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“The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves.”

– Swami Vivekananda

India as a country is pluralistic in nature. The heterogeneity of India is primary

ground for the alluring state of India. Diversity is omnipresent and this brings in
the essence of religion. The aspect of religion is the backbone of India,
divergent yet united.
Paul Tillich quoted, “Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate
concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and
which itself contains the answer to the question of the meaning of life."
Religion poses the scope to be above all the concerns and address tranquillity.
It has given elucidation to many lives that may seem otherwise hopeless. It gives
the sense of comfort and adaption to an individual who faces rejections and
prejudice by the society.

India, a country with vast cultural and demographical diversity predominantly has
Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism as the major
religions. Despite the existence of several religions, India is a secular country and
each individual has his/her right to perform the rituals and follow a particular
religion. Religion sprawls throughout the demographics of India. The right of
religion is precious and hence guarded as a fundamental right under Art. 25-28 in
the Indian constitution. Severe repercussions are enforced if one fails to abide by
the laws.
Analysing the assorted ethnic nature, India has witnessed various communal riots,
influenced by varied reasons in the name of religion. As Patrick H. McNamara
quotes, "Try to define religion and you invite an argument." This is indeed true
as defining religion is an extremely subjective task and involves sentiments of
diverse groups of people.
As per my understanding, the theory of religion is impacted by various factors.
Sometimes making it extremely rigid and mandatory to be followed. Various
religions should be practiced and respected as each one has its own significance.
In my opinion, humanity is the supreme religion. No matter what the
circumstances are, humanity should be above all. Humanity is the universal
religion of love and affection and prevails as a secular religion.

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