documentation:

$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt

$ pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

7. Make sure that your local master is up to date with the remote master:

$ git pull --rebase upstream master

If you just cloned your fork, your local master should be up to date. If you
cloned your fork a time ago, probably the main repository had some code
changes. To sync your fork master to the main repository master, read below
the section Keeping your fork up to date.
8. Create a new branch where you will develop your feature:

$ git checkout -b myfeaturebranch

There are 3 things to keep in mind when creating a feature branch. First, give
the branch a name that identifies the feature you are going to build. Second,
make sure you checked out your branch from master branch. Third, make sure
your local master was updated with the upstream master.
9. Once your code is ready, commit your changes and push your branch to your

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "my commit message"
$ git push origin myfeaturebranch

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This will add a new branch to your fork. In the commit message, be succint,
describe what is being added and if it resolves an issue, make sure to reference
the issue in the commit message (you can also do this from Github).
10. Go to your fork in Github, you will see the branch you just pushed and
next to it a button to create a PR. Go ahead and create a PR from your feature
branch to Feature_engine’s master branch.

Developing a New Feature

First thing, make a pull request (PR). Once you have written a bit of code for
your new feature, or bug fix, or example, or whatever task you are working on,
make a PR. The PR should be made from your feature_branch (in your fork),
to Feature-engine’s master branch in the main repository.
When you develop a new feature, or bug, or any contribution, there are a few
things to consider:
1. Make regular code commits to your branch, locally.
2. Give clear messages to your commits, indicating which changes were made at
each commit (use present tense)
3. Try and push regularly to your fork, so that you don’t lose your changes, should
a major catastrophe arise
4. If your feature takes some time to develop, make sure you rebase up-
stream/master onto your feature branch
Once your contribution contains the new code, the tests, and ideally the doc-
umentation, the review process will start. Likely, there will be some back and
forth until the final submission.
Once the submission is reviewed and provided the continuous integration tests
have passed and the code is up to date with Feature-engine’s master branch,
we will be ready to “Squash and Merge” your contribution into the master
branch of Feature-engine. “Squash and Merge” combines all of your commits
into a single commit which helps keep the history of the repository clean and
Once your contribution has been merged into master, you will be listed as a
Feature-engine contributor :)

Testing the Code in the PR

You can test the code functionality either in your development environment or
using tox. If you want to use tox:
1. Install tox in your development environment:

$ pip install tox

2. Make sure you are in the repository folder, alternatively:

$ cd feature_engine

3. Run the tests in tox:

174 Chapter 7. Open Source

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$ tox

If the tests pass, the local setup is complete.

If you want to know more about tox follow this link. If you want to know why
we prefer tox, this article will tell you everything ;)
If you prefer not to use tox, there are a few options. If you are using Pycharm:
1. In your project directory (where you have all the files and scripts), click
with the mouse right button on the folder “tests”.
2. Select “Run pytest in tests”.
3. Done!!
Sweet, isn’t it?
You can also run the tests from your command line:
1. Open a command line and change into the repo directory.
2. Run:

$ pytest

These command will run all the test scripts within the test folder. Alternatively,
you can run specific scripts as follows:
1. Change into the tests folder:

$ cd tests

2. Run a specific script, for example:

$ pytest

If running pytest without tox, that is in your development environment, make

sure you have the test dependencies installed. If not, from the root directory
of the repo and in your development environment run:

$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt

If tests pass, your code is functional. If not, try and fix the issue following the
error messages. If stuck, get in touch.

Keeping your Fork up to Date

When you’re collaborating using forks, it’s important to update your fork to
capture changes that have been made by other collaborators.
If your feature takes a few days or weeks to develop, it may happen that new
code changes are made to Feature_engine’s master branch by other contribu-
tors. Some of the files that are changed maybe the same files you are working
on. Thus, it is really important that you pull and rebase the upstream master
into your feature branch, fairly often. To keep your branches up to date:
1. Check out your local master:

7.20. Contributing 175

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$ git checkout master

If your feature branch has uncommited changes, it will ask you to commit or
stage those first.
2. Pull and rebase the upstream master on your local master:

$ git pull --rebase upstream master

Your master should be a copy of the upstream master. If was is not, there
may appear some conflicting files. You will need to resolve these conflicts and
continue the rebase.
3. Pull the changes to your fork:

$ git push -f origin master

The previous command will update your fork so that your fork’s master is in
sync with Feature-engine’s master. Now, you need to rebase master onto your
feature branch.
4. Check out your feature branch:

$ git checkout myfeaturebranch

5. Rebase master onto it:

$ git rebase master

Again, if conflicts arise, try and resolve them and continue the rebase. Now
you are good to go to continue developing your feature.

