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1 ¿What is guide in Matlab?- ¿Qué es la guía en Matlab?

GUIDE is a visual programming environment available in MATLAB to make and run

programs that require continuous data entry. It has the basic features of all visual
programs like Visual Basic.
2 ¿How can we start our project with guide?- ¿Cómo podemos iniciar nuestro proyecto
con guía?
To start our project, we can do it in two ways:
• Executing the following instruction in the command window:
>> guide
• By clicking on the icon shown in the figure:

3 start window guide- guía de la ventana de inicio

in this window we find four guide templates
a) Blank GUI (Default)
b) GUI with
c) GUI with Axes and Menu
d) Modal Question Dialog

but the guide we use is Blank GUI (Default) The blank GUI option (is the default), we
presents a new form, in which we can design our program.

4. labeled components.- Entorno de diseño: componentes etiquetados.

1. Check box ‘checkbox’.
2. Editable Text ‘edit’.
3. Pop-up menu ‘popupmenu’.
4. List Box ‘listbox’.
5. Push Button ‘pushbutton’.
6. Radio Button ‘radio’.
7. Toggle Button ‘togglebutton’.
8. Slider ‘slider’.
9. Static Text ‘text’.
10. Panel button.
11. Button Group.


A GUIDE application consists of two files: .m and .fig. The .m file is the one contains the
code with the correspondence of the interface control buttons and the .fig file contains
the graphic elements. Every time a new element is added in the graphical interface, a
automatically code in the .m file. To execute a Graphical Interface, if we have labeled it
with the name course.fig, we simply execute in the command window >> course. Or doing
Right click on the m-file and select the RUN option.

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