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i felt there was a baby elephant in the room on the team call yesterday

So I wanted to ask how the LATAM telco opportunity landed on your desk and
understand better what was the approach you took to engage the team on the

sorry that may be a loaded question - so let me explain where i am coming from

just trying to understand where you are coming from because

i was a little confused as to why you didn't include me into the workstream for
this customer becuase

1) TIMEZONE is not an issue

2) my closeness to ALIGN MOMENT

even Yara pointed out the baby elephant on the team call yesterday and asked the
question - asked why I was not part of the team?

and i was listening for your response but I didn't get a response to yara's first
question so i wanted to just understand everything is okay and if there is any
particular reason why you didn't feel to reach out to me for a customer close to my
time zone and a methodology that is close to me as well....

And a similar thing happened with the Monical Giles ask in January when she came to
you because of your previous relationship and it would have made sense to bring me
in since it was NAmerica and that is my focus -

so just want to put it on the table and understand where you are coming from -
becuause of i've noticed gaps and others on the team are noticing as well....

so yeah thats it....

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