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1) > What are popular activities for young people in your country? > How do young people today make new friends? a blog from a student at university » information about two role models for young people conversations between young people on the phone » an article about a popular way to communicate nowadays » a description of a new girl at college > Iearn to talk about the present and past > learn to talk about past habits » discuss different ways of communicating » talk about what you and other people you know like and dislike b learn to use quantifiers » talk about friends and friendship » describe people (physical appearance, personality) > learn to write a description of a person > learn to present yourself » learn to link your ideas with and, but, 0, because and or A. Discuss. Bees achat aise cnatec tanec Pace aun uno Nancy Hey, are you watching telly? Paul Yeah, why? Nancy Switch over to SportPlus channel. Paul No, thanks. I don’t want to watch sports right now. Nancy Just do it, Paul OK, hold o and he’s pl Nancy Yeah, it’s a charity match. Paul He's quite good. Denise ..and what about Lynn's clothes? Penny I think they're OK. Denise You can't be serious! That red top is about ten years old. Penny So what? Its still trendy, 1 like it. Denise And what about her hairstyle? Penny Well, it’s pretty awful Denise At least we agree on something, EE TSS Jane Hi, mate. What are you up to? Neal Not much. I'm just sending a few e-mails. es Jane You never send e-mails to me. Neal That's because we talk on the phone all the time. Jane I suppose so. Do you fancy watching a film later? Neal Sorry, I have other plans. Jane No problem. Hi, Ken, how's it going? Ken_ Not bad. Are you calling from work? Sue No, I'm on the train home. Ken But you usually finish late on Tuesdays. Sue Yes, but I'm not working this week. Ken Nice one! Do you want to go for cofiee later? Sue Sure, why not? Got to go! We're going into a tunnel Ken So? Sue Mobiles don’t work in tunnels. Ken Ofcourse... Sue? ..Sue? C. Read the dialogues and answer the questions. 1. What can you see on SportPlus channel now? 2. What does Penny think is trendy? 3. What doesn’t Penny like about Lynn? 4. Why doesn’t Neal send e-mails to Jane? 5. Where is Sue calling from? 6. Why can’t Sue speak to Ken any longer? a = Bee Saas aT AN ST SNR a ATER AMD 2.VOCABULARY Aaa CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH the Present Simple orthe Present Match the phrases 1-5 from the dialogues with Progressive of the verbs in brackets. their synonyms a-e. 1 1. Hold on. Oo What (1) (you / do) here, Dave? 2, You can't be serious! (_) @ __ (wait) for the 3. What are you up to? [ underground, just like you. 4. How’s it going? O) e (know) that. 5. Nice one! () 1@)____— (mean), where 6)______ (you / go)? You z © (usually / not use) the underground. You (7) (have) a motorbike, right? feab, but I 8) (vant) to go to the city centre and the underground is the best way. No traffic! ‘At Yeah, 1(9)___ (hate) driving in 3.GRAMMAR traffic, too. 2. c. [don’t agree with yc d. What are you dois e. Wait. = | PRESENT SIMPLE vs ‘A: Where's Gordon today? ESENT PROGRESSIVE B: He(1o)___ (not work) in the office = this week. | Read the examples and match them with the en sakes phrases a-d. 1. We talk on the phone all the time. 2. Mobiles don’t work in tunnels. B; Every year, Mr O’Brien (12) (end) people to London for seminars. A: That sounds interesting, B: (13)__ (you / want) to go next year? I can talk to Mr O’Brien for you. Gea eae: 3. I'm just sending a few e-mails. 4, I'm not working this week. eas Talk in pairs. Pretend to ring your partner and discuss your plans for today. Use some of the phrases in the boxes and the ideas given. a, right now b. usually or repeatedly c. asageneral rule 4. this period of time Sure, why not? Ofcourse. Pd love to. Sounds brilliant! STATIVE VERBS Read the examples and answer the question that, follows. That would be great + Idon’t want to watch sports right nove = aS Nice one! =e + Tike it. How could I say no? Want and like are stative verbs. Which tense do Sorry, [have other plans. we usually use with stative verbs, the Present i, how's it going? aE OEE Not bad. Tm afraid I'm busy. ‘Simple ot the Present Progressive? i What are you doing...2 | Maybe some other time. ‘Nothing much. No, thanks. rae ed Do you want to...? 4 like to come but Ym afraid I can’t make it / becaus 1.READING Wap) A + Do you use the Internet to keep in touch with friends? iscuss. | ib Keep in touch + What is a social networking website? What can members of SN sites do? B. Read the text and compare the information in it with your answers. From the Letter box tothe inbox —— In the good old days, friends used to phone you or send you a birthday card on your birthday. These