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Technological university of Santiago


Michell Celina Vasquez Mejia
Ramon Reynoso
Discuss question
Didactics of English II
Discuss question:
1- What is difference between learning styles and
learning strategies?
Learning styles speaks to the understanding that every student learns differently
and Learning strategies are specific behaviors or thought processes that student
use to enhance their own L2 learning.

2- How are learning styles and strategies related?

Learning styles can be defined as general approaches to language learning, while
learning strategies are specific ways learners choose to cope with language tasks
in particular contexts. Learning strategies are the ways in which students learn,
remember information, and study for tests.

3- Why are learning styles and strategies important for

l2 teacher to understand?
L2 teachers could benefit by assessing the learning style and the strategy use of
their students because such assessment leads to greater understanding of styles
and strategies. Styles and strategies help determine a particular learns ability and
willingness to work within the framework of various instructional methodologies

Teachers should be aware of the ways their students acquire, retain, and retrieve
information. This enables them to follow certain teaching strategies that can
enhance the abilities and the attitudes of their students, especially in learning
another language. Learning styles can be dichotomous in terms of dimensions

4- What do we know about optimal strategy instruction?

Strategy instruction is a teaching practice that shows students how to learn the
content or skills they need to acquire. It provides students with clear strategies
(such as note-taking or thinking aloud) to help them process, remember, and
express the information they learn.

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