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Your Guide

to the
Breast Cancer
Pathology Report
Developed for
you by is a
nonprofit organization
dedicated to providing
education and information
on breast health and
breast cancer.
The pathology report is used by
your doctor to determine which
treatments a re right for you.

Your Guide
to the
Breast Cancer 
Pathology Report

A report is written each time tissue is

removed from the body to check for
cancer. These are called pathology
reports. Each report has the results
of the studies done on the removed
tissue. The information in these
reports will help you and your
doctors decide on the best treatment
for you.

Reading your pathology report can

be scary and confusing. Different labs
may use different words to describe
the same thing. On page 34, you’ll
find an easy-to-understand word list.
We hope we can help you make sense
of this information so you can get the
best care possible.

Wait for the Whole Picture

• Waiting for test results.............................2 • How much cancer is in each
lymph node?...........................................17
• Get all the information you need..............3
• Do the cancer cells have
• Parts of your pathology report..................4
hormone receptors?...............................18
Reading Your Pathology Report • Does the cancer have genes that
 he pathology report answers affect how the cancer might
questions about a breast abnormality.......6 be treated?..............................................20
• Genetic testing that is not a part of
• Is the breast abnormality a cancer?.........6
your pathology report..............................25
• Is the breast cancer invasive?...................7
• What stage is the breast cancer?..........28
• How different are the cancer cells
— Stage 0...............................................28
from normal cells?...................................9
— Stage I................................................29
• How fast are the cancer cells
growing?.................................................10 — Stage II...............................................30
• How big is the cancer?..........................12 — Stage III.............................................31
• Has
 the whole cancer — Stage IV.............................................33
been removed?.......................................13
Word List..................................................34
 re there cancer cells in your lymph
channels or blood vessels?....................15 Key Questions..........................................44
 re there cancer cells in your
Pathology Report Checklist....................45
lymph nodes?.........................................16
 ow many lymph nodes Notes........................................................46
are involved?..........................................17

Waiting for test results Get all the information you need
When you have all of the test results, When you have all the test information
you and your doctor can make the you need, you and your doctor can
right decisions for you. The analysis of make a final decision about your
the removed tissue can lead to several treatment. Don’t focus too much on any
different reports. Some tests take longer one piece of information by itself. Try to
than others. Not all tests are done by look at the whole picture as you think
the same lab. Most information comes about your options.
within 1 to 2 weeks after surgery, and
Different labs and hospitals may
you will usually have all the results
use different words to describe the
within a few weeks. Your doctor can let
same thing. If there are words in your
you know when the results come in. If
pathology report that are not explained
you don’t hear from your doctor, call
in this booklet, don’t be afraid to ask
the office.
your doctor what they mean.

For more information, go to:

EXPERT TIP: Marisa Weiss, M.D.,

breast cancer doctor

“The information in your pathology report three lab reports from one surgery. Together,
often comes in bits and pieces. Just after the lab reports make up your pathology
surgery, the cancer cells are first looked at report. Try to keep all your reports in one
under the microscope. Results from additional place, so that when you go for your treatment
studies that require special techniques may evaluations, the doctors will have all the
take longer. So you may have one, two, or information they need.”
2 3
WHOLE PICTURE (continued)

Parts of your pathology report

Personal information. Make sure it’s Gross description. This section describes
your correct name and date of operation the pieces of tissue removed. It talks
at the top of the report. about the size, weight, and color of
each piece.
Specimen. This section describes where
the tissue samples came from. Tissue Microscopic description. This section
samples could be taken from the breast, describes the way the cancer cells look
from the lymph nodes under your arm under the microscope, their relationship
(axilla), or both. to the normal surrounding tissue, and
the size of the cancer.
Clinical history. This is a short
description of you and how the breast Special tests or markers. This section
abnormality was found. It also describes reports the results of tests for proteins,
the kind of surgery that was done. genes, and cell growth rate.
Clinical diagnosis. This is the diagnosis Summary or final diagnosis. This section
the doctors were expecting before your is the short description of all the important
tissue sample was tested. findings in all of the tissue examined.

For more information, go to:

4 5

The pathology report answers questions may grow into the normal tissue around
about a breast abnormality them. Cancer cells may also spread
beyond the breast.
Breast tissue can develop abnormalities
that are sometimes cancerous. Usually The abnormal lump or spot may be found
breast cancer begins either in the cells using mammography or other testing
of the lobules, which are milk-producing methods. A procedure called a biopsy
glands, or the ducts, the passages that removes a piece of tissue from the lump or
drain milk from the lobules to the nipple. spot to find out if cancer cells are present.
Breast cancers have many characteristics The pathology report will tell you what
that help determine the best treatment. kinds of cells are present.

Is the breast abnormality a cancer? Is the breast cancer invasive?

