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The Rule of Saint Albert

Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

Carmelite Identity in the Rule of St.

St. Albert
by Elizabeth M.M. Korves OCDS

The Rule of St Albert is the first written crusaders and chose to stay, taking up the
document of the Carmelite Order. In it we eremitical lifestyle. Or they may have
learn about how those first hermits on Mt arrived as pilgrims accompanying the
Carmel lived and what they and St Albert, as Crusades. We do know they had come from
author of the Rule, saw as important to the Europe and may have had contact with
vocation they were living out. By examining Orthodox hermits and monks in the area.
the Rule of St Albert, we find some of the
basic elements of the Carmelite charism and These hermits were laity, not clergy. Within
vocation. 50 years of receiving the Rule from St Albert,
the hermits had begun relocating to Europe
HISTORY OF THE RULE due to movement of the Saracens into that
area of the Holy Land. As they adjusted to
Before looking at the Carmelite charism their new life in Europe, they experienced
outlined in the Rule, it may be helpful to changes which lead away from the eremitical
know a bit about the history of the hermits life they had known to a more mendicant
and the Rule they lived by. It is not known way. In that process, local bishops wanted to
exactly when any of the hermits took up ordain Carmelites and have them take over
residence on Mt Carmel, just south of Haifa certain pastoral duties. Some among the
in modern day Israel. We do know that they Carmelites protested this, wanting to cling to
had been there long enough to form some their lay status as more in keeping with the
kind of community by the time they asked life of a hermit.
Albert for a Rule.
This relocation into Europe also brought
The eremetical life was fairly common in the about some changes to the Rule itself. In
Holy Land during this time period (late 12th, 1247, Pope Innocent IV issued mitigations to
early 13th century). The Saracens had the Rule at the request of the Carmelites.
control of Jerusalem and the Church was These mitigations were meant to more
sponsoring the Crusades in an effort to closely reflect their changing way of life.
retake the places where Jesus had lived. Mitigations over the next 200 years further
Albert was elected Patriarch of Jerusalem in moved the Order from its eremitical origins
1205 and arrived in the Holy Land in 1206. towards the life of mendicants.
Unable to make his residence in Jerusalem, Interestingly, when St Teresa of Avila
Albert settled in Acre just to the north of Mt reformed the Carmelite Order and returned
Carmel and Haifa. In 1214, Albert was it to the primitive rule, the version of the rule
murdered during a procession by the Master which she thought of as the primitive rule
of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit whom he was the one with mitigations issued by
had removed from office due to corruption. Innocent IV. It was the later mitigations
Thus we know that he would have written against which she was reforming.
the Rule sometime between 1206 and 1214
but don’t have a more specific date. For the purposes of this article, the original
version of the Rule prior to the mitigations of
We know more about Albert than we do Innocent IV will be used as will the
about the hermits on Mt Carmel. It is numbering used in the Edwards translation
possible they came to the Holy Land as of the Rule.

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

CARMELITE IDENTITY tells the brothers that they must keep their
minds not on the Prior “but on Christ who
Albert indicates in the Rule that he is writing has placed him over you”. By keeping
in response to a request from the hermits themselves Christ-minded, Albert reminds
themselves for a formula of life (#2). Many the hermits that they will merit eternal
groups of hermits in the Holy Land during life(#19). He closes the Rule with an
that time period adopted Rules already in exhortation to the hermits that “our Lord, at
existence, i.e. Benedictine or Cistercian, but his second coming, will reward anyone who
the hermits on Mt Carmel asked for a new does more than he is obliged to do” (#20).
one reflective of how they were already living
out their vocation[8]. Thus by looking at the Living Solitude
Rule of St Albert, we can ascertain the
hermits’ self-perception of their vocation. Only once in the Rule does Albert refer to the
The name “Carmelite” in reference to this hermits as such. He does this at the
community came later but we learn from the beginning in his greeting (#1). After that, he
Rule just what it means to be a Carmelite. addresses and refers to them simply as
brothers. However, this reference to the
Ecclessial brothers as hermits tells us that they lived a
life of solitude. Albert underscores this life
The mere act of asking Albert for a rule, of solitude in three more places: “Each one of
shows that the hermits wanted an official you is to have a separate cell” (#5), “Each of
connection to the universal Church. Mt you is to say in his own cell or nearby”(#8),
Carmel fell under Albert’s jurisdiction. The and again, “As I have said, each of you is to
hermits could easily have continued their stay in his allotted cell” (#10). It is in the
way of life without a rule or written one on solitude of their cells that they will be able to
their own without seeking ecclesiastical devote themselves to a life of prayer and hear
approval. Instead, they went to Albert and that “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12) of God.
purposefully asked for “a rule (that they) In their cells, the hermits will not be subject
may hold fast to henceforward” (#2). In so to the distractions of the outside world. They
doing, they firmly placed their eremetical need only be distracted with God.
vocation within the structures of the Church.
They sought and received the sanction of the Being Community
Church for their way of life and this sanction
was later confirmed more than once by It may seem a contradiction, but the Rule
various Popes. The hermits also reflects that these hermits trying to live a life
demonstrated their ecclessial loyalties by of solitude, formed a community never the
participating in the liturgy of the Church, less. Throughout the Rule, Albert injects
both through the Liturgy of the Hours and that spirit of community and even gives it a
the Mass (#9, 11) strong democratic element. The Prior “is to
be chosen for the office by common consent,
Christo-centric or that of the greater and maturer part” (#3).
Even the decision on who shall inhabit which
The Rule begins and ends with Christ. cell is made by “disposition of the Prior with
Albert addresses the hermits as his “beloved the agreement of the other brothers, or the
sons in Christ” (#1). Immediately after the more mature among them” (#5).
greeting, he more strongly states this
grounding in Christ by saying the hermit The hermits are to gather on Sundays for the
“should live a life of allegiance to Jesus good of the community. Here they are to
Christ” and “be unswerving in service of his “discuss matters of discipline and your
Master” (#2). At the end of the Rule, Albert spiritual welfare” (#12). Any individual