days, if you're a member of a social networking website, like Facebook, MySpace, Habbo, Bebo or Hi5, you probably receive messages on your ‘wall’ with a virtual ‘gift SN sites appeared just before the beginning of the century and took the internet, and the world, by storm. Just a few decades ago, people wrote letters or called each other regularly to keep in touch. Then e-mails came, and today SN sites allow users to communicate instantly with friends and family In the past, people could play computer games with friends only when they were together. With SN sites, users can play onlirie games with people that are next door or on the other side of the world. They can even play with ‘virtual’ friends they've never even met. And it C. Read again and answer the questions. = 1. Who sages on a ‘wall’ and virtual ‘gifts? 2. What is Habbo? 3. When did social networking websites appear? 4, What are ‘virtual’ friends? 5. Where did people use to keep their photos? receive mi D. Look at the highlighted words in the text and choose the correct meaning a or b. = 1. regularly 3. online a. usually a. on the phone b. suddenly b. on the Internet 2. instantly 4. display a. soon a. take b. immediately b, show E. Discuss. + Are you a member of a social networking website? Why? / Why not? + What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of having virtual friends are? seems it doesn't take time to make friends; it just takes a few clicks of the mouse. Until very recently, people used to put all their holiday photos in albums. Now SN users can display their photos ‘online. Just click on your friend's album and enjoy! It’s easy to keep in touch with friends online, and making virtual friends can be great fun. But when it comes to birthdays, real gifts are much better than virtual ones! & Re me = be ® r pee ee NEN Ye PHRASES RELATED TO COMMUNICATION Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with the definitions a-g. 1, eft university last year, but I try to keep in touch with people through e-mail 2, Give me acall when you get home, OK? 3. [left a message for Dana, but she hasn't returned my call. ce 4, Tm not sure what my cousin is up to. We've lost touch. { 5. T'm sorry I haven't written to you, I promise to drop you a line soon. { Can Ihave a word with you before the meeting starts? { 7, Isenta leter to Joe, but I didn’t receive a reply. a. phone someone because they phoned you b. get an answer ¢. continue to communicate speak to someone for a short time e. send a short letter or note £. stop communicating g phone someone e esa iday ots king 5 to s! 3. Ene PAST SIMPLE ‘A. Read the examples and match them with the uses of the Past Simple. 1. SN sites appeared just before the beginning of the century, 2. Just a few decades ago, people wrote letters. a. a habitual or repeated action in the past b. an action that happened at a specific time Pre past oO B, Look at the text on page 8 and find the Past ‘Simple of the verbs below. C call > can > take > be > USED TO Read the example below and choose the correct meaning a or b. Friends used to send you a birthday card on your birthday. a. Friends sent you a birthday card in the past and still do so today. b. Friends sent you a birthday card in the past but they don’t any more. Negative | Question didn'tuseto | Did... use to? | Grammar Reference p. 126 aa ‘A. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. A: () you_____(call) Sandy about tomorrow? B: What's happening tomorrow? A: We @) (talk) about this yesterday. B: When? A: When we @) (be) on the bus. 1@) (tell) you all about it B: Sorry, 1 5) (not can) hear you very well on the bus. It (6) (be) quite noisy. A: But you (7) (not say) anything! B: Look, I'm sorry, OK? A: Let's talk about it again, B. Complete with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the box. te medi pay ap al ae 1p ‘computer games when I was a teenager, but I'm bored of them now, 2. you___alotof e-mails when you were at university? 3.1 water at all, but now I try to have eight glasses a day. 4. Harry now he doesn't. for ten hours a night, but 5. Maya's hair dark brown, but now it’s fair. 6. My teacher me Smithie at school. ‘Think of a few people that you know well (friends, parents, grandparents, etc.). Look at the means of communication below and discuss the following questions with the class or tal + Which means of communication do they usually use to keep in touch with others? + Which means of communication did they use to use? Why? eter | Pena ‘small groups. 3 sa ‘iatin ‘My parents used to communicate by sending letters. ‘Mine too, but now my mother sends e-mails. ———— 1.VOCABULARY PHRASES DESCRIBING LIKE AND DISLIKE Read the sentences. Which of the phrases in bold ‘mean like and which dislike? 