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Opinion about Sally Mann’s “Immediate Family” portfolio.

The video about Sally Mann's begins with an introduction directed by Laurie Anderson in
which she begins by saying that when we fall in love with a place, it becomes a part of us
forever. It's often about how we move through space, perspective scale and exploration, it's
also how we capture these places and turn them into works of art. This is the best of being an
artist, making images or stories (stories) with a place, a room, a road, the city, or a country.
So any place or object can help us with imagination and creativity.

I find this introduction very interesting because it implies that there are thousands of ways to
get inspiration, and there are many objects that we can photograph anywhere. I disagree about
Mann's portfolio of nude children photography as I believe there are many ways to get the
attention of viewers.

This artist is a woman with liberal ideals and an obsession with photography, but it is obscene
to want to expose intimate parts to the world or those of her children just for wanting to
capture “pure family love”. Just by putting myself in the position of those children and
thinking that they could photograph me naked when I was little, I would feel ashamed and
intimidated by society for feeling exposed to this world that is sometimes so cold and cruel.

I could see that if this artist had something in mind, she would not give up until she reached
it. I am not judging her thinking but it seems incoherent to me that this woman decided that it
was not shameful to photograph the nudity of her children but it was shameful to photograph
their father with cancer, as these are two moments that should be personal and there is no
reason to be disclosed.

Mann's children said that these photos signified an amazing childhood, and it is a respectable
personal opinion but these people might not understand that showing this type of content
towards society what it would achieve is that many children think that adults could have
power and control over their bodies, which is terrible because that would imply that any child
could be exposed to abusers or common dangers.

I observed that this artist had a great desire to capture a diary full of photographs where she
evidenced with her lens the adventures of her children and perhaps she wanted to show the
public that once we were all children and achieved triumphs, we were happy, we lived in
harmony but We were also sad, at some point we isolated ourselves, and many times we
wanted to cry with frustration.

What worries me is that in this world there is pedophilia and every day our children are
exposed, every day there are rapes of them, and every day there are events of adults who
physically abuse them. I do not believe that it is necessary to incite more mental patients to
act badly in front of children and to normalize situations because it is already well seen to see
them naked posing for a whim of a photographer. Although I greatly appreciate different
types of art I saw the work of this woman and associated it directly with a horror movie.

Sally Mann's said that to take a photograph, she had to look all the time at the person and
places that mattered to her, she made an appreciation with ardor and coldness, with the
passions of the eye and of the heart, but in that burning heart she also had to have a splinter of
ice. It is a positive way in how she expresses herself towards art but finally after observing a
lot of intensity in those photos, I consider that the technique in spaces and textures that she
used in the photos was very repetitive, and the color and lighting are very common. and

Opinion on Robert Frank

Robert Frank's "The Americans" work became a reference for changing the way Americans
viewed their own country.

It is necessary to emphasize the wealthy figures that pass by his blurred side like ghosts and,
there are no smiles, only grief remains. In this photograph you can see a bit of rebellion and
nostalgia; a mixture of sadness, loneliness, and boredom.

This is an instinctive and emotional style although it is not harmless because it is honest work
to show society what was happening at that time.

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