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English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284

Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585



Cita Mustika Kusumah

Politeknik LP3I Bandung


This research aims to describe and give an overview of the use of sexual euphemism in pop and
hip hop lyric songs to avoid taboo words which are usually unfreely to mention in public. The
researcher uses qualitative method and descriptive method to analyze the data. The researcher uses
forty songs consist of twenty pop songs and twenty hip hop songs to be analysed. From forty songs,
the researcher finds ninety seven data. Researcher believes the data are found to contain sexual
euphemism in the utterance that included in pragmatic study.Researcher describes and analyzes
every single of data that are included the theory of Allan and Buridge (1991). From the research
data, the researcher found that there is a differential usage of sexual euphemism in pop and hip
hop which is sexual euphemism in sexual activity appears more frequently in pop songs and sexual
euphemism in sexual body parts appears more frequently in hip hop songs. Both pop and hip hop
songs use representative speech act more frequently than directive speech act. Euphemism was
used in the lyrics to avoid words that are considered taboo in some communities.

Keywords: speech act, sexual euphemism

In communication, we often face unpleasant any taboo words surrounding sexual topic.
situations which force us to say something in But if we have to talk about sexual topic,
a soft way for controlling the situation. Many most of us use the indirect words to replace
things cannot be spoken directly and we try the sexual words. Polite people use
to avoid embarrassing ourselves when we euphemism in sensitive social situations. If
have to say something awkward. We are one encounter a friend whose mother has
rarely being involved in sexual topic passed away a week prior, most of us avoid
conversation with strangers or someone who the neutral word ”die” and a polite person
does not really close to us, because there are would say “ I am sorry to hear that your mom

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

passed away”. Indirect words for talking 2. What kind of illocutionary speech act appears
about that kind of difficult topic are in sexual euphemism expressed in the lyrics
euphemisms of pop and hip hop songs?
Euphemism used in this manner is
relatively harmless, helpful, humorous and The Objective of the Research
even necessary in polite society. Euphemism
permeates languages and coexists with taboo Related to above formulation of the study, the
expressions as long as there are things that are present research attempts to:
forbidden to be mentioned. Euphemism 1. To analyze and describe kind of sexual
serves to replace those “unpronounceable” in euphemism expressed in the speech act.
communication. The semantic domains for 2. To analyze the illocutionary speech act
taboo euphemism are usually overlapping that is used in the lyrics of pop and hip
including bodily functions and effluvia, hop songs.
sexual activity, naming, diseases, the
supernatural and death. Theoretical Outline
Euphemistic words and expressions Pragmatics is the study of relationship
allow us to talk about unpleasant things and between language and context that are basic
neutralize the unpleasantness. As a to an account of language understanding.
consequence, the use of euphemism through Pragmatics can be defined as the study
words or expressions replacing unpleasant talking about relationship between language
things is more acceptable, and it should be and context. There are several theories that
systematically studied. The writer is will be applied in this research. The theory of
interested in doing the study about pragmatics specifically speech act are taken
euphemism in sexual euphemism because from Grundy (2000) and Yule (1996). In
there are many taboo words in sexual addition to previous theories, the writer uses
euphemism which are not normally freely theory of Allan (1991) about euphemism.
mentionable to anyone and anywhere. The
writer chooses the lyrics of pop and hip hop METHODS OF THE RESEARCH
songs as the data source because the writer The research method used by the
interested in searching the usage of writer is qualitative method. The researcher
euphemism in hip-hop and pop songs as these finds the data through the internet. Then it is
genres have different listeners. Hip-hop classified and analyzed in accordance to the -
music is identical with the young people or topic discussed. The writer uses the non-
teenagers while pop music can be from all participant observation because the writer is
generations such as kids, young people, and not involved as the subject of the study.
elder people. Qualitative research is descriptive that the
researcher is interested in process, meaning,
The Formulation of the Research and understanding gained through words or
The present study seeks the answers to the pictures.
following questions: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
1. What kind of sexual euphemism
expressed in pop and hip hop lyrics? 1. Pragmatics