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

“indiscretions and failings of the brothers, if Benedict in his Rule which became popular
any be found at fault” are to be “lovingly wherever the Benedictine Order spread.
corrected” (#12). Thus it appears that
decisions of concern to the larger group rest The hermits apparently also followed a
in that group rather than in the hands of one common custom of substituting multiple
person such as the Prior. recitations of the Our Father for those in
their midst who “do not know their letters”
Even the duties of the Prior support the well (#9).
being of the larger group. His cell is to be
near the entrance in order to greet visitors Scripture Loving
and respond to “whatever has to be done in
consequence” (#7). In so doing, the Prior The liturgical life of the community
assures that the other hermits will not be incorporates Scripture through the Mass
disturbed by visitors and may continue their readings and the psalms of the Hours. The
own prayer and work. The Prior is also Rule goes even further towards having the
responsible for handing out “such things as hermits ground their lives in Scripture.
the Lord may have given you”(#10) to each
hermit in accord with “whatever befits his When reading the Rule of St Albert, it is
age and needs” (#10). impossible not to notice the number of times
Scripture is quoted to make a point. Forty
To this already existing life of community, one passages of Scripture make up close to a
Albert also added the requirement that the third of the Rule. St Paul’s writings are used
hermits were to “gather each morning to to support the need to work (#16), as well as
hear Mass” (#11). (It is not known whether listing the “weapons” the hermits will need
there was a priest among the hermits or if for spiritual warfare (#15). Several Old
someone from outside their circle came to Testament passages support the call to a life
preside over these daily Masses). of silence (#17).

Liturgical Albert writes that “the sword of the spirit,

the word of God, must abound in your
Albert’s instruction to gather for daily Mass mouths and hearts. Let all you do have the
also highlights the community’s Lord’s word for accompaniment” (#15). This
participation in the liturgical life of the is a further reflection on what is usually
Church. This particular call to daily Mass considered the heart of the Rule and of the
was apparently unusual for religious orders Carmelite charism - “pondering the Lord’s
of that time. law day and night and keeping watch at ...
prayers unless attending to some other duty”
The hermits were already praying the psalms (#8).
either in a manner similar to the Liturgy of
the Hours or the actual Hours themselves. Work
Albert writes that they “should for each of
the hours, say those our holy forefathers laid Those other duties consisted of some type of
down and the approved custom of the work though the Rule and history do not tell
Church appoints for that hour” (#9). There us just what that work entailed. In a lengthy
were a number of versions of the Liturgy of quote, Albert repeats St Paul’s teaching that
the Hours in use throughout the Church in those who “are not willing to work should
that time period. It is unknown whether not be allowed to eat either” (#16). Albert
they followed a version local to the Church in cites a commonly held concern that idleness
the Holy Land or the version set forth by may “give him (the devil) a chance to pierce
the defenses of your souls” (#16). Albert also

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

views work as a way of holiness and Since the oratory is “to be built as
goodness (#16). conveniently as possible among the cells”
(#11), one wonders what such a difficulty
Silence might have been. However it is possible to
imagine that given the lie of the land, heavy
Another way of holiness according to the rain may have made getting from cell to
Rule is silence. Lack of silence would not oratory dangerous and under such
only be disruptive to the community but also circumstances the hermit could exercise
could bring “harm to the speaker’s common sense at the behest of the Rule. The
soul”(#17). Both at the beginning and end of fast may be dispensed with in cases of
the chapter on silence, Isaiah 32 is “bodily sickness or feebleness, or some other
referenced. According to a study by the good reason” (#13) and meat may be eaten
Dutch Carmelite Province, the quoted also “as a remedy for sickness or great
passages of Isaiah referring to silence also feebleness”(#14). Even the silence may be
speak of justice. This portion of Isaiah broken for “some necessary or good
speaks of a community in which quiet is reason”(#17). And lest they forget the
found in the cultivation of justice (where importance of it, Albert makes the final
people are safe together, sensitive to each sentence of the Rule an injunction to exercise
other, call things by their name, and support common sense. “See that the bounds of
each other). common sense are not exceeded, however,
for common sense is the guide of the virtues”
Clothed for Spiritual Warfare (#20).

