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What are the skills that a 21st-century learner needs nowadays?

To adapt themselves to an ever-changing world and catch up with the times, 21st-century
learners should have some specific skills as follow.

Firstly, language skill is regarded as one of the most essential skills to almost everyone. As
business is constantly changing and has become much more globalized, having an excellent
command of a language especially a popular one such as Chinese, English, French, German,
… and so one brings them never-ending benefits. Besides, language skill gives us a great
opportunity to learn and understand much more comprehensively and deeply about the
culture, people and history of a brand-new country.

Secondly, computer skills are needed to master. In the era of state-of-the-art technology,
with the explosion of artificial intelligence, being conversant with computers will help save
you a lot of time and effort to do laborious work and the job that needs high accuracy. For
example, if a manager is proficient in using Notion, he can avoid the possibility of forgetting
about the important appointment or conference and missions to do.

Last but not least, communication skills are one of the most vital skills to learn. A
justification for such a claim is that the skillfulness in conversing would aid people in
expressing their opinions, which result in significant in gaining knowledge. Moreover,
communication skills also enhance student’s ability to cooperate with others.

In conclusion, language skills, computer skills, and communication skills which are the keys
for 21st-century learners to succeeding in life are mentioned in this essay.

Write a paragraph starting with: “ In my opinion, smoking should be banned in public


In my opinion, smoking should be banned in public places. Firstly, people’s health is

horribly damaged by the harmful chemicals compounds contained within the mixture of
smoke generated from cigarettes. It is proved that not only is smoker’s health influenced
negatively by the smoke, but also those who expose the smoke. The smoke given off by
tobacco can cause lung cancer, heart and blood problems as well as pregnancy problems.
Moreover, tobacco agriculture also generates greenhouse gases of its own, in the form of
CO2 from the diesel used in farm machinery and NO2 from fertilizer – not to mention the
CO2 attributed to packaging, distribution, and advertising. Secondly, People who smoke in
public portray a bad example. Children are easily influenced in their growing stages. They
imitate the people around them because they cannot differentiate between right and
wrong. Therefore they perceive the actions they see around them as the way things should
be. In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above: the prohibition of public smoking is
It goes without saying that shopping online is becoming more and more familiar with
people of all ages. Especially, in the era when mobile phones or laptops are considered
indispensable things by almost everyone. However, buying things online has both
advantages and disadvantages.

Shopping online brings us a lot of undeniable benefits. Firstly, buying things on the Internet
is much more convenient than buying things in the store. You don't have to spend a lot of
time traveling while you choose to buy things online. All you need is a mobile phone or a
laptop connected to the Internet. Secondly, the price of things on the Internet is usually
more affordable than that of things we buy in the store. When you buy online, you can
compare the price of things between a lot of shops and choose the best one. Thirdly, there
are more choices for you when you choose to buy things on the Internet. Recently, with
significant development among online shopping apps such as Shopee, Tiki, Lazada,
Sendo,...., more and more store owners decide to sell things online. Therefore, you will be
provided with numerous choices of modern, color, price of the same things.

On the contrary, shopping online also has terrible drawbacks. Firstly, you can easily be
cheated when you buy things on the Internet. Because when you buy things online you
don't have any opportunity to check things before you get them and pay for them, a lot of
cheaters will take advantage of it and sell fake things. Secondly, you can be stolen private
information. To sign up for any online shopping apps we have to provide information about
your name, your address, your phone number. It will be absolutely dangerous if your
personal information is leaked by bad guys.

In conclusion, it is worth considering that there are both advantages and disadvantages of
buying things on the Internet. I hope that you will consider more carefully when you
choose shops and things to buy on the Internet to avoid fake things and swindle.

Topic: “ The only way to improve safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments
on driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that people breaking the traffic law should be heavily punished with a view to
improving road safety. Personally, although I strongly support a zero-tolerance approach,
there are affective alternatives that need considering.

Firstly, heightening public awareness of disastrous consequences of traffic offences by

education is need to be carefully considered. If everyone has been conscious of why we
should follow the traffic laws strictly since they was children, they will never try to violate
the laws. Therefore, early childhood education is absolutely essential for everyone. For
example, we should have a particular organization whose purpose is visiting all the schools
and celebrating campaigns in order to propagandize and to answer all questions of
students about traffic laws.

Secondly, we should provide humanist perspective on punishment. We punish people who

break laws. We do this to show our disapproval and hopefully to persuade those who have
committed crimes to behave better in the future. That makes sense, but it isn’t enough.
Instead of strict punishment, we may need encouragement, emotional support, and
practical help to change. For instance, people who break the laws should do volunteer work
as the punishment.