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

As we communicate every day to each people’s intended meaning, their

other, then we have to make utterance to assumptions, their purposes or goals, and the
other people to make them understand what kind of actions (for example, request) that
we really want. Every single word we say they are performed when they speak.
must be have a purpose and a meaning. It is Pragmatics is needed if we want a fuller,
impossible for the people to say something deeper, and generally more reasonable
without a purpose. Pragmatics is linguistic account of human language behavior.
branch that studies about the meaning of For pragmatics in certain language,
someone’s utterance. we need to understand the culture of the
Grundy (2000, 13) says that “pragmatics users. In various region in Indonesia, although
are interested in the meaning of utterance”. we have one national language, but the way we
The word pragma is Greek and refers to communicate is not the same. Sometimes with the
activity, deed, affair (cf. fr.Prassein, pratein, same question such as: “Ibu sudah bersuami?
to pass through, experience, practice) With “Ibu sudah berkeluarga?” will have
different responds from hearer. The hearer will
(Webster’s third new international dictionary
more appreciate to the second question. The
1976). According to Longman dictionary of
explanation above show us the interaction among
the English Language, 1991, pragmatics is are being learned in pragmatics. In short, it can be
defined as 1) a branch of semiotics (study of said that pragmatical meaning is affected by
sign and symbols) dealing with the relation things from the outside of the language.
between signs or linguistic expressions and
those who use them, 2) a branch of linguistics 2. Speech Act
dealing with the context in which people use A person who speaks any utterances does
language and the behavior of speakers and not only present the grammatical structures of the
listeners. words but also performs action through his
Yule in his book, Pragmatics (1996,3) utterances. The term speech act was coined by
“Pragmatics is concerned with the study of Austin (1962) and developed by Searle (1969).
meaning as communicated by a speaker and Speech act usually does actions in activity which
is given more specific labels such as complaint,
interpreted by a listener. It has, consequently,
invitation, apology, promise or request.
more to do with the analysis of what people
According to Austin (1962:2) when someone is
mean by their utterances than what the words saying something means he/she does something
or phrases in those utterances might mean by with his/her utterances. For example when he
themselves”. says “I am sorry”, this utterances does not
So, pragmatics allows humans into describe apology but it means that he does
analysis because pragmatics learns the apology. Yule (1996:47) defines speech acts as an
relationships between linguistic forms and action which is performed by utterance.
the users of those forms. That is the
2.1. Three Facets of Speech Acts
difference among pragmatic, syntax and
semantics. While syntax analyzes linguistic Austin in Levinson (1995:236) identifies
form and how they are arranged in sequence, three distinct levels of action beyond of
and semantics analyze how words literally utterance itself:
connect to things.
1. Locutionary Act
The advantage of studying language
via pragmatics is that one can talk about

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

Locutionary or locution acts according to 2.2 Illocutionary Speech Act Classification

Yule (1996:48) states locutionary produces a
Some linguists have attempted to classify
meaningful linguistic expression. Shortly
speech acts into a number of categories or
locutionary act means people produce an types. Searle (1969) in Yule (1996:53-54)
utterance in written or oral form in particular lists five types of general functions
structure and meaning. performed by speech act; declarations,
For example: representatives, expressives, directives, and
I just have made some cookies. Yule (1996 and Cutting (2002) in Elvi
Citraresmana (2015;18) explains of each type
Sentence above is locutionary act because it are below:
has correct order of words and has lexical
meaning. • Declaration
2. Illocutionary Act This kind of speech act that change the world
via their utterance. The speaker has to have a
People say something for some purposes in special institutional, in a specific context, in
their mind. It is called illocutionary acts. This order to perform a declaration appropriately.
act is kind of making statement, offer, In using a declaration, the speaker changes
request, and promise, etc. in uttering a the world via words, such as marrying,
sentence by virtue of conventional force blessing and firing.
associated with it(or with explicit
performance paraphrase). It is more or less For example:
what is done by someone in the act of saying President: I declare a state of national
something. emergency.
For example: The sentence above tells it is appropriate that
I just have made some cookies. president makes a declaration that state of
national emergency, in other hand it will be
Sentence above the speaker makes an indirect inappropriate when a student declare that
offer. Here the speaker wants to say: do you state of national emergency.
want to eat some cookies?
• Representatives
3. Perlocutionary Act Those kind of speech acts that state what the
Perlocutionary acts focus on the effect of the speaker believes or known, such as the
utterances which has been said by the statements of facts, assertions, conclusions,
speaker. In short, it is the effect that the and descriptions.
speaker produces by saying something. For example:

For example: Chomsky did not write about peanuts.

