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1. Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis

2. Adult Blepharitis
3. Allergic Conjunctivitis
4. Bacterial Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
5. Bacterial Endophthalmitis
6. Chalazion
7. Chemical Burns
8. Contact Lens Complications
9. Corneal Foreign Body
10. Corneal Graft Rejection
11. Corneal Ulcer
12. Dacryocystitis
13. Distichiasis
14. Dry Eye Disease (Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca)
15. Ectropion
16. Emergency Care of Corneal Abrasion
17. Entropion
18. Episcleritis
19. Fungal Endophthalmitis
20. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
21. Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma (AACG)
22. Hordeolum
23. Neonatal Conjunctivitis (Ophthalmia Neonatorum)
24. Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Kaposi Sarcoma
25. Orbital Cellulitis
26. Postoperative Endophthalmitis
27. Preseptal Cellulitis
28. Pterygium
29. Recurrent Corneal Erosion
30. Red Eye Evaluation
31. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
32. Viral Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
1 Keratitis  Eye redness
 Eye pain
 Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
 Excess tears or other discharge from
your eye.
 Difficulty opening your eyelid
because of pain or irritation.
 Blurred vision.
 Decreased vision.
 A feeling that something is in your

2 Conjungtivitis
 Viral  Itchy eyes
 Tearing
 Redness
 Discharge
 Light sensitivity (when corneal
involvement is present)
 A gritty feeling in one or both eyes

 Bacterial  Follicles are more often a sign of

ocular viral infections; may also
occur with chronic allergic or
hypersensitivity conjunctivitis
 Papillae on the injected tarsal
conjunctiva, also seen in viral
conjunctivitis and ocular allergy (see
 Discharge: More purulent than in
viral conjunctivitis, with more
mattering (generally white, green, or
yellow mucous discharge) of the
eyelid margins and greater associated
difficulty prying the eyelids open
following sleep; patients may report
waking up with their eyes “glued”
 Enlarged preauricular lymph node:
Common in viral conjunctivitis and
unusual in bacterial conjunctivitis,
although found in severe bacterial
conjunctivitis caused by N
 Eyelid edema: Often present in
bacterial conjunctivitis, but mild in
most cases; severe eyelid edema in
the presence of copious purulent
discharge raises the suspicion of N
gonorrhoeae infection

 Allergic
 Redness in both eyes.
 Itching and burning of both
the eye and surrounding tissues.
 Watery discharge, often accompanied
by acute discomfort in bright sunlight
light (photophobia).
 The conjunctiva itself may become
very swollen and look light purple,
and this may interfere with clarity of
 Eyes: itchiness, redness, watery eyes,
or puffy eyes
 Visual: blurred vision or sensitivity
to light

 Acute  Conjunctival Congestion, Vascular

Hemorrhagic Dilatation, And Onset Of Edema.
Conjunctivitis  Painful, Red Eyes, Swelling Of The
Conjunctival Tissue, And Frequent
Mucus Discharge From The Eyes
Accompanied By Excessive Tearing
And Subconjunctival Hemorrhaging.
 blurry vision and fever
3 Adult Blepharitis  Irritation, Itching, Erythema Of The
Lids, Flaking Of The Lid Margins,
And/Or Changes In The Eyelashes.
 Watery eyes
 Red eyes
 A gritty, burning or stinging
sensation in the eyes
 Eyelids that appear greasy
 Itchy eyelids
 Red, swollen eyelids
 Flaking of the skin around the eyes
 Crusted eyelashes
 Eyelid sticking
 More frequent blinking
 Sensitivity to light
 Blurred vision that usually improves
with blinking

4 Hordeolum  painful, warm, swollen, red lump on

the eyelid.
 painful, red, and swollen eyelid
without a history of foreign body or
 Eritema terlokalisasi di kelopak mata
yang terkena

5 Acute Angle-  Severe Ocular Pain, Redness, Blurry

Closure Glaucoma Vision, Headache, And Nausea And
(AACG) Vomiting.
 Halos around lights
Aching eye or brow pain
Deep, dull, periocular headache
Nausea, vomiting
Reduced acuity
Eye redness
Corneal edema
Fixed dilated pupil. Iris ischemia
may cause the pupil to remain
permanently fixed and dilated.
6 Dry Eye Disease  gritty, foreign body sensations,
(Keratoconjunctivitis burning, photophobia, and decreased
Sicca) visual acuity.
 Foreign-body sensation and ocular
dryness and grittiness
 Hyperemia
 Mucoid discharge
 Ocular irritation
 Excessive tearing (secondary to
reflex secretion)
 Photophobia
 Fluctuating or blurry vision
sakit mata atau sakit kepala yang
berhubungan dengan penglihatan kabur,
lingkaran cahaya berwarna pelangi di sekitar
cahaya terang, mual, dan muntah.
Pemeriksaan fisik akan menunjukkan pupil
titik tengah tetap dan kornea berkabut atau
keruh dengan suntikan konjungtiva (paling
menonjol di limbus). Tekanan intraokular
akan meningkat dan dapat mencapai 60
sampai 80 mm Hg pada serangan akut.
Sejumlah kecil suar air dan sel-sel mungkin
terlihat. Saraf optik juga bisa membengkak
selama serangan akut
7 Corneal Ulcer  pain, redness, foreign object
sensation, tearing, photophobia, and
decreased vision.
8 Chalazion  eye pain, acute visual changes,
recurrence in the same exact location,
fever, limitation of extraocular
movement, and diffuse eyelid or
facial swelling point to a diagnosis
other than a chalazion.
 Painless swelling in the eyelid that
slowly grows over the first week
 Swelling of the membrane that
covers the surface of the eye and
inner surface of the eyelid
 Blurred or distorted vision
 Red or grey area on the inside of the

9 Orbital Cellulitis  swelling and redness of the eyelid and

surrounding soft tissues, conjunctival
hyperemia and chemosis, decreased
ocular motility, pain with eye
movements, decreased visual acuity, and
proptosis caused by orbital swelling.
10 

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