A lump or spot in the breast can be made If breast cancer is found, it’s important
of normal cells or cancer cells. There can to know whether the cancer has spread
also be cells that fall somewhere between outside the milk ducts or lobules of the
normal and cancerous (“atypical” cells). breast where it started.
Cancer cells are cells that grow in an Non-invasive cancers stay within the milk
uncontrolled way. They may stay in the ducts or milk lobules in the breast. They
place where they started to grow, or they do not grow into or invade normal tissues
This is what the inside within or beyond the breast. Non-invasive
of a breast looks like. cancers are sometimes called in situ or
The real size
of a normal If the cancer has grown into normal
duct or lobule
rib cage fat is smaller
tissues, it is called invasive. Most breast
chest wall than this cancers are invasive. Sometimes cancer
. cells spread to other parts of the body
through the blood or lymph system. When
muscle lobule cancer cells spread to other parts of the
body, it is called metastatic breast cancer.
In some cases, a breast cancer may be
both invasive and non-invasive.

This is what normal cells invasive invasive
inside a milk duct look cells cells
like under a microscope.

6 7

You may see these descriptions of the How different are the cancer cells
type of cancer cells in your report:
from normal cells?
DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ). This
is a cancer that is non-invasive. It stays Grade is how different the cancer cells
inside the milk ducts. are from normal cells. Experts compare
the appearance of the cancer cells to
NOTE: There are subtypes of DCIS. You’ll normal breast cells. Based on these
find their names in the word list that begins comparisons, they give a grade to the
on page 34 of this booklet. cancer. Grade is different from stage
LCIS (Lobular Carcinoma In Situ). This (see page 28 for information about
is a tumor that is an overgrowth of cells stage).
that stay inside the milk-making part
There are three cancer grades:
of the breast (called lobules). LCIS is
not a true cancer. It’s a warning sign Grade 1 (low grade or well
of an increased risk for developing an differentiated). Grade 1 cancer cells look
invasive cancer in the future in either a little bit different from normal cells.
breast. They are usually slow-growing.
IDC (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma). This is Grade 2 (intermediate/moderate grade
a cancer that begins in the milk duct but or moderately differentiated). Grade 2
has grown into the surrounding normal cancer cells do not look like normal cells.
tissue inside the breast. This is the most They are growing a little faster than
common kind of breast cancer. normal.
ILC (Invasive Lobular Carcinoma). This Grade 3 (high grade or poorly
is a cancer that starts inside the milk- differentiated). Grade 3 cancer cells look
making glands (called lobules), but very different from normal cells. They are
grows into the surrounding normal fast-growing.
tissue inside the breast.
NOTE: There are other, less common types
of invasive breast cancer. You’ll find their
names in the word list beginning on page
34 of this booklet. For more information, go to:

The type of cancer I have is_______________ The cancer is: (check one)
________________________________________ . j Grade 1 j Grade 2 j Grade 3
8 9

How fast are the cancer cells In breast cancer, a result of less than
growing? 10% is considered low, 10-20% is
intermediate/borderline, and more
Your pathology report may include than 20% is considered high.
information about the rate of cell
If you have an Oncotype DX test
growth—the proportion of cancer cells
done on the cancer to estimate your
within the tumor that are growing and
recurrence risk, checking Ki-67 levels is
dividing to form new cancer cells. A
included as part of the testing.
higher percentage suggests a faster-
growing, more aggressive cancer, rather • S-phase fraction. The S-phase fraction
than a slower, less aggressive cancer. number tells you what percentage
of cells in the tissue sample are in
Tests that can measure the rate of cell
the process of copying their genetic
growth include:
information (DNA). This S-phase, short
• Ki-67. Ki-67 is a protein in cells that for “synthesis phase,” happens just
increases as they prepare to divide before a cell divides into two new cells.
into new cells. A staining process can
measure the percentage of tumor In breast cancer, a result of less than
cells that are positive for Ki-67. The 6% is considered low, 6-10% is
more positive cells there are, the more intermediate/borderline, and more
quickly they are dividing and forming than 10% is considered high.
new cells.

For more information, go to:

The rate of cancer growth is: (check one) Test used: (check one)
j Low j Intermediate/borderline j High j Ki-67 test j S-phase fraction test
10 11

How big is the cancer? Has the whole cancer been removed?
Doctors measure cancers in centimeters When surgery is done to remove the
(cm). The size of the cancer is one of the whole cancer, the surgeon tries to take
factors that determines the stage and out all of the cancer with an extra area,
treatment of the breast cancer. or margin, of normal tissue around it.
This is to be sure that all of the cancer
Size doesn’t tell the whole story. All of
is removed.
the cancer’s characteristics are important.
A small cancer can be very fast-growing The outer edge of the tissue removed
while a larger cancer may be slow-growing, is called the margin of resection. It is
or it could be the other way around. looked at very carefully to see if it is
clear of cancer cells.
Tumor size: 1 cm The pathologist also measures the
distance between the cancer cells and
the margin.

3 cm

5 cm
= 2 inches

For more information, go to:

The size of the cancer is _______ centimeters.

