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Drug addiction refers to the dangerous and excessive intake

of legal and illegal drugs. This leads to many behavioural

changes in the person as well as affects brain functions. Many
people take these drugs to feel happier and better about
themselves and to relieve stress. These dangerous substances
make the brain produce a chemical that makes us happy,
called dopamine. Taking these dangerous produces large
amounts of Dopamine causes the person to take the drug
consistently. Some of the drugs include alcohol, nicotine, and
other unhealthy substances. Taking these substances can
lead to many symptoms. These include being unable to think
correctly, not remembering things, and unable to speak
clearly. They steal and keep secrets from their close ones.
Those addicted cannot sleep well; they become happy and
sad quickly. They stop doing the activities that they liked
doing. Taking these dangerous substances can cause many
health problems such as vomiting, unable to breathe, brain,
and lung damage. It also affects their family, friends, and
work relations. Drug addiction impacts millions and needs to
be treated carefully to prevent further harm to the individual
and let them live a better life. Though chronic, treatment is
available for drug addiction such as counselling there are
rehabilitation centres to help people medication to treat the
addiction the most important is having family and friends to
support the effect. It will help them build confidence and
come over their addiction. With this I conclude my topic
thank you. 

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