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Currently, we use the internet every day

for several things in order to facilitate our tasks, but t
here is pros and cons of the internet:
Some pros are unlimited access to information,
this helps us better understand things we may never
have thought about.Endless entertainment, several
movies, music, games, software and books, can be
found online, on websites, our way of entertainment
has changed, depending on the years that have
passed.Communicating with people who are far away
from us becomes easier because of the internet and
happens in real time.
Some cons are that children are too vulnerable
and exposed, as there is no possibility of actually
checking the age on the internet, as there is content
that should not be accessed by children, as porn
sites, as well as children can be persuaded by other p
eople who lead them to do dangerous things. Another
cons is that with the internet we lost a lot of
productivity, we spent many hours on the phone or
on the computer, when we could be doing something
As many people consider the internet an anonym
ous place they take advantage of to do cyberbullying, 
can lead to serious mental problems in the a long

On the internet, there is cybercrime, within

cybercrimes there are several types like Email fraud
and internet,Identity fraud, Theft of financial data or
card payment and Theft and sale of corporate data.
We can protect ourselves from these crimes by n
opening spam email attachments and do not provide
personal information unless it is secure
With the pros and cons we can see that there is a
good and a bad side about using the internet, that the
laws must change as the internet evolves.

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