I just have made some cookies. The sentence above is an assertion of speaker
belief that Chomsky writes linguistic books
When the speaker produces that sentence as and never writes about peanuts.
an offer then the hearer eats the cookies
means that perlocutionary is fulfilled. This kind of illocutionary speech act is used
to state:
English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

1. Describing The feeling happy when doing

Give a description about the situation as something.
clear as possible. 3. Apologizing
2. Insisting It belongs to the class of behabitives
A behavior that asks someone to get what which include the notions of reaction to
he wants assertively. other people’s behavior and fortunes and
3. Hypothesizing of attitudes and expressions of attitudes to
A researcher’s prediction of research someone else’s past conductor imminent
expectation about the relation among the conduct.
variables in the research topic. 4. Praising
4. Predicting Praise refers to evaluations made by a
A prediction of a situation, a thing, or person of another’s products,
someone to make us think whether the performances, or attributes, where the
things are appropriate with the evaluator presumes the validity of the
information that we are looking for. standards on which evaluation is based.
5. Claiming 5. Thanking
Claim or ask or demanding recognition of An expression of gratitude or
a fact that someone (organization, appreciation in speech act theory
association, country) is entitled to have
something. • Directives
Those kinds of speech acts that speakers use
• Expressive
to get someone else to do something. They
Those kinds of speech acts that state what
express what the speaker wants such as
the speaker feels. They express psychological
commands, orders, requests, suggestions.
states and can be statement of pleasure, pain,
likes, dislikes, joy, or sorrow such as: For example:
thanking, apologizing, welcoming, and
congratulating. Turn on the TV please.
For example: The sentence above shows that the speaker
I am sorry that I come late. wants the hearer to turn on the TV so the
speaker makes a request to hearer to turn on
The sentence above tells that the speaker is the TV.
doing apology for coming late.
This kind of illocutionary speech act is used
This kind of illocutionary speech act is used to state:
to state:
1. Requesting
1. Protesting To ask, to beg, to invite, to encourage, to
People participate in protest to express press on (has function to make hearer do
their grievances stemming from relative something).
deprivation, frustration, or perceived 2. Question
injustice. To ask, to interrogate.
2. Pleasing 3. Requirements

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

To require, to order, to command, to children not to meddle with possessions of

dictate, to direct, to set. their the elders, may all be expressed by the
4. Prohibition/forbidding use of the word tabu (Redeliffer-
To prohibit and to limit-speech act that Brown,1939:5f).
prohibit the hearer to do something. Taboo is a proscription of behavior
5. Permissive that affects everyday life. Some things are
To give permission, to allow, to grant, to obviously difficult to speak about social,
release, to introduce, to confers the even to the point of being unspeakable or
authority, and to grace. taboo. Taboos arise out of social constraints
6. Advisories/suggesting on an individual’s behavior that may cause
To advise, to warn, to propose, to guide, discomfort, harm or injury. Taboo is a
to suggest. community’s way of managing risk. These
7. Commanding perceived risks range from metaphysical
Speech act that make the hearer do what (fear of incurring the wrath or lack of
the speaker’s want. protection from the divine) to physical risk,
8. Inviting with fears of disease of risk often lead to
The speech act that is used to make the taboos that constrain behavior associated
hearer get involve in one activity (invite with the sacred (prescribed behaviors around
or ask) religious object and rituals) and behaviors
• Commissives associated with death, cleanliness, contagion
and bodily fluids (e.g mensturation).
Those kinds of speech acts that speaker use According to Allan and Buridge (2006;1)
to commit themselves to some future action. explains that taboos consider include:
They express what the speaker intends. They a. Bodies and their effluvia (sweat, snot,
are promises, threats, refusals. feaces, menstrual fluid, etc).
For example: b. The organs and acts of sex, micturition
and defection.
I will come to your party next week. c. Disease, death and killing (including
The sentence above tells that the speaker hunting and fishing).
makes a promise that he/she will come to the d. Naming, addressing, touching, and
party next week. viewing persons and sacred beings,
objects and places.
2.3. Taboos e. Food gathering, preparation, and
The English word taboo derives from consumption.
the Tongan tabu, which came to notice In principle, any kind of behavior can be
towards in the end of the eighteen century. tabooed. For behavior to be proscribed, it
According to Radcliffe-Brown in Allan and must be perceived as in some way harmful to
Burridge (2006:2): an individual or to his/her community; but the
degree of harm can be fall anywhere on a
In the languages of Ploynesia the word means scale from a breach of etiquette to downright
simply ‘to forbid’, and can be applied to any fatality. People constantly censor the
sort of prohibition. A rule of etiquette, an language the use to avoid taboo word to be
order issued by a chief, an injuction to said. Taboos and the consequent of censoring

