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We all have fears of some description, don't we?

Well, let me tell you about mine, about my fear of

flying. Fear of flying is a fear of being on an aeroplane, or other flying vehicle, while in flight. When I fly I
experience an extreme sense of fear or panic , and I avoid flying altogether.If I must get on a plane, then
I'm likely to experience panic attacks or other intense symptoms of anxiety. Fears can be paralyzing and
can really imping on our lives – we let them. I’m going to tell you about how I overcame my fear of
flying. I overcome this fear through exposure therapy, allowing me to gradually become more adapted
to the ideas and sensations of flying. The first step in treating is to acknowledge that the fear is present.
Knowledge is power when it comes to conquering your fear of flying because you can’t challenge
irrational thoughts without facts. The most important thing was to ask for help, and the rest came

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