12 13

Margins around a cancer are described Are there cancer cells in your lymph
in three ways: channels or blood vessels?
Negative. No cancer cells can be seen
The breast has a network of lymph
at the outer edge. Usually, no more
channels and blood vessels that drain
surgery is needed.
fluid and blood from your breast tissue
Positive. Cancer cells come right out back into your body’s circulation. These
to the edge of the tissue. More surgery pathways remove used blood and waste
is usually needed to remove any products.
remaining cancer cells.
There is an increased risk of cancer
Close. Cancer cells are close to the edge coming back when cancer cells are found
of the tissue, but not right at the edge. in the fluid channels of the breast. In
More surgery may be needed. these cases, your doctor may customize
Negative Positive your treatment to reduce this risk.
If lymphatic or blood vessel (vascular)
invasion is found, your pathology report
will say present. If there is no invasion,
the report will say absent.
normal normal NOTE: Lymphatic or vascular invasion is
the edge tissue the edge tissue different from lymph node involvement.
cancer cancer
cells cells
This is a picture of cancer cells that have
NOTE: What is called negative (or clean or spread through the wall of the milk duct
clear) margins can be different from hospital and into the nearby lymph channels.
to hospital. In some hospitals, doctors want
at least 2 millimeters (mm) of normal tissue lymphatic channel
between the edge of the cancer and the
outer edge of the tissue. In other places, breast tissue cancer cells
just one healthy cell is called a negative
margin. 1 cm normal duct cells

blood vessel
wall of milk duct
2 mm
1 inch

The margins are: (check one) Lymphatic or vascular invasion is: (check one)
j Negative j Positive j Close j Present j Absent
14 15

Are there cancer cells in your How many lymph nodes

lymph nodes? are involved?
Your doctor will examine your lymph The more lymph nodes that contain
nodes to see if they contain cancer. cancer cells, the more serious the
Having cancer cells in the lymph nodes cancer might be. So doctors use the
under your arm is associated with an number of involved lymph nodes to
increased risk of the cancer spreading. help make treatment decisions.
Lymph nodes are filters along the lymph Doctors also look at the amount of
fluid channels. Lymph fluid leaves the cancer in the lymph nodes.
breast and eventually goes back into the
bloodstream. The lymph nodes try to How much cancer is in each
catch and trap cancer cells before they lymph node?
reach other parts of the body.
You may see these words describing
When lymph nodes are free, or clear, how much cancer is in each lymph node:
of cancer, the test results are called
Microscopic. Only a few cancer cells are
negative. If lymph nodes have some
in the node. A microscope is needed to
cancer cells in them, they are called
find them.
Lymph node areas adjacent to breast area
Gross. There is a lot of cancer in the
node. You can see or feel the cancer
 ectoralis major without a microscope.
 xillary lymph Extracapsular extension. Cancer has
nodes: level I spread outside the wall of the node.
 xillary lymph
nodes: level II
 xillary lymph
nodes: level III
lymph nodes
F Internal mammary
lymph nodes For more information, go to:
The lymph nodes are: (check one) If positive:
j Positive j Negative The number of involved nodes is __________ .
16 17

Do the cancer cells have 1. The number of cells that have

receptors out of 100 cells tested.
hormone receptors? You will see a number between 0%
Hormone receptors are like ears on and (none have receptors) and 100% (all
in breast cells that listen to signals from have receptors).
hormones. These hormone signals tell
2. An Allred score between 0 and 8.
breast cells that have the receptors to
This scoring system is named for the
grow. doctor who developed it. The system
A cancer is called ER-positive if it has looks at what percentage of cells
receptors for the hormone estrogen. It’s test positive for hormone receptors,
called PR-positive if it has receptors for along with how well the receptors
the hormone progesterone. Breast cells show up after staining (this is called
that do not have receptors are negative “intensity”). This information is then
for these hormones. combined to score the sample on
a scale from 0 to 8. The higher the
Breast cancers that are ER-positive, score, the more receptors were found
PR-positive, or both tend to respond to and the easier they were to see in the
hormonal therapy. Hormonal therapy sample.
is medicine that reduces the amount
3. The word “positive” or “negative.”
of estrogen in your body or that blocks
estrogen from the receptors. NOTE: Even if your report just says
“positive” or “negative,” ask your doctor
If the cancer has no hormone receptors, or lab to give you the number of cells
there are still treatments available. (percentage) that have receptors. This
Hormone receptors are proteins. Like all is important because sometimes a low
number may be called negative. But even
proteins, their production is controlled
cancers with low numbers of hormone
by genes. To learn more about tests for receptors may respond to hormonal
various genes, please see page 20. therapy. And a high positive number is
You will see the results of your hormone important to know because it predicts a
particularly good response to hormonal
receptor test written in one of these
three ways:
For more information, go to:
Hormone receptors are:
j ER-positive ____% (1%-100%) j ER-negative j PR-positive ____% (1%-100%) j PR-negative
or circle: Allred score: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or circle: Allred score: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
18 19