Merging Pull Requests

Only Core contributors have write access to the repository, can review and can
merge pull requests. Some preferences for commit messages when merging in
pull requests:
• Make sure to use the “Squash and Merge” option in order to create a Git history
that is understandable.
• Keep the title of the commit short and descriptive; be sure it includes the PR
# and the issue #.

After your PR is merged

Update your local fork (see section Keeping your fork updated) and delete
the feature branch.
Well done and thank you very much for your support!

176 Chapter 7. Open Source

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After a few features have been added to the master branch by yourself and other
contributors, we will merge master into a release branch, e.g. 0.6.X, to release
a new version of Feature-engine to PyPI.

Getting started with Feature-engine documentation

Feature-engine documentation is built using Sphinx and is hosted on Read the

To learn more about Sphinx follow the Sphinx Quickstart documentation.

Building the documentation

First, make sure you have properly installed Sphinx and the required depen-
1. If you haven’t done so, in your virtual environment, from the root folder of
the repository, install the requirements for the documentation:

$ pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

2. To build the documentation (and test if it is working properly):

$ sphinx-build -b html docs build

This command tells sphinx that the documentation files are within the docs
folder, and the html files should be placed in the build folder.
If everything worked fine, you can navigate the html files located in build.
Alternatively, you need to troubleshoot through the error messages returned
by sphinx.
Good luck and get in touch if stuck!

7.21 Code of Conduct

Feature-engine is an open source Python project. We follow the Python Soft-

ware Foundation Code of Conduct. All interactions among members of the
Feature-engine community must meet those guidelines. This includes (but is
not limited to) interactions through the mailing list, GitHub and StackOver-
Everyone is expected to be open, considerate, and respectful of others no mat-
ter what their position is within the project. We show gratitude for any con-
tribution, big or small. We welcome feedback and participation. We want to
make Feature-engine a nice, welcoming and safe place for you to do your first
contribution to open source, and why not the second, the third and so on :).

7.21. Code of Conduct 177

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7.22 Governance

The purpose of this document is to formalize the governance process used by

the Feature-engine project and clarify how decisions are made and how the
community works together. This is the first version of our governance policy
and will be updated as our community grows and more of us take on different

7.22.1 Roles and Responsibilities


Contributors are community members who contribute in various ways to the

project. Anyone can become a contributor, and contributions can be of various
forms, not just code. To see how you can help check the Contribute page.

Core Contributors

Core Contributors are community members who are dedicated to the continued
development of the project through ongoing engagement with the community.
Core Contributors are expected to review code contributions, can approve and
merge pull requests, can decide on the fate of pull requests, and can be involved
in deciding major changes to the Feature-engine API. Core Contributors de-
termine who can join as a Core Contributor.

Founder and Leadership

Feature-engine was founded by Soledad Galli who at the time was solely re-
sponsible for the initial prototypes, documentation, and dissemination of the
project. In the tradition of Python, Sole is referred to as the “benevolent dic-
tator for life” (BDFL) of the project, or simply, “the founder”. From a gover-
nance perspective, the BDFL has a special role in that they provide vision,
thought leadership, and high-level direction for the project’s members and
contributors. The BDFL has the authority to make all final decisions for the
Feature-engine Project. However, in practice, the BDFL, chooses to defer that
authority to the consensus of the community discussion channels and the Core
Contributors. The BDFL can also propose and vote for new Core Contributors.

7.22.2 Join the community

Feature-engine is currently looking to expand the team of Core Contributors,

if you are interested, please get in touch.
If you want to Contribute to the project in any other way, get in touch using
our Github issues page or through Gitter:
1. Github issues.
2. Gitter community.

178 Chapter 7. Open Source

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7.23 What’s new

Feature-engine’s creation transformers combine features into new variables

through various mathematical and other methods.

7.23.1 Version 1.1.2

Deployed: 31th August 2021


• Soledad Galli
This small release fixes a Bug in how the OneHotEncoder handles binary cat-
egorical variables when the parameter drop_last_binary is set to True. It
also ensures that the values in the OneHotEncoder.encoder_dict_ are lists
of categories and not arrays. These bugs were introduced in v1.1.0.

Bug fix

• OneHotEncoder: drop_last_binary now outputs 1 dummy variable per binary

variable when set to true

7.23.2 Version 1.1.1

Deployed: 6th August 2021


• Miguel Trema Marrufo

• Nicolas Galli
• Soledad Galli
In this release, we add a new transformer, expand the functionality of 2 other
transformers and migrate the repo to its own organisation!