Since they lived in the time of the Crusades, In the Rule of St Albert, we find the
it is not surprising that the Rule borrows beginnings of the Carmelite charism. That
from St Paul and tells the hermits to don charism grew and changed some over the
God’s armor to protect themselves. The course of centuries but the basic elements of
weapons they are to use are chastity, holy it that were present at the beginning, are still
meditations, holiness, faith, salvation, and present today. Through this Rule, the voice
the word of God. With these weapons they of St Albert and the first hermits on Mt
will be able to withstand the enemy’s Carmel still speak to Carmelites about who
ambush, love the Lord, quench the flaming they are, how they are to live their vocation.
missiles of the wicked one, and be set free Carmelites then and now are ecclessial,
from their sins (#15). Other ascetical Christo-centric, living solitude, being
practices which the hermits are to practice community, liturgical, Scripture loving,
include obedience to the Prior (#4,19), engaged in work, maintaining silence,
poverty (#10), fasting (#13), and abstinence clothed for spiritual warfare, and exercising
from meat (#14). common sense. These cornerstones from the
hermits have survived the test of 800 years
Common Sense and will continue to inspire Carmelites for
years to come.
Finally, Albert and the hermits know that
© Elizabeth M Korves, January 2003
even these simple guidelines put forth must
not be followed in a legalistic manner but .
governed by pastoral concern. The Rule
allows for exceptions in some sections.
Albert frankly tells the brothers that
“necessity overrides every law” (#13). The
hermits are to gather for Mass each morning
“if it can be done without difficulty” (#11).

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

The Carmelite Rule

The rule of life given to the Carmelites by St. The Rule of Saint Albert
Albert Avogadro between the years 1206 -
1214, was finally approved as the true and Paragraph numbers are in square brackets to indicate
proper Rule of Carmel by Innocenzo in 1247 that they are not part of the original Rule. They were
agreed by the General Councils of both Carmelite
and later underwent mitigations which were Orders and published in 1999. Those in italics are
not in the original text. from the Edward’s translation of the Rule in reference
for the previous article “Carmelite Identity in the Rule
The Carmelite Rule states that is basic for a of Saint Albert”
Carmelite to "live a life in allegiance to Jesus
Christ - how, pure in heart and stout in [1] / 1
conscience, he must be unswerving in the Albert, called by God’s favour to be Patriarch
service of the Master" (no.2). To live a life of of the Church of Jerusalem, bids health in
allegiance to Jesus Christ, the Carmelites the Lord and the blessing of the Holy Spirit
bind themselves especially to: to his beloved sons in Christ, B. and the
other hermits under obedience to him, who
 develop the contemplative dimension of live near the spring on Mount Carmel.
their life, in an open dialogue with God
[2] / 2
 live as brothers, full of charity Many and varied are the ways in which our
saintly forefathers laid down how everyone,
 meditate day and night on the Word of whatever his station or the kind of religious
the Lord observance he has chosen, should live a life
in allegiance to Jesus Christ - how, pure in
 pray together or alone several times a day heart and stout in conscience, he must be
unswerving in the service of the Master.
 celebrate the Eucharist every day
 do manual work, as Paul the Apostle did It is to me, however, that you have come for
a rule of life in keeping with your avowed
 purify themselves of every trace of evil purpose, a rule you may hold fast to
henceforward; and therefore:
 live in poverty, placing in common what
little they may have [4] / 3
The first thing I require is for you to have a
 love the Church and all people Prior, one of yourselves, who is to be chosen
for the office by common consent, or that of
 conform their will to that of God, seeking the greater and maturer part of you.
the will of God in faith, in dialogue and
through discernment. 4
Each of the others must promise him
The Carmelite Rule is the shortest of all obedience - of which, once promised, he
known Rules, almost exclusively made up of must try to make his deed the true reflection
biblical precepts. To this day it is a rich - and also chastity and the renunciation of
source of inspiration for life. ownership.

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

[5] doubled so that the ‘Our Father’ is said fifty

If the Prior and the brothers see fit, you may times; the same prayer must be said seven
have foundations in solitary places, or where times in the morning in place of Lauds, and
you are given a site suitable and convenient seven times too for each of the other hours,
for the observance proper to your Order. except for Vespers when it must be said
fifteen times.
[6] / 5
Next, each one of you is to have a separate [12] / 10
cell, situated as the lie of the land you None of the brothers must lay claim to
propose to occupy may dictate, and allotted anything as his own, but you are to possess
by disposition of the Prior with the everything in common; and each is to receive
agreement of the other brothers, or the more from the Prior - that is from the brother he
mature among them. appoints for the purpose - whatever befits his
age and needs.
However, you are to eat whatever may have [13]
been given you in a common refectory, You may have as many asses and mules as
listening together meanwhile to a reading you need, however, and may keep a certain
from Holy Scripture where that can be done amount of livestock or poultry.
without difficulty.
[14] / 11
[8] / 6 An oratory should be built as conveniently as
None of the brothers is to occupy a cell other possible among the cells, where, if it can be
than that allotted to him, or to exchange cells done without difficulty, you are to gather
with another, without leave of whoever is each morning to hear Mass.
Prior at the time.
[15] / 12
[9] / 7 On Sundays too, or other days if necessary,
The Prior’s cell should stand near the you should discuss matters of discipline and
entrance to your property, so that he may be your spiritual welfare; and on this occasion
the first to meet those who approach, and the indiscretions and failings of the brothers,
whatever has to be done in consequence may if any be found at fault, should be lovingly
all be carried out as he may decide and corrected.
[16] / 13
[10] / 8 You are to fast every day, except Sundays,
Each one of you is to stay in his own cell or from the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy
nearby, pondering the Lord’s law day and Cross until Easter Day, unless bodily
night and keeping watch at his prayers sickness or feebleness, or some other good
unless attending to some other duty. reason, demand a dispensation from the fast;
for necessity overrides every law.
[11] / 9
Those who know how to say the canonical [17]
hours with those in orders should do so, in You are to abstain from meat, except as a
the way those holy forefathers of ours laid remedy for sickness or feebleness. But as,
down, and according to the Church’s when you are on a journey, you more often
approved custom. Those who do not know than not have to beg your way, outside your
the hours must say twenty-five ‘Our Fathers’ own houses you may eat foodstuffs that have
for the night office, except on Sundays and been cooked with meat, so as to avoid giving
solemnities when that number is to be