Does the cancer have genes that HER2 status. Your pathology report
affect how the cancer might be usually includes the cancer’s HER2
status. The HER2 gene is responsible for
treated? making HER2 proteins. These proteins
Genes contain the recipes for the are receptors on breast cells. Under
various proteins a cell needs to stay normal circumstances, HER2 receptors
healthy and function normally. Some help control how a breast cell grows,
genes and the proteins they make divides, and repairs itself. But in about
can influence how a breast cancer 25% of breast cancers, the HER2 gene
behaves and how it might respond to can become abnormal and make too
a specific treatment. Cancer cells from many copies of itself (amplification of
a tissue sample can be tested to see the HER2 gene). Amplified HER2 genes
which genes are normal and which are command breast cells to make too
abnormal. The proteins they make can many receptors (overexpression of the
also be tested. HER2 protein). When this happens, the
If the genetic recipe contains a mistake, overexpressed HER2 receptors shout at
the report will say “genetic mutation” (rather than talk to) the breast cells to
or “genetic abnormality.” An example grow and divide in an uncontrolled way.
is one of the inherited breast cancer This can lead to the development of
gene abnormalities, called BRCA1 or breast cancer.
BRCA2. Testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Breast cancers that have amplified HER2
is not part of the standard pathology genes or that overexpress the HER2
workup. (Please see page 25 for more protein are described in the pathology
information on these abnormalities.) report as being HER2-positive. HER2-
If the genetic recipe repeats the same positive breast cancers tend to grow
instruction over and over again, the faster and are more likely to spread and
report will say “gene amplification.” come back when compared with HER2-
Genetic amplification happens when negative breast cancers. But HER2-
a genetic recipe’s repeated instruction positive breast cancers can respond to
causes the gene to make too many targeted treatments that are designed to
copies of itself. work against HER2-positive cancer cells.

If the genetic recipe mistake

(abnormality) or repeated instruction For more information, go to:
(amplification) calls for too much protein
to be made, the report will say that there
is overexpression of that protein.

20 21

There are four tests for HER2: 4. Inform HER2 Dual ISH test (In Situ
1. IHC test (ImmunoHistoChemistry): Hybridization):
• The IHC test shows whether there is • The Inform HER2 Dual ISH test
too much HER2-receptor protein in shows whether there are too many
the cancer cells. copies of the HER2 gene in the
• The results of the IHC test can be cancer cells.
0 (negative), 1+ (also negative), 2+ • The results of the Inform HER2
(borderline), or 3+ (positive; the Dual ISH test can be positive (extra
HER2 protein is overexpressed). copies—amplified) or negative
(normal number of copies—not
2. FISH test (Fluorescence In Situ amplified).
Find out which test for HER2 you had.
• The FISH test shows whether there This is important. Only cancers that test
are too many copies of the HER2 IHC 3+, FISH positive, SPoT-Light HER2
gene in the cancer cells. CISH positive, or Inform HER2 Dual ISH
• The results of the FISH test can be positive respond to therapy that works
positive (extra HER2 gene copies— against HER2-positive breast cancers.
amplified) or negative (normal An IHC 2+ test result is called borderline.
number of HER2 gene copies—not Research has shown that some HER2
amplified). status test results may be wrong.
3. SPoT-Light HER2 CISH test This is probably because different
(Subtraction Probe Technology labs have different classification rules.
Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization): Each pathologist also may use slightly
different criteria. This usually happens
• The SPoT- Light test shows whether
when test results are borderline (IHC
there are too many copies of the
2+). If you have a 2+ result, you can
HER2 gene in the cancer cells. and should ask to also have the tissue
• The results of the SPoT-Light test tested with the FISH test. If your results
can be positive (extra copies— are negative, you may want to ask your
amplified) or negative (normal doctor if another HER2 test makes sense
number of copies—not amplified). for you.
For more information, go to:
HER2 status is: (check one) Test used: (check one) j IHC j FISH

j Positive j Negative j Borderline j SPoT-Light HER2 CISH j Inform HER2 Dual ISH
22 23

EGFR status. The EGFR gene, much like Genetic testing that is not a part of
the HER2 gene, can be overexpressed in
some breast cancer cells and influence your pathology report
how the cancer cells behave. Your Inherited cases of breast cancer are
pathology report may also contain likely associated with abnormal genes.
information about EGFR overexpression. Two of the most common are abnormal
Genomic assays. Unlike individual versions of BRCA1 (BReast CAncer gene
gene testing, such as testing for HER2, 1) and BRCA2 (BReast CAncer gene 2).
genomic assays analyze the activity of According to the National Cancer
a group of normal and abnormal genes Institute, women with an abnormal
that can increase the risk of breast BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene have about a
cancer coming back after treatment. This 60% risk of being diagnosed with breast
analysis can help decide if a person is cancer during their lifetimes (compared
likely to benefit from chemotherapy to to about 12% for women overall). Their
reduce the risk of the cancer coming risk of ovarian cancer is also increased.
back. A number of genomic assays for Abnormal BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are
breast cancer are currently available, found in 5% to 10% of all breast cancer
including Oncotype DX, MammaPrint, cases in the United States.
and Mammostrat.
Changes in other genes are also
If the breast cancer is early-stage and associated with breast cancer, though
hormone-receptor-positive, you and they are less common and don’t seem
your doctor may decide that a genomic
to increase risk as much as abnormal
assay is appropriate for your situation.
The results of your genomic assay are BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Although
reported separately from your abnormal BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are
pathology report. The test results will considered rare, the following genes
indicate the likelihood of the cancer are considered rarer and haven’t been
coming back based on the overall studied as much as the BRCA genes:
pattern of gene activity found in the • ATM gene. Inheriting one abnormal
breast cancer cells. Your doctor can use ATM gene has been linked to an
this information to help decide whether increased rate of breast cancer in some
chemotherapy to reduce the risk of families because the abnormal gene
breast cancer coming back makes sense stops the cells from repairing damaged
in your overall treatment plan. DNA.
The Oncotype DX test also is used to
estimate recurrence risk of DCIS and/ For more information, go to:
or the risk of a new invasive cancer
developing in the same breast, and
how likely a person is to benefit from
radiation therapy after DCIS surgery.
24 25