Mayor changes

• Feature-engine is now hosted in its own Github organisation

7.23. What’s new 179

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New transformer

• LogCpTransformer: applies the logarithm transformation after adding a con-

stant (Miguel Trema Marrufo)

Minor changes

• Expands functionality of DropCorrelatedFeatures and

SmartCorrelationSelectionFeature to accept callables as a corre-
lation function (Miguel Trema Marrufo)
• Adds inverse_transform to all transformers from the transformation mod-
ule (Nicolas Galli).


• Migrates main repo to Feature-engine’s Github organisation

• Migrates example jupyter notebooks to separate repo
• Adds Roadmap

7.23.3 Version 1.1.0

Deployed: 22st June 2021


• Hector Patino
• Andrew Tan
• Shubhmay Potdar
• Agustin Firpo
• Indy Navarro Vidal
• Ashok Kumar
• Chris Samiullah
• Soledad Galli
In this release, we enforce compatibility with Scikit-learn by adding the
check_estimator tests to all transformers in the package.
In order to pass the tests, we needed to modify some of the internal function-
ality of Feature-engine transformers and create new attributes. We tried not to
break backwards compatibility as much as possible.

180 Chapter 7. Open Source

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Mayor changes

• Most transformers have now the additional attribute variables_ containing

the variables that will be modified. The former attribute variables is re-
tained. variables_ will almost always be identical to variables except
when the transformer is initialised with variables=None.
• The parameter transformer in the SklearnTransformerWrapper and the
parameter estimator in the SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance, Select-
ByShuffling, RecursiveFeatureElimination and RecursiveFeatureAddition
need a compulsory entry, and cannot be left blank when initialising the trans-
• Categorical encoders support now variables cast as category as well as
object (Shubhmay Potdar and Soledad Galli)
• Categorical encoders have now the parameter ignore_format to allow the
transformer to work with any variable type, and not just object or categorical.
• CategoricalImputer has now the parameter ignore_format to allow the
transformer to work with any variable type, and not just object or categorical.
• All transformers have now the new attribute n_features_in with captures the
number of features in the dataset used to train the transformer (during fit()).

Minor changes

• Feature selection transformers support now all cross-validation schemes in the

cv parameter, and not just an integer. That is, you can initialize the transformer
with LOOCV, or StratifiedCV for example.
• The OneHotEncoder includes additional functionality to return just 1 dummy
variable for categorical variables that contain only 2 categories. In the new
attribute variables_binary_ you can identify the original binary variables.
• MathematicalCombinator now supports use of dataframes with null values
(Agustin Firpo).

New transformer

• CyclicalTransformer: applies a cyclical transformation to numerical vari-

ables (Hector Patino)

Code improvement

• Tests from check_estimator added to all transformers

• Test for compatibility with Python 3.9 added to circleCI (Chris Samiullah
and Soledad Galli)
• Automatic black8 and linting added to tox
• Additional code fixes (Andrew Tan and Indy Navarro Vidal).

7.23. What’s new 181

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• Additional comparison tables for imputers and encoders.

• Updates Readme with new badges and resources.
• Expanded SklearnWrapper demos in Jupyter notebooks.
• Expanded outlier transformer demos in Jupyter notebooks (Ashok Kumar)
• Expanded Pipeline demos in Jupyter notebooks.


• Created Gitter community to support users and foster knowledge exchange

7.23.4 Version 1.0.2

Deployed: 22th January 2021


• Nicolas Galli
• Pradumna Suryawanshi
• Elamraoui Sohayb
• Soledad Galli

New transformers

• CombineWithReferenceFeatures: applies mathematical operations between

a group of variables and reference variables (by Nicolas Galli)
• DropMissingData: removes missing observations from a dataset (Pradumna

Bug Fix

• Fix bugs in SelectByTargetMeanPerformance.

• Fix documentation and jupyter notebook typos.


• Creation: updated “how to” examples on how to combine variables into new
features (by Elamraoui Sohayb and Nicolas Galli)
• Kaggle Kernels: include links to Kaggle kernels

182 Chapter 7. Open Source

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7.23.5 Version 1.0.1

Deployed: 11th January 2021

Bug Fix

• Fix use of r2 in SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance and SelectByTargetMean-

• Fix documentation not showing properly in readthedocs.

