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Experimental Section Materials

Colored molecules A stock solution containing blue dextran
The Influence of pH on Electrophoretic Mobility, A (25 mg/ml), cytochrome c (15 mg/ml) and DNP[N,-2,4-dinitro-
Laboratory Investigation phenyl]-L-lysine (12 mg/ml) was prepared in 0.02 M phosphate
buffer, pH 7.0 and stored at 4°C. These substances were
S FRISCIA l, S L TURCHI 2 and C E HEPFER 1 purchased from Sigma Chemical Co (St Louis, MO, USA).
Departments of Biology I and Chemistry 2
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Electrophoretic buffers Buffers at pH 3, 7, and 11 were
prepared by adding an appropriate pHydrion capsule (Sigma
Millersville, PA 17551, USA
Chemical Co) to distilled water according to the manufacturer's
directions. Alternatively, buffers may be prepared as follows.
Introduction For pH 3.0, add 0.05 M trisodium citrate to 91 ml 0.05 M
Electrophoresis is often used to separate and identify com- citric acid for a final volume of 100 ml. 1
ponents of a mixture of biological molecules. The rate and For pH 7.0, add 30 ml of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide to 50 ml
direction of movement for a specific molecule in an electrical 0.2 M sodium dihydrogen phosphate and dilute to 100 ml final
field depends upon its size and charge. 1 The magnitude and sign volume with distilled water.1
of the charge depends on the particular molecule, the pH and the For pH 11, add 0.1 M sodium carbonate to 5.5 ml 0.1 M
solvent. 2 When placed in a pH gradient, a biological molecule sodium dicarbonate for a final volume of 100 ml. 1
will migrate in an electric field until it reaches a position within
the gradient at which it has no net charge. The pH at this Agarose gels Gels (1.0% w/v) were prepared in the appropriate
position is referred to as the isoelectric point or pI for that pH buffer immediately before the laboratory as described in
molecule. Maniatis et al. 5 An 8 tooth comb (0.8 mm thickness) was used to
In undergraduate biochemistry laboratories, SDS-polyacryl- form sample wells. After the gels had solidified, buffer at the
amide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) is routinely employed to appropriate pH was added to cover the gel and the well comb
demonstrate the principles of molecular separation. This de- removed. Gels submerged in this manner may be stored at 4°C
naturing technique allows separation on the basis of size alone. overnight and warmed to room temperature before use.
Non-denaturing P A G E may be used to provide students with
some information about the effects of charge, but molecular size Equipment A Baby Gel Electrophoresis unit or Horizon 58 Gel
still significantly influences mobility. Despite its importance, the Electrophoresis apparatus (BRL Life Technologies, Inc,
influence that pH has on the rate and direction of movement of Bethesda, MD, USA) was used to carry out the electrophoresis.
biological molecules is rarely demonstrated due to technical Gel volumes of 12 ml and 25 ml were employed for each of the
complexity and time limitations. As a result, undergraduate gel units, respectively.
experience with important electrophoretic applications such as
determination of isoelectric point is severely limited. Experimental Procedure
