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1) She kisses her parents, drops her boys at school and then leaves for work.
2) Your orders will be processed in seconds. Twenty boxes of different kinds of
weeds, please.
3) Miles’ cars are being repaired. He often pays tons of money to have them fixed by
the best mechanics.
4) What a pleasant surprise. She shows up without a warning and speaks to me as If I
were a child.
5) She expects that it will happen soon. Mick´s daughters are absorbed in thoughts.
They promised it would be over before the sun sets.
6) Sandwiches are one of her favorite foods. She just turns the lights off when she eats
them, though.
7) Jesus´ career as a psychologist was plagued with hateful comments. He works hard
and brushes his teeth three times a day. Still, his mouth smells like sewer.


1. Who flew to the moon? I heard an explosion. That rocket had to have launched.
2. She wept because she won and spent a million dollars in seconds.
3. I wanted to hurt you. I needed a gun. I bought a shotgun and shot you in the chest.
Sadly, you survived.
4. I tricked her into thinking I was a good man. I fooled her once. Then, I kissed her
forehead while I laughed like a maniac.
5. I bought a piece of furniture. I brought it home and sat on it.
6. I picked it up slowly, put it down and fought my brother over it.
7. Sunny claimed to have lived in Brazil for two years. She moved in a year ago.
8. We talked on the phone for thirty minutes. I told him I intended to hurt him. I
punched his face and kicked his buttocks.
9. I studied German when I was 5. I learned nothing because I hated it.
10. I caught a cold last night. I wore nothing and spent a lot of time bathing in the cold
sea. I deserved it.
11. There was a boy. A very strange enchanted boy. They said he wandered very far
and very far over land and sea.
12. And then one day. One magic day he passed my way. While we spoke of many
things. Fools and Kings. This he said to me:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
13. I drew money from my bank account. I shook my head and bit my nails. I got more
than I needed.
14. I sewed a sweater. I lost it and recovered it. Whoever took it, surely did it to hurt my
15. I drove my car for hours and stopped at the service station to have my car serviced
and cleaned.
16. I tried and tried to forget you, girl, but it was so hard to do. You just kept doing that
thing you did. You kissed my lips and caressed my hair. I dreamed of you every
17. I quit my job. I wanted a break from everything. I wished for peace and quiet, and
beat people I hated to death.
18. We worked really hard to make this a success, but then Chuck ruined it with his
carelessness. Chuck should die in a fire.
19. Every time I finished a sandcastle, the waves came in and washed it away.
20. We passed upon the stair. We spoke of was and when. Although I wasn't there, he
said I was his friend. Which came as a surprise. I spoke into his eyes. I thought you
died alone. A long, long time ago

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