1. ‘Tom is a big fan of Manchester United. He never misses a match, 2, Frank can't stand rap music. It gives him a headache. 3, Alice is interested in art. She has twenty paintings in her house. 4, Rosie is fond of children. She wants to become a teacher. 5, Henry finds science-fiction films boring. He rarely watches them, 6, Linda hates Geography. She never studies. 7. My brother and I are really into rock music. We play in a rock band, too, 2.GRAMMAR PREPOSITIONS OF TIME Read the dialogue and underline the prepositions of time. Then complete the table | below with on, in or at. Ann Let's meet tomorrow at 6:00. Keith I’m afraid Ican’t. On Wednesdays I work {from 10:30 till 6:30. ‘Ann OK, then. Do you want to meet in the evening, at around 8:00? Keith Sure, and we can go to the new Italian restaurant. I went there two weeks ago and the food was delicious. pine dock the weekend ‘noon / night / midday / midnight | the morning /the afternoon / the evening | | August / autumn /2008 /the 2ist century 3 [| Tuesday / 4 july a winter's night / cold morning a Sunday afternoon ‘Other prepositions of time: during till until before after ago Ca rue ama _ Complete the sentences with prepositions of time. 1. Iris is meeting Helen noon, F = 2, Paul always reads newspapers wi Sunday afternoon. 3. Tusually drink a warm cup of milk. == the morning. au 4, Tanya takes lots of photos her « holiday. g 5. Susan's birthday is June, a 6. Iwas in Spain 29 January. 7. My brother left ten minutes ‘A. Listen and repeat. What do you notice about the stressing of in and at in the two sentences? I sometimes read books in the evenings. Let’s visit Mary at the weekend. E B. Listen and repeat. 1. Jane worked from eight to seven last year. 2, There were no mobile phones in the 19th century. 3. Lusually do housework on Mondays. 4, Jack called at noon. Talk in pairs about the things you like and don’t like. Use some of the ideas in the box. 1'm fond of jogging. How often do you go jogging? About four times a week. When do you find the time to go? J usually go in the morning before | go to work. What about you? Oh, I hate jogging. | find it boring. Bt 7 & rock music classical music horror films comedies football _table tennis, jogging swimming Maths History 5 | f af a A. Discuss. + Do you watch TV in your free time? + What kind of programmes do you like watching? + What do you think of chat shows, talent shows and soap operas? B fen to three people introducing themselves and decide what kind of TV programme they are on. Choose a, b orc. show — . talent show .soap opera LATTE 4 stort Text PRESENTING YOURSELF ‘A. Read the blog entry below and answer the questions. . Listen again and write T for True or Ffor False. 1. Brian is studying Music at the University of Kent. . Brian finds reading interesting. . James works part-time at a hairdressers . James can't stand art galleries. . Tina is a dance student. awaen Tina can’t play the piano. a during those hours. — 1. Who is writing the entry in the blog? 2. Why is he writing it? 3. Who is going to read this entry? 4, What words does the writer use k to link his ideas? B, Imagine that you've decided to write back to Matt. Tick which of the following you would include. == GeaeD Back to uni again! I had a great holiday and I can’t believe the summer is over! My name is Matt Roberts and I'm 19 years old. I'm looking for a new flatmate because I hate living alone and I want someone to share the expenses with. T’m studying Music and I'm a big fan of jaz and rock. I also play in a band, My friends and I practise three times a week. On Wednesdays we practise at my flat. So, I hope you're into rock music! In my free time, T enjoy watching DVDs, chatting on the Net or going out with friends. I'm also interested in photography, so I joined a photography group recently. I can't stand housework, but I'm really into cooking. I'm not a great cook, but I'm improving. I usually study for my classes early in the morning or late at night, so I like it to be quiet | H WRITING TASK C. Now write back to Matt, telling him about yourself. Expand on the ideas you have ticked in activity B. Your reply should be between 80-100 words. | a ae EEE When wing a paragraph presenting yourselt > include only relevant information. > use the appropriate tenses. Use the Present Simple for routines, the Present Progressive for temporary situations and the Past Simple for past events > link your ideas, Use - andto jin similar ideas. = but jin two opposite ideas, - soto express result / consequence. + because to show reason, + orto show alternate. a A Discuss. + What do you know about these celebrities? + Which of them are good role models? Why? / Why not Johansson British-born Formula One driver, Lewis Hamilton, is the rising star of the racing scene. With Lewis, the sport has become more popular, ‘especially with young people in the