In order to alleviate this problem, an exercise has been The experiment is designed for pairs of students. For a class of 12
developed that employs agarose gel electrophoresis to separate students (6 pairs) one gel should be prepared with each of the pH
three molecules that migrate differentially due to the influence buffers to be investigated. Power supplies can cause shocks and
of pH and molecular size. The colors of these substances enable electrocution. Therefore, students should be warned not to
direct identification of resultant bands thus eliminating the touch any part of the apparatus while it is running. The 2,4-
lengthy time periods needed for staining and destaining. Agar- dinitrophenyl moeity of DNP lysine is a potential allergen and
ose gels are easily prepared, inexpensive, and much less toxic should be handled with care.
than polyacrylamide. The large pore size of the gel enables rapid
movement of most molecules and allows the completion of the Electrophoresis Avoiding the two outside lanes, load one lane
electroi~horetic exercise within one three-hour laboratory on each of the agarose gels (pH 3, 7, 11) by placing 10 Ixl of the
period. ° Varying the pH conditions enables students to observe colored molecule stock solution carefully into the well.
directly the inflence of charge on electrophoretic mobility and to Once the gel is fully loaded, place the top on the electro-
estimate the isoelectric point of each of the molecules employed. phoresis apparatus and connect the leads to the power supply.
Electrophorese samples at 50 volts for 1 hour. Turn off the
Aim of the Practical power supply, disconnect the leads, and remove the gel tray (or
The students are given a mixture containing three colored glass plate) containing the gel. Gently transfer the gel from the
molecules (blue dextran, cytochrome c and DNP-lysine) and gel tray to a white sheet of paper using a spatula. Observe the
asked to separate them under different pH conditions using location of bands on the gel at each pH. Identify the bands
agarose gel electrophoresis. The properties of these substances corresponding to each of the colored molecules (blue dextran =
are outlined in Table 1. Each of the colored bands is identified blue; cytochrome c = red; DNP-lysine = yellow). Compare
and the electrophoretic results at pH 3, 7, and 11 are compared. the extent of migration of each type of molecule at various pH
Students are asked to determine the net charge of each type of values.
molecule at each pH and to estimate the range of the isoelectric
point of each substance. Discussion Questions
(1) Briefly describe the migration of each molecule at pH 3, 7,
Table 1 Characteristics of biological molecules and 11.
(2) What net charge (+, - , 0) does DNP-lysine possess at pH 3?
Charge pH 7? pH 11?
Name Color M, pH 3 pH 7 pH 11 pl (3) What net charge (+, - , 0) does cytochrome c possess at pH
3? pH 7? pH 11?
Blue dextran 4"6 Blue 2 000 000 + 0 - ~7.0 a
Cytochrome c4"6 Red 12 400 + + - 10.70 (4) What can you conclude about the charge (+, - , 0) of blue
DNP-lysine7 Yellow 348 + - - <5.56 dextran at each pH?
(5) Define, in your own words, the term isoelectric point.
aThe charge of blue dextran's chromophore is influenced by pH; (6) Do the results of this experiment enable you to estimate the
however, the high Mr prevents its migration into the gel isoelectric point of any of the colored molecules employed?

