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Exam task: Your teacher has asked you to enter a story writing competition for an English speaking

magazine. Your story must begin with this sentence: „I had never felt so nervous beofre in my life.”
Write your story in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

I had never felt so nervous before in my life. It all began last year. The
sun was shining and early Autumn leaves were falling. I woke up early
in the morning as normal, got dressed, and went to the kitchen where
my mother was waiting for me for breakfast.
After breakfast, I took my bag and ran to the bus stop. Another school
day was starting and a wide smile was drawn on my face. A long
distance separated my house from school, but a game on the phone
was enough for make it seem shorter. I sat in the last seat and played
the game that I found a few days ago. I started to feel so tired..
Suddenly, I felt someone shaking me and I was briefly alarmed, but
then I noticed it was the bus driver. I couldn't believe it. I had fallen
asleep! He told me that I was at the last stop and had to exit the bus.
Not long afterwards, I was sitting and crying alone, in an unkown place
without knowing what to do. Eventually, a man who was passing by
asked me why I was feeling so sad, I told him the story and he offered
to take me back home. I accepted and two hours later I was at home
again. My mother thanked the kind man for everything!

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