7.23.6 Version 1.0.0

Deployed: 31st December 2020


• Ashok Kumar
• Christopher Samiullah
• Nicolas Galli
• Nodar Okroshiashvili
• Pradumna Suryawanshi
• Sana Ben Driss
• Tejash Shah
• Tung Lee
• Soledad Galli
In this version, we made a major overhaul of the package, with code quality
improvement throughout the code base, unification of attributes and methods,
addition of new transformers and extended documentation. Read below for
more details.

New transformers for Feature Selection

We included a whole new module with multiple transformers to select features.

• DropConstantFeatures: removes constant and quasi-constant features from
a dataframe (by Tejash Shah)
• DropDuplicateFeatures: removes duplicated features from a dataset (by Te-
jash Shah and Soledad Galli)
• DropCorrelatedFeatures: removes features that are correlated (by Nicolas
• SmartCorrelationSelection: selects feature from group of correlated features
based on certain criteria (by Soledad Galli)
• ShuffleFeaturesSelector: selects features by drop in machine learning model
performance after feature’s values are randomly shuffled (by Sana Ben Driss)

7.23. What’s new 183

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• SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance: selects features based on a ML model

performance trained on individual features (by Nicolas Galli)
• SelectByTargetMeanPerformance: selects features encoding the categories
or intervals with the target mean and using that as proxy for performance (by
Tung Lee and Soledad Galli)
• RecursiveFeatureElimination: selects features recursively, evaluating the
drop in ML performance, from the least to the most important feature (by Sana
Ben Driss)
• RecursiveFeatureAddition: selects features recursively, evaluating the in-
crease in ML performance, from the most to the least important feature (by
Sana Ben Driss)

Renaming of Modules

Feature-engine transformers have been sorted into submodules to smooth the

development of the package and shorten import syntax for users.
• Module imputation: missing data imputers are now imported
from feature_engine.imputation instead of feature_engine.
• Module encoding: categorical variable encoders are now
imported from feature_engine.encoding instead of
• Module discretisation: discretisation transformers are now imported
from feature_engine.discretisation instead of feature_engine.
• Module transformation: transformers are now imported from
feature_engine.transformation instead of feature_engine.
• Module outliers: transformers to remove or censor outliers are now im-
ported from feature_engine.outliers instead of feature_engine.
• Module selection: new module hosts transformers to select or remove vari-
ables from a dataset.
• Module creation: new module hosts transformers that combine variables into
new features using mathematical or other operations.

Renaming of Classes

We shortened the name of categorical encoders, and also renamed other classes
to simplify import syntax.
• Encoders: the word Categorical was removed from the classes name. Now,
instead of MeanCategoricalEncoder, the class is called MeanEncoder. In-
stead of RareLabelCategoricalEncoder it is RareLabelEncoder and so
on. Please check the encoders documentation for more details.
• Imputers: the CategoricalVariableImputer is now called

184 Chapter 7. Open Source

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• Discretisers: the UserInputDiscretiser is now called

• Creation: the MathematicalCombinator is not called
• WoEEncoder and PRatioEncoder: the WoEEncoder now applies only en-
coding with the weight of evidence. To apply encoding by probability ratios,
use a different transformer: the PRatioEncoder (by Nicolas Galli).

Renaming of Parameters

We renamed a few parameters to unify the nomenclature across the Package.

• EndTailImputer: the parameter distribution is now called
imputation_method to unify convention among imputers. To impute
using the IQR, we now need to pass imputation_method="iqr" instead of
• AddMissingIndicator: the parameter missing_only now takes the boolean
values True or False.
• Winzoriser and OutlierTrimmer: the parameter distribution is now
called capping_method to unify names across Feature-engine transformers.


• Imputation: updated “how to” examples of missing data imputation (by Prad-
umna Suryawanshi)
• Encoders: new and updated “how to” examples of categorical encoding (by
Ashok Kumar)
• Discretisation: new and updated “how to” examples of discretisation (by
Ashok Kumar)
• Variable transformation: updated “how to” examples on how to apply math-
ematical transformations to variables (by Pradumna Suryawanshi)

For Contributors and Developers

Code Architecture

• Submodules: transformers have been grouped within relevant submodules

and modules.
• Individual tests: testing classes have been subdivided into individual tests
• Code Style: we adopted the use of flake8 for linting and PEP8 style checks,
and black for automatic re-styling of code.
• Type hint: we rolled out the use of type hint throughout classes and functions
(by Nodar Okroshiashvili, Soledad Galli and Chris Samiullah)

7.23. What’s new 185

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2


• Switched fully to numpydoc and away from Napoleon

• Included more detail about methods, parameters, returns and raises, as per
numpydoc docstring style (by Nodar Okroshiashvili, Soledad Galli)
• Linked documentation to github repository
• Improved layout

Other Changes

• Updated documentation: documentation reflects the current use of Feature-

engine transformers
• Typo fixes: Thank you to all who contributed to typo fixes (Tim Vink, Github
user @piecot)

7.23.7 Former Releases

Version 0.6.1

Deployed: Friday, September 18, 2020

Contributors: Soledad Galli
Minor Changes:
• Updated docs: updated and expanded Contributing guidelines, added Gover-
nance, updated references to Feature-engine online.
• Updated Readme: updated and expanded readme.

