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JAVA Assignment 4

Sr. Practical statement


1 Write a Java Program to find Sum of all elements present in any 2D Array

2 Write a Java Program to print all element of 2D array in matrix form

Write a Java Program to find the largest & smallest number present in a matrix of size 5x5.
Also print its position
Write a Java Program count the number of positive, negative & zero present in a matrix of
size 4x4
Write a Java Program to find the sum of upper diagonal, lower diagonal & diagonal elements
present in a matrix of size 4x4
6 Write a Java Program to print only diagonal elements

7 Write a Java Program to check whether matrix is identity matrix or not

8 Write a Java Program to make the transpose of matrix without using another matrix

9 Write a Java Program to arrange all rows in ascending order

10 Write a Java Program to add two matrix and print all three matrix.

11 Write a Java Program to multiply two matrix and print all three matrix.

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