UK. Lewis began karting as a hobby at the age of 8. One thing was clear. He was very talented, and he soon won races and championships. Today, Lewis doesn't have much free time on his hands and spends many. hours at the gym every day. Few people know that F1 drivers need to train hard and be very fit. They need to have strong, muscular bodies and very litte body fat. ‘After winning his first £1 World Championship in 2008, the future is bright for Lewis. Driving is his passion and he's at his happiest when he's behind the wheel, ‘Angelina Jolie is one of the most famous actresses in the world. She is a very beautiful woman and she is well-known for her charity work. ‘Angelina Jolie has played many roles on screen and won an Academy award for her role in the film Girl Interruptedin 1999. However, she became an international superstar after her performances in the Lara Croft films. During filming for Lara Croft, Angelina spent some time in Cambodia. There, she became aware of the poverty in Asia and the problems refugees face all over the world. She realised that she was in a position to do something and became a goodwill ambassador. Her charity work has also affected her family. She has six children in all; three with Brad Pitt, and three adopted children from Cambodia, Vietnam and Ethiopia Gircle th 1. Did y 3. winni T don’ {real 8. I didr C. Read again and complete with MERCY VEN the names Lewis or Angelina. 1 QUANTIFIERS:, some, any, no, much, many, a lot of, lots of, showed great talent at (@) few, (a) little an early age. ‘A. Read the dialogue below and complete the rules. there any coffee left? eee 5 ‘won an award in 1999. : 7 ee _inv affirmative sentences, 5 B: Yeah, there i. Have some. offersand requests, Oe ‘an I have some milk? ‘Use__ in questions and negative tries to help other people. Tm sorry, there’ mo milk left, | sentences 4 Toit boas bist? Use__ in affirmative sentences turned a hobby into a career. BiSorny:we dont have amy. Mae eee needs to be very fit for his/ _B, Read the extract from the text about Lewis Hamilton and complete the her job. rules with much, many, (a) few and (a) little. Which of the words in a bold can we replace with a lot of/ lots of? has a big Emily. Today, Lewis doesn't have much free time on his hands and spends many hours at the gym every day. Few people know that FI drivers need to train D. Lookat the highlighted hard and be very fit. They need to have strong, muscular bodies and very words/phrases in the texts little body fat. and choose the correct i ‘meaning a or b. Use and before plural countable nouns, Use. and ‘before uncountable nouns. 1. behind the wheel a. driving a car b. training at the gym Use alot of /lots of before uncountable or plural countable nouns. "77M™, _C. Read the examples and notice the words in bold. Which of 2. well-known 4. became aware of them means enough and which means not enough? famous a. realised + Ihave a little money with me; perhaps we can buy a be clever . got bored with sandwich Bae a ass potion to, + don't think we can buy it; I have very little money with me, ainherlif —a.could bein films b. was at the right place Ce eer E, Discuss. . + Do you know of any other famous people who are good role models for young people? Why do you consider them role models? 2. VOCABULARY WORDS EASILY CONFUSED Cera Read and circle the correct words. dh Tom Hey, jill. Are you going to the gym again? eeeeg eu correct words, Jill Yep. I have (1) lots of / much time on my She 1, Did your team win beat the match today? Soeibetho aya ast gy'ebcieguren ey a ecny 2: won! beat my brother ata game of chess yesterday. divinore: ‘Academy f : y became * ee ie performed hard and is ready yy, Wow! I do very (2) alittle little exercise. I sims free time. jig There,‘ Itisthe frst time the singer has trained / performed ave (@) no any tfee tine msface ali _liveand she's very nervous. : Sovacned 5 Skiing isn very popular/ famous in my country, ‘Tony Fameshhas starred in ) many / much adventure 6. He became internationally popular / famous after films. (5) Few / A few actors train so hard before fildren in winning the award. making a film. That's why he doesnt see his family =. Vietnam 7. Idon't speak French, so I couldn't really understand (6) much /a lot of, He isa very good actor but he J realise her. 8, I didn't understand / realise you worked at home. hasn't won (7) any / some Oscars. Maybe next year. ", 1.VOCABULARY ADJECTIVES DESCRIBING PERSONALITY Read the sentences below and match the 1 words in bold with the definitions a-h. 1. I can’t talk to Bill about anything. He's so quick-tempered! 2. One of Mary's bad qualities is that she’s bossy. She keeps telling us what to do and what not todo! y 3, Julia is so lazy. She just sits there all day doing i nothing H Don't be shy. Come and say hello to my family. 