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ISO 26000 standard

ISO standards provide solutions and achieve benefits for almost all sectors of activity,
including agriculture, construction, mechanical engineering, etc. They are responsible for
developing standards so that there is a clear market requirement and all taken by experts in the

However, these standards in the Sensocorp project are very useful since it is a guide that is
designed to serve any organization of any kind and to operate in a socially responsible way
through a guide of related concepts, terms and definitions. with social responsibility,
background, trends and characteristics of social responsibility, etc.

Through the content of the ISO 26000 standard which is structured as follows: Foreword
1 Purpose and field of application 2 Terms and definitions 3 Understanding social responsibility
4 Principles of social responsibility 5 Recognizing social responsibility and engaging with
stakeholders 6 Guidance on fundamental social responsibility issues 7 Guidance on integrating
social responsibility into the whole organization. You can do a planning side of the distribution
of the product to sell or if you have to make a change in your design or add a plus so that the
product is better received socially and more easily by buyers or companies.

From the point of view of production, the ISO 26000 standard is of vital importance, so to speak,
since, as mentioned above, taking into account the structure of the content can make a product
one of the best received by people since it is going away to take into account many factors for
the development of the design and its respective production, to take into account these standards
can be improved by adding a product or generate ideas about another new product for buyers and
thus make the company thrive and grow by increasing its production and making its products

To conclude the aforementioned standard is very important from the point of view of production
in any company that generates and provides a service.

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