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rN SHORT Ug ls In 1934, Charles B. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania, presented a game called MONOPOLY to. the executives of Parker Brothers, Mr Darrow, Ike many other Americans, was unemployad at the time and often played thie game to amuse himeolf and pass tho time. le ‘was the geme’s exciting promise of fame and fortune that prompted Darrow to initially produce this game on bis own, With help from a friend who was a printer, Darrow sold 15,000 sets of the MONOPOLY geme to a Philadelphi deparunent store. As che demand for the game grew, Darrow could not keep up with the orders and arranged for Parker Brothers to take over the game. Since 1935 when Parker Brothers acquired the rights 1 the game, Ir has become the leading proprietary game rot only in the United States but throughout the Western World. As of 1998 the game is published under license in 80 countries. and in 26 languages: in addition, the US. Spanish edition is sold in ancther 11 countries. HISTORY MONOPOLY" GA “OWN IT ALLI™ ‘Thae’s the spirie that's kept the MONOPOLY ® game the most popuiar board game in the world for all these years! Now the classic own-itall aeventure is propelled into the fucure with this spectacular Millennium Edition. Ifyou have never played, you'll find the complete MONOPOLY game rules on pages 4-14. I you're a veteran player, these two pages tell you what's the same about this MONOPOLY edicion— and whats different Welcome to the New Millennium. Enjoy! WHAT'S THE SAME? The game is the same game. People have been playing by the same rules since 1935. Ocher than that it's ll differ cent You have never seen a MONOPOLY game lke this! WHAT'S DIFFERENT? ‘Though che properties and spaces are the classi, the gameboard has never looked Ike this Ie’ made of siver- colored, holographic foil—with Mr Monopoly™ shining through! ‘Though its the same illegal tencer, for the first time, the money is translucent. “The dice stil roll you snake eyes or double sixes, but they look like precious jewels. Besides the glow, the Houses stack one on top of the ‘other. Keep stacking until you have encugh houses to trade in for a Hote. Most of the 8 redesigned tokens are different from the: ‘ones you or your parents grew up with. All 8 are things that redefine how we will live in the New Millannium ‘Thay celebrate the haight of our accomplishments as we ‘top into the nex thousand years. THE COMPUTER It’s how we work, think and create. Irs the plaything of the hurran mind.This one does not have a keyboard: It understands speech, ‘We must be connected, in touch, in the loop,in the know. And we want to see who were talking to! THE IN-LINE SKATE Not your grancmother’s roler skate. This exercise ‘machine requires a wardrobe, safety equipment... and activide. THE GLOBE The world stil curns, bur today we are a We are not isolated. We are part of The World, THE PLANE “To get there fast enough, rake a superjet I's Everyman ‘and Everywoman’s everyday transportation, THE CAR We will always love cars: This one drives like the fucure, con every curve, at every angle THE BICYCLE No bell and basket on this one! Ie allterrain, with frictionless rim drive. Pure recreation. YELLOW LABRADOR ‘Olay, some things never change. We love dogs. Tho yellow Lab is today’s most popular breed. FOR ian ee OBJECT ‘The object of tie game is to become the wealthiest player through buying, renting and selling property. PREPARATION Flace the board on a table. Place the Chance and Convmunity Chest cards on ther aloted spaces on the Bs board. Each player chooses one token to represent him/her while traveling around the board. Each player is given $1500 divided as follows: 2 each of $5008, $100's and $505; 6 $20 5 each of $10's, $5 ang $1's, All remaining money and other equipment go othe Bank. BANKER Select as Banker a player who will also make 2 good ‘Auctioneer. A Banker who plays in the game must keep ‘When more than five persons play th to act only a¢ Barker and Auctioneer a The Bank collects all axes, f the price of all properues whic ‘The Bank never “goes broke.” I ‘money, the Banker may issue as needed by merely writing on any ordinary paper. THE PLAY Starting with the Banker, each player in eurn throws the dice. The player withthe highest tocal stares the play: Place your token on the comer marked “GO,” throw the two dice and more your token in the direction of the arrow the rumber of spaces indicated by the dice. ‘After you have completed your ply, the turn passes t0 the left The tokens remain on the spaces occupied and proceed from that point on the player's nex: turn. ‘Two ar more tokers may rest cn the same space at the same time According to che space your token reaches, you may be entitled co buy real estate or other properties—or be ‘obliged to pay rent, pay taxes, draw a Chance or ‘Community Chest eard,"Go to Ji ore. you throw doubles, you move your token as usual, the sum of the two dice,and are subject to any prvilages or penakies pertaining to the space on which you land. Retaining the dice, throw again and move your token as before. If you throw doubles thres times in succession, move your token immeciacely to the “In Jail” part of the “IN JAILJUST VISITING" corner space (see JAIL) c@@D Each time a players token lands on or passes over