5. Oliver is an outgoing person and loves going, to parties, 6. My sisters an honest person. She never lies to me. 7. Avery kind young man helped me carry ry shopping bags up the stairs. 2 8, Wendy is a confident woman, so job interviews are very easy for her. ‘a. not wanting to work / not very active b, believing in yourself and your abilities c. fond of telling people what to do a. friendly, enjoying meeting other people ce. always telling the truth £. afraid to meet or talk to other people g. becoming angry quickly h. helpful and friendly ‘Leam new words in context (in sentences describing situations). This way, itis easier to remember them, Talk in groups and discuss the following. Use the prompts in the box. + What are your friends like? + Do you always get along with them? + Do you think you are a good friend? + How can you describe the ideal friend? + My friends are. + We usually get along fine, but we sometimes argue about. + The ideal friend should be. 16 Le Friendly faces + Ithink/believe I am / am not a good friend because... fi fll AD s “Ww “Ww ‘A. Listen toa man and a woman discussing three new colleagues of theirs. Match the people with the adjectives below. There is one extra adjective which you do not need to use. outgoing . lazy shy bossy a b. 4. seen B. Listen again and write man or woman to complete the sentences. 1. The thinks Karen doesn't like her job. 2. The goes out with David a lot. 3. The thinks David is a different person at work. 4, The thinks Isabel is shy. 5. The has a problem with Isabel. Re on The w 1. us 2. giv 3. us 4. sug pe 5. gre 6. giv the 7. giv hel TEENA & vescription oF a PERSON A. Discuss. B, Read the description of the girl below and compare + What does the girl below look like? you emisrvers.h acthvity Aza which peragraph does ee - What do you think she’s like? ciate a new + describe the person's personality? S 3 : é road Bes introduce the person? 0 describe how he/she feels about this person? (_} describe the person’s appearance? C A Person I've recently met Amy isa new of She's very popular, fll, Sli anal very a brown hair and bro “specialty with the boys, She's eractive. She has long dark wn CY€S. She usually always: Looks good. Lontident and she auvays gets goo outgoing and has a good sense se, i i She ties to be friendly with ‘wears really of hunnour Of enn donit aways get along wel, in to be with, and a Anal wheneve ’ We Get Qo0d marks, so that's Leics ng. | Pere eT mej WRITING TASK D. Write a description of a person you have recently met. C. Read the following statements and tick the ‘Your description should be between 100-120 words. ‘ones that apply to the description above. The writer: ave 1. uses a variety of adjectives Q =e a 2. gives details about how they met e When writing a description of a person 3, uses the past tense only = > group related ideas together. Organise your description 4. suggests how this person can change into paragraphs as shown above. personality >> use a variety of adjectives to describe the person's 5. groups related ideas together appearance and personaly. 6. gives his/her general opinion about > Leo examplee 0 exe whit you mean. of e a > ive your general opinion about this person in the the person L iat paragraph 7 gives some examples to explain what eas helshe means C 2 aaa VOCABULARY A. Choose a, b orc. 1, Twant to have a with you tonight. atalk b.word e.reply 2. Ryan doesn't get with his brother. ‘They always argue. aover b.up c-along 3. Tanya is in modern art. a.interested b.fond c.afan 4. The athletes really hard weeks before the race. performed. b.beat c.trained 5. Do you want to keep in 2 a. note b.message —¢.touch 6. I get very when people lie to me. a.angry b.honest —_¢. confident CE B. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. i: A: Where James. (goy? B: To the sports centre. He (play) table tennis with Ryan on Mondays. But today is a bank holiday. The sports centre (not open) on bank holidays. B: Oh! James (not know) that! Give him a all, 2 A: What a mess! B: Yeah. Tom and I (paint) the house this week. you (need) any help? I'm free, B: No, thanks. Tom’s brother. (come) later today. ‘A: OK, then. So, what colour you (Paint) the kitchen? B: I'm not sure. 1 (want) light yellow walls, but Tom (not like) yellow, C. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs brackets. L A: Why (be) Kelly angry at Jim yesterday? B: Because jim (break) her mobile phone and he (not want) to buy her a new one. 2 AL your mum (ell) you that 1 (call) last night? Br Yes, she (tell) me but I (not can) return your call. Sorry. A: Where (you ! be? B: At home, but my litte brother (have) an assignment for school and he (need) my help. D. Circle the correct words. 1. Is your birthday in / on 11 February? 