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6 2 What an experience! ay 2a What happened? ‘A. Complete the sentences with the words given. 1. excited exciting Weare all about going to Madonna's concert, because something always happens! 2. interested interesting T'm not in history, so I didn’t find the book very 3. frightened frightening I think this film is a bit for children. Even I was when I saw it. 4, surprised Surprising It was to see Marilyn in Paris. We were both very ___ to see each other there. B. Lisa was at a café with her colleagues yesterday afternoon. Look at the picture and write what they were doing. have / coffee talk / phone surf / the Net wear / suits sit / next to Dan C. Write questions using the prompts. Then look at the pictures and answer. 1. Rex / bark / yesterday morning? At i OR vot Ce 2. George / push / car / home / two days ago? Az 3. children / cycle / school / last Friday? A: B Eee 4, Jackie / play / muddy water / yesterday? D. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-f, Mark Hi Craig, I called you on your mobile last night but you didn't answer. What were you doing at ten otlock? Craig (1) Mark Really? What was it like? Graig: Qys2 Sos Mark ‘That’ to0 bad. What did Isabel think about the film? Craig (3) Mark So, you didn't have much fun then, Craig (4) Mark Oh well. I went to that new theme park last night, ee Craig Was it any good? Mark (6) Tm going again at the weekend. Coming? Craig Yeah! SSeS SS Seo: 2b Just taste it! ‘A. Match the sentences. 1. [ don't like lemons. a. They're healthy for you. 2.1 don’t need medicine. b. Its very bitter. 3. This coffee needs more sugar. . It smells, 4. This fish is really tasty. . They're sour. 5. Eat lots of vegetables. I'm not ill. 6.1 don't want to taste that. It’s very fresh. B. Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets. As1() (walk) home from a friend’s house last month, 1(2)___(smell) something amazing. I (3) (look) around. The smell (4) (come) from a Thai restaurant. ‘The next day, while I (5)__ (shop) for some books, I 6 (find) a book with Thai recipes. I (7) (not look) for a cookbook, but as soon as I (8) (open) it, 1 0 (ecide) to buy it. It (10) (have) lots of interesting recipes. ran (ook) through the book on the bus home when I (12)___(see) a recipe for spicy seafood with noodles. 1 (3) (not have) any of the ingredients, so I (14) (get) off the bus and (15) (go) to the supermarket. But I (16)__* ___ (not can) find noodles. In the end, I (17) (ing) a Thai restaurant and (18) (order) some spicy seafood with noodles, and it (19) (be) deticioust sleep / alarm go off eat sandwich / phone ring 3. (while) .g0 home / listen to music 4. (as soon as) see dog / climb up tree 5. (when) walk to work / meet friend D. Listen to a man describing a meal he had at a restaurant and answer the questions. Choose a, bor c. r 1. How long did the man wait for the waiter to come? 3. How did the man feel about the waiter? a. 20 minutes a. He thought he was strange. b. 30 minutes , He thought he was polite ¢.40 minutes ¢. He thought he was honest 2. What did the man think of the lasagne? a. Itneeded a lot of salt. a. Because it fell on him. b. There wasn’t alot. b, Because it looked strange. ¢. It wasn't very fresh. Because the waiter didn't bring it. Why didn't the man eat the dessert? PS 2c Believe it or not! ‘A. Read the story and circle the correct words. Iwas driving by the sea last week in my van when (1) unluckily / suddenly I saw a dog just standing in the road. 1 was going quite fast but (2) unfortunately / amazingly I didn't hit the dog. However, | drove right into the sea. (3) To my surprise / All ofa sudden, the van stayed on top of the water, but not for long. (4) Fortunately / Suddenly, water started coming in through the doors. I had to get out quickly. (5) Luckily / Suddenly, [ managed to open the door and swim away. (6) To my surprise / After that, I turned around and watched my van disappear into the water. I'm lucky to be alive, B. Look at the pictures and the prompts and write a story. Divide it into three paragraphs. + last Saturday /urglar /enter/ + unfortunately burglar /enter/_* amazingly / Derek's / dog// Derek’s house house sleep / in / living room / but / + he /try/ break into / house / ‘ ees me not hear / anything pom Port doee ieee pees ee + to his surprise / Derek f come Soa far be eck home / find / burglar / on / can around / bee / sting / him if + so he / go / back door + burglar / be / allergic to bees / non aie + he/call / police / and / they / come / arrest / him 7 C. Read the text and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned. Amazing India I was a teenager when | went fo India for the first time. | spent three weeks there with my family and it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life. ‘One day while we were going to the Taj Mahal, we decided to stop at a marketplace. | was walking through the market, looking around when, suddenly, | saw something amazing. A man was lying on a bed of nails, but he didn’t seem to feel any pain at all. | just stood there looking at him, expecting to see blood. But I didn’t see anything. As | continued walking, | saw a man Playing the flute and, to my surprise, there was a snake coming out of a basket. The snake was moving to the music, almost like it was dancing! When the music stopped, the snake stopped foo and went back into its basket. ‘How do they do these things?’ | thought. tt wasn't until some years later that | got an answer fo that question as | was reading an article about India. According fo the text, anyone can sit on a bed of nails and not feel much pain However, the nails should be close together. As for the snakes, well they don’t hear anything, The snake charmers play music and move ftom side to side and the snake moves in the same way. So, that’s how they do it. Was | disappointed? Well, a little. But | still think India is an exciting place fo go on holiday. writer didn't go to India alone. 2. He went to the Taj Mahal before going to the marketplace. 3. The man on the bed of nails wasn’t hurting 4, The charmers’ snakes are very dangerous. 5, Snakes dance when they hear music 6, The writer was very upset when he learnt the truth, 7. The writer wants to go and live in India. O O QO ‘a ) : Phi Me Ga Phi Me Phi Gai Phi Gar 2d Adventure A. Complete with the words in the box. leaves locals. explore dress loose plants. thunder_high L It’s quite cold today, so warmly. 2. How the temperature in Florida? 3. Lenjoy it when the on the trees change colour in autumn. 4. A storm is coming, I can hear 5 5, Shirley was lost, so she decided to ask one of the. for directions. 6. Don't forget to water the before you leave, 7.Come on, let's that cave over there! 8. These trousers are a bit__. I think I need a smaller size. B. Complete the blanks with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets and circle the correct time expressions. 1, Dan What are you reading? Tom It'sabook called Lost Horizons. __ you ever / never (hear) of it? Dan_ Of course. Its a great book. I got it as a present from John. He (read) it ever / many times. How do you like it? Tom [ (read) ten pages just / so far and it’s very exciting. Dan agree. (not sh) it, but I have only twenty pages left 2. Ann Montana was great. Bill [ never / twice (be) there, What's it like? Ann_ It's beautiful. W (take) lots of pictures. I can show you them tomorrow. Bill (wisit) New York City ever / twice. ‘Ann Wow. Sounds exciting! I ever/always___(want) to go there, C. Complete the dialogue with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets. Phil How’sit going, guys? Meg Fine. Gary I'm OK. Phil (1) you (visit) Africa before? Meg Yes. 1 (2) (travel) to Kenya last winter with a friend. We (3) (have) a great time. Phil And you Gary? Gary 1(4) (never / be) outside of Europe before. Phil So, what do you think? Gary 165) (never / see) anything like it. My sister (6) __(wisit) Africa a few years ago and she (7) (describe) it to me. It really is amazing. Phil I know. Hey Meg, (8) you (take) any pictures of wild animals while you (9) (be) in Kenya? Meg_ No, unfortunately, I (10) (not take) any. Phil That's a shame. Meg Hey, there aren't any lions around here, are there? Phil Don't worry. I (11) (walk) through the desert many times and I (12) (not meet) a lion. ‘Meg Phew! D. Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Then answer them about yourself. bite eat ride explore. snow go. 1 you ever acim? 4 it last winter? 2 you on holiday last July? 5. youever a desert? 3 a dog ever your 6 you frog's legs? nn 2e Broaden your mind A. Circle the correct words. 1. Thaven't played tennis for / since six years 2. Judith has never been / gone to an English-speaking country. 3. I've yet / always thought the title of this song was ‘Do you fly now?” 4, We haven't spoken to each other since / for the summer. ‘5. James isn’t coming to the cinema with us because he’s yet / already seen the film. 6. Andrew hasn't returned from work yet / before. 7. A: Where's Angie? B: She's been / gone to work. ‘8. [haven't seen Mike before / since we finished school. B. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1. Thaven't tasted snails. (never) I 2. Paul travelled to Las Vegas this week and to San Francisco last week. (so far) | Paul 3. Karen returned from the supermarket two minutes ago. (just) | Karen | 4, 1996 was the last time Mr Brown saw his son. (since) Mr Brown 5. Thisis the second time I've read the lyrics to this song. (twice) 6. Thisis the first time I've arranged a meeting with Mrs Donaldson. (before) ; | 7. Mary called on Monday and it’s Friday today. (for) | Mary | 8. My mum still doesn’t know how to drive. She hasn't learnt. (yet) My mum I C. Complete the dialogues below. Use the prompts and the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple. r 4. Az Do you like going to foreign countries? A: Are you friends with Donna? B: I don't know. B: Yeah. never / travel / abroad / before now / her / for / ten years 2 5. ‘Az Do you want to come out with us tonight? ‘A: How is your brother? B: I'm sorry. B:T'm not really sure. b already / make plans 2 not call / him / since / spring ‘Az Have you ever been to the Chinese restaurant down A: Wow! Your Spanish is really good. the street? B: Thanks, B: Yes. a take / course /two years ago - go/ there / last weekend D. Use the phrases to complete the e-mail. Thanks foryour e-mail 4. Sorry, I havent written for Jong. eTakeaar, “EWhat ese have you been up tt = 7} [snenaiegnaizon se on. [ Hello Steven, a well. (2) It was great to hear all your news. You seem to be really Ive been very busy with my classes and all. 