• p53 gene. Inheriting an abnormal Finding out whether you have an

p53 gene (also called the TP53 gene) inherited abnormal gene requires
causes Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a special tests, and the results are
disorder that causes people to develop separate from the results in your
soft tissue cancers at a young age. pathology report. If your doctor is
• CHEK2 gene. Li-Fraumeni syndrome concerned that you and your immediate
also can be caused by an abnormal relatives may have inherited abnormal
CHEK2 gene; even when it doesn’t BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, he or she
cause Li-Fraumeni syndrome, an may recommend that you and other
abnormal CHEK2 gene can double family members be tested. BRCA1 and
breast cancer risk. BRCA2 tests are done using a blood
or saliva sample, not a tissue sample.
• PTEN gene. An abnormal PTEN gene
Your doctor or genetic counselor also
causes Cowden syndrome, a rare
may order testing for an abnormal
disorder that causes a higher risk of
ATM, p53, CHEK2, PTEN, or CDH1 gene
both benign and cancerous breast
if it’s determined from your personal
tumors, as well as growths in the
or family history that these tests are
digestive tract, thyroid, uterus, and
• CDH1 gene. Women with an abnormal
CDH1 gene have a higher risk of
invasive lobular breast cancer.

For more information, go to:

26 27

What stage is the breast cancer? Stage I

Cancer stage is based on the size of the Stage I is divided into subcategories
cancer, whether the cancer is invasive known as IA and IB.
or non-invasive, whether lymph nodes Stage IA describes invasive breast
are involved, and whether the cancer cancer (cancer cells are breaking
has spread to other places beyond the through to or invading normal
breast. Many of the cancer traits you surrounding breast tissue) in which:
reviewed in this booklet are not included • the tumor measures up to 2 centimeters
in staging. AND
The purpose of the staging system is to • the cancer has not spread outside the
help organize the different factors and breast; no lymph nodes are involved
some of the personality features of the Stage IB describes invasive breast
cancer into categories in order to: cancer in which:
• best understand your prognosis (the • there is no tumor in the breast; instead,
most likely outcome of the disease) small groups of cancer cells—larger
• guide treatment decisions (together than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than
2 millimeters—are found in the lymph
with other parts of your pathology
nodes OR
• there is a tumor in the breast that
• provide a common way to describe is no larger than 2 centimeters, and
the breast cancer so that results of there are small groups of cancer
your treatment can be compared and cells—larger than 0.2 millimeter but
understood not larger than 2 millimeters—in the
lymph nodes
Stage 0 Microscopic invasion is also possible
Stage 0 is used to describe non-invasive in stage I breast cancer. In microscopic
breast cancers, such as ductal carcinoma invasion, the cancer cells have only just
begun to invade the tissue outside the
in situ (DCIS). In stage 0, there is no
lining of the duct or lobule. To qualify
evidence of cancer cells or non-cancerous as microscopic invasion, the cells that
abnormal cells breaking out of the part have begun to invade the tissue cannot
of the breast in which they started, or measure more than 1 millimeter.
getting through to or invading neighboring
normal tissue. For more information, go to:

28 29

Stage II Stage III

Stage II is divided into subcategories Stage III is divided into subcategories
known as IIA and IIB. known as IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC.
Stage IIA describes invasive breast Stage IIIA describes invasive breast
cancer in which: cancer in which either:
• no tumor can be found in the breast, • no tumor is found in the breast or the
but cancer (larger than 2 millimeters) tumor may be any size; cancer is found
is found in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes in 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes or in
(the lymph nodes under the arm) or in the lymph nodes near the breastbone
the lymph nodes near the breastbone (found during imaging tests or a
(found during a sentinel node biopsy) physical exam) OR
• the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters;
• the tumor measures 2 centimeters or small groups of breast cancer cells
smaller and has spread to the axillary (larger than 0.2 millimeter but not
lymph nodes OR larger than 2 millimeters) are found in
• the tumor is larger than 2 centimeters the lymph nodes OR
but not larger than 5 centimeters and • the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters;
has not spread to the axillary lymph cancer has spread to 1 to 3 axillary
nodes lymph nodes or to the lymph nodes
Stage IIB describes invasive breast near the breastbone (found during a
cancer in which: sentinel lymph node biopsy)
• the tumor is larger than 2 centimeters Stage IIIB describes invasive breast
but no larger than 5 centimeters; small cancer in which:
groups of breast cancer cells—larger
• the tumor may be any size and has
than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than
spread to the chest wall and/or skin of
2 millimeters—are found in the lymph
nodes OR the breast and caused swelling or an
ulcer AND
• the tumor is larger than 2 centimeters
but no larger than 5 centimeters; • may have spread to up to 9 axillary
cancer has spread to 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes OR
lymph nodes or to lymph nodes near • may have spread to lymph nodes near
the breastbone that were found during the breastbone
a sentinel node biopsy OR
• the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters
but has not spread to the axillary
lymph nodes
30 31