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

trouble to your hosts. At sea, however, meat with you was this: that whoever is not willing
may be eaten. to work should not be allowed to eat either.
For we have heard that there are certain
[18] / 15 restless idlers among you. We charge people
Since man’s life on earth is a time of trial, of this kind, and implore them in the name
and all who would live devotedly in Christ of the Lord Jesus Christ, that they earn their
must undergo persecution, and the devil own bread by silent toil. This is the way of
your foe is on the prowl like a roaring lion holiness and goodness: see that you follow it.
looking for prey to devour, you must use
every care to clothe yourselves in God’s [21] / 17
armour so that you may be ready to The Apostle would have us keep silence, for
withstand the enemy’s ambush. in silence he tells us to work. As the Prophet
also makes known to us: Silence is the way to
[19] foster holiness. Elsewhere he says: Your
Your loins are to be girt with chastity, your strength will lie in silence and hope. For this
breast fortified by holy meditations, for as reason I lay down that you are to keep
Scripture has it, holy meditation will save silence from after Compline until after Prime
you. Put on holiness as your breastplate, and the next day. At other times, although you
it will enable you to love the Lord your God need not keep silence so strictly, be careful
with all your heart and soul and strength, not to indulge in a great deal of talk, for as
and your neighbour as yourself. Faith must Scripture has it - and experience teaches us
be your shield on all occasions, and with it no less - Sin will not be wanting where there
you will be able to quench all the flaming is much talk, and He who is careless in
missiles of the wicked one: there can be no speech will come to harm; and elsewhere:
pleasing God without faith; and the victory The use of many words brings harm to the
lies in this - your faith. On your head set the speaker’s soul. And our Lord says in the
helmet of salvation, and so be sure of Gospel: Every rash word uttered will have to
deliverance by our only Saviour, who sets his be accounted for on judgment day. Make a
own free from their sins. The sword of the balance then, each of you, to weigh his words
spirit, the word of God, must abound in your in; keep a tight rein on your mouths, lest you
mouths and hearts. Let all you do have the should stumble and fall in speech, and your
Lord’s word for accompaniment. fall be irreparable and prove mortal. Like the
Prophet, watch your step lest your tongue
[20] / 16 give offence, and employ every care in
You must give yourselves to work of some keeping silent, which is the way to foster
kind, so that the devil may always find you holiness.
busy; no idleness on your part must give him
a chance to pierce the defences of your souls. [22] / 18
In this respect you have both the teaching Your brother B., and whoever may succeed
and the example of Saint Paul the Apostle, you as Prior, must always keep in mind and
into whose mouth Christ put his own words. put into practice what our Lord said in the
God made him preacher and teacher of faith Gospel: Whoever has a mind to become a
and truth to the nations: with him as your leader among you must make yourself
teacher you cannot go astray. We lived servant to the rest, and whichever of you
among you, he said, labouring and weary, would be first must become your bondsman.
toiling night and day so as not to be a burden
to any of you; not because we had no power [23] / 19
to do otherwise but so as to give you, in your You other brothers too, hold your Prior in
own selves, as an example you might imitate. humble reverence, your minds not on him
For the charge we gave you when we were but on Christ who has placed him over you,

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

and who, to those who rule the Churches,

addressed these words: Whoever pays you
heed pays heed to me, and whoever treats
you with dishonour dishonours me; if you
remain so minded you will not be found
guilty of contempt, but will merit life eternal
as fit reward for your obedience.

[24] / 20
Here then are a few points I have written
down to provide you with a standard of
conduct to live up to; but our Lord, at his
second coming, will reward anyone who does
more than he is obliged to do. See that the
bounds of common sense are not exceeded,
however, for common sense is the guide of
the virtues.

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

The Rule of Carmel

by Teresa Martinez, OCDS

To explain what the general theme of this 3. That formation is not just a personal
talk is, an excerpt from Psalm 24 will be used thing, the future survival of the Order
as a preface.: "Who shall climb the mountain depends on how well the vocation is
of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy understood, genuinely lived, and passed on.
place? Those with clean hands and pure 4. That by our active commitment to the
heart, who desire not worthless things" vocation, we contribute to the formation of
our brothers and sisters in the community
Why was this topic chosen? The topic of the and in the Order.
Rule of St. Albert was chosen because the 5. Our commitment then takes on an
Constitutions of all three branches of the evangelical thrust for the conversion of
Order are based on Albert's Rule. Plus, others.
because the Rule is an evangelical text, the
practices of the entire Rule teach allegiance To live a Carmelite identity, we must first
to Jesus Christ, the means of our salvation. know and understand who we are, what we
St. Paul tells us "God has entrusted the are called to do, how we do what we do, and
message of reconciliation to us. This makes why we do it. It is only with this
us ambassadors of Christ" (2 Cor.5) To understanding that a genuine Carmelite
become ambassadors of Christ we have to charism can be passed on to others. How do
understand what our Christian and we do this?
Carmelite obligations are. We must also to be
able to differentiate between vocation and Fr. Aloysius Deeney said in his talk at the
spirituality, to understand our obligations. New Orleans OCDS Congress. "There is an
Being able to pray well does not make us academic aspect to the formation of a
Carmelites, however, to be a good Carmelite Teresian Carmelite…A Carmelite that does
one must make every effort to pray well. not have the interest in studying or
deepening the roots of his/her identity
Just as it is logical, and an obligation, for us through prayer and study loses identity and
to learn about our faith to be able to practice can no longer represent the Order."
it properly. So too it is logical and is an
obligation for us to learn what the Rule of Carrying out the mission Carmel, of
Carmel is, to be able to practice it correctly, witnessing to the Presence of God in the
through familiarity with the responsibilities world, obliges us to an active participation in
of the vocation. When we do so, two things on-going formation. We study our Rule and
happen, our Carmelite identity develops, live it faithfully daily. We also prayerful
along with the desire and the experience of explore the lives and doctrines of our Saints,
an evangelizing prophetic commitment. By and study the roots and history of the Order.
this we are enabled to live the mission of This academic aspect of formation guides
Carmel in the Church and the world. and teaches us how to become what God is
calling us to be.
When we understand what the inherent
responsibilities of a Carmelite vocation are, The obligation and responsibility of on-going
we become convinced about five things: formation is twofold.
1. The necessity for good formation.
2. That personal on-going formation is a
necessary life long process and commitment.