'm very well at the moment, studying and working hard as usual. The first year at || uni can be really cifficutt, en? Especially in the beginning. (3) But then | did, so I'm fine now. | work as a waiter at a restaurant near my flat. @) Are you still working in the school library? | remember you saying you wanted to find another job. Listen, we should arrange to meet up some time. Go out together, just like old times. (5) But I'm going to write you a nice long e-mail soon, OK? ej Harry 2 Round-up ‘A. Complete the text with the words in the box. shouted hiking fainted strange Last summer, I spent two months in Australia. I really wanted to visit. the famous Australian Outback and enjoy its (1) So, tetayed with a fiend, outin the mde ct nanieeel Oa tie mt con my own. I was walking past some day, I went (2) trees when I heard a (3) I saw a camel coming towards me. I was (5) frightened, too. It was huge! I (6) noise. (4) was a (7) idea because I was alone. The camel came nearer, put its head next to mine and (8) my hair! It ‘was so horrible that I (9) When I woke up, it wasn't there. I thought maybe it was a dream, but my friend told me there were lots of camels living in the area. I never knew. It was quite a(n) (20) B. Complete with the Past Simple, the Past Progressive or the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets. Larry What's up Tony? You look tired. ‘Tony _ It’s my next door neighbours. They (buy) a dog last week. Larry So? Tony It (bark) all night, again. Larry Oh dear. Tony I (not sleep) for three nights. 2 Anna Hello? John Open your front door. Anna You're here, you (ing) the doorbell? John Yes, Iwas. I (be) out here for ten minutes. Anna Sorry, (listen) to music. I (not can) hear you. 3. James you (taste) Ruth's chocolate cake before? Sandy No. What about you? James. Yes. Lisa and I her house yesterday and she (have) coffee at (give) us some. Sandy And? you (like) it James I (love) it. (never/ eat) a more delicious cake. amazed stupid for help, but that suddenly nature smelt experience but very C. Choose a, bore. 1, Patrick has been to Hawaii a. always b. many times c.never 2. Tom has never taken a foreign language course aonce b. already «before 3. Ray and June haven't been scuba-diving their trip to the Caribbean. a. since b. yet cso far 4, Tsaw your cousin few days a. since b. ago . before 5. I've eaten snails - Once in Paris, and another time in Barcelona. a. so far bi twice ce always 6. Itwas raining __ Jose was riding his bike to school. @, as soon as b. before . while 7. Kenny has___ tried hang-gliding before a. never beever always 8. It’s summer, but the temperatures have been quite low___. a. already far eyet 9, Henry ___ to Italy three times so far. a.has gone, has been ¢. went 10. we got home, we started cooking. a. When b. While cas D. Choose a or b. 1. A: Give me a hand, please 4, A: You forgot your mobile again! as Br | a. Sorry. But I must go now. a. To my surprise | b. No way! I don't believe you b. Pm afraid so. i ‘A: So, it seems like you enjoyed your 2 Believe it or not, honey bees die after they | B: MONS se sna a. Yeah. Itwas amazing. a. That’ interesting b. Yeah. It was boring. b.f'm interested Ai 3. A:Did you enjoy rock climbing? 6. A: Why aren't you drinking your orange juice? a. [was looking forward to it. a. Its sal bi [twas something else bil’ sour. E. Read the advertisements and the statements 1-5 below. Which present matches each statement? Write a, bor c. re 2 | I) Have you always wanted to Fancy driving a Ferrart, © | bea tamous singer? this is fn Aston Mastin or even |) Avnole team is waiting tor Porsche for a day? This is you. Sing your favounite song ‘the experience for you then. at our studio and feel Itke the ‘You ean choose the oar you hhext Bayonoé or the next Robbie Gvasniedey detdday. ys Williams, for about four hours. E Minimum age: 18 (Under 18s: come Minimum age: 20 with thelr parents) Choose a weekend between ‘Allow about an hour for the experience. Maren and September to Dont worry about t being your frst time foes Our experts can give you & hand. Need to be ft and have ys ovata Friends and family can come along! Reese quite | fl Price: 860 Wear comfortable shoes and clothes and enjoy. 1. This present is the cheapest Price: 8200 2, Seventeen-year-olds can't do this activity alone ¢ 3. You need to have good health to do this activity. 4, You don't need to have experience to do this activity. 5. You can’t do this activity any time of the year,

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