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Hosting E-Commerce Website

 Decide on a brand. Before you start your adventure in ecommerce, you'll need to have a
decided upon a brand name. This brand will be reflected in the domain name that you select
and purchase for your website.
 Secure your domain name. Domain names can be purchased through hosting companies, or
domain registrars. Many hosting companies also offer their own web builder packages, so be
prepared to do a lot of research. If at this stage you simply want to secure the domain name
of your brand, then that's fine. You always have the option to move your domain name to
another provider at a later date. The key thing at this stage is the secure domain name you
 Choose the right ecommerce platform. Selecting the right ecommerce platform that your
website will run from is a crucial decision. Changing the platform at a later date can be a very
time consuming and expensive operation if you have thousands of products to move.
 A secure (SSL) certificate. An SSL certificate is needed to secure communications between a
visitor’s web browser and the web server hosting your website. There are many providers of
SSL certificates.
 Choose the right hosting package. All websites have to sit on a server somewhere (even
cloud-based hosting is still server-based, it's just not your server). Budget may play a part in
the final choice.
 GDPR and terms and conditions. When setting up your new ecommerce business, don't
forget General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ensure your online business has
robust terms and conditions.
 Ongoing digital marketing. Once you’re up and running and ready to take orders, you need
to drive visitors to the website. Setting-up was the easy part, now you are moving into a
different phase of the business. The following provides a flavour of the ongoing digital
marketing considerations you will need to think about.

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