GO, whether by throw of the dice or by drawing 2 card, the Banker pays him/her a $200 salary. “The §200 is paid only once each time around the board, However if you pass GO on the throw of the dice and land two spaces beyond it on Community Chest, cor 7 spaces beyond it on Chance, and you draw the “Advance to GO” card, you collect §200 for passing GO the first time and another $200 for reaching it the second time by instructions on the card BUYING PROPERTY Whenever you land on an unowned property you may buy that property from the Bank at its printed price. You receive the Title Deed card showing ownership: place it face up in front of you, I you do not wish to buy the property, the Banker sell tat auction to the highest bidder. The buyer pays to the Bank the amount of the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property. Any player. includi the one whe declinad the option of buying it at the printed price, may bid. Bidding may start at any price. ‘ PAYING RENT ‘When you land on property owned by another player ‘the owner collecis rent from you in accordance with, the lst printed on its Tide Deed carc. If the property is mortgaged, no rene can be collected. ‘When a property is mortgaged, its Title Deed card is placed face down in front of the owner. It is an advantage t hold all te Title Deed cards in 2 colomgroup (ue., Boardwalk and Park Flace, or Connecticut, Vermont and Oriental Avenues) because the owner may then charge double rent for unimproved properties in that color-group. This rule applies to ‘unmortgaged propertias even if another property in chat color group is mortgaged. ~~ Ie is even more advantageous to have houses or hotels ‘on properties because rents are much higher than for unimproved properues. ee ee een Eee atin acta sce “CHANCE” AND “COMMUNITY CHEST” ‘When you land on either of these spaces, take the top card from the deck indicated, follow the instructions and return the card face down 10 the bottom of the deck. ‘The"Get Out of jail Free” card is held uneil used and then returned co the bottom ef che deck. Ifthe player who draws 1¢ does not wish to use Ic, he/she may sell itjat any time, to another payer at a price agreeable to both “INCOME TAX” IF you land here you have two options: You may estimate your tax 2€ $200 and pay the Bank, or you may pay 10% ‘of your total worth to the Bank. Your total worth is all your cash on hand. printed prices of mortgaged and unmortgaged properties snd cost prio of all buildings youown, ‘You rrust decide which eption you will rake before you add up your total worth, “pAtL” You land in ail when: (I) your token lands on the space marked “Go to Jal" (2) you draw a card marked "Go to Jail"s0r (3) you throw doubles three times in succession. When you are sent to al you cannot collece your $200, salary in that move since, regardless of where your token is on the board, you must move it dreetly into Jail. Your turn ends when you are sent to fail Ifyou are not"sent” to Jal but in the ordinary course of play land on that space, you are "just Visiting” you incur no penalty. and you meve ahead in the usual manner on your next tura, ‘You gat out of Jali by. (I) throwing doubles on any of your next three turns:if you succeed in doing this, you immediately move forward the number of spaces shown by your doubles throws even though you had thrown doubles, you do not take ancther turn; (2) using the “Get Out of fal Free” card if you have it 3) purchasing ‘the "Gat Out of fll Frac” card from another player and Playing it: or (4) paying a fine of $50 before you roll the dice on either of your next owo wns. Ifyou don't throw doubles by your third tur, you ‘must pay the $50 fine. ou then get out of Jall and immediately meve forward the number of spaces shown by your throw. Even though you are in jll, you may buy or sell property, buy or gall houses and hotels and callect rents “FREE PARKING A player landing on this space does not receive any money property or reward of any kind, This is just a “tree” resting piace. HOUSES ‘When you own all the properties in a colorgroup you may buy houses from the Bank and erect them on those properties. If you buy one house, you may put It on any one of those properties. The next house you buy must be erected on one of the unimproved properties of this or any other complete color-group you may own, The price you must pay the Bank for each house is shown on your Title Deed card for the property on which you erect the house. The owner stil collects double rent from an opponent ‘whe lands on the unimproved properties af hislhor complete color-group. Following these rules, you may buy and erect at any time as many houses as your judgement and financial standing wil allow But you must buld evenly ia. you cannot erect more than one house on ary one property of any color group untll you have built one heuse on every property of that group. You may then begin on the second row of houses, and ¢0 on, up to a limit of four houses to a property For exemple, you cannot build three houses on ‘one property if you have only ene house on another property of that group. ‘As you build evenly, you must also break down evenly if yu sel houses back to che Bank (see SELLING PROPERTY), HOTELS When you have four houses on each property of a complete coler-group, you may buy a hotel from