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06 Essential Questions
• What is a brand?
A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name
• What is a corporate brand, give an example.
Promoting the brand name of a corporate entity, as opposed to specific products
or services. somthing like Coke or Tmoble
• What is a product brand, give an example.
A strategy that defines a unique set of marketing elements to differentiate a given
• What is a private distributor brand, give an example.
owned by retailers and do not identify the manufacturer of the product Somthing
like walmarts great value brand
• What is brand identity?
The visible elements of a brand, such as color, design, and logo that identify and
distinguish the brand in consumers' minds.
• What does a company do to define their brand identity?
They want to make somthing that will cetch the customers eyes and attion
somthing that will want them to like the brand and want to buy the product.
• What is brand image?
the impression of a product held by real or potential consumers.
• Why should a company care about it's brand image?
Becuase the brand image is the face of the company its the companys reputaion.
• What is brand equity?
The commercial value that derives from consumer perception of the brand name
of a particular product or service, rather than from the product or service itself.
• How does brand equity relate to market value of a company's stock?brand
equity refers to the importance of the brand to a customer of the company.
Brand value is easier for a company to estimate.
• What is trademark?trademarks are highly useful assets you can use to your
advantage while gaining an advantage over the competition
• What is the difference between a registered and unregistered trademark?
• What is a service mark?a legally registered name or designation used in the
manner of a trademark to distinguish an organization's services from those
of its competitors.
• Why would you want to trademark your logo?
• What is a trade character? is a representation of a person, animal, or other
being that is personified and used to identify a company, brand, or product.
• What are the benefits of acquiring a patent? No one can steal your oriduct
or the way the product is made and used.
• What is a plant patent?A plant patent is an intellectual property right that
protects a new and unique plant’s key characteristics from being copied,
sold or used by others.
• What is a utility patent? is a patent that covers the creation of a new or
improved—and useful—product, process, or machine
• What are the benefits of acquiring a patent? No one can take or steal the
way you made the product or how its used.
• What is the difference between a licensor and a licensee?
• What is a royalty and who pays it? A royalty is an amount paid by a third
party to an owner of a product or patent for the use of that product or
• How does the licensor benefit from licensing?
• How does the licensee benefit from licensing?The licensee is able to keep
the profits earn by their use of the licensed items. In return, the licensor
receives an agreed-upon royalty out of those profits for the ongoing use of
their items.
• What are some disadvantages licensing to the licensor?
• What is a celebrity endorsement, how can it help or hurt you? When
someone like a football player comes on and shows your product off on a
ad on tv or a billborad anything like that. It can help you because lots of
people love to copy what known people use and they want to use that
same thing beucase they want to feel like them or as rich as them, it can
also hurt you if somthing happens after you make the ad and somthign
concveral happens with that player and now hes the face of your product.

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