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to achieve more!


Chapter-1 Is dreaming big really essential?

Chapter-2 Does your anxiety level increase if you set higher goals?
Chapter-3 What is practically important to be done, when I dream big?
Chapter-4 Is it important to check whether dreaming big goals can be
practically possible?
Chapter-5 Is it important to see as to what is required to be done for
fulfilment of the big dreams?
Chapter-6 What if I set higher goals and further fail in achieving?
Chapter-7 Is it appropriate to cheat others while fulfilling big dreams or
achieving bigger goals?
Chapter-8 is it appropriate to set goals by seeing others?

I today’s era dreaming big is quite important. If you fix smaller targets, you
will achieve less. If you set bigger goals, you will achieve much more.
Everyone who motivates others definitely says this sentence, but it is yet to
be seen that the goals you ideally set can be achieved practically. I’ll throw
light on some points one by one:

Chapter-1 Is dreaming big really essential?

Every motivational speaker motivates his/her audiences by saying to dream
big. What dream big actually means to set higher goals for success. If you
think that you can achieve less and set goals accordingly, your success
criteria would definitely be smaller. However, if you make up mind to set
bigger goals or you dream big, your success stories will follow your
instructions set in the mind about your goals. Your sub-conscious mind is
full of energy, it can give you fruits whatever you demand. But it is pitiable
that the most of the people do not know the strength of the sub-conscious
mind. These people are always with negative mind set, blaming other
people, circumstances and fail to grab opportunities due to low self
esteem. They underestimate their calibre and strengths and thus do not
succeed. You might have noticed people criticising others, ‘that person was
less talented than me, but he/she is more successful than me, destiny has
favoured him/her’. Do not shed tears on your failures or others’ success
stories. Drive your own car and do not let negative thoughts drive you
according to what others think about you. It is important to know about
what specialities are in you or you have expertise in. After knowing that
match your capabilities and then set goals. You will find miraculous results
by dreaming big like this. Therefore; it quite significant to give instructions
to your sub-conscious mind that you can achieve particular goal
notwithstanding, having obstacles therein. So dreaming big is first step to
achieve desired goals and hence it is important too.

Chapter-2 Does your anxiety level increase if you set higher goals?
‘Dreaming big’ means ‘Assuming responsibilities to do some bigger
things’. So if you have set bigger goals, your anxiety level may increase if
you are not well prepared to cope up with its pros and cons. Your
preparation or prior home work is quite essential. Dreaming big never ever
means that you make castles in the air, for that aim you have to do hard
work. There is no scope of rest in it. That is altogether a different thing that
your dream itself relaxes your mind, because you are enthusiastic about it.
Else it may be cumbersome job to achieve your targets by facing
competitions, which make you anxious, worried and your stress level
increases. But you should keep in the mind, by assuming bigger
responsibilities and by earning hefty amounts I may be able to enjoy the
best materials to make life enjoyable and I may be able to give more
facilities to my spouse, children , parents or loved ones. I may be able to
donate good amount of money for charity for social upliftment. I may
become renowned person and other associated dreams... But stay practical
in fulfilment of dreaming big.
Chapter-3 What is practically important to be done, when I dream big?
Dreaming big is not an easy task if it does not go on achievement route by
well planning. What is practically important to be done, when I dream big is
to set goal according to see your capabilities, your strengths in order to
achieve that and further whether it can be achieved in the stipulated time
period. If you are not able to achieve your goal in 2-3 attempts, you should
re-analyse your capabilities, strengths and hard work necessary for it. And
if you practically find it difficult to achieve, set another goal of your
interest, which can be practically achieved by you. Mere thinking won’t
help you if you do not have the desired set of skills or capabilities and
ability to perform in the stipulated time frame. And once you decide a goal
and if practically you are not able to achieve, do not spent whole of life to
achieve the same goal because after attempting twice or thrice you will
realise some saturation point as the students who prepare for I.A.S, P.O.,
P.M.T. exams feel. If you feel that hollow or saturation point in your mind,
do not run after it and change the goal. Set practically achievable goal for
your dreaming Big.
Chapter-4 Is it important to check whether dreaming big goals can be
practically possible?
Yes, it is important to check whether dreaming big goals can be practically
possible. If you make a goal that you will make a ladder to heaven, which is
quite a big dream, but practically impossible. We just have heard about the
heaven in the mythological volumes and have never seen it, so make a
ladder towards heaven is a goal that cannot be achieved. Set practical goals
that whether you want to become a director, businessman, scientist, teacher,
professor, lawyer, judge, police inspector or collector etc. are the goals you
can achieve depending on your strengths, guidance and hard work you can
do about achieving them.

Chapter-5 Is it important to see as to what is required to be done for

fulfilment of the big dreams?
Yes, logically it is quite important to see as to what is required to be done
for fulfilment of the big dreams. What kind of set of skills required,
education level required, whether it is possible for you to shift once you are
selected to work for your goal in the localities choice given by the
authorities. Whether you are comfortable for commuting from one place to
another everyday and knowing about the type of the responsibilities, which
you may bear at your work place, you will be comfortable in discharging
your duties or not; are all essential things to know prior to set bigger goals.
How much the goal will affect in future in terms of married life or
children’s education, care for parents and your health etc. are very
significant things you should know beforehand. Developing those skills,
educational level and other required things which make you eligible to
achieve the objective is essential part in dreaming big.
Chapter-6 What if I set higher goals and further fail in achieving?
As we have discussed in the previous chapter do not stick to a goal for
whole of the life. If you find it difficult to achieve after 2-3 attempts and
feel that further hard work in this direction won’t help you much, you
should skip idea of achieving the big goal. You may have heard the stories
of the people who wanted to land a job, but got an opportunity sing and
later he became a renowned singer. Sometimes failures also lead you
towards bigger success levels it is upto you to keep an eye on the coming
opportunities on your way. So do not feel discouraged and do not lose hope.
Work for something better. Do not be depressed by one or more failures.
Prepare yourself for some bigger alternative success levels with smile and
not with regret.

Chapter-7 Is it appropriate to cheat others while fulfilling big dreams

or achieving bigger goals?
A practical and evil minded person may say you to achieve success at any
cost by any means, by hook or by crook. But morally I would suggest you
not to achieve any success by snatching others right or by cheating anyone.
Some students buy question paper before exams and score good marks. It is
cheating with the system, snatching other students’ rights and significantly
it makes you morally handicapped, whenever you wish to do something,
you think about the short cuts, this lowers your inner power of struggling
with odds and difficult situations hence you develop intolerance about
facing failures and learn to embellish your ego. If you are a real achiever,
you do not need to achieve anything by cheating or resorting to unfair
means, corruption etc.

Chapter-8 is it appropriate to set goals by seeing others?

It is appropriate to set goals by seeing others, if others and you have the
similar set of capabilities, academic and professional educational level,
interests and skills.
It is inappropriate to set goals by seeing others when others and you have
the absolutely different set of capabilities, academic and professional
educational level, interests and skills.

Dreaming big is a good thing, you learn to set step by step achieving big
goals in your life. When you really get success in achievement of your goal
honestly, this success makes you more positive and happy person in life and
strong enough to plan for achieving much higher goals. A confident person
sets bigger goals and by achieving those goals, the person becomes more
strong and confident. So, again dream big with logical and practical
mindsets assessing your capabilities. All the best! for your further big
stories of success which you will make after cherishing your big dreams!

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