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Name : Keishandra Nabila Junistya

NPM : 2006518294

How Do I Play the Role of Nature Manager

God created the universe and its contents to interact with each other and contribute to achieving
mutual prosperity. Like humans use oxygen produced by plants to breathe and develop natural
resources for fuel purposes. Hence, nature needs our help to protect and preserve it as we are the
only living things created with a mind. Human resources who know the environment will have
positive impacts on the environment. On the other hand, environmental damages are caused by
those who do not have knowledge of the environment.

Many people solely exploit natural resources for economic gain without thinking about what
they leave from these activities. In fact, environmental damage will bring disasters such as
damage to water, land, and air that harms humans themselves. Therefore, we as the only person
in charge of nature must change our behaviour towards nature.

The implementation of human responsibility as a nature manager can be done from the smallest
component, namely maintaining one's health. Healthy living will have an impact on physical and
spiritual health so that we can fulfil our bigger responsibilities as managers of technology
development, personal health and the environment, development, manager in dealing with global
issues, and overcoming natural disasters. To maintain a healthy physical lifestyle, we should be
conscious of our diet, add more fruits and vegetables, eat fewer carbohydrates, high sodium, and
unhealthy fat. Avoid eating junk food and sweets, including not skipping meals. Do exercise.
This exercise can be in various forms, the most important thing is to do it regularly. Engage in
the things you are passionate about and surround yourself with positive energy.

The second step is to act as manager of technology development and environment. Human
behaviour towards nature changes along with technological advances. These advances including
the use of heavy machinery for industrial needs that emit waste and CO2, such waste and gasses
may harm nature. Industries should begin to shift using sustainable energy and reducing CO2
emissions in the production process and during the use of products for consumers. Recycling
resources, reducing the impact of chemicals and preserving diversity.

Dealing with global issues can be reached by contributing to realizing the United Nation's 17
goals of sustainable development, which are:
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
10. Reducing Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life On Land
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals.

Lastly, in overcoming natural disasters according to UU No. 44 of 2007 regarding disaster

management, several principles are mentioned: it must be fast and precise, priority (prioritizing
the saving of the human soul), coordination and integration, efficient and effective (in managing
community difficulties, not wasting time), excessive energy and costs, transparency and
accountability. (Do it openly and can be accounted for), partnership, empowerment, non-
discrimination, non-projection (prohibited from spreading religion/belief during a disaster


Accessed 22 May 2021 on 13:44 at


Accessed 22 May 2021 on 14:27 at


Accessed 22 May 2021 on 15:59 at

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