Version 0.6.0

Deployed: Friday, August 14, 2020

• Michał Gromiec
• Surya Krishnamurthy
• Gleb Levitskiy
• Karthik Kothareddy
• Richard Cornelius Suwandi
• Chris Samiullah
• Soledad Galli
Major Changes:
• New Transformer: the MathematicalCombinator allows you combine
multiple features into new variables by performing mathematical operations
like sum, product, mean, standard deviation, or finding the minimum and max-
imum values (by Michał Gromiec).

186 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• New Transformer: the DropFeatures allows you remove specified variables

from a dataset (by Karthik Kothareddy).
• New Transformer: the DecisionTreeCategoricalEncoder encodes cat-
egorical variables with a decision tree (by Surya Krishnamurthy).
• Bug fix: the SklearnTransformerWrapper can now automatically select
numerical or numerical and categorical variables depending on the Scikit-learn
transformer the user implements (by Michał Gromiec).
• Bug fix: the SklearnTransformerWrapper can now wrap Scikit-learn’s
OneHotEncoder and concatenate the binary features back to the original
dataframe (by Michał Gromiec).
• Added functionality: the ArbitraryNumberImputer can now take a dic-
tionary of variable, arbitrary number pairs, to impute different variables with
different numbers (by Michał Gromiec).
• Added functionality: the CategoricalVariableImputer can now replace
missing data in categorical variables by a string defined by the user (by Gleb
• Added functionality: the RareLabelEnoder now allows the user to deter-
mine the maximum number of categories that the variable should have when
grouping infrequent values (by Surya Krishnamurthy).
Minor Changes:
• Improved docs: fixed typos and tidy (by Richard Cornelius
• Improved engineering practices: added to include md and li-
censes in tar ball in pypi (by Chris Samiullah)
• Improved engineering practices: updated circleci yaml and created release
branch for orchestrated release of new versions with significant changes (by
Soledad Galli and Chris Samiullah)
• Improved engineering practices: added test for doc build in circleci yaml (by
Soledad Galli and Chris Samiullah)
• Transformer fix: removed parameter return_object from the RareLabelEn-
coder as it was not working as intended(by Karthik Kothareddy and Soledad

Version 0.5.0

• Deployed: Friday, July 10, 2020

• Contributors: Soledad Galli
Major Changes:
• Bug fix: fixed error in weight of evidence formula in the WoERatioCategoricalEncoder. The o

– Added functionality: most categorical encoders have the option

inverse_transform, to obtain the original value of the variable from
the transformed dataset.

7.23. What’s new 187

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• Added functionality: the 'Winsorizer`, OutlierTrimmer and

ArbitraryOutlierCapper have now the option to ignore missing val-
ues, and obtain the parameters from the original variable distribution,
or raise an error if the dataframe contains na, by setting the parameter
missing_values to raise or ignore.
• New Transformer: the UserInputDiscretiser allows users to discretise
numerical variables into arbitrarily defined buckets.

Version 0.4.3

• Deployed: Friday, May 15, 2020

• Contributors: Soledad Galli, Christopher Samiullah
Major Changes:
• New Transformer: the 'SklearnTransformerWrapper` allows you to use
most Scikit-learn transformers just on a subset of features. Works with the
SimpleImputer, the OrdinalEncoder and most scalers.
Minor Changes:
• Added functionality: the 'EqualFrequencyDiscretiser` and
EqualWidthDiscretiser now have the ability to return interval boundaries
as well as integers, to identify the bins. To return boundareis set the parameter
• Improved docs: added contibuting section, where you can find information
on how to participate in the development of Feature-engine’s code base, and

Version 0.4.0

• Deployed: Monday, April 04, 2020

• Contributors: Soledad Galli, Christopher Samiullah
Major Changes:
• Deprecated: the FrequentCategoryImputer was in-
tegrated into the class CategoricalVariableImputer.
To perform frequent category imputation now use:
• Renamed: the AddNaNBinaryImputer is now called
• New: the OutlierTrimmer was introduced into the package and allows you
to remove outliers from the dataset
Minor Changes:
• Improved: the EndTailImputer now has the additional option to place out-
liers at a factor of the maximum value.
• Improved: the FrequentCategoryImputer has now the functionality to re-
turn numerical variables cast as object, in case you want to operate with them
as if they were categorical. Set return_object=True.