BIOCHEMICAL E D U C A T I O N 20(1) 1992


(7) How would you change the experiment to improve the 4Boyer, R F (1986) Modern Experimental Biochemistry, Addison-
accuracy of isoelectric point determination? Wesley Publishing Co, Reading, MA, USA
-5Maniatis, T, Fritsch, E F, and Sambrook, J (1982) Molecular Cloning.
Discussion of Results A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York,
During this laboratory exercise, students observe the migration NY, USA
of each of the three distinctly colored biological molecules under 6Clark, John M, Switzer, R L (1977) Experimental Biochemistry, W H
different pH conditions. Typical results of the exercise are shown Freeman & Co, San Francisco, CA, USA
diagramatically in Figure 1. While blue dextran remains in the 7Bohinski, R C (1987) Modern Concepts in Biochemistry, Allyn &
sample wells, it does shift toward the negative pole at pH 3 and Bacon, Inc, Boston, MA, USA
toward the positive pole at pH 11.

pH 3 pH 7 pH 11 Spectrophotometric Determination Of Enzyme

POSITIVE Activity: Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH)
sample _ I
well ~
Department of Plant and Microbial Sciences
University of Canterbury
NEGATIVE Christchurch, New Zealand
Figure 1 Migration patterns for blue dextran (I), cytochrome C
( ~ ) and DNP-lysine (m9 following agarose gel electrophoresis at Introduction
pH 3, 7, and 11 The dehydrogenases are an important group of enzymes, which
may be assayed rapidly by UV spectrophotometry. These
enzymes use either N A D ÷ or N A D P ÷ as their coenzyme
reduced during the dehydrogenation. A typical example is
DNP-lysine has two functional groups whose dissociation alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) which catalyses the reaction
constants are influenced by pH. The ct-carbox~(l group has a pK
of 2.18. 7 The pK of the a-amine group is 8.95/Since it is linked Ethanol + N A D ÷ ~ Acetaldehyde + N A D H + H +
to the DNP moeity, the R-functional group or the ~-N is not
affected by pH. At pH 3, the et-carboxyl group has dissociated Reduced N A D ÷ (NADH) exhibits strong UV absorption at
while the a-amino group remains protonated. The net charge on 340 nm whilst the oxidised form has virtually no absorption at
this molecule is positive and it therefore migrates to the negative this wavelength. Therefore if one starts with a mixture of
pole. At pH 7 and pH 11, the isoelectric point (5.56) for DNP- ethanol, NAD + and enzyme in buffer, the reaction proceeds
lysine has been exceeded. The molecule exhibits a net negative until equilibrium is established. The reaction may be followed by
charge and therefore migrates to the positive pole. measuring the increase in absorbance of the solution at 340 nm
Buffers at pH 3 and pH 7 are lower than the isoelectric point as N A D H is formed.
(pH 10.7) for cytochrome c. Under these conditions, the This series of experiments makes use of the change of
molecule has a net positive charge and migrates to the negative absorbance at 340 nm to monitor (a) the rate of reduction of
pole. At pH 11, cytochrome c has a negative charge and migrates N A D ÷ by ethanol, and (b) the concentration of N A D H when
to the positive pole. the reaction has reached equilibrium. From this, the equilibrium
Blue dextran does not migrate into the gel at any pH. This constant for the reaction may be determined. The reversibility of
reflects the large size of this molecule. At pH 7.0, this molecule the reaction may also be demonstrated by showing the effect of
appears to carry no charge and it remains equally distributed altering the concentration of products on the equilibrium
within the sample well. The chromophore of blue dextran concentration of NADH.
acquires a positive charge at pH 3 and a negative charge at pH
11. As described above, this causes the molecule to become Materials and Methods
concentrated at the gel interface closest to the oppositely Reagents Yeast A D H (from Sigma Chemical Co) made up as a
charged pole. 0.1% solution in water, 5 mM NAD + (also from Sigma), 0.05 M
Students participating in this exercise quickly realize that the phosphate buffer, pH 8.0, ethanol and other alcohols.
properties of specific functional groups and the response of each The following basic protocol may be used for all experiments.
group to variations in pH can dramatically affect the net charge
of biological molecules. The effects of pH on the pK and net Rate of reaction
charge of the molecules can be easily seen by visualizing the The stock yeast A D H solution is diluted (try 1:10 for this part,
migratory patterns following electrophoresis. Incremental but if the rate is still too high to measure conveniently, the stock
changes in the pH can be used by the students to ascertain the enzyme should he diluted further). Set up two spectrophoto-
approximate pI for each of the molecules. meter cuvettes as follows:

The authors want to thank Dr John W Dooley for the figure preparation Reaction mixture Reaction Blank
and Mrs Jennifer M Fisher for the manuscript preparation.
0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) 500 ixl 500 pJ
N A D + (5 mM) 200 pL1 200 I~1
References Enzyme (diluted) 200/~1 200 p.I
I Plummer, D T (1987) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, Water 2.1 ml 1.9 ml
McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York, NY, USA Total vol 3.0 ml 2.8 ml
2Campbell, Mary K (1991) Biochemistry, Saunders College Publishing,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
3Robyt, J F and White, B J (1987) Biochemical Techniques, Theory and Mix thoroughly. Zero the spectrophotometer at 340 nm using
Practice, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co, Monterey, CA, USA the 'blank' cuvette and then place the 'reaction' cuvette in the


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