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

1. The Order is obliged to provide the best At the second and more difficult level of
formation possible, and asceticism, we learn how to live Jesus'
teaching of "Blessed are the pure of heart,
2. If by omission, we the members are they shall see God." Mt.5,8, the ascetic
culpable of not taking formation seriously, norms that Albert recommends are the
we rob ourselves the Order and the Church, means for the interior purgation, needed to
by not living an authentic Carmelite vocation acquire the contemplative spirit of purity of
or Carmelite mission. heart. This is learned through daily practice,
done in obedience to God's will, and by living
We would set a bad example, or project a the evangelical counsels.
false image of Carmel, and worse of all, this
behavior would be contrary to what God is 3. The third aspect of our examination of the
asking of us. Rule, will look at a brief chronology of the
historical, political, social and ecclesial
The whole purpose, value and exercise of this conditions in the Middle Ages that caused or
Congress is to return to the original warranted the mitigations to the Rule. This
inspiration of our Order, through the will provide us with some idea of why
examination of our Holy Rule, to be able to mitigations to the Rule were made. And it
live the vocation and its mission responsibly, will also emphasize the magnitude of the
and are what we claim to be. reform that St. Teresa was able to
accomplish by God's help.
This examination of our Rule of will be
threefold: While what is being presented here will be
familiar to most, it is essential to go back to
1. We will look very briefly at the Rule from a our roots from time to time to study them, so
literary perspective. as to deepen our fervor and authenticity, so
that we become deeply appreciative of what
2. While looking at Albert's Rule as the we have. Appreciation and gratitude expand
cornerstone and foundation on which our the heart, and enhances the way the vocation
present Rule and the future OCDS is lived.
Constitutions lie, we will examine Albert's
Rule on the two levels of asceticism that he This brings us to the first point of this
recommends in order to reach our amateur analysis of the Rule,
contemplative goal.
At the first level of asceticism, Albert gives a
practical formula, which entails Letter writing in the twelfth century was an
mortification, or the purgation of the senses art with strict rules of protocol, following the
for ease and comfort. This first stage starts standard form of Opening Words, Starting
when we enter Carmel. It entails a whole new Point, Exposition, Request and Conclusion.
lifestyle of self-discipline as we learn to the Read THE RULE OF CARMEL (New
practice the Rule faithfully on a daily basis: Horizons. Editrice "il Calamo" s.n.c. Roma.
Daily Eucharist, Liturgy of the Hours, An OCD Publication. 1st. Article - Historical
Mental prayer etc. This first stage can only Approach To The Rule Of Carmel by Keese
be resolved when we realize that we must let Waaijman, O.Carm). Albert's Rule, written in
go of being in charge of our spiritual agenda strict conformance to the correct code of
of practices, and let God be in charge, letter writing, encompasses all of these
through obedience to what He is calling us criteria. We see IN THE OPENING WORDS
to. This is the first tiny step in the right of the Rule that Albert identifies himself and
direction of becoming Nothing to gain All. his social status, as protocol dictated.
The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

