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1. Flud balance in tissues, 2 Lipid absorption from smal intestines 3. Defense against pathogens Lymphatic System ~ carries fluid from tissues to circulatory system; does not circulate to or rom iss !ymphocytes, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, and thymus. (Refer fa pracass figure 14 8; includes lymph, page 387) Lymph — fluid that flows within lymphatic system; this occurs when some fluid that moves from blood capillaties into tissue spaces (most of fluid retums to blood) moves from issue spaces into ymphatic eapillanes (See figure 14,2) Lymphatic Capillaries — tiny, closed-ended vessels; more permeable than blood capiliaries & fd moves easily into, cantain vaives from overlapping squamous cals in the walls that prevent the backflow of fluid + Supeehcial group collects excess interstitial fluids from dermis & subcutaneous tissues + Beep group collects from muscle, the viscera, & olhar deep structures * CNS, bone marrow, & tissues lacking blood vessels (epidermis & cartilage) donot have lymphatic capilaries Lymphatic Vossols ~ where lymphatic capillaries join; resemble small veins thal have a beaded apy Prevent backward & cause forward movement through vessels when compressed, caused by factors’ 1. Contraction of skeletal muscle due to activity 2. Periodic contraction of smooth muscle 3. Pressure changes in the thorax during breathing nce, valves |: (See igure 14.1) * Right Lymphatic Duct ~ formed by vessels from the right upper limb and right half of he {nto right subelavian vein + Thoracle Duct — where the rest of he body enters which empties info the left subclavian vein J, neck, chest, empties Lymphatic Tissue ~ characterized by housing many lymphocytes & other defense cells (macrophages), has very fine ‘ticular fiers that trap microorganisms & other items in Nuid Tonsils:— form a protective ring of lymphatic tissue around openings between nasal 6 oral cavities and pharynx, protect ‘against pathogens entering ftom nose & mouth; has thre groups: (See figure 14.3) + Palatine Tonsils ~ paired; located on each side of posterior opening of oral cavity; may become chronically infected & must be removed surgically through tonsilloctamy + Pharyngoal Tonsil ~ located near intemal opening of nasal cavity, when enlarged (adenoid), can interfere with normal breathing; can be surgically removed through aden oldactomy * Lingual Tonsil ~ on posterior surface of tongue less often infected & more dificult fo rernove Lymph Nodes — rounded structures distributed along lymphatic vessels & has. eof body: inguinal nodes in groin, axillary nodes in armpit, & cervical nodes in nack (See figure 14.4) * Capsule — surrounds each node; extensions are called trabeculae, that subdivide the riode into compartments © Lymphatic Nodules: dense aggregations of tissue formed by lymphocytes & other calls; contain rapidly dividing lymphacytes called gorminal contors ‘© Lymphatic Sinuses: spaces between the iymphatic tissue that contain macrophages + as lymph moves through these nodes, {Wo functions ate performed © (1) activation of immune system, and (2) removal of pathogens from lymph through macrophages Spleen — located in lef, superior corner of abdominal cavity; filers blood instead of lymph & serves as blood reservoir; hi : (See figure 14.8) ‘White Pulp — surrounding the arteries within the spleen Red Pulp ~ associated with vein; filed wilh macrophages that remove foreign substances & worn-out RBCa ‘through phagocytosis Antigens — substances that stimulate adaptive immune tesponses; estiosure to these increases the effectiveness of ‘sucunsalve exposure; dhided into ‘+ Femmign Antigens — intraduced from outside the body (ex: drugs causing allan maactions) + Self-Antigens ~ produced by ody that stimulates Immune sytiem response (ex: autoimmune disease) Lymphocyias ~ responsibie for the responses at adaptive immunity; develop trom stern cells that give rise ta * Pre-T coils migrate through blood to thymus to divide & processed into T colla + Pro-8 calls ~ processed in red bone marrow into B colts Antigen