2. Every year, from / during March in / till September, | my grandfather lives on the island. In / At the winter, he comes to the city 3. began reading newspapers at / in the age of ten. 4, Helen usually goes to bed during / at midnight. 5. [lost touch with my classmates years before / ago. E. Complete with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the box. visit drive 1. Samantha strawberries and cherries, but now she loves them. 2. Henry his parehts every weekend, but now he doesn't have time. 3.1 to university, but now I take the bus. 4A: you in London? B: Yes, I ina bank there. F Circle the correct words. a ‘A: There are very little / few / no chairs in the living room. Where is everyone going to sit? B: Don’t worry. There are some / lots / few chairs in the kitchen, too. 2: ‘A: Would you like much / some / any milk in your coffee? B: Yes, please and little / a little /a few sugar. 3. A: Lreceive a lot of / much / no e-mails every day. B: Really? Some days I don't receive some / no / any. hera s that rember, | e ten, ht. ago. the ies, , but ‘bus. ving sin ur any. ‘many answers you got right. YOUR ANSWERS ABOUT YOUR FRIEND Read the questions in the questionnaire and answer them for your partner, Then ask your partner and see how ‘YOUR FRIEND'S ea RIGHT OR WRONG? Does he/she like talking on the phone? Is he/she an SN member? | ‘Does he/she send e-mails? ‘What are his/her interests? How often does he/she go out? | Where to? | | Who's his/her favourite actor/singer? ‘What did he/she do last weekend? What did he/she use to do but doesn't anymore? What's his/her best quality? ‘So, do you like talking on the phone? Yes.../No.. Oh, my answer is right/wrong! COVE arey ‘Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-e. There is ‘one extra phrase which you do not need to use. ‘a. You can’t be serious! '. She's good fun to be with. . Sounds brilliant! . What does she look like? ¢. Thave other plans. Sally Guess what! I finally have a new flatmate Linda That's great! Who's the lucky person? Sally Do you remember Amanda from the computer course? Linda I'm not sure. (1) Sally She has long dark hair and blue eyes. Linda Oh! I remember her. Whats she like? Sally (2) ‘We're even going bungee jumping together next week, Linda (3) Sally 1am! She's really into extreme sports. Hey, do you fancy coming with us? Linda No, thanks. (4) Listen to four short dialogues and choose a or b. 1, Why didn't Anna go to the cinema? a. Because she didn't receive a message. b. Because she was busy. 2. What's Susan a fan off a. Soap operas. b. Talent shows. 3. What’ true about Angie’s flatmate? a. She's helpful, but bossy. b. She's lazy and rude. 4. What did Iris use to be? a. A waitress. b.A chef SELF-ASSESSMENT Read the following and tick the appropriate boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back to the relevant sections in the module. aes > talk about the present and past > talk about past habits > use quantifiers > talk about people’s likes and dislikes > describe people and write a description ofa person > use and, but, so, because, or v7 ‘A. What do you think fandoms are? Read and find out. aaa Log in or Join | Keep Talking F bi s\ ALO) bd ———————I— ES Your screensaver is a picture of your favourite actor, and your ringtone is your favourite group's latest song, but is that enough to make you a true fan? Yes? Well, think again! In the USA, many people have started joining fan communities called fandoms. These groups of enthusiastic fans know everything about their favourite book, film or character. There's a fandom for just about anything, from science fiction to pop stars to video games. The science-fiction fandom includes a famous group of fans called Trekkies. Trekkies are fans of the television series Star Trek, and they love meeting once a year at Star Trek conventions dressed up as their favourite Star Trek characters! Another example of a fandom is the Tolkien fandom, These people are fans of the writer J.R.R. Tolkien. In his books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the elves speak ‘Elvish’, 2 language Tolkien invented. Can | you imagine what some fans do? They have learnt to have simple conversations with each other in Elvish! Of course, there is also a Harry Potter fandom. These fans chat online and publish their own Harry Potter stories on the Internet. And that's not all. Believe it or not, about five hundred rock bands in the USA play a type of music called Wizard Rock and sing songs just about Harry Potter! Now those are real fans! B. Read again and answer the questions. |. Where did fandoms start? What kind of fandoms can you find? 3. Where did Trekkies get their name from? 4, What do Trekkies do? 5. What is Elvish? 6. What do Harry Potter fans publish on the Internet? 7. What is Wizard Rock?

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