IN THE SALUTATION - he bids health in the that God always repays those who love Him,
Lord and blessings in the Holy Spirit. He and again in Ch.29, that when we give
identifies to whom he is speaking, ourselves wholeheartedly, God repays us
maintaining strict social status by greeting B, wholeheartedly in return.
the Prior first, then he greets the hermits
under him. He also specifies where they live. In point two of the Conclusion, Albert
counseling prudence and charity says: "See
IN THE INTRODUCTION - Albert tells that the bounds of common sense are not
them: "everyone, whatever his station or the exceeded, however, for common sense is the
kind of religious observance he has chosen, guide of the virtues."
should live a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ
- how pure in heart and steadfast in This concludes looking at the Rule from a
conscience he must be unswerving in the literary perspective, and brings us to the
service of this Master." This core advice and second point of analysis - finding some of the
general principal is the foundation of the parallels between Albert's Rule and our Rule
Rule. It is the driving force of all our and or Constitutions.
Why Do We need A Rule?
THE EXPOSITION - which has been
introduced in the Introduction, is now We all need guidelines, or a road map to
explained. Albert reminds them that it is show us the way to reach a particular
they who have asked him for a Rule of Life in destination. For us Carmelites we have our
keeping with their avowed purpose of Catholic Faith, the obligations of our Rule,
reaching the purity of heart required for and the lives and doctrines of our Carmelite
living in the spirit of the prophets. Fr. Camilo Saints.
Maccise, OCD said in his talk in San Antonio
last June that "A Prophet is a person of God. We start this process during the initial
A prophet and person of the Word. A period of Aspirancy. This requires major
prophet is a person who provokes crisis. A personal adjustment when we must let go of
prophet is a person who fulfills his mission our personal spiritual agenda, while allowing
in weakness." A prophet is "Jesus, the God to take over through our obedience to
Prophet and evangelist of the kingdom of the norms of the vocation. This requires
God." As we grow in the vocation, these courage, trust and a determined
prophetic traits become visible and part in commitment. It is the important first stage of
the way we live. our personal ascent of Mount Carmel. What
we learn at this stage is the cornerstone on
IN THE REQUEST - he lays out for them two which the second level of spiritual growth
formulas or specific practices that are the lies. This first phase may also be likened to
means to their goal. They are practical laws the hard work of the first living waters of
of asceticism that each us how to live the prayer we drink. Daily perseverance and
eremetic spirit of the prophets, to learn how fidelity are the key practices needed on the
to become pure in heart. journey.

THE CONCLUSION - clearly states that the Here then are eight practical parallels
law of the Rule must be practiced in a spirit between Albert's rule and our Rule or
of generosity "Our Lord at His Second Constitutions. There are many more, but
Coming, will reward anyone who does more time permits examination of only a few.
than he is obliged to." On this topic of
reciprocal generosity in the ascetic practices, 1. An Elected Prior is to Govern. - He must
our Holy Mother teaches in Ch.6 of the WAY, be the first to greet people coming to the site.

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

He protects the site from disturbing the Presence of God. Silence is a guard
intrusions. The President, as the elected against rash-judgment, calumny and
head and representative of the community, is detraction. Silence breeds charity and guards
the public relations contact for the against sinning. St. Paul tells us: "Let no evil
community and also protects the community talk come out of your mouths, but only what
from disturbing intrusion. is useful for building up." (Eph.4,29)

2. All must have separate cells; allocated by 6. Some animals may be kept for sustenance
the Prior and with the agreement of the other or traveling. Here Albert gives consideration
brothers -We see that the responsibilities of to practical matters of life-support and
leadership are shared. The authority of the financial needs. Contemporary translation
community's council to govern is based on for us would mean that we must see to the
this. support of our community and our Order,
offering prayers for the living and dead of the
3. He gives precautionary Advice on the Order, by donating our services and work for
spirit of leadership: "Whoever has a mind to the good of the Order. Sharing our talents or
become leader among you must make giving financial assistance, as God has
himself servant to the rest." This is the same enabled us according to His gifts to us.
advice Christ gave to the apostles after he
had washed their feet. Leaders must serve in 7. There is to be a common refectory in
humility. Then Albert tells the hermits: "You which meals are eaten together… There is to
other brothers too, hold your Prior in be a common chapel to come together for the
humble reverence, your minds not on him celebration of the Eucharist. This means that
but on Christ who has placed him over both community and solitary prayer times
you…" On this point, Holy Mother advises us are necessary. As a Carmelite community we
to pay great attention to obedience, for our pray together at the monthly meeting. We
Superior represents the will of God for us. have our larger faith community prayer in
She says that we make more spiritual our daily Eucharist. We have our solitary
progress through obedience than without it, time alone with God alone in our half-hour
and that obedience demands the virtues of of mental prayer, and as we sanctify the
humility and mortification. (Way Ch.40, Vs hours of the day by the recitation of the
8) Liturgy of the Hours. These practices train us
to live in God's Presence.
4. All must do their fair share of work.
Charity demands an active involvement in 8. Those who do not know the hours must
the welfare of one's community and the say extra prayers. In other words, those who
Order, through personal commitment to the can't read are not exempt from their duty to
vocation, by participation and collaboration prayer. His flexibility, compassion and
in the work and mission of the Order. We charity show the spirit of the Rule, yet it also
share with or give to our community our reflects St. Paul's teaching in Romans 15,1.
individual talent. The community in turn
accepts it and uses it for the good of all, in LET US NOW LOOK AT THE SECOND LEVEL OF
this way our gift is communized and the ASCETICISM.
community does not become individualized
by any one gifted member. The interior purgation that leads to purity of
heart and purity of intentions.
5. "Observe silence with all diligence and
care. That he may not slip by his tongue and This is a much more difficult stage than the
fall…" Silence is the soul of the spirit of first stage of self-discipline and sensory
interior solitude, a prerequisite for living in purgation. This stage introduces us to the
The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

practice of the interior virtues of humility, At this stage, tried, true and faithful practices
detachment and love of neighbour that can of the Rule bring us to a more spiritually
bring us to a more mature spirituality if we authentic and mature level. Because in the
allow it to by our faithfulness to our process, we have learned that if the vocation
obligations. It can be compared to the second is not lived realistically, or if it becomes
book of the Ascent of Mount Carmel, The separated from normal daily life it becomes
Dark Night of the Soul. The soul's interior an illusion or fantasy. As we become more
purgation. This second purgation involves aflame with a purified and compelling love
acknowledging and getting rid of character for the Beloved, the journey seems somewhat
flaws that are deep rooted and habitual, that more bearable. The yoke of self-discipline
we may not be aware that we have. The seems a bit easier and the ascetic burden
suffering and painfulness of this stage is lighter, even if in fact they may not be
twofold: lighter.

