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Laurie Maureene Antero

EDEL 313-1001

Reflection #5

October 3, 2021

September 28 & 30:

This week, we did not do any summative assessments with the students. They were

mostly formative. What we do mostly are just some questions as we talk with the students and

observations. We are mostly walking around the class, see how the progress through their

worksheets. If a student has some difficulty, we will have a short one on one with them about it.

Sometime during the last weeks or so, my mentor teacher was assessing the students on their

understanding about some words. For example, she has the student choose the color bear the

student wants and proceeds with the assessment. She tells them “If I tell you to put the bear,

below the cup, where would the bear be?” and then after a few questions she brings back the

same question but with a different word. She asks them “If I tell you to put the bear, under the

cup, where would the bear be?” I found it interesting because students have an understanding of

certain words, but some are unaware that these words have the same meaning. Their

interpretation of it is also interesting because one of the questions she asked involved the

words/phrase involves my mentor teacher saying, “in front of” or “behind”. You really don’t

know because they are either placing the object in front or behind the cup from their perspective

while others are putting the object in front of or behind the cup from your perspective.

I find that these assessments really have the teacher understand their students better

especially with how they understand things. They are useful for planning the next lessons for
your students and planning the next assessments for the students. My mentor teacher usually had

the students working on the centers while she assesses them on the carpet one by one. I have

mostly utilized formative assessment with the students. I would go around the questions asking

about what they learned. Overall, I would love the observe more assessments from my teacher, it

seems that whenever I am there the assessments are already done so all I’m really seeing is my

mentor teachers form of formative assessment with the students.

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