Stage III (continued) Stage IV

Inflammatory breast cancer is Stage IV describes invasive breast
considered at least stage IIIB. Typical cancer in which:
features of inflammatory breast cancer • the cancer has spread beyond the
include the following: breast and nearby lymph nodes to
• a substantial portion of the breast skin other organs of the body, such as the
is reddened lungs, distant lymph nodes or skin,
• the breast feels warm and may be bones, liver, or brain
swollen The words used to describe stage IV
• cancer cells have spread to the lymph breast cancer are “advanced” and
nodes and may be found in the skin “metastatic.” Cancer may be stage IV at
first diagnosis, or it can be a recurrence
Stage IIIC describes invasive breast
of a previous breast cancer that has
cancer in which:
spread to other parts of the body.
• the cancer has spread to 10 or more
axillary lymph nodes OR
• the cancer has spread to lymph nodes
above or below the collarbone OR
• the cancer has spread to axillary lymph
nodes or to lymph nodes near the

For more information, go to:

The cancer is stage: (check one) j Stage IIA j Stage IIB j Stage IIIA
j Stage 0 j Stage IA j Stage IB j Stage IIIB j Stage IIIC j Stage IV
32 33

Abnormal cells: Cells that do not look or BRCA2: An abnormal gene, known as
act like the healthy cells of the body. BReast CAncer gene 2, associated with a
Aggressive cancer cells: Cells that are higher risk of developing breast cancer.
fast-growing and have a tendency to Clean margins: Removed breast tissue
spread beyond the area where they around the tumor in which the outer
started. edge is free of cancer cells. Also called
Atypical ductal hyperplasia: Abnormal “negative margins.”
cells that have accumulated in a breast Close margins: Removed breast tissue
duct. The cells have increased in number around the tumor in which cancer cells
and fill almost the entire duct. The cells come near the outer edge.
can keep changing until they become Colloid (mucinous) carcinoma of the
DCIS. Atypical ductal hyperplasia can breast: A rare type of invasive breast
increase the risk of a future breast cancer that contains small pools of
cancer. mucous material.
Atypical lobular hyperplasia: Abnormal Comedo DCIS: A type of non-invasive
cells that have accumulated in a cancer that tends to grow quickly.
breast lobule. The cells have increased Comedo refers to areas of dead cancer
in number and fill almost the entire cells that build up inside the tumor—a
lobule. It’s possible for the cells to sign that the cancer cells are growing
keep changing until they become so quickly that some of the cells are not
LCIS. Atypical lobular hyperplasia can getting enough nourishment.
increase the risk of a future breast
Comedonecrosis: Clumps of dead
cancer cells, often seen in high-grade
Axillary lymph nodes: Lymph nodes DCIS. The cells are so crowded that
under your arms. some of them do not get enough
Basal-like breast cancer: Basal-like nourishment and die.
is one of the four main molecular Cribriform carcinoma of the breast: A
subtypes of breast cancer. Basal-like less common type of invasive breast
breast cancer is hormone-receptor- cancer that invades the connective
negative and HER2-negative. Also called tissues of the breast and features holes
triple-negative breast cancer. between the cancer cells (like the holes
Benign: Not cancerous or precancerous. in Swiss cheese).
Biopsy: An operation to remove tissue Cribriform DCIS: A type of non-invasive
to check whether it’s cancer or not. breast cancer that usually grows slowly.
BRCA1: An abnormal gene, known as Cribriform DCIS features gaps between
BReast CAncer gene 1, associated with a cancer cells in the affected ducts (like
higher risk of developing breast cancer. the pattern of holes in Swiss cheese).

34 35
WORD LIST (continued)

Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS): An Gross lymph node involvement: A

uncontrolled growth of breast cells situation in which many cancer cells are
within the milk duct without invasion found in a lymph node.
into the normal surrounding breast HER2 (Human Epidermal growth factor
tissue. Receptor 2): A gene that helps control
EGFR gene: A gene that controls how the growth and repair of cells.
quickly cells divide. Also called HER1. HER2-enriched: HER2-enriched is one
EGFR-negative: A breast cancer with a of the four main molecular subtypes
normal number of the EGFR gene. of breast cancer. HER2-enriched breast
EGRF-positive: A breast cancer with too cancer is hormone-receptor-negative
many copies of the EGFR gene. and HER2-positive.
ER-negative: A cancer that does not HER2 gene amplification: A situation
have estrogen receptors. that arises when a HER2 gene doesn’t
ER-positive: A cancer that has estrogen work correctly and makes too many
receptors. copies of itself.
Estrogen: The major female sex HER2-negative: A breast cancer with
hormone. Estrogen can cause some a normal number of HER2 genes and
cancers to grow. protein receptors.
Extracapsular extension: When cancer HER2-positive: A breast cancer with
has spread outside the wall of a lymph HER2 gene amplification or HER2
node. protein overexpression. HER2-positive
Fibrocystic changes: Benign changes breast cancers tend to grow faster and
in the breast, such as large amounts of are more likely to spread and come
rubbery, firm (“fibrous”) tissue or fluid- back compared to HER2-negative breast
filled cysts. cancers.
FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) HER2 protein overexpression: When the
test: A test for multiple genes, including HER2 gene makes too many copies of
the HER2 gene. itself, and those extra HER2 genes tell
breast cells to make too many HER2
Gene: The code material for a cell to
make a single protein. Proteins perform
different functions for the cell including HER2 receptors: Proteins made by the
growth and repair. HER2 gene that receive signals that
stimulate cells to grow and multiply.
Genomic assay: A test that analyzes the
activity of a group of genes. Hormone receptors: Proteins on and
Grade: How different the cancer cells in cells that respond to signals from
look from normal cells as well as how hormones.
quickly the cells are growing.
36 37
WORD LIST (continued)