1. We must first become aware of and This stage can be compared to the second
acknowledge our faults, which pain the ego, living waters of prayer. While we must still
because it involves letting go of all that the work hard, our efforts are greatly assisted by
ego holds sacred. My pride. My self- God, who loves and rewards our faithful and
centeredness. My opinion. My rights, My loving efforts.
honour. My gain. My prestige. My lusts. My
envy, My jealousy. My spite. My bragging. Growth in spiritual maturity also imparts the
My ingratitude. Etc. wisdom that helps us to understand the
value of the interior purgation. When this
2. This second level of suffering entails an happens, we can make great strides, because
arduous tenacity to persevere daily, as we we begin to understand the meaning of joy in
strive for the conversion from our character the cross.
flaws. Without God's help this conversion
would be impossible. Fr. Anastatius points out in the little book
The Spirit of the Rule of Carmel, that this
Here are some of Albert's guidelines to reach death-to-self abandonment and detachment
the interior goal of purity of heart. His first we practice, on the one hand is the soul's
advice on how to accomplish this is that they immolation, but it is the necessary purgation
make their foundations in solitary places that disposes the soul to Divine
which simply means, that it would be consummation and Divine transformation.
impossible to reach our goal of purity of
heart, while submerged in or preoccupied by Holy Mother warns us about obstacles to
excessive worldly pursuits and demands, and growth. She says that few of us are willing to
pre-occupation with self. Our first goal then dispose ourselves to receive all that God
is learning to free ourselves from all that wants to give us (See Interior Castle, Ch.5)
enslaves us, by letting go of all that the world and that Jesus wants to give us every good,
tells us matters. So that our self-worth and and, if we love Him generously He will
happiness are not grounded in what others reward us generously. (IBID) Her remarks
think of me. Gaining freedom from bondage mean that the generous gift of self is an
to self and dependence on worldly opinions absolute pre-requisite for spiritual growth.
for our happiness, breeds in us the spiritual And sacrifice is necessary. When we
wisdom, that urges us to practice the understand the value of our Holy Rule as a
detachment necessary for a contemplative gift from God to assist in our transformation,
spirit of interior silence and solitude. we live it in the more enlightened way of zeal
Through which, and only through which, the and gratitude, eager to please so loving a
Divine Indwelling can be found. God and Father.

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

Other practices recommended by Albert as On the Rule of Life Page 34, by M.Griffin,
necessary for the acquisition of the hermetic OCD.)
spirit are:
7. Love of Our Lady - From the inception of
1. Ponder the word of God day and Night - the Order this has been evident by the chapel
We do this through daily Scripture reading built in the centre of the hermit's location.
and Lectio Divina. In the correct attitude of Their name, as Brothers of St. Mary of
an open mind, we read, reflect, resolve and Mount Carmel, is derived from their
react to the Word of God, making it a part of devotion to Mary. Which in the feudal sense,
our daily way of life. Scripture reading also means that because the Order is Mary's
cannot be separated from ordinary life if property, it is her obligation as its owner to
conversion is to take place, neither can it be give the Order special protection. Wearing of
separated from the reality of our situations the Scapular is a sign of our commitment to
or our times calling us to action. St. James the obligations we have as children of the
says: "…I, by my works will show you my Queen and Mother and Owner of the
faith" (James 2, 14-18). Carmelite Order. We imitate Mary's
contemplative obedience. She is the model of
2. Chastity - We use Jesus, Mary and St. contemplative prayer. We imitate her
Joseph as our models. sensitivity to the needs of others, and
forgetfulness of self. Like Her, we too must
3. Silence - our strength lies is silence to be Christ bearers on earth, making His
foster holiness, to find the Divine Indwelling, Mission our mission.
to practice the Presence of God, and to
practice charity. This concludes part two, and brings us to the
third part of the talk:
4. Daily Eucharist - is the life and food of the
soul, and "summit of Catholic life and A Short Chronology of Our History and
identity" Some Of the Contributing Factors Leading
To The Mitigations To Albert's Rule.
5. The Divine Office - Is the prayer of the
people of God to sanctify the hours of the day The source of the following historical data
making the day holy by offering praises to was read in the book, JOURNEY TO
God, united with Mother Church. CARITH, by Peter Thomas Rohrback, OCD.
Published by ICS Publications. I will not be
6. Fast and Abstinence are recommended - quoting verbatim, but just presenting some
this discipline fortifies, strengthens and pertinent information.
purifies us from our lusts, including spiritual
lusts, and thereby assists in emptying us of How and when was the Order started?
self, making room for the Spirit of God the
fill us. Without the help of God's Holy Spirit, 1. The Order started as a lay movement.
spiritual progress is impossible. Precaution Historical documents show that our Order
in the Epilogue: "See that the bounds of was founded from 1150 AD. When towards
common sense are not exceeded." In our zeal the late part of the Twelfth Century after the
we must not over do things which may harm Holy Land had been re-opened by the
us. We are warned also that when we start Crusaders, many pilgrims and crusaders
dwelling on the extraordinary that "this went to live as hermits on Mount Carmel, in
isolates him [(us)], makes him [(us)] proud imitation of the prophet Elijah. They
or depressed, the victim of willful spurts of considered Elijah a true witness of God; he
self-centered imagination." (A Commentary was Israel's conscience. By his life he
proclaimed his faith in the One True God