188 Chapter 7. Open Source

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

• Improved: the RareLabelEncoder now allows the user to define the name
for the label that will replace rare categories.
• Improved: All feature engine transformers (except missing data imputers)
check that the data sets do not contain missing values.
• Improved: the LogTransformer will raise an error if a variable has zero or
negative values.
• Improved: the ReciprocalTransformer now works with variables of type
• Improved: the ReciprocalTransformer will raise an error if the variable
contains the value zero.
• Improved: the BoxCoxTransformer will raise an error if the variable con-
tains negative values.
• Improved: the OutlierCapper now finds and removes outliers based of per-
• Improved: Feature-engine is now compatible with latest releases of Pandas
and Scikit-learn.

Version 0.3.0

• Deployed: Monday, August 05, 2019

• Contributors: Soledad Galli.
Major Changes:
• New: the RandomSampleImputer now has the option to set one seed for batch
imputation or set a seed observation per observations based on 1 or more ad-
ditional numerical variables for that observation, which can be combined with
multiplication or addition.
• New: the YeoJohnsonTransfomer has been included to perform Yeo-
Johnson transformation of numerical variables.
• Renamed: the ExponentialTransformer is now called
• Improved: the DecisionTreeDiscretiser now allows to provide a grid
of parameters to tune the decision trees which is done with a GridSearchCV
under the hood.
• New: Extended documentation for all Feature-engine’s transformers.
• New: Quickstart guide to jump on straight onto how to use Feature-engine.
• New: Changelog to track what is new in Feature-engine.
• Updated: new Jupyter notebooks with examples on how to use Feature-
engine’s transformers.
Minor Changes:
• Unified: dictionary attributes in transformers, which contain the transforma-
tion mappings, now end with _, for example binner_dict_.

7.23. What’s new 189

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

190 Chapter 7. Open Source


[1] Niculescu-Mizil, et al. “Winning the KDD Cup Orange Challenge with Ensemble Selection”. JMLR: Workshop
and Conference Proceedings 7: 23-34. KDD 2009
[1] Galli S. “Machine Learning in Financial Risk Assessment”.
[1] Micci-Barreca D. “A Preprocessing Scheme for High-Cardinality Categorical Attributes in Classification and Pre-
diction Problems”. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 2001.
[1] Niculescu-Mizil, et al. “Winning the KDD Cup Orange Challenge with Ensemble Selection”. JMLR: Workshop
and Conference Proceedings 7: 23-34. KDD 2009
[1] Box and Cox. “An Analysis of Transformations”. Read at a RESEARCH MEETING, 1964. https://rss.onlinelibrary.
[1] Weisberg S. “Yeo-Johnson Power Transformations”.
[1] Kotsiantis and Pintelas, “Data preprocessing for supervised leaning,” International Journal of Computer Science,
vol. 1, pp. 111 117, 2006.
[2] Dong. “Beating Kaggle the easy way”. Master Thesis.
[1] Kotsiantis and Pintelas, “Data preprocessing for supervised leaning,” International Journal of Computer Science,
vol. 1, pp. 111 117, 2006.
[2] Dong. “Beating Kaggle the easy way”. Master Thesis.
[1] Niculescu-Mizil, et al. “Winning the KDD Cup Orange Challenge with Ensemble Selection”. JMLR: Workshop
and Conference Proceedings 7: 23-34. KDD 2009