In conclusion, these alternative methods should be used to handle traffic offences and
simultaneously promote road safety.

There are three main points in support of military obligation. Firstly, national service
allows a country to meet its overall needs in effective ways. There are several national-level
responsibilities that a government must meet through its military. You will find those who
are on active duty helping during a natural disaster or pandemic, volunteering to maintain
community parks,.. and so on. Moreover, all countries need a military force defending the
citizens in times of war and hence all residents should make some contribution. Secondly,
military obligation helps enhance the defensive capabilities of the country.
When the armed forces of a government are well-stocked with human capital, then it
becomes more challenging for a foreign state to invade. Even if a war is declared and fought
on the homeland, the presence of conscription allows for more resources to be directed
into the fight. Thirdly, Military service can provide people with useful vocational skills.
For example, serving in the armed forces means more than knowing how to pick up a gun
and how to use it. Military life can teach people specific technical skills that they can use
throughout their life.  Responsibility, leadership, and teamwork are only some of the traits
that get infused into each person as they learn how to defend themselves and their country.
In conclusion, everyone should practice compulsory military service because of the terrific
reason mentioned in this paragraph.

benefits of the Internet: as a source of information, entertainment, and education.

In the era of state-of-the-art technology, it is undeniable that the widespread use of Internet
has been attributed to an array of benefits in almost every aspect in human life. Firstly,
Internet is proven to be an enormous reservoir of updated and advanced information.
Internet users can be au courant with trending news occurring in almost every country all
over the world or find out some details about the topic you are interested in just by
browsing e-journal or merely typing some keywords into the searchbox. For example, if you
want to study abroad with a full scholarship but you haven’t have any idea what to do, the
Internet is a answer to all your problems from scholarship requirement and condition to
instruction to achieve them more easily. Secondly, entertainment forms abound on the
Internet, enable the users to wind down after a hard-working day. No matter how much
stress at work, in your personal relationship or countless other issues faced in daily life, it
all just slips away when you watch a movie, listen to a cheerful song or stay in touch with
your friends or family via social media such as Instar, Facebook, Tweeter,… etc. Last but not
least, its education potentials can not be ignored, especially during COVID-19 pandemic
when more and more people have to study online. A wide variety of educational sites are
available on the Internet, where the majority of lessons are not only free but also beneficial
towards learners. In summary, the three main points above might outstanding benefits
associated with the Internet.

“Online games should be banned”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

I subscribe to the opinion that the prohibition of online games should be practiced as soon
as possible to prevent people, especially children from having horrible effects. Firstly,
online games are addictive to anyone both teenagers and adults. When someone hooks
online games, they tend to spend all their time with the computer and playing games rather
than studying and working or going out with friends and doing exercises. Consequently,
they will easily come down with some serious health problems such as obesity, eye strain,
stress and depression, backache, headache, the problem with memory, etc…. Moreover,
there will be a negative effect on academic performance and study performance when
online games addicts waste too much time playing games. Secondly, some online game
players, especially children who are not mature enough to be aware of and differentiate the
suitable games and violent games, can imitate the action in violent games. Therefore, they
may behave rude and violent with other people. Last but not least, security problem also
needs to be carefully considered. When people want to sign in to an account to play games,
they usually have to provide some private information about their addressé, their mobile
phones, their names, their birthdays, which can be perilous if your personal information is
leaked out and taken advantage of for bad purposes. In conclusion, based on these reasons,
online games should be banned.

In the era of state-of-the-art technology, when a variety of modern appliances appears and
develops, none of them can replace books in human life. Firstly, reading book is a effective
way to gain knowledge and broaden the mind about the wide world. If you want to make
enquiry about an exciting subject but you don’t have enough time to do this when you are in
class, books will be a suitable answer to this problem. Book is a enormous source of
information and knowledge about almost every aspects of life. Secondly, reading books
helps relieve tension and reduce pressure. No matter how much stress you have at work, in
your personal relationships, or countless other issues faced in daily life, it all just slips away
when you lose yourself in a great story. Last but not least, reading books helps improve
writing skills . The more you read, the more words and phrases you gain exposure to, and
they’ll inevitably make their way into your everyday vocabulary. Moreover, the cadence,
fluidity, and writing styles of your favourite authors will invariably influence your own
work. In conclusion, reading is the most important thing in our life, hence we should make
it our daily habit.

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