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

and brought the Israelites back to the a) The monks supported themselves by all
practice of their faith. Of which is our own that was produced in the monastery
mission in the marketplace. b) Parish priests were supported by the
financial collection from their parishes.
2. Official Ecclesial Recognition of the Order. c) The mendicants were supported by the
Between 1209 and 1212, at the request of the people they served.
hermits, Albert Patriarch of Jerusalem,
composed a Rule for them. In 1226 Pope Poverty then, caused many to leave the
Honorius III gave official confirmation for Carmelite Order to go to Orders that were
the Rule. This is when the Order came into better off financially. And at this sad stage
being as an Order. the hermits could not return to the Holy
Land due to the Moslem invasion to re-
3. Why did the hermits leave Mt. Carmel and capture the territory they had lost to the
Migrate to the West? Three things prompted Crusades.
migration from the Holy Land to the West:
a) The natural growth of the Order. 7. The change from being called hermits. In
b) Because of the political unrest and danger order to survive financially in Europe, the
in the Holy Land. hermits had to become identified with the
c) Plus, many of the hermits were European, mendicant movement. At this point in time
so contact in Europe was easy. It was the they were called Friars instead of hermits.
logical destination to migrate to for either Fr. P.T. Rohrback, OCD says in his book that
expansion or safety reasons. the medieval papal decrees given to the
Carmelites at that time do not definitively
4. European foundation. The first categorize them as mendicants. Apparently,
documented European foundation was made by doing it this way, it was the Pope's
in 1235 in Valenciennes, France. There is no intention to afford the hermits the
historical documentation to prove that opportunity of fitting into the European
earlier foundations were made in Cologne, ecclesial scene and also to enable them to get
Cyprus and Sicily. the financial support they desperately
needed for the Order to survive on.
5. How were the foundations made? The
foundations were not made by big groups, 8. Other contributing events. Other social
but were usually made by two hermits at a and historical events that precipitated
time. The hermits were usually sponsored by changes in the Rule were: In 1347 there was
a wealthy patron, who was acquainted with the bubonic plague; it killed a great segment
them on Mt.Carmel. When they arrived in of the population, which cut the labour force
Europe they lived the same monastic way as in half, resulting in food shortages, which
they did in the Holy Land. Their foundations resulted in stealing and moral decline. The
were in rural areas. Their chapels were Church and our Order were not exempt from
private; the public did not use them, because this turbulence. Their financial position was
they were guests on the lands of their seriously weakened, and also many priests
sponsors which meant that the hermits had and our Friars died from plague, depleting
no independent means of support. Neither both Church and our Order. With few Friars
did they have any legal ecclesial status in and very little money, the Rule was not lived,
Europe, being the guests of their sponsors. as it had been, which resulted in poor
intellectual and spiritual formation.
6. The Church in Europe. The Church with
ecclesial status in Europe received financial 9. Then there was the 100 years war between
support this way: England and France. Monasteries were
destroyed, records were destroyed. Some

The Rule of Saint Albert
Module 1 - Lesson
Lesson 5

Friars even left their monasteries to fight in easier to live. But sadly mitigations did not
the war. The war and all the lifestyle changes resolve the problem neither did they help,
that resulted from the war, brought about they only caused tensions. Because those
great demoralization of religious life. who were not keeping the Rule kept to what
they were doing, and those who were
10. Then came the emergence of the new following the Rule felt that the new
humanism and the Renaissance. The new mitigations were far removed from the
philosophy of paganism had its influence. prophetic spirit of the original hermits.
Faith was replaced by reason.
16. Finally, in 1435 Pope Eugene IV granted
11. The decline in morality at the papal court the mitigations. He said in his decree that
had its influence throughout the Church. We the mitigations were granted because some
remember the Borgias. members of the Order were unable to keep
the Rule because of its severity and rigor,
12. The great Western Schism caused and also because of bodily weaknesses and
division in the Church and also in Religious human frailty.
Orders depending on which Pope one's
personal loyalty was given to. Our Order was 17. The last but not least of the unfortunate
divided then, some for the Roman Pope and influencing events that adversely effected the
some for the French Pope. When the Papacy Church and our Order, was that seventy-five
was restored to order, Fr John Grossi years after the Protestant Reformation half
reunited the Order in 1411. of Europe was lost to the Catholic faith. Over
the years there were others in the Order who
13. Another result of all the turmoil of the sought to reform the Order, but were not
time was that the practice of the vow of successful. While St. Teresa of Jesus was not
poverty became lax. the first to seek reform, she initiated the
reform in obedience to God's will. Guided by
14. After the deaths caused by the plague, the the Holy Spirit she was the only one to
Order was greatly depleted. To counteract succeed in the reform of Carmel.
the loss of members, the custom of bringing
young boys into the monastery to be trained
as Friars wrought havoc. These young boys
became professed without having a vocation
and having received very poor formation,
they became friars without any commitment
to the vocation or love of the vocation. This
resulted in a breakdown of monastic
discipline, and fidelity to the initial prophetic
spirit of the original hermits was absent.
Silence, abstinence and solitude were not
lived, as they should have been.

15. Reform. The Provincial heads concerned

about the state of degeneration of the Order
held a Chapter in Nantes to try to remedy the
situation. They chose to mitigate the Rule to
make it easier to practice, hoping that this
would foster reform; they reasoned that
there would be no excuse now for not living
the Rule in its entirety, as it had been made


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