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Trương Đình Ân

TEST – WRITING TASK 1( 60 minutes)
The chart illustrates the amount of visitors arriving in a particular country for a
short trip, and the amount of residents living that country for a short trip from Oct-
09 to Jun-11
According to the chart, residents living is increased dramatically from Oct-09 to
Jun-11 and visitors arriving increased gradually but also returnd to the original
from Oct-09 to Jun-11. The number of residents living started at 550000 people in
Oct-09 and raised to 650000 people Jun-11. While in the same period, the visitors
arriving hit a peak in Oct-10 but decreased sharply in Jun-11.
To Sum up, residents living, who leave the country for a short trip were higher
than visitors arriving, and the number of residents living fluctuated over the period
and reaching a peak of 650000 people in Jun-11.
This following illustrates the favorite colours for cars among men and women, and
the propotion of actual car sales in 2011
According to the bar chart, black cars sales occupied a large area with 90% , in
which the number of male cars was 80% larger than the number of female cars was
10%. Next is the number of silver cars occupied 65%, inside that the number of
female cars was 55% larger than the number of male cars was 10%. The number of
bright colour cars occupied 35%, in which the number of female cars was 10%
larger than the number of male cars was 25%. Finally, White cars occupid smallest
area with 15%, in which the number of female cars was 10% larger than the
number of male cars was 5%.

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