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Alejandro, Jeremie F.



Use these words in sentences and see if they imitate their sounds. Find for
their meanings using the dictionary. Write the meaning opposite the word. Then use the
word in two sentences. Underline the word. Indicate your name and course/section. (1
point for the meaning and 1 point for each sentence - 30 points)

1. thud - a dull, heavy sound, such as that made by an object falling to the ground.
“she hit the wall with a terrific thud.”
“Ana is walking, and slipped on the floor and fall with a loud thud.

2. tweet - the chirp of a small or young bird.

“In our garden I’ve heard the lovely tweet of the birds.”
“ I always woke up by the tweet of the humming birds.”

3. whizz - move quickly through the air with a whistling or whooshing sound.
“Carlo felt a bottle whizz past his head.”
“Trains whizz through the station by the village on their way to city every day.”

4. zip –  The definition of zip is a quick, hissing sound, is slang for zero, or is energy.
“Asrael pulled the zip of his leather jacket down.”
“The zip on my skirt had broken.”

5. zoom- move or travel very quickly.

“They got into the car and zoomed off.”
“In the last few metres of the race, she suddenly zoomed ahead.”

6. splash- a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid.

“We hit the water with a mighty splash.”
“she splashed cold water onto her face.”

7. puff - a short, explosive burst of breath or wind.

“a puff of wind swung the weathervane around.”
“ Joseph blew out the candles in one puff.”

8. clatter - a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other.
“the horse spun around with a clatter of hooves”
“She dropped her plate into the sink with a loud clatter.”

9. clink - a sharp ringing sound, such as that made when metal or glass are struck.
"the clink of ice in tall glasses"
“Airport police arrived and arrested West and Crowley and they were promptly hauled off to
the clink.”

10. gulp- swallow (drink or food) quickly or in large mouthfuls, often audibly.
“She finished the remaining half of her drink in one gulp.”
“Ped finished the drink he was holding in one gulp and crossed to where he was standing.”

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