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EVANGELISTA, Gabrielle Angela B.

BS Nursing
How coronavirus is changing the world
by DW Documentary
The coronavirus greatly influenced the way we live, work, and learn. Universities
were forced to close, gyms and social gatherings were not allowed, and almost all
employees requested for work from home in order to avoid the spread of the virus. This
crisis happened so fast that no one expected this to be worst to affect and kill hundred
and thousands or not, millions of people around the world especially China, where the
virus originated. The documentary “How Coronavirus is Changing the World” bye DW
Documentary explains how this virus affected the whole world and how countries
combat and analyzed different approaches in order to deal with the virus. This
documentary also took its viewers on a tour for a deeper understanding of what was
happening and where it originated. Based from the documentary, I want to commend
Taiwan in reacting to the virus faster than any other country in the world.
According to the documentary, due to the unpreparedness of the world to the
sudden show up of the virus, the healthcare frontliners and government were at loss of
what to do. This lack of knowledge and action cost so much lives that the number of
individuals getting killed were alarming. The film showed that people in China were
unaware of the virus and how it transfers that is why there were no preventative steps
and precautions at first. With this lack of knowledge, it spread faster than expected to
the residents in China. When the health experts discovered that it was very contagious,
the city was immediately put under lockdown. Nevertheless, the spread of the virus was
not stopped and up to this day, the virus affects and claims so much lives around the
world, in every country. The film also showed how countries battled with the unseen. The
different approaches, solutions, orders in order to win the battle and totally eradicate the
virus were seen in the film but regardless of the efforts, the COVID-19 global pandemic
showed how we handled it wrong at the very first place. Who would have thought that
a virus could bring the whole world to a halt and confine everyone in their homes?
Nonetheless, we find ourselves in this situation. Political leaders and the government only
showed assistance to health researchers when the health crises climbed up an alarming
level of occurrence of deaths. Health researchers were not given the opportunity when
they asked for financial assistance in order to prevent what could have been happened;
which is what happening today. Every country is vulnerable to any catastrophe, crisis or
adversities especially if the enemy is cannot be seen, fought and tamed but some suffer
way more and took longer time to recover. There were countries with low levels of human
development face issues that worsen their vulnerability. Fortunately, vaccines were
developed to give protection to the virus. However, politicians who are greedy of power
used the vaccine for the public relations effort resulting to inequal distribution of vaccines
to countries.
The documentary “How coronavirus is changing the world” showed so many
changes in the peoples’ lives and how we adapt and how fast we adapt is entirely up to
us. It’s our choice. And we must choose to go on in life regardless of the changes COVID-
19 caused the world.
EVANGELISTA, Gabrielle Angela B.
BS Nursing
Populorum Progressio
On the development of Peoples
Paul VI, 1967
Encyclical Letter of Pope Paul VI promulgated on March 26, 1967

Populorum Progressio is fundamentally concerned with the concept of human

development and progress, which is the Church’s major concern. With the rise of
hunger, poverty and public illiteracy, Paul demands that all men should look after the
serious issue. Its goal is to address the global economy and its impact on people all
around the world. Economic development in many nations halt at this time, while others
continuously grow at an unprecedented rate. Based from the document, he tackled
about the workers’ rights to a living wage, job security, reasonable working conditions,
and the ability to join a workers’ union.

The Church is greatly concerned about the development of nations and its
people especially those who are eager to escape from poverty, disease, ignorance
and hunger. Many nations are abundant in resources and they must act upon the cries
of those who are in need lovingly. This is for everyone with genuine faith and not
particularly or only for the Catholics. The encyclical also highlights the need for the
decolonized countries to act for social and economic prosperity to promote universal
unity. It also highlights that in enhancing development, we must prevent the risk of
increasing the wealth of the privileged, the agony of the poor and the slavery of the
oppressed. We must keep in mind that growth and well-being should not be restricted
to economy or social progress, but must also aid in the development of oneself.
Everyone must learn how to lend a helping hand to those who are in need. With the
development as a goal, it must involve both social and economic success, allowing
men and women to enhance their moral growth and spiritual endowments.

Three major tasks must be done in order for the world to achieve development.
the wealthiest countries must provide assistance and promote unity with developing
countries. There should be maintenance of fair-trade relations between wealthy and
poverty-stricken countries. Prioritization of universal philanthropy by establishing a more
humane global community must be done by the world. All must cooperate.

Therefore, the encyclical letter stresses on three major topics which are
development, justice and peace. Also, it emphasizes the importance of acting for
social and economic progress. It is also a call to all Christians not only the Catholics that
unity is the way to make progress in the tackled matters. This demonstrated why it
welcomes and pushes us to commit to an active and radical spirituality of working and
helping others in their struggle for justice and peace. The aim is not only to end hunger
and poverty but to create a society wherein everyone is safe and live a life in their full
existence with freedom and where the poor and wealthy people meet halfway.

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