IHC (ImmunoHistoChemistry) test: A Local recurrence: A breast cancer that

test used to measure proteins, including comes back in the breast area where it
the HER2 protein. was originally diagnosed.
In situ: A cancer within the part of the Locoregional recurrence: A breast
breast where it started, such as in the cancer that comes back in the lymph
ducts, without signs of spread. nodes in the armpit or collarbone area
Infiltrating: A cancer that has spread near where the cancer was originally
beyond the place where it started. Also diagnosed. Sometimes referred to as
called “invasive.” “regional” recurrence.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC): A Luminal A breast cancer: Luminal A
rare and aggressive form of breast breast cancer is one of the four main
cancer that starts with reddening, molecular subtypes of breast cancer.
swelling, and warmth of the breast, with Luminal A breast cancer is hormone-
symptoms worsening within days or receptor-positive (either estrogen- and/
hours. IBC is considered at least stage or progesterone-positive) and HER2-
IIIB. negative.
Inform HER2 Dual ISH test: A test used Luminal B breast cancer: Luminal B
to figure out whether breast cancer cells breast cancer is one of the four main
are HER2-positive.
molecular subtypes of breast cancer.
Invasive: A cancer that has spread Luminal B breast cancer is hormone-
beyond the place where it started. Also receptor-positive (either estrogen- and/
called “infiltrating.” or progesterone-receptor-positive) and
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): A HER2-positive.
cancer that started in the milk duct but Lymph channels: Vessels that drain
has grown into the normal breast tissue
clear, cell-cleansing fluid (“lymph”)
around it.
away from tissues.
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): A
cancer that started in the milk lobules Lymph nodes: Filters along the lymph
and has grown into the normal breast fluid channels; they can catch and trap
tissue around it. cancer cells before they reach other
parts of the body.
Ki-67 test: A test that shows how fast
cancer is growing. Lymph system: A network of vessels
and nodes that creates and drains clear,
Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (LCIS): Cells
that are not normal but stay inside cell-cleansing fluid (“lymph”) from the
the milk-making parts of the breast body. The lymph system is an important
(lobules). LCIS isn’t a true cancer, but part of the body’s immune system.
a warning sign of an increased risk for Lymphatic invasion: When cancer cells
developing an invasive cancer in the are found in the lymph channels.
future in either breast.
38 39
WORD LIST (continued)

MammaPrint: A test that analyzes 70 Milk lobules: Milk-making glands in the

genes from an early-stage breast cancer breast.
tissue sample to find out whether breast Moderately differentiated: Cancer cells
cancer has a low or high risk of coming that don’t look like normal cells. They
back within 10 years after diagnosis. grow a little faster than normal. Also
Mammostrat: A test that measures called “grade 2.”
the levels of five genes in early-stage, Mucinous (colloid) carcinoma of the
hormone-receptor-positive breast breast: A rare type of invasive cancer that
cancer cells. A risk index score is then contains small pools of mucous material.
calculated; the higher the score, the Negative margins: Removed breast
more likely the cancer is to come back tissue around the tumor in which the
(recur). outer edge is free of cancer cells. Also
Margin: The layer of healthy breast called “clean margins.”
tissue around the cancer that was Non-invasive: A cancer that stays inside
removed during surgery. the part of the breast where it started.
Medullary carcinoma of the breast: A Oncotype DX: A test that provides
rare type of invasive cancer that usually information on how likely the breast
presents with a soft, fleshy tumor that cancer is to return and whether you are
resembles a part of the brain called the likely to benefit from chemotherapy.
medulla. Medullary carcinoma of the Oncotype DX can also determine
breast is usually hormone-receptor- whether someone with DCIS can benefit
negative and HER2-negative. from radiation therapy.
Menopause: The time when a woman Papillary carcinoma of the breast: A
completely stops getting her period rare type of invasive breast cancer
(menstruating). that is made up of small, finger-like
Metastatic: Breast cancer that has projections.
spread to other parts of the body, such Papillary DCIS: A type of non-invasive
as the bones or brain. breast cancer that does not spread and
Microscopic invasion: A situation in tends to grow slowly. Papillary DCIS
which cancer cells have just started to features cancer cells arranged in a
invade the tissue outside the lining of a finger-like pattern within the ducts.
duct or lobule. Pathologist: A doctor who looks at
Microscopic lymph node involvement: tissue under a microscope to see if it’s
When only a small number of cancer normal or affected by disease.
cells are found in a lymph node. Pathology report: The written results
Milk ducts: Tiny tubes in the breast that of each test done on tissue after it has
carry milk from the lobules to the nipple. been removed from the body during
biopsy, lumpectomy, or mastectomy.
40 41
WORD LIST (continued)

