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Salt air and the rust on your door, i never needed anything more. My name is Augustine.

Lets start by
my name, Augustine. Inspired by the 8th month of the year. The month who let me experience illicit
love for the first time. It was an affair actually. With who? Oh, with some boy who happens to be my
crush since we were little. James. James who's always been and always will be with Betty. The heather.

As i said erlier, i never needed anything more. In fact, i never thought that i would spent a whole
summer break with him. Because we barely even talk on daily basis because... i don't know. We used to
be so close bacause our mom's were good friends back in college and we were neighbours. But we just...
never had a chance to act like we used to again since... that girl came to his life and filled everything that
used to be mine.

Frankly speaking, i thought he doesn't need me anymore. So i made a distance beetwen us, and he
seems comfortable that way and so on. But this summer break, and the look on his eyes said it all.

He needs me. Or... should i say that he miss the days where he owns me. That makes me think that i had
him. Only for the summer. Who slip like a bottle of wine. But for me, i think it was enough.

We kissed. He kissed me first. It was my very first kiss actually. But i would never admit that to him. He
looks sad when i answered his question that "James, you're not first kiss. I kiss Jonnah once." "You did?"
The looks on his face, says it all.

It was a passionate summer for a 17th year old. We don't talk much. We just filled the void with silence
and endless thoughts. His thoughts filled with Betty, and my thoughts filled with him.

"Dorothea." Said james.

"Who's Dorothea?" I answered.

"You. i'm gonna call you Dorothea from now".

James looking deep and straight to my eyes, we were laying down on a grass underneath the sun when
he spoke to me with the name Dorothea.

"Why?" I ask.

"Augustine... for me, you're quite..."


"Lets just say that the name dorothea suits you more."

"Why? Because everytime you called my name it would led back to your summer affair? or the little
meeting behind the mall?"


"Well, i'm fine with that actually. Call me, do me whatever you want."


I did'nt answered when he called me by that name untill

"Hey Dorothea do you ever stop and think about me?"


"Because i think about you a lot. I think about you even when betty laying beside me."

"Yes. I do james. I think about you a lot even when Jonnah kissed me for the first time." Sarcastically

"Dorothea, you know the reason why i agreed to go with you this summer?"


"To compleatly erasing you out of my mind. Because the meet behind the mall wasn't enough. And i
need more."

"Guess i sucked you really good."


"Oh dont be such a dick, James. You love my play and i'm okay with that. Being your sling? I'm okay with
that. Just don't be a hypocrite like other men around."


"Erasing me out of your mind? Thats bullshit right there. You love Betty so much that impossible for me
to slip in."

"This summer break was just a fun little games james. You were seventeen. This thing was normal even
when you loved someone so deep that it hurts you."

"Can we once act like back when we were kids? I miss you ok? I miss Augustine. But that Augustine will
never act the same way so i called you by the name Dorothea."
So he thought that Augustine that he likes were dead? So he called me by another name? In hope that
everything will be back like it used to be?

Will i be the 'Dorothea' that he wants to him? Even when august has gone by, will i still be his
'Dorothea'? Or it was just a summer role that he gave to me like i'm an actress?

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