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Komang krisnantara putra

Xii ipa7

Rios : hai everyone

Itsuka : hai
Senku : hai rios
Rios : how are you guys?
Senku&itsuka : iam good
Rios : do you know midoriya has a dangue faver
Senku : really?
Rios : i’m serious
Itsuka : is him still in a hospital?
Rios : no, him is rumored to be able to return home
Rios : i’ll go to him house later, will you visit him?
Itsuka : yah, i want to visit it
Rios : okay,then this afternoon we visit him
Itsuka&senku : okay
Rios : see you later guys
Itsuka&senku : see you

At school, jobblind meet his friends namely pomade and osama, and jobblind tells us that our
school has won
Jobblind : good morning
Pomade : morning jobblind
Osama : morning
Jobblind : did you know our school got the champion?
Osama : i don’t know
Pomade : what champion?
Jobblind : champion about the greenness of schools between provinces
Pomade : you’re kidding
Jobblind : it’s true
Osama : where did you get this news?
Jobblind : mr pinatnain told me that i have to keep the school clean and keep this win till next
Pomade : okay, we have to keep that victory
Osama : okay
Pomade : thanks for the good news
Jobblind : okay see you
Osama&pomade : see you

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