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

of language change by promoting the a menstruating woman has sat. Many places
creation of the highly inventive and often of wordship in this world taboo menstruating
playful new expressions, or new meanings woman because they would defile holy sites
and for old expressions, causing existing
vocabulary to be abandoned. There are c. Violating Taboos
basically two ways in which new expression There is an assumption that both
arise: by a changed form for tabooed accidental breach and intentional defiance of
expression and by figurative language the taboo will be followed by some kinds of
sparked by perceptions and conceptions trouble to the offender, such as lack of
about the taboo (feaces, menstrual blood, success in hunting fishing, or other business,
genitals, death, and so on). and the sickness of the death of the offender
Allan and Burridge in Forbidden Words or one of his/her relatives. In many
Taboo and The Concerning of Language communities, a person who meets with an
devided taboo into five types: accident or fails to achieve some goals will
infer, as will others, what s/he has in some
a. Fatal Taboos manner commited a breach of taboo.
Taboo to describe prohibition against Generally speaking, we do have the
participation in any situation of such inherent power to avoid tabooed behavior. When a
danger that very act of participation will breach can be ascried to ‘bad karma’, there
recall upon the violator of the taboo. It is as if remains as suspicion that the perpetrator is
the tabooed object were like a dire effects on somehow responsible for having sinned in a
anyone who comes into direct contact with it former life.
unless they know how to direct protect
d. Exploiting Taboos
themselves. Cases are on record in which
Taboos are open to beneficial
persons who had unwritingly broken a taboo
exploitation. A person’s body is unless s/he is
actually died of terror on discovering fatal
a slave, sacrosanct. The genital organs of
humans are always subject to some sort of
In old Hawaii, a commoner who had sex
taboo; those of women are usually more
with his sister was put to death. Although
strongly tabooed than those of men, partly for
most taboo violations do not result in capital
social and economic reasons, but ultimately
punishment, there are plenty of other
because they are the source of human life.
sanctions on behavior prohibited under the
Few women today are aware of the supposed
law-whether this law as conceived and
power of the exposed vulva (commonly
promulgated in a modern nation state or
referred to as ‘vagina) to defeat evil.
traditional lore.
Images of a woman exposing her vulva
are found above doors and gateway in
b. Uncleanliness Taboos
Europe, Indonesia, and South America.
Taboo in which notions of uncleanness
are the motivating factor. Many communities e. Less Serious Taboos
taboo physical contact with a menstruating
woman, believing that it pollutes males in Taboo is more than ritual and avoidance.
particular; some orthodox New York Jews This type of taboo can cause discomfort,
will avoid public transport, lest they sit where harm or injury to him/herself and to others.
The constraint on behavior is imposed by
English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

someone or some physical or metaphysical According to Rawson, euphemism

force the individual believes has authority or are powerful linguistic tools that “ are
power over them for example, chocolates are embedded so deeply in our language that few
taboo for me they give me migraine. of us, even those who pride themselves on
Taboo normally arise out of social being plainspoken, over get through a day
constraints on the individual’s behavior. without using them” (Linfoot-ham
They arise in cases where the individual’s act 2005,228). Euphemisms are needed both
can cause discomfort, harm, or injury to him socially and emotionally.
or herself and to others. Additionally, Allan and Buridge
A taboo is a proscription of behavior for (1991:11) consider euphemism as a
a specifiable community of people, for a phenomenon closely related to the norms of
specified context, at a given place and time. society and politeness strategies used by its
There is no such thing as an absolute taboo members, and define the terms as follows:
that holds for all worlds, times, and contexts. A euphemism is used as an alternative
Language is constantly subject to cencoring: to a dispreferred expression in order to avoid
individuals who do not censor their language, possible loss of face, either one’s face or,
and so normally say whatever first enters through giving offence, that of the audience,
their head without considering the or of some third party.
circumstances of utterance.
2.5. Sexual Euphemism
2.4 Euphemism Sexual euphemism is euphemism that
is related with sexual activity and the state of
The term euphemism, according to
the body and the bodies and even the clothing
Holder (2008: 65), has derived from the
that is indirect contact with these bodyparts,
Greek word euphemo, meaning “speaking
for example underwear. Allan and Buridge
well”. The latter is divided into eu, which
(1991:96) state the degree of synonymy in the
means “good, well” and phemo, meaning
vocabulary for the genitalia and copulation
“speech/speaking”. In traditional
has no parallel elsewhere in the English
scholarship, however, euphemism was used
lexicon except in the term for ‘whore’. They
to substitute words and phrases which were
state that there are approximately 1.200 terms
considered impolite and embarrassing since
for vagina, 1.000 for penis, 800 for
people need to speak indirectly and politely.
copulation, around 2.000 for whore.
In this vein, Pyles and Algeo (1970: 201)
state that “Euphemism is any term that Lexicon for Sex Acts
replaces a taboo word in a language”. In the
same line of thought, Leech (1974:53) Most of the lexicon for sex acts
defines the term as follows: describes the act, the action, or the state of the
(euphemism) consists of replacing a body or bodies. According to Allan and
word which has offensive connotations with Buridge (1991:86) euphemism for foreplay
another expression, which makes no overt and its effects include touch, tickle, handle,
reference to the unpleasant side of the fondle, feel (up), rub, and massage, which
subject, and may even be a positive have the effect of getting one’s partner
misnomer. (sexually) aroused/excitedly. There are no
true euphemisms for oral sex, the most

