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Cities of the future

Imagine how cities will be in the future. Do you think you will see clean
streets, flying cars and robots doing all the work? Or perhaps your vision is
more different. With dark alleys full of crime, and people forced to live in
unsanitary and hermetically sealed places because war or some other disaster
has made entire areas of the city unlivable.

The cities will be much different. Today cities are getting crowded and if the
influx continues at the same rate, future cities will become unmanageable and
unlivable. There will be a larger population, which means faster consumption
of natural resources and high pollution which eventually leads to ecological
imbalance. Already more than 80% of the world’s forests are gone. One day, if
it continues like this, we will run out of forests. Have you ever wondered what
life in cities without forests will be like? Buildings and houses will no longer
develop. The air will become harder to breathe due to lack of oxygen.

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