the Bank and erect it on any property of that coler-group. You rewurn the four houses from chat property to the Bank and pay the price for the hotel as shown on the Title Deed card. You may erect only one hotel on any ‘one property, BUILDING SHORTAGES ‘When the Bank has no houses to sel, players wishing to build must wait for some player to turn back or to sell his/her houses to the Bank beioro building. If chare aro a limited number of houses and hotels available and two ‘or more players wish to buy more than the Bank hes, the houses or hotels must be told st auction to the highest bidder, SELLING PROPERTY Unimproved properties, railroads and utilities (but not buildings) may be sold to any player as a private transaction for any amount that the owner can get. However, no property can be sold to another player if dings are standing on ary properties of that colo group. Any buildings so located must be sold back to, the Bank before the owner can sell any property of that color group. Houses and hotsls may be sold back to the Bank at any timo for one-half the price paid for ther. All houses on one color. group must be sold one by ‘ono, evenly, in reverse ef the manner in which they wore erected All hotels on one color group may be sold at once. Or they may be sold one house ata time (ene hetel equals five houses), evenly in reverse of the manner in which they were erected, MORTGAGES Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. Before an improved property can be ‘mortgaged, all ehe buildings on all the properties ofits ccolorgroup must be sold back to the Bank at half price, ‘The mortgage value 's printed on each Title Deed card, No rent can be collected on mortgaged properties or slides, but rent can be collected on unmorigaged properties in the same group. In order to life the mortgage, the owner must pay the Bank the amount of the mortgage plus 10% interest. ‘When all the properties of a color-group are no longer mortgage¢, the owner may bezin to buy back houses at full price. ‘The plyer who mortgages property retains possession (f it and no other player may secure it by lifting the ‘mortgage from the Bank However, the owner may tell this mortgaged property to another playar at any agreed price Ifyou are the new owner you may lift the moregage at once if you wish by paying off the mortgage plue 10% Interest to the Bank. If che mortgage iz not lifeed at once, you must pay the Bank 10% incerest when you buy the property and # you life the mortgage Inter you must pay ‘the Bank an addtional 10% interest as well as the amount of che morgage. pt if you owe more than you of roturn these co the Bank in exchange ‘extent of one-half the amount paid for mortgaged property, you alzo turn this property over to, your creditor but the new owner must at once pay the Bank the amount of interest on the loan, which is 10% Cf the value of the property. The new owner who does this may then, at his/her option, pay the principal or hold che property until some later curn, then life the mortgage. Ifhe/she holds property in this way until a later turn, he/she must pay the Interest again upon liting the mortgage. Should you owe the Bank, instead of another player, more than you can pay (because of taxes or penalties) ‘even by selling off buildings and mortgaging property, Yyou must turn over all assets to the Bank. In this case, the Bank immadiztely sells by auction all property so taken, except buildings. A bankrupe player must immediately retire from the game. The lace player left in the game wins. MISCELLANEOUS Money ean only be leaned to a payer by the Bank ‘and then only by mortgaging property. No player may borrow from or lend money to anether player RULES for a SHORT GAME (60 to 90 minutes) There are five changed rules for thie first Short Game. |. During PREPARATION, the Banker shuffles then deals three Title Deed cards to each playor These are Froe— rho payment to the Bank is required. ‘You nead only thrae houses (instead of four} on each lot of a complete color group before you may buy 4 hotel. Hotel rent remains the same. ‘The turn-h valve ie sel one-half the purchase price, Which in this game is one house less than in the regular game. - If you land in Jail you must exit on your next turn by (I) using a “Get Out of lal Free” card if you have (or can buy) one; or @2) rolling doubles; or (3) paying $50. Unlike the standard rules, you may try to roll doubles and, falling to do so, pay the $50 on the same turn, “The peralty for landing on “Income Tax” is a fat $200, END OF GAME: The game ends when one player goes bankrupt. The remaining players value their property. (1) cash on hand; (2) lots, utilities and raiiroeds owned, at the price printed on the board: (3) any mortgaged, property owned, at one-half the price printed on the board: (4) houses, valuad at purchase price: (5) hotels. valued at purchase price including the value of the three houses turned in ‘The richest player wine! ANOTHER GOOD SHORT GAME TIME LIMIT GAME... Before starting, agree upon a dofinito hour of termination, when the richest plyer will be dechrad the winner. Before starting, the Banker shufles and cute the Title Deed cards and deske wo to cach player: Players immediately pay the Bank the price of the properties dealt to them.

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