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

neutral terms are fellatio and cunnilingus, To have: a lover, a fuck, a screw, a bang, a
whose colloquial counterparts are give head, rattle, sex, a piece of ass, a bit of tail, a beef
sit on someone’s face, get/go down, eat (out), injection, a naughty, a good time, a cuddle, a
give/do a blow job, sixty-nine, suck off, jump with, fun with, have someone away,
tongue, and so on. have it away with, have an affair with, carnal
Orgasm (the most neutral term) is knowledge of, relation/intercourse with, and
perceived as the climax to a journey. There so on.
are many euphemism for orgasm such as
coming, seminal discharge, come or cum, spit
white, get his rocks off, spend himself, drop To get: some, lucky, laid, on top of, in(to),
his load and shoot.Current euphemism for up(down) to it, under, over, down with, into
masturbation include self-abuse, the pants of, into bed with, a leg over, one’s
play/fiddle/widdle with one self, self- oats, one’s rocks off, some nookie, and so on.
pleasuring, and touching oneself.
The euphemisms sexual intercourse, d. ACHIEVING
sexual congress, copulation and coition all Make it, make out, get to it, score, have one’s
take note of the dyadic nature of copulation- way with, go all the way, have someone
that it takes (at least) two to tango. The away, possess, and so on.
lexicon for copulation can be classified
according to at least the following general e. HAVING FUN
categories, each of which focuses on a Have fun, make whoopee, have a good time,
different aspect in the perception of the act. play around, fool around, slap n tickle,
Some terms appear in more than one hanky-panky, jigging, jigjogging, up-tails-
category. Based on Allan and Burridge all, tumble, roll in the hay and so on.
(1991;91) sexual activity is categorized into
several categories that mention below: f. CLOSENESS

a. DYADIC Love, make love with, be intimate with, be

with, cuddle, belly, slapping, exchange
Most members of the dyadic category are flesh/bodily fluids, and so on.
marked by the structure Noun Phrase
Predicate with Noun Phrase. Have sexual g. BED
intercourse with, copulate with, fuck with, Go to bed with, get someone into the cot, lie
screw with, score with, have one’s way with, with, get between the sheets with, share a
have union with, have sex with, have a good pillow with, sleep with, hit the hay, bury face
time with, have fun with, play around with, upwards, and so on.
have it away with, have intercourse
relation/an affair with, be intimate with, get h. FOOD
together with, go with, be seeing, be with, lie Most, body parts are associated with food,
with, go to bed with, sleep together, sleep some of them appear in describing sexual
with, take a roll with, get down with, and so action, particularly the oral sex, for example
on the pork sword/the sausage, cut yourself a
b. HAVING piece of poontang, which echoes the cutting
of pie or cake (poontang is said from French

