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Nama : Yuni Yanti

Kelas : XII RPL 1

Friday, October 29, 2021

HR Head

PT Semesta Alam


Good luck,

Based on the information I received from , PT Semesta Alam opened a job vacancy as Finance Staff.

Therefore, I would like to apply for the job of the position.

Here's my short biography:

Name : Yuni Yanti

Female gender

Birthday: Kendal June 20, 2004

Education : S1 Economics

Phone number: 082241522314

I can speak English both verbally and verbally.

I also have the skills to operate software for the office which I believe will help in the work.
For your consideration I've also attached multiples like:

1. Curriculum Vitae

2. Copy of Diploma

3. Recent photograph 3×4

4. Photocopy of Police Record Certificate (SKCK)

5. Copy of ID card

I hope I can get a chance to take the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills face to face with

Thank you for your attention.


yuni yanti

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