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Assalamu’allaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh..

Good Morning guys…

I hope today you are happy and healthy.
Today I would like to talk about why we should wear a mask.
Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It was discovered at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China. Most
people infected by this virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness. Older people or
people with pre-existing medical conditions more likely to develop more serious and severe
conditions. Most infected people will develop some symptoms including fever, dry cough, sore throat,
shortness of breath and even diarrhoea.
There are many ways to prevent or to slow the spreading such as: washing your hand regularly,
practice social distancing, cover your mouth when cough or sneezing, wearing a mask and stay at
home if you feel unwell or seek medical assistance when the condition gets worse.
Wearing a mask is a simple way to help decrease coronavirus transmission and save lives. According
to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, wearing a face mask in public places has been
shown to reduce the spread of COVID-19, because those who are pre-symptomatic can spread the
virus before showing symptoms. However, some masks are more effective than others.
Thank you very much for your attention. I am so sorry if I have many mistakes. The last I say
Wassalamu’allaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.

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