Perimenopause: The 1- to 3-year period Sclerosing adenosis: A benign breast

of hormonal flux before periods stop condition in which enlarged lobules
completely. form breast lumps.
Poorly differentiated: Cancer cells that Sentinel lymph node: The first lymph
look very different from normal cells. node or nodes to which cancer cells are
They are fast-growing. Also called likely to spread from a tumor.
“grade 3.” Solid DCIS: A type of non-invasive
Positive margins: A situation in which breast cancer; it tends to grow slowly.
cancer cells come up to the outer edge Solid DCIS cancer cells completely fill
of the breast tissue that was removed the affected breast ducts.
during surgery. This suggests that more SPoT-Light HER2 CISH test: A test used
cancer cells were left behind in the to count the number of copies of the
body. HER2 gene.
PR-negative: A cancer that does not Staging: A system doctors use to
have progesterone receptors. classify a breast cancer according to
PR-positive: A cancer that has how advanced it is.
progesterone receptors. Triple-negative breast cancer: Breast
Pre-cancerous: An overgrowth of cancer that tests negative for estrogen
abnormal cells that shows no signs receptors, progesterone receptors, and
of invasion. Pre-cancerous cells are a HER2. Triple-negative breast cancer
warning sign of possibly developing tends to be more aggressive than other
cancer in the future. types of breast cancer.
Progesterone: A female sex hormone. Tubular carcinoma of the breast: A rare
Progesterone can cause some cancers type of invasive breast cancer that is
to grow. made up of tube-shaped cells and tends
Prognosis: The most likely outcome of to grow slowly.
a disease. Vascular invasion: When cancer cells are
Recurrence: When a cancer comes back. found in the blood vessels.
Regional recurrence: A breast cancer Well differentiated: Cancer cells that
that comes back in the lymph nodes look a little bit different from normal
in the armpit or collarbone area near cells. They are usually slow-growing.
where the cancer was originally Also called “grade 1.”
diagnosed. Sometimes referred to as
S-phase fraction test: A test that shows For more information, go to:
how fast a cancer is growing.

42 43

With your doctor’s help, it’s important This checklist can help you keep the
that you understand the answers to the important results from all your pathology
questions below: reports together in one place. With your
doctor’s help, fill in the answers below.
1. Is this breast cancer invasive, Then take this booklet with you when you
non-invasive, or both invasive and visit your other doctors, so they have the
non-invasive? information they need.

2.  Is this a slow-growing or a fast-growing My pathology reports show the following cancer
breast cancer?
1. Invasive or non-invasive:
3.  Are the margins negative, close, or j invasive j non-invasive
positive? j both invasive and non-invasive
2. Size: _______ centimeters (cm)
4. Are there any cancer cells present in
lymph channels or blood vessels? 3. Grade: j grade 1 j grade 2 j grade 3
4. Lymphatic or vascular involvement:
5.  What do the hormone receptor tests j present j absent
show? Can I take a medicine that lowers 5. Margins of resection:
or blocks the effects of estrogen? j negative j close j positive
6. Which of these HER2 tests was 6. Hormone receptors:
performed on the tissue? estrogen receptors:
j positive _______% (0%-100%) j negative
• IHC (ImmunoHistoChemistry) test or circle: Allred score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
• FISH (Fluorescence In Situ progesterone receptors:
Hybridization) test j positive _______% (0%-100%) j negative
or circle: Allred score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
• SPoT-Light HER2 CISH (Subtraction
Probe Technology Chromogenic In Situ 7. HER2 status based on one or more of these
Hybridization) test tests: IHC (ImmunoHistoChemistry) test:
j positive j negative j borderline
• Inform HER2 Dual ISH (Inform Dual In
FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) test:
Situ Hybridization) test
j positive (amplified) j negative (not amplified)
7. Is the HER2 test positive, negative, or SPoT-Light HER2 CISH (Subtraction Probe
borderline? Technology Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization)
8.  Are any lymph nodes involved j positive (amplified) j negative (not amplified)
with this cancer? If so, how many? Inform HER2 Dual ISH (Inform Dual In Situ
Hybridization) test:
9. What other lab tests were done on the j positive (amplified) j negative (not amplified)
cancer tissue? What did they show?
8. Lymph node status:
10. Is any further surgery recommended j positive (cancer found in lymph node[s])
number of lymph nodes involved: _______
based on these results?
j negative (no cancer in lymph nodes)
11. Which treatments are most likely to work 9. Oncotype DX, MammaPrint, or Mammostrat
for this specific cancer? test results: Recurrence score: _______
10-year recurrence risk: _______
44 45


















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