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Evolution of Philippine Constitution

Information and Communication Technology (Philippine Christian University)

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BSIT 2A MTH 3:00-4:30


1897: Constitution of Biak-na-Bato
1899: Malolos Constitution
Constitution is the foundation of the system of the government. This also had the body
of rules and principles in accordance with which powers of sovereignty is exercise or
implemented. All the ways on how to run a country or how to lead is in this process.
Also, it is the way for our country to have the opportunity to grow.
Our constitution also establishes the powers of the government. It could define, limit
and could distribute the powers. Also, it is the process of making and implementing
laws. It should be broad, brief and definite for promoting constitution. So that is the
evaluation of constitutions here in our country.
The constitution as a whole is a monument to the capacity of the Filipinos to chart their
own course along democratic lines. In a period of storm and stress, it symbolized the
ideals of a people who had emerged from the Dark Ages into the Light of Reason.
The constitution is defined as a set of fundamental principles or established precedents
according to which a state or other organizational is governed, thus, the word itself
means to be part of a whole, the coming together of distinct entities into one group,
with the same principles and ideals.

1897: Constitution of Biak-na-Bato

The Constitution OF Biak-na-Bato was the provisionary Constitution of the Philippine

Republic during the Philippine Revolution, and was promulgated by the Philippine
Revolutionary Government on 1 November 1897. The constitution, borrowed from
Cuba, was written by Isabelo Artacho and Felix Ferrer in Spanish, and later on,
translated into Tagalog.

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The separation of the Philippines from the Spanish monarchy and their formation into
an independent state with its own government called the Philippine Republic has been
the end sought by the Revolution in the existing war, begun on the 24th of August,
1896; and therefore, in its name and by the power delegated by the Filipino people,
interpreting faithfully their desires and ambitions, we, the representatives of the
Revolution, in a meeting at Biak-na-bato, Nov. 1st. 1897, unanimously adopt articles.

The Biak-na-Bato Constitution provided for the establishment of a Supreme council that
would serve as the highest governing body of the Republic. It also outlined certain basic
human rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the right to

The Constitution of Biak-na-Bato was never fully implementation, since a truce, the
Pact of Biak-na- Bato, was signed between the Spanish and the Philippine Revolutionary

1899: Malolos Constitution

This was the constitution that was made after the Independence of the Philippines so
this installed the first republic of our country. So, let’s take note that the government
here in our country during the Malolos constitution is a republican.

So, after that Americans implemented Philippine Organic Act and Jones Law for their
process of leading our country. They make a government that based on the approval of
Americans. The functions of their laws or some sort of constitutions, this is always
talked about by Americans and Filipino officials for us to give the Philippine
Independence. Making sure that our country is ready for making a government.

The Malolos constitution is the first important Filipino document ever produced by the
people's representatives. It is anchored in democratic traditions that ultimately had
their roots in American soil.

It established a democratic, republication government with three branches - the

Executive, Legislative and the Judicial branches. It called for the separation of church
and state. The executive powers were to be exercise by the president of
the republic with the help of his cabinet.

The Jones Law of 1916 and the Philippine Organic Act of 1902, it all lead to creation of

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1935 Philippine Constitution.

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