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

puntain “whore”). There is also the notion of f. METAPHORS BASED ON

the vagina as fish or fishpond. APPEARANCE
For example, tail for flaccid penis.
Euphemistic expression also involved action • ERECT PENIS
in sexual intercourse, for example rolling For example, weapon, sword, gun, pistol,
about: hump, roll in the hay, shag, horizontal, bill, pike for erect penis.
doggy-dancing. Other penetration terms are • BOLLOCKS
shaft, prod, root, get(it). For example, little balls for bollocks.
Lexicon for Body-Parts • VAGINA
For example, a ring circle, O, wheel,
Sexual euphemism does not only contain do(ugh)nut for vagina.
sexual activity but it is include in sexual • ANUS
body-parts. According to Allan and Buridge For example, hole, brown-eye for anus.
(1991;96) the classification of the lexicon for • BREAST
tabooed body-parts is categorized into For example, balloons, bazoomas,
several categories below: globes, melons, bouncers, headlights, a
a. MAXIMALLY-GENERAL-FOR- pair for breast.
For example, tits or rose buds as nipples.
For example, thing, what’s it, and so on.
Member is not maximally general, but it is g. FOOD
another instance of a general-for-specific
euphemism. For example, a member of apposite sex is a
dish perhaps a tasty dish; a virile man is
b. GENERAL-FOR-SPECIFIC described by the non-food animal names bull,
For example, feminine itching for “vaginal stallion, or ram, but woman is a bird,
irritation”. chick(en), rabbit, or lamb. The sexual organs
and perhaps the body that goes with them are
c. SYNECDOCHID LOCATION meat: beef for penis.
For example, down there, backside, bottom,
For example Tit for “breast” although it
principally denotes the tabooed part of the h. FUNCTION
breast, namely the nipple.
e. TERMS AMBIGIOUS BETWEEN For example, joystick, creamstick,
BACKSIDE AND VAGINA tool, love muscle as penis.
For example, children’s usage of bottom or • VAGINA
botty; adult’s tail and scut. For example, lovebox, bottle as

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

• ANUS hip hop lyrics. The figure below shows the

For example, fartflapas anus. result of the research.
For example, dairies, mammaries as Sexual Euphemism in
Pop lyrics
For example, breadwinner, commodity,
jewel, honeyspot, treasury, purse, 31%
money, money-box as vagina.
For example, the crown jewels, the 69%
family jewels, the family treasure, and so
For example, arbor vitae, the vital organ.
Sexual Organ Sexual Act

A couple of proper names beginning with ‘p’ Sexual Euphemism in
are used for “penis”: percy, peter.
Allan and Burridge (1991;104) also Hip Hop lyrics
explain about the animals category to replace
the body-parts. Why genitalia body-parts are
likened unto animals? They explain because
close animals may also serve as near obscene 38%
euphemism for unmentionable parts of the
human anatomy. People perceive a similarity
and that perception somehow extends beyond
one individual to become conventionalized
into the concept or set of concepts evoked by
the name of an animal. For example, people
use cock to soften penis or the word pussy Sexual Organ Sexual Act
and beaver to replace woman genital organ.
In pop lyrics, the euphemism of
From the data analysis, the researcher
compares the usage of euphemism for sexual sexual organ is dominated by animal
organ and sexual act in pop lyric songs and category and euphemism of sexual act is
hip hop lyric songs. The researcher found that
dominated by action category. In hip hop
sexual organ appears more frequently in hip
hop lyrics than in pop lyrics, while sexual act lyrics animals category also dominates the
appears more frequently in pop lyrics than in euphemism of sexual organ and action

English Journal Literacy UTama p-ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019 e-ISSN 2655-4585

category dominates the euphemism of sexual

act. The researcher also compare the illocutionary
Sexual Euphemism in Pop Lyrics speech act appears in sexual euphemism
expressed in pop song lyrics and hip hop
lyrics. And the analyses shows that both pop
Sexual Act and hip lyrics are dominated by
representative speech act which is
categorized into describing.

5 5 Illocutionary Speech Act in
Pop Lyrics
Action Foreplay
Having Fun Getting 35
Masturbation 30
20 Describing
Sexual Organ 15 Insisting
10 Predicting
4 0
3 3 Representative
2 2
1 1
Food 10
General to specific 8
Function Commanding
Maximaly general to specific 6

Sexual Euphemism in Hip Hop Lyrics

Sexual Act Sexual Organ

8 10
5 3 3 3
3 2 1 1
Action Having Fun General to specific
Getting Foreplaay Maximaly general to specific

English Journal Literacy UTama Printed ISSN 2654-5284
Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2019

Illocutionary Speech
Act in Hip Hop Lyrics
15 Descrbing 5
Inviting 4
10 Permissive
Predicting 3
5 Requesting
0 0
Representative Directive

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Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2019

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