Recognition © 8 Tcolls have antigen receptors on surfaces, Clones are iymphocyies with the same antigen receptor Each recepior binds with only specie antigen thal activates lymphocytes & adaptive immunity begina 9 Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Molecules —glycoproleins that have binding sites specific for cariain antigens; functions as "serving tray” that hold & present w processed antigen on outer surface of call membtane (See figumm 14.10, slops 1 fo 3) 1 the frst signal necessary fo produce a respons from a 8 call or T col ¥ _contimulation by second signal js also required; achieved by cytokines * Lymphocyte Proliferation — important prosess that panerates the necded defense cells to protect the body ‘© Process-of proliferation differs for eacttIymobocyte class © Number of halper T calls rmust be greatly increased because they are necessary in activation of most T sells and B coll (See figure 14.40, stops 4 to 7) © 8 call proliferation bepina whan s 8 cell takes in the same kind af antigen that stimulated ihe helper T cell (See figure 14.11) Sallagores of Adaptive tinmunity: 4 Antitiody-Mediated Immuntty involves a group of B call lymphocytes & proteins cali ‘extracellular anfigens (bacteca, viruses, & toxins) & in cortain allargic reactions ntibadies: elective agarnst ‘Antibodios — produced by plasnta tals and bind to the mntkjeh: dre Y-shaped molecules consisting of. (See figure 14.12) Variable Region — at the end of each aim that function’ as an antigen-binding alte (lock-andt-kay model) * Constant Region ~ activate complement or bind to otter immune calls (macrophages, basophils & rast calls) Gamma Globiilins ~ other term of antibody since they arm faund mostly in gamma globulin part of plasma Immunoglobulin (Ig)~ another teem for ancy wince they ae glabulin pratains involved in mmuniy (See table 24 2) Effects of Antibodies: (See figure 14.12) + inactivate antigen ‘+ Initiate reionse of inflammatory chemicals + Bind antigens together + Facitiale phagocytosis + Active complement cascades Antibody Production: (See figura 14.14) + Primary Response — results from 1% exposure of B cell to an antigen; person usually develops disease [Symptoms because the antigen has time to cine tissue damage + Secondary Response J Mamory Reaponse ~ intinied by memory B eels to quickly form plasma eels, responsible for formation af new mamary celts 2 Coll-Mediated Immunity ~ involves the actions of T cells ; mast eftective against microorganisms that live inside ‘vod calls, aso Functions in; allergic reactions, contol of tumors, & ata rejections | essantia| in ighting vir infections by dastroying viral infected cells (See figure 14,45 & 14,16) hale + Gytotoxic T Cells — responsible for immediate immune respon, has two mak aftacts: © mlease oytokines thal activate additional components ol immune syatem (cells for phagocytosis & ‘nftammatory response) & also activate aditional cytotoxic T cells 12 bind to antigen on surfaces of these calls (viral antigen, tumor antigen, & Komign antigen) Spionectamy ~ swiqital removal of spleen “Thymus-~ blobed gland rough itangutar in shape; ste Tor the maturation of T 688 ymphecytes; located in superior mediantnurn that contains: (See hgure 14.6) Cortex = datkestnining areas formed By numerous lrrohocyas 2 Madulla lighter-staming, central portion of lobules that has fewer lymphocytes Immunity ~ atinty fo resist damage from pathogens, harmihé chemveas, internal veats, making @ person wuld ro onute batore any sympoma develop. ealegarzed info rnafe Hnmunty & adapt imu (Soe tale 14 1}, rtimatety linked ws iiustrted in Figure #418 tnnate Immunity / Nonspecific Resiatance - presenta bith; the body recognizes & destroys certain palhogers, Atri tespores is the same each tine the body & exposed, mmachansms of this mmunity Include: 1) Physical Barriers — preven! pathogens & chemicals from entering the boxy in lwo wane ‘kn mucous rrembranas that provent ive erry + fears, salva, & urine (hat wash substances fram body surfaces 2. Chemical Mediators ~ molecules which inclde y Lysoxyme: found in tears & salva that hls certin bactera © Mlgus, in mucous mambrane, prevents entry of sore pathogens + “Cemplemant group of more than 20 plasm proteins that are aetwated onan exposed 19 paihegeris and promote inflammation, phagocytosis, & can dawctly lyse backers! its Fee ae Rat protect equine viral efectons by slimalaing sureuneing cats Yo produce ania proteins . Hieurnine, Prostaglandins, & Lauketrianes: promote infammatan by causing vasadiation. Increase vascular permeabilty & sirmulale phagoeyto8ls 3. White Blood Calta — mave towards chemicals relaased tom pathogens or damaged tissues (chemotaais} + Phagocytic Calls ingest & destroys pathogens ‘a Neutrophils —firt te raspond but dle quickly a Niectothage — large monocyies that Ieave blood & entar issues; responsible for most of phagooy tc aiiviy in late tages of Inlaction (Kupfer cats in ver, dua cals lungs, & mcrogha wy CNS) + Celts of inftammatiar, praduce inflammatory tesponse to fight against pathogens ‘0 Banophils ~ mati WWBC that can Iouve bead & enter infected tissues CMMett Colla — focated at points where pathogens may entar the body such as skin, urge, {gastrointestinal tract, 6 urogenléal tract 9 Coulnophits — participate in inflammation naaociated wth allergies & astnrna «Natural Ritter (P00) Calla — a Tanphocyte that recagnian cleas of eels auch as tumor cals of virus infected tet, il target cals by releasing chemicals thet damage cell membranes & cause cei yas 4. tnflammmory Reapanse - simulates release of chemical madistors; the amaunt af mediators & Bhagooyies increase i fe eause of hitammation i destroyed; mediators produce snyara/ effects’ (See figure 14.6) ‘vosadiatian increases blood flow & brings phagocytes & other WC tn arma: hagocytes leave the blood & enter the tissue aeeeared vascular permeability allows fiorinagen & caplament to enter the tinue from Wood Local Inftammation ~ infaaynstory reoponsa confined to @ specific area of body; produces redness, neal, swaling, ‘pain, & toss of function Systemic Inflammation ~ response that ls generally distribu throughout the body: praduses Weal SARIS Heae etrational features: increased neutrophil, Paver (pressnce of pyrogens). & decrmased Btaod volume (shoek) “Adaptive Immunity | Specific immunity ~body recognized & destroys pathogens; bu the response ymproves each te the pathogen fs encountered due ta {wo certain characteris: e Specificity ~ abilty ta recognize a particular substance 1 Mmory ~ abilty to remember previous encounters resuting to faster, stronger, & longer-lasting rexpOnE® || Helper T Calls — promte o inhibit the activites of both adaptive Immunities; promote production af cytotoxic T cals & scivate macrophages Mamary T Cells - provide a sécondary response & long-asting immunity _ our ni 1 Acai Adaptive rimunt: Refer to igre 14.17, page 400) Immunotherapy = treats disease by altering immune system function or by drecty attacking harmful cells '¥--administer cytokines to promos iflammmation & activate immune cels or blocks the expression of MHC molecules ‘hat dispiaysel-antigens vaccination that can prover! many diazases 1 monoclonal anibodies can be used to delves radioactive Sotopas, drugs, toxins, or enzymes fo eating tumors Diseases and Dunas of Lumphate Sytem Concer Basin “clara denae wich ne eye reas Seantgens as 9M, Mutipte Sclerosis | desrying the mye tal covers axons exeheematere) —_ | keeaseln which sues & cls ae aman by mune sytem ro ee 1 Forte listed conditions below, fer to Table 14.3, poge 402 of he book fr descnation: + Lymphalie System (Lymphedema & Lymphoma) Irnriur System (Immediate Alergic Reactions, Asthma, Anaphylaxis & Delayed Allergic Reactions) Inmunodefiiencies (Severe Combined Immiunadetisency & AIDS) a ‘Aging nas @ lite effect on the abiy 1 rerave fld rom tissues, absorb pis from the digestive tract, oF remove defective RBCs from biood. Decreased helper T cell proliferation results in decreased antbody-mediated & cell-mediated immune responses. ‘The primary & secondary anivedy responses decrease with age. ‘The ability fo resi intracellular pathogens also decreases win age.

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