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

192 Bibliography

A EqualFrequencyDiscretiser (class in fea-

AddMissingIndicator (class in fea- ture_engine.discretisation), 97
ture_engine.imputation), 40 EqualWidthDiscretiser (class in fea-
ArbitraryDiscretiser (class in fea- ture_engine.discretisation), 100
ture_engine.discretisation), 104
ArbitraryNumberImputer (class in fea- F
ture_engine.imputation), 27 fit() (feature_engine.creation.CombineWithReferenceFeature
ArbitraryOutlierCapper (class in fea- method), 128
ture_engine.outliers), 117 fit() (feature_engine.creation.CyclicalTransformer
method), 131
B fit() (feature_engine.creation.MathematicalCombination
BoxCoxTransformer (class in fea- method), 125
ture_engine.transformation), 90 fit() (feature_engine.discretisation.ArbitraryDiscretiser
method), 105
C fit() (feature_engine.discretisation.DecisionTreeDiscretiser
CategoricalImputer (class in fea- method), 110
ture_engine.imputation), 33 fit() (feature_engine.discretisation.EqualFrequencyDiscretiser
CombineWithReferenceFeature (class in fea- method), 98
ture_engine.creation), 127 fit() (feature_engine.discretisation.EqualWidthDiscretiser
CountFrequencyEncoder (class in fea- method), 101
ture_engine.encoding), 49 fit() (feature_engine.encoding.CountFrequencyEncoder
CyclicalTransformer (class in fea- method), 50
ture_engine.creation), 130 fit() (feature_engine.encoding.DecisionTreeEncoder
method), 69
D fit() (feature_engine.encoding.MeanEncoder method),
DecisionTreeDiscretiser (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.encoding.OneHotEncoder
ture_engine.discretisation), 109
method), 47
DecisionTreeEncoder (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.encoding.OrdinalEncoder
ture_engine.encoding), 68
method), 54
DropConstantFeatures (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.encoding.PRatioEncoder
ture_engine.selection), 135
method), 65
DropCorrelatedFeatures (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.encoding.RareLabelEncoder
ture_engine.selection), 140
method), 73
DropDuplicateFeatures (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.encoding.WoEEncoder method),
ture_engine.selection), 138
DropFeatures (class in feature_engine.selection), 132
fit() (feature_engine.imputation.AddMissingIndicator
DropMissingData (class in feature_engine.imputation),
method), 40
fit() (feature_engine.imputation.ArbitraryNumberImputer
E method), 28
fit() (feature_engine.imputation.CategoricalImputer
EndTailImputer (class in feature_engine.imputation),
method), 34

feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

fit() (feature_engine.imputation.DropMissingData inverse_transform() (fea-

method), 42 ture_engine.encoding.MeanEncoder method),
fit() (feature_engine.imputation.EndTailImputer 57
method), 31 inverse_transform() (fea-
fit() (feature_engine.imputation.MeanMedianImputer ture_engine.encoding.OneHotEncoder
method), 25 method), 47
fit() (feature_engine.imputation.RandomSampleImputer inverse_transform() (fea-
method), 37 ture_engine.encoding.OrdinalEncoder
fit() (feature_engine.outliers.ArbitraryOutlierCapper method), 54
method), 118 inverse_transform() (fea-
fit() (feature_engine.outliers.Winsorizer method), 115 ture_engine.encoding.PRatioEncoder method),
fit() (feature_engine.selection.DropConstantFeatures 65
method), 136 inverse_transform() (fea-
fit() (feature_engine.selection.DropCorrelatedFeatures ture_engine.encoding.RareLabelEncoder
method), 141 method), 73
fit() (feature_engine.selection.DropDuplicateFeatures inverse_transform() (fea-
method), 138 ture_engine.encoding.WoEEncoder method),
fit() (feature_engine.selection.DropFeatures method), 62
133 inverse_transform() (fea-
fit() (feature_engine.selection.RecursiveFeatureAddition ture_engine.transformation.LogCpTransformer
method), 159 method), 80
fit() (feature_engine.selection.RecursiveFeatureElimination
inverse_transform() (fea-
method), 156 ture_engine.transformation.LogTransformer
fit() (feature_engine.selection.SelectByShuffling method), 77
method), 147 inverse_transform() (fea-
fit() (feature_engine.selection.SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance ture_engine.transformation.PowerTransformer
method), 150 method), 87
fit() (feature_engine.selection.SelectByTargetMeanPerformance
inverse_transform() (fea-
method), 153 ture_engine.transformation.ReciprocalTransformer
fit() (feature_engine.selection.SmartCorrelatedSelection method), 83
method), 144
fit() (feature_engine.transformation.BoxCoxTransformer L
method), 90 LogCpTransformer (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.transformation.LogCpTransformer ture_engine.transformation), 79
method), 80 LogTransformer (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.transformation.LogTransformer ture_engine.transformation), 76
method), 76
fit() (feature_engine.transformation.PowerTransformer M
method), 87 MathematicalCombination (class in fea-
fit() (feature_engine.transformation.ReciprocalTransformer ture_engine.creation), 123
method), 83 MeanEncoder (class in feature_engine.encoding), 56
fit() (feature_engine.transformation.YeoJohnsonTransformerMeanMedianImputer (class in fea-
method), 94 ture_engine.imputation), 24
fit() (feature_engine.wrappers.SklearnTransformerWrapper
method), 161 O
I OneHotEncoder (class in feature_engine.encoding), 45
OrdinalEncoder (class in feature_engine.encoding), 52
inverse_transform() (fea-
OutlierTrimmer (class in feature_engine.outliers), 119
method), 50 P
inverse_transform() (fea-
ture_engine.encoding.DecisionTreeEncoder PowerTransformer (class in fea-
method), 70 ture_engine.transformation), 86
PRatioEncoder (class in feature_engine.encoding), 64

