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# Investigating TCP's larger initial windows:

# To use many_tcp.tcl to investigate packet drop rates with larger
# initial windows:
# This runs two simulations, one with initial windows of one packet and
# one (-init-win 0) with initial windows as specified in the internet
# draft for larger initial windows, and for each simulation prints out
# the aggregate packet drop rate.
# RED, two-way traffic, single congested gateway.

set seed=12345
set params='-print-drop-rate 1 -debug 0 -trace-filename none'
set p1='-bottle-queue-length 50 -bottle-queue-method RED'
set p2='-client-arrival-rate 120 -bottle-bw 10Mb -ns-random-seed '$seed
set p3='-client-mouse-chance 90 -client-mouse-packets 10'
set p4='-client-bw 100Mb -node-number 100 -client-reverse-chance 10'
set p5='initial-client-count 0'

#% ns many_tcp.tcl $params $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 $p5

# total_drops 1529 total_packets 59679
# drop_percentage 2.5620
#% ns many_tcp.tcl $params $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 $p5 -init-win 0
# total_drops 1814 total_packets 60044
# drop_percentage 3.0211
#% ns many_tcp.tcl $params $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 $p5 -init-win 10
# total_drops 3407 total_packets 58716
# drop_percentage 5.8025
# Time to run: 1 minute 2 seconds.
# To check with xgraph, make the following changes:

set params='-print-drop-rate 1 -debug 0 -trace-filename out'

set p6='duration 2 graph-results 1 graph-join-queueing 0 -graph-scale 2'

#% ns many_tcp.tcl $params $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 $p5 $p6

ns many_tcp.tcl $params $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 $p5 $p6 -init-win 0
#% ns many_tcp.tcl $params $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 $p5 $p6 -init-win 10
# Each row of 90 packets of the graph represents a new connection.
# Connections get reset and reused, for efficiency of execution.
# ----------------------------
# ToDo: Opening N flows at once.
# ToDo: compare without syn_, delayed-open.
# ------------

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