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Module 4 - Globalization


Migration is one of the biggest global
phenomena of the twenty-first century

Case of Study
1. The impact on society and human rights is huge. Venezuelans have experienced one of
the largest migratory movements in the last decade. Many have sought refuge in
Colombia, bringing new issues to the country. Education is one of the hardest hit
factors. Venezuelan children have suffered terrible consequences in their learning
process, their adaptation to a new educational system, and a different social and
academic context have been a difficult challenge for them.

2. This case is about a Venezuelan girl, who is studying in a public school in Cali,
Colombia. Mariangel is sixteen years old, she is in sixth grade for the third time,
and she is not doing well at school again. She came to Colombia 4 years ago, she
had to leave her country because of the current undergoing crisis. She traveled
on foot and asking for rides with her mom and her brother. It took them a week
to get to their destination.

3. Mariangel waited two years to start school again. Her first sixth was a failure.
She feels lost and confused, because she is having English class for first time in her
life. Venezuela does not include the teaching of English within its curriculum. Also,
the quality of education and its programs shows lack of knowledge and skills in the

4.The situation of this girl could be the same for many Venezuelan students in the
world. It is a challenge for teaching and learning participants. The question is, if
teachers are aware of the background, social and academic factors that are
affecting those learners; How can classmates and educational environment help break
down the barriers in the English learning process?

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