194 Index
feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

R transform() (feature_engine.encoding.RareLabelEncoder
RandomSampleImputer (class in fea- method), 73
ture_engine.imputation), 36 transform() (feature_engine.encoding.WoEEncoder
RareLabelEncoder (class in feature_engine.encoding), method), 62
72 transform() (feature_engine.imputation.AddMissingIndicator
ReciprocalTransformer (class in fea- method), 40
ture_engine.transformation), 83 transform() (feature_engine.imputation.ArbitraryNumberImputer
RecursiveFeatureAddition (class in fea- method), 28
ture_engine.selection), 158 transform() (feature_engine.imputation.CategoricalImputer
RecursiveFeatureElimination (class in fea- method), 34
ture_engine.selection), 155 transform() (feature_engine.imputation.DropMissingData
return_na_data() (fea- method), 43
ture_engine.imputation.DropMissingData transform() (feature_engine.imputation.EndTailImputer
method), 43 method), 32
transform() (feature_engine.imputation.MeanMedianImputer
S method), 25
SelectByShuffling (class in feature_engine.selection), transform() (feature_engine.imputation.RandomSampleImputer
146 method), 38
SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance (class in fea- transform() (feature_engine.outliers.ArbitraryOutlierCapper
ture_engine.selection), 149 method), 118
SelectByTargetMeanPerformance (class in fea- transform() (feature_engine.outliers.OutlierTrimmer
ture_engine.selection), 151 method), 121
SklearnTransformerWrapper (class in fea- transform() (feature_engine.outliers.Winsorizer
ture_engine.wrappers), 161 method), 115
SmartCorrelatedSelection (class in fea- transform() (feature_engine.selection.DropConstantFeatures
ture_engine.selection), 142 method), 136
transform() (feature_engine.selection.DropCorrelatedFeatures
T method), 141
transform() (feature_engine.creation.CombineWithReferenceFeature (feature_engine.selection.DropDuplicateFeatures
method), 129 method), 138
transform() (feature_engine.creation.CyclicalTransformer transform() (feature_engine.selection.DropFeatures
method), 131 method), 133
transform() (feature_engine.creation.MathematicalCombination (feature_engine.selection.RecursiveFeatureAddition
method), 125 method), 159
transform() (feature_engine.discretisation.ArbitraryDiscretiser (feature_engine.selection.RecursiveFeatureElimination
method), 105 method), 156
transform() (feature_engine.discretisation.DecisionTreeDiscretiser (feature_engine.selection.SelectByShuffling
method), 111 method), 147
transform() (feature_engine.discretisation.EqualFrequencyDiscretiser (feature_engine.selection.SelectBySingleFeaturePerformance
method), 98 method), 150
transform() (feature_engine.discretisation.EqualWidthDiscretiser (feature_engine.selection.SelectByTargetMeanPerformance
method), 102 method), 153
transform() (feature_engine.encoding.CountFrequencyEncoder (feature_engine.selection.SmartCorrelatedSelection
method), 51 method), 144
transform() (feature_engine.encoding.DecisionTreeEncoder transform() (feature_engine.transformation.BoxCoxTransformer
method), 70 method), 91
transform() (feature_engine.encoding.MeanEncoder transform() (feature_engine.transformation.LogCpTransformer
method), 58 method), 81
transform() (feature_engine.encoding.OneHotEncoder transform() (feature_engine.transformation.LogTransformer
method), 47 method), 77
transform() (feature_engine.encoding.OrdinalEncoder transform() (feature_engine.transformation.PowerTransformer
method), 54 method), 87
transform() (feature_engine.encoding.PRatioEncoder transform() (feature_engine.transformation.ReciprocalTransformer
method), 66 method), 84

Index 195
feature_engine Documentation, Release 1.1.2

transform() (feature_engine.transformation.YeoJohnsonTransformer
method), 94
transform() (feature_engine.wrappers.SklearnTransformerWrapper
method), 162

Winsorizer (class in feature_engine.outliers), 113
WoEEncoder (class in feature_engine.encoding), 60

YeoJohnsonTransformer (class in fea-
ture_engine.transformation), 93

196 Index

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