Capability of Negotiation

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Name: Del castillo, Raevhen.

Course & Section: ABFS-301

Subject: International Negotiation
Professor: Sir Jumel G. Estrañero

Capability of Negotiation

A movie was all about falling in love and being broken because of misunderstanding
and miscommunication, entitled “The Break up”. The film started when the two
protagonists saw each other at the baseball game where the boy which name is “Gary”
and then the girl was “Brooke”. During that game Gary find Brooke attractive so to get
her attention he brought a hotdog sandwich and took that chance to give it to her and to
know her as he tries to ask for a date after the game at first Brooke was hesitant but
after some negotiation she agrees to go on a date with Gary and that’s where their
relationship started.

As a typical relationship at first it was all like a magical or you can consider it as a
“perfect” where they click as a couple like everything seems and will be fine as long as
they are together and it became stronger when they lived in the same unit. But I guess
nothing is perfect, no matter how good the relationship was there are also times that
your love for each other will be tested, and there must be rules that needs to be
followed and they did not set any rules for their relationship that’s why when the chaos
came they did not know how to handle it and that chaos began when Brooke asked
Gary to buy her twelve (12) lemons as she will use it to prepare for their dinner specially
that the relatives of Brooke will come over but as silly one, he just bought three (3)
lemons, and with that Brooke became mad where the argument and misunderstanding
started that needs to talk about but instead of communicating they choose not to
communicate that’s why Brooke thinks that her partner doesn’t appreciate what she’s
doing and giving for their relationship. The small argument that leads to break up came
when Brooke ask Gary to set the table as they where about to eat but Gary refuse to do
that because he said that’s Brooke masterpiece and he doesn’t want to meddle with that
and he continue playing his video games and that is the point where Brooke assumes
that Gary doesn’t appreciate what she’s doing for their relationship and came to her
mind that her partner took advantage of her and with that she felt unappreciated and
being neglected specially her efforts and feelings that’s why out of anger she said
hurtful things that she wasn’t really meant and when Gary heard that as expected he
became hurt that’s why he said hurtful things to Brooke also. Again, out of anger Brooke
said that they should break up and because of pride and being hurt Gary agrees with
her, without them thinking if they really wanted the break up or not.
In every decision and action, we must be wise and careful to avoid doing things we will
regret later on, we should consider and think twice before we act. Gary and Brooke
were being impulsive to their decision that’s why to escape from their argument they
taught that the “break up” is the solution but it is the opposite, it leads them to more
argument. If they think about that debt of gratitude maybe they can solve their problem
considering the gratitude for each other’s effort and love.

As I finish watching the film it made me realized that we must be wise in every word that
we will use to avoid conflicts. We must know whom we will negotiate and talk first before
talking to other people that can lead to create more problem just like what happened to
the break up movie where Gary and Brooke failed to talk to each other about their
problem but instead of talking to each other they go talk to their relatives and friends
which they taught might be helpful but it somehow did not help their problem. They
should remember that there were only two of them in their relationship so both of them
can only fix their problem not other people. It is good to know and might be helpful to
know who whom you negotiate with and out of respect do not tell other people what you
have talk about because it might be uncomfortable for them to talk about your problem